
Är spa till för båda könen?

en studie om genusföreställningar bland spaorganisationer

The aim of this study is to from a gender perspective to examine whether spa is a place for both genders or it is focused on female spa visitors only. Also to study the organisation`s point of view of gender performances within spa tourism as well as to see spa organizations views on gender distribution.To be able to answer the questions, the qualitative method was used in our research. The method is relevant to our study since we sought to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. During the data collection we have used previous researchs and qualitative interviews. Overall we had conducted four interviews, one of which was the personal interview, two were made by email and one by phone call. We also performed a visual ethnography of websites. The present research was based on the constructivist approach and we have used coding for data analysis.The result of the study indicates that the spa is a place for both gender, and that spa organisations have different gender performances depending on their location in the country. By that we mean, that spa organizations geography can be the reason for the difference between male and female spa visitors. Although we concluded the fact that spa organizations do not contributed highly to the equality in spa industry and that a gender-neutral environment still missing on spas and may cause that male spa-goers visiting span less frequently than female. In addition, should spa organizations continue keeping up the work with different offers and medial messages and not exclude the male spa-goers.


Anna Barabanova Teresa Lundgren

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för naturvetenskap, miljö och teknik


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