

1864 Uppsatser om Event organizations - Sida 14 av 125

Va?gen till ett va?rdeskapande HR : En kvalitativ studie av personalarbete i en offentlig organisation

The field of work and employment is constantly undergoing changes. In order to help organizations to adjust to new conditions, different models for organizing have been developed. Many of these models are spread worldwide, due to the need for organizations to meet demands of flexibility and efficiency. In this study, a small number of models, which contains solutions of how to organize work in Human Resources, have been selected. The author and scientist Dave Ulrich, who has had a large influence on the development of the work in Human Resources, originally founded these models.The aim of this study was to examine how these models were functioning, in reference to the different departments of Human Resources labor within the township of Uppsala.

Är spa till för båda könen? : en studie om genusföreställningar bland spaorganisationer

The aim of this study is to from a gender perspective to examine whether spa is a place for both genders or it is focused on female spa visitors only. Also to study the organisation`s point of view of gender performances within spa tourism as well as to see spa organizations views on gender distribution.To be able to answer the questions, the qualitative method was used in our research. The method is relevant to our study since we sought to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. During the data collection we have used previous researchs and qualitative interviews. Overall we had conducted four interviews, one of which was the personal interview, two were made by email and one by phone call.

Har en kortinnehavare skadeståndsansvar vid obehörigt användande av kontokort?

The purpose of this essay is to elucidate if there is a liability to damages for cardholders, in case of unauthorized use of bankcards, in the event a liability for payment, according to 34 § the Swedish Law concerning Consumer Credits, should not be established between card issuer and cardholder. The purpose is also to elucidate if card issuing companies, in the event a liability for payment is established between card issuer and cardholder, have any possibility to get a larger sum than is allowed by 34 § the Swedish Law concerning Consumer Credits, by demanding damages from the cardholder. Finally there is a judgement of how a court could do if it wanted to hold a cardholder liable to damages because of unauthorized use of bankcards..

Organisationskultur samt avvikelse- och förslagshantering för ständiga förbättringar i tjänsteverksamheter : Fallstudie Vägverket

Because of an increasing demand from customers and changing external environment, there is a need for continuous improvements, for both manufacturing and service organizations, to meet these demands. Manufacturing organizations have been working systematically with quality improvements for a long time, but it has not been as common for service organizations. Because of that the methods to use for implementation of the systematic improvements have not been designed to fit service organizations, and not either for public organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to explain if and why the Swedish Road Administration?s organizational culture and handling of ideas and deviation support an implementation of continuous improvement management.

Renomméets inverkan på företag i kriser: en fallstudie

The purpose of this thesis was to illuminate and create a deeper understanding of a reputation?s value during crisis in business environment. We aimed to investigate how companies and organizations build up their reputation to prevent crises and how reputation affects the outcomes of a crisis. The theoretical section is based on various scientific articles. A case study was conducted based on interviews with two respondents from two different companies and organizations.

Katastrofberedskap : En samverkans- och kommunikationsfråga för kulturarvet

The aim of this masters thesis, based on discourse analysis and organization theory, is to study how individuals in different Swedish cultural organizations- and agencys are working with disaster preparedness.The purpose of this is to examine whether organizational structures affect different persons work, cooperation and practical application concerning disaster preparedness in collaboration with both external and internal organizations.The research shows that disaster preparedness are affected by priority issues as well as financial resources causing consequences for future work concerning this kind of issues.Another problem which is also examined and discussed in this thesis are the problematic approach to personal initiative which today is the leading operation for the organizations to deal with disaster preparedness instead of creating professional titles for the persons handles these complex issues..

  Människobehandlande organisationer :   - En studie i upplevelser av positiva och negativa kontakter ur ett klientperspektiv

This is a qualitative study that includes participants that are in connection with a non-civic organization in Sweden. The study aims to capture the participants? subjective experiences regarding human service organizations. The starting point is to catch both their positive and negative experiences, and then try to concretize what directed their perception in both ways. Is there any specific organization that is represented in positive and the negative column? Is it possible to explain the experience by looking at the organization and the organizational goals? Is it possible to see variables that might explain the perception?The study has a narrative focus that seeks the answers in the organisational context rather than in the stories themselves.

Vad motiverar till ideellt arbete i ungdomsorganisationer?

Early studies of what motivates volunteering often have had an older sample and youth organizations have not been studied. A survey was used to study motives for volunteering in Swedish youth organizations. The importance of age and years of volunteering was studied. In the analysis 102 persons in age between 17 and 59 years participated. The participants ranked the motives as followed: knowledge, development, values, social, career and protection.

Event i relation - vilka komponenter bör ingå i en bra relation mellan kund och eventföretag?

