1864 Uppsatser om Event organizations - Sida 55 av 125
Hello Skandia: Om kulturen på intranätet
Corporate spending on information technology is persistently increasing and a majority of companies are currently employing an intranet. Intranets have implications for internal communication but are also instruments for the dissemination of corporate culture. Existing research on intranets and corporate culture is limited to Swedish organizations within the industrial or IT-sector and to foreign companies. The purpose of this study is to understand how or if corporate culture can be embedded into an intranet. Specifically, this study addresses the research question: How is corporate culture communicated via an intranet in a Swedish service-sector company? We perform a qualitative case study and find that communication on intranets is still characterized by a traditional top down approach.
Ungdomars erfarenhet av livsstilsförändring
It is reported that adolescents' health is deteriorating, when their mental illness has increased. Adolescents' social conditions have also become worse. The mental illness is linked to the individual living conditions. The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors adolescents experience have been contributing to making a lifestyle change. The apparent factors can be used to promote adolescents´ health.
Utveckling av internordersystem för SharePoint
SharePoint is a web based platform designed to provide internal communications and file sharing for businesses and organizations.In this project, we created a system consisting of multiple applications to be used together with SharePoint. These applications are meant to simplify the workflow for internal orders of products. The system is targeted towards companies that do not have a flexible approach to digital orders or companies that want to integrate this functionality into their SharePoint platform. The project includes, in addition to the creation of the system, installation of the software and the servers needed to run a SharePoint environment and their configurations.The system consists of four applications where one of these, the store application, is required for the system to be used at all. The other applications are an order management application, a purchase application and an incoming delivery application. Of these four, we have implemented the store application and the order management application. Our hope is that users will find the system easy to use and graphically appealing..
Meningsförändrande innovationer inom industrirobotbranschen : En explorativ fallstudie
In this thesis the subject innovation and the change of meaning is in focus. The purpose of the study is to present a new dimension of innovation as a change of meaning together with the cases we?ve studied. It is discussed throughout the article if theories of perception and association can affect the organization and its ability to create meaning-changing innovations. The industrial robotics is a market in need of, perhaps, if not other markets but of finding new ground that results in the change of meaning.
Storbranden på nätet : En studie i hur kommentarsfält och forum på nätet använder sig av nyhetsartiklar för att skapa diskussion kring en mordbrand.
The main purpose of this study has been to explore and determine how the journalistic work was used by internet users to start and keep a discussion on the internet going.We started in the aftermath of a local arson in a town of Sweden, where a discussion on the internet forum Flashback and the local newspapers commentary fields was raised.We have used these discussions to study what part the journalistic work play in these events. To do that we used a critical discourse analysis and a rhetoric analysis to investigate how these discussions use news articles to make their point. We divided the comments into four different categories, which are comments about understandings of the event, comments that talked about the matters of fact, criticism pointed at the newspaper and comments that identify the offenders.The result of the analysis shows that both forums use journalistic work as facts in their discussions. Both also use earlier articles that were written before the arson, to make their point in the discussion..
Investeringsstrategin vid kvartalsskiftets Window Dressing
Detta arbete är en studie över investeringsmöjligheten vid tävlingsfenomenet Window Dressing inför kvartalsskiftena. Studien bygger på analys av en tredagars långt event-fönster inför kvartalsskiftena mellan år 1996 och 2005 på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Window Dressing uppstår i prestationsbaserade sammanhang och är mest känd när börsföretag dagarna före sina finansiella kvartalsrapporter ror i land ytterligare affärstransaktioner i syfte att dra fördel av sista stundens nyupptäckta affärsmöjligheter. På samma sätt är det antaget att fonderna agerar, inom den egna strategins ram, genom aktiva köp och säljtransaktioner dagarna inför sina kvartalsvisa innehavsredovisningar, baserad på nyupptäckta möjligheter från exempelvis momentumeffekter. Fenomenet får sin acceptans från den betydande konkurrensen på fondmarknaden där fonderna tävlar om att uppvisa skicklighet i värdeskapande.
Finns det skillnader i känsla av sammanhang mellan personer på monotona och icke -monotona arbetsplatser med hänsyn tagen till syskonplacering?
AbstractThe aim of this study was to examine whether there are differences in Sense of Coherence between people in monotonous and non ? monotonous jobs with regard to birth order. In this present study, 89 individuals from three different working organizations participated, of which 51 (57, 3 %) of them were men and 38 (42, 7 %) women. The results showed that in varying occupations, firstborn children showed a higher level of Sense of Coherence. In monotonus jobs, middle children prove to have the lowest level of Sence of Coherence.
