

413 Uppsatser om Ethical - Sida 23 av 28

Styr lagen etiken? : En studie om etikens betydelse för kontroversiella företag

Titel: Styr lagen etiken? ? En studie om etikens betydelse för kontroversiella företag.Nivå: C-uppsats, kandidatexamen i företagsekonomi.Författare: Cecilia Andersen och Emilia Lindquist.Handledare: Agneta Sundström.Datum: 2014-05.Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att skapa förståelse för hur kontroversiella företag, genom etisk marknadsföring, kan stärka sin legitimitet i relation till företagens intressenter.Metod: Forskningsansatsen är av kvalitativ karaktär. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom nio semi-strukturerade intervjuer, utförda på tre olika företag, som alla är verksamma inom alkoholbranschen. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av en meningsanalys för att enklare finna likheter och skillnader.Resultat och slutsats: Lagen har en avgörande roll i det etiska arbete och styr hur etiska företagen är. Respondenterna i studien menar att genom att visa att de följer lagen, kommer legitimiteten stärkas automatiskt.Studiens bidrag: Ger en ökad förståelse för hur företag kan arbeta med etisk marknadsföring för att stärka legitimiteten.

Social äggfrysning till förmån för karriär - En kvalitativ studie kring social hållbarhet

Women?s strive to reach higher leading positions and build a career that's combinable with child birth and private life, is an on-going debate among academics in the fields of leadership, management and organization. This bachelor level thesis is written at the section of Management & Organization at School of Business, Economics and Law in Gothenburg, Sweden, spring semester 2015. In our research methodwe have used source triangulation with a qualitative approach to the subject of egg-freezing in favour forcareer with a focus on Swedish workplaces. The purpose has been to illuminate, map out and further problematize how the introduction of the employee benefit in November 2014 can be seen to relate to social sustainability.A lot of the management research that discusses social sustainability tends to focus on how women (and men!) try to balance family life and career and how to combine (or to not combine) them.

Internationella Bibliotekets flerspråkiga webbplats: att tillgängliggöra mångkulturell biblioteksverksamhet på webben

Sweden is today often defined as a multicultural society. The implications on organizing and providing information in public libraries are many, since the systems presently used in the western hemisphere are not adapted to multi-cultural information. This thesis aims to outline Ethical and practical problems that arise when organising and providing information concerning cultures other than western, and not least, when dealing with material in other scripts. With this theoretical framework the thesis examines the website of the International Library in Stockholm, a website built to serve users of different languages and scripts than Swedish. The research questions in this thesis are: 1, what specific problems can be distinguished within library work in a multicultural and multilingual environment? 2, what problems and needs were considered in the creation and design of the International Library?s website? And 3, can examples of problems and possible solutions of these be seen in the information and it?s organisation on the International Library?s website? The empiric material consists of the International Library?s website, and interviews with three informants involved in developing it.

Det situationsanpassade ledarskapet

The Swedish Armed Force is one of the largest authorities in Sweden and has as its primary mission to be responsible for Sweden's military defence. Their unique activity - to participate in armed combat ? requires leaders who can make quick and rational decisions in uncertain and conflicted environments. This study aims to gain an understanding of how individuals with leadership roles in the Swedish Armed Forces are experiencing their leadership in relation to the organization's structure and culture. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the following research question was created: How do individuals with leadership roles experience the influences of the organization's structure and culture on their formal leadership? The theoretical starting point is Weber's organization theory, Schein's organizational culture theory, and different definitions of leadership.

Det situationsanpassade ledarskapet

The Swedish Armed Force is one of the largest authorities in Sweden and has as its primary mission to be responsible for Sweden's military defence. Their unique activity - to participate in armed combat ? requires leaders who can make quick and rational decisions in uncertain and conflicted environments. This study aims to gain an understanding of how individuals with leadership roles in the Swedish Armed Forces are experiencing their leadership in relation to the organization's structure and culture. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the following research question was created: How do individuals with leadership roles experience the influences of the organization's structure and culture on their formal leadership? The theoretical starting point is Weber's organization theory, Schein's organizational culture theory, and different definitions of leadership.