Vid köp av en upplevelse får du enbart en tjänst, med ett löfte omett mervärde. Att köpa en upplevelse är ofta förknippat med enviss osäkerhet och ett risktagande från kundens sida då man intemed säkerhet vet vad man köpt förrän efter arrangemanget ärgenomfört. I eventbranschen hittar vi denna typ av problematikoch därför har vi valt att fokusera på eventföretag och desskunder. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vadföretagskunden värdesätter och förväntar sig i en relation medeventföretag. Vi har utgått ifrån frågeställningarna: Vadvärdesätter och förväntar sig företagskunden i utvecklandet av enrelation med ett eventföretag? Vad värdesätter och förväntar sigföretagskunden i en befintlig relation med eventföretaget?Påverkas eventföretagets relationsmarknadsföring av kundensförväntningar och i så fall hur?.

Att skapa en konceptdesign av en webbplats för ett evenemang : Att ta fram en design av en webbplats med en grafisk identitet ur ett marknadsperspektiv

Internet and social media have opened up new possibilities for companies and organisations tocommunicate their brand. It only takes a few seconds to communicate the message of a website to theuser. This indicates the importance of having the intended message of the website communicated clearlyin order to give the user a correct impression of the company or the organisation. When it comes to theconcept design of a website, it?s important that all different parts is presented uniformly.

En för alla - Alla för en? : Krissamverkan och intern informationssamordning mellan nätverkande myndigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to study the context that affects crisis communication through an organizational perspective. It also tries to identify factors of success and difficulties when it comes to coordinating information between governmental organizations during a crisis. Carried out as a case study of the Swedish governmental network Krissamverkan Kronoberg, the method used are source analysis and qualitative interviews with members from different organizations in the network. The results have been analyzed through Organization theory, Network theory and theory in Crisis Communication. The context that effects governmental organizations ability to cooperate during a society crisis is characterized by knowledge, understanding, utility and willingness. In addition to this a successful coordination of information should be based on resources, competence and continuity. The main problems when it comes to cooperating and coordinating during a crisis situation lies in what we would like to call organizational egoism, existential uncertainty and defensive behavior. .

Den korta armen : En studie i mångfald och armlängdsavstånd i kultursamverkansmodellen

The name of the study means ?The short arm - a study in diversity and arm?s length in the cultural collaboration model?. Right now there is a reform in the Swedish cultural administration where the responsibility for handing out state funds and grants to cultural organizations is changing from the state government to the local regional governments. The purpose of this study is to map the organisational changes caused by the reform and investigate how this affects the regional policies concerning cultural diversity and the arm?s length principle.

Kommunikationens betydelse vid implementeringsprocesser

Discussions started on how to handle liquidity problems crises in credit institutions and investment with the financial in 2008 as a research background. This led to the establishment of a new legislation regarding the current managing of liquidity risks which involves major changes in organizations. The changes will address the problems on how a successful implementation work could be completed and what is required of the organizations. Good communication is essential in order to have a successful changing process when everything an organization undergoes requires clear and ongoing communication.The purpose of this paper was to examine if Organization X application communications to the same extent as a deployment model shows. Organization X was the company we chose to investigate as they are one of many banks that are facing the upcoming change.Communication Concepts such as understanding, dialogue, discussion, open mindness, transparency and participation, have been key words during our work.

Regional frihandel med miljöhänsyn? En studie av regionala frihandelsavtals förhållningssätt till konflikten med miljön

The relationship between free trade and the environment is often considered conflicting and the debates surrounding it are infected. My thesis deal with this conflict and how environmental concerns are integrated in three regional free trade agreements, North American Free Trade Agreement, The common market of the southern cone (MERCOSUR) and Southern African Development Community (SADC). I point out how the organizations differ from each other in this respect and I present a possible explanation to why they differ. The explanation is founded on the theory of the environmental Kuznets curve and that environmental concerns will depend on which level of development the member states in the organizations have. To judge and rank the organizations I have composed a model based on a pre-existing description of the trade and environment conflict.

En event study av reporäntans effekt på aktiemarknaden

Det är av intresse för aktörer på den finansiella marknaden att prognostisera aktiemarknadens reaktion på en ändring av reporäntan. Flera arbeten har de senaste årtiondena försökt påvisa ett samband främst på den amerikanska marknaden. Denna uppsats försöker sig i stället på att finna en korrelation mellan annonsering av reporänta såväl som förväntningar på reporänta och en onormal avkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden. I arbetet används en event study på Affärsvärldens index under perioden 1997 till 2007. Perioden är vald så att det initiala trovärdighetsproblem för riksbankens inflationsmål som förelåg före 1997 inte ska påverka resultatet.

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