Folklighet - Trovärdig Kommersialism Inom Kulturnäringarna
Cultural organizations set on capitalizing on artistic ideas are subject to an industry specific economic condition that requires a balance of art and commerce; two opposites reflecting credibility and non-credibility. Hence, commercialization of the cultural industries implies non-credibility in an industry insisting on symbolizing the opposite.This study aims to demonstrate how cultural industries can attract a wide audience, while maintaining credibility. This is done through the perspective of folksiness since its context indicates the existence of credible commercialism.The study demonstrate that credible commercialism is part of folksiness and is possible thanks to the folksiness context that 1) utilizes attributes that balance and disarm "negative attributes" creating an atmosphere of acceptance and 2) meets the consumer's need fulfilment of identity through individualism and belonging, and 3) contains attributes that increases loyalty..
Persona : En metod att utveckla och införa persona i en organisation
AbstractIn this thesis we aim to extend the current theories about a concept called persona. A persona is a model of a user, mostly based on qualitative research and made with such accuracy that it to some extent can be used as a replacement of a real user in a development process and as a communicative tool. We will present a way of constructing this persona without meeting the actual users and follow up with interviews from the organization using them. This will lead to a model over the process of introducing personas as a concept in an organization,previously not familiar with the concept. The model is adapted to also work for projects and organizations where the concept is already known..
?Det är för barnens bästa som vi gör det?? : En kvalitativ studie om kriminalvårdens anmälningsskyldighet vid misstanke att barn far illa
Employees of the criminal correctional system have a duty to notify social services if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment, according to Chapter 14, § 1 SoL. Despite the obligation to report, studies show that this is not done at all times. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze how the criminal correctional system in Kalmar looks at notification if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment. To examine this, we used qualitative research method based on semi-structuring interviews; these were carried out with six employees, working in the criminal correctional system. The answers that emerged during the interviews have been analyzed using Yeheskel Hasenfeld theory of human services organizations, and trough previous research.
Undersöka förbättringspotential med verktyg från Lean produktion
In the year 1783 a fissure eruption from Laki in the southern part of Iceland produced a large amount of volcanic gases during a period of eight months. The volcanic gases and aerosols spread across the northern hem sphere due to ideal weather conditions and had a substantial impact on the environment, human health and also climate effects. This, so called dry fog, caused severe health problems, which led to death casualties, killing animals, crops and other vegetation. The consequence was a widespread famine which was aggravated by a hard and long winter in 1783/84. Analysis shows that the Icelandic volcanoes are the primary risk to produce dry fog that can affect Sweden.
Projektledares motivation och metod : Med utgångspunkt från Vrooms förväntansteori
In today?s changing environment, creation of projects by organizations has become more common. The problem is, though, that the knowledge of the subject is still limited which causes many projects to fail. This has made it extra important to have a good project manager whocanlead the project in the right direction. While doing this both the project method and the project manager?s motivation are contributing sources.
Big Four Branding : Revisionsbolagens användande av evenemang och frontpersoner i sitt employer branding-arbete
Inom kunskapsbaserade yrken är det viktigt att rekrytera kompetent personal. Med hjälp av employer branding ökar möjligheten för företag att stärka sin attraktionskraft mot framtida potentiell arbetskraft. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka samt att jämföra hur Deloitte, KPMG, Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers samt Ernst & Young marknadsför sig som arbetsgivare mot Uppsalas ekonomistudenter. Fokus ligger på hur företagens frontpersoner, samt de evenemang företagen genomför, påverkar företagens attraktionskraft. Utifrån employer branding-teorier och med hjälp av intervjuer med studentkoordinatorerna på de undersökta företagen samt en undersökning av företagens evenemang har slutsatser dragits kring hur dessa faktorer påverkar hur attraktivt ett företag, enligt Universums Företagsbarometer, är hos ekonomistudenter på Uppsala universitet.
Behovet av en genomtänkt kommunikationsstruktur- en studie av ett projektorienterat företag
Every organization goes through the same lifecycle. Through every step in the transformation to a better organization the communication structure changes. In this report there are examples of the communicational disadvantages that is connected to the communicational structure.By choosing to not have a formal communicational design, the manager takes a risk in spreading the information, the interaction, the control and the balance in creativity and constraint.This case organizations problem is that some parts of the organization has made more progress in the communicational structure than other parts. In this case the Collectivity structure has met the Formalized structure.Tha structural differences has came to affect the way of sharing information and it has become a situation where the information about the products is not stored in a safe way from a quality point of view. There is a gap between the two different ways of communicate.In this report I have created a model to identify problems in the communication structure.
Spela för nöje eller spela för kunskap? : Lärares uppfattningar av IT-baserade matematikspel och dess konsekvenser på elevers kunskapsutveckling
Sveriges Radio stores their data in large archives which makes it hard to retrieve specific information. The sheer size of the archives makes retrieving information about a specific event difficult and causes a big problem. To solve this problem a more consistent use of metadata is needed. This resulted in an investigation about metadata and keyword genera-tion.The appointed task was to automatically generate keywords from transcribed radio shows. This included an investigation of which systems and algorithms that can be used to generate keywords, based on previous works.