
Finns det skillnader i känsla av sammanhang mellan personer på monotona och icke -monotona arbetsplatser med hänsyn tagen till syskonplacering?

AbstractThe aim of this study was to examine whether there are differences in Sense of Coherence between people in monotonous and non ? monotonous jobs with regard to birth order. In this present study, 89 individuals from three different working organizations participated, of which 51 (57, 3 %) of them were men and 38 (42, 7 %) women. The results showed that in varying occupations, firstborn children showed a higher level of Sense of Coherence. In monotonus jobs, middle children prove to have the lowest level of Sence of Coherence. The results from this study also show that Sense of Coherence is associated with the individuals? age and their experienced relationship with their parents during childhood.


Emine Stagova

Lärosäte och institution

Växjö universitet/Institutionen för samhällsvetenskap


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