Mass Ethics : En undersökning om att använda spelserien Mass Effect inom etikundervisningen i religionskunskapen på gymnasieskolan

Skolverket menar att populärkultur, däribland dataspel, är användbara verktyg för att nå elevernas livsvärldar i religionskunskapsundervisningen.Den här uppsatsen undersöker den religionsdidaktiska potentialen hos Mass Effect-spelen i gymnasieskolan utifrån följande frågeställningar:Får rätt och fel handling något utrymme i Mass Effect? På vilket sätt? Vad är rätt och fel i spelkontexten?Kan Mass Effect fungera som stödstruktur för att arbeta med stoff och förmågor som är en del av religionskunskapens etikundervisning och i sådana fall på vilket sätt?Spelkontexten utforskas genom en analys av hur spelens Paragon/Renegade-system bedömer olika handlingar. Systemet jämförs med plikt-, konsekvens- och dygdetiska förhållningssätt; dessa är etiska modeller som tas upp av styrdokumenten. En av spelens beslutssituationer granskas också utifrån en beslutsmodell och styrdokumentens etiska modeller bidrar här med teoretisk och kursplanemässig förankring.Undersökningen visar att flera av de områden som ska ingå i gymnasieskolans etikundervisning kan beröras genom att låta olika element i Mass Effect-spelen möta ämnets stoff. Processen verkar ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv både berikande för spelkontexten och illustrerar komplexiteten hos etiska modeller och fattandet av etiska beslut.

Ingen reklam tack! Men gärna Ikea-katalogen : En studie kring vad som händer när marknadsföringen kliver in i sociala forum på Internet

The social network services (SNS) on the Internet are becoming more common, and are starting to have a higher range of users, which is affecting Internet marketing. We (the authors) have a feelingthat a growing online marketing within social networks could interrupt the order of social standards. That is why we in this paper have tried to figure out what position marketing has ? and might have ? within SNS, and what impact it will have on social relations.During qualitative interviews along with both representatives of public relation offices as well as with SNS users, we became aware of the occurring strategies of online marketing, and the usersunderstanding of it. In the information from the interviews, we found some interesting contradictions on which this paper underlies.

Med ryktet som insats: - En fallstudie i tre svenska storföretags ryktesarbete

The purpose of this thesis is to gain understanding of how companies proactively can manage their reputation. The thesis analyzes three multinational companies in Sweden and uses two theoretical approaches - the reputation risk view and the reputation strengthening view - to gain an overall perspective of how companies work with their reputation. It focuses on investigating which key areas of reputation risk the focal companies identify and how they manage the reputation risks within these areas. Moreover, it examines which stakeholders the companies believe are most critical from a reputation point of view and in what ways the companies work with strengthening their reputation among those stakeholders. In order to find a general approach, the thesis investigates the similarities and differences that exist between the respective companies in the study.

Konflikter och konflikthantering inom sjuksköterskeyrket : - en litteraturstudie

I studien intervjuades 10 ungdomar om sina erfarenheter av att använda dator med talsyntes och inspelade böcker. De tillfrågades om i vilka situationer verktygen har kommit till nytta eller upplevts hämmande i deras lärande och skolsituation. På grund av stora skolsvårigheter har ungdomarna fått låna en bärbar dator av skolan. Den har de använt både hemma och i skolan. Tillsammans med föräldrar och lärare har de fått handledning vid kommunens Skoldatatek.

Artificiell Insemination (AI) hos hund : en sammanställning över användandet av seminering inom hundaveln i Sverige under åren 1995-2004

The use of artificial insemination (A.I.) as an alternative to normal mating in dog breeding in Sweden are controlled by regulations from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and by Ethical rules assigned by the Swedish Kennel Club. Only veterinarians, who have a specific certificate and are specially trained and educated, are allowed to perform inseminations in dogs. Each artificial insemination must be documented and reported to the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) which, on the behalf of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, yearly presents statistics concerning the use of A.I. in Sweden. The objective of this study was to illustrate the use of artificial insemination in dog breeding in Sweden for the last decade, using the yearly reports from the Kennel Club during the period of 1995 to 2004.

En livsviktig utveckling : en reviewstudie om hjärt- lungräddning (HLR)

AimThe aim of this study was to find out how the research that has changed CPR training developed from a historical perspective. The question at issue was: When the recommendations for chest compressions/ventilation, defibrillator and education have been changed, what kind of research led to the development?MethodTo fulfill the aim of this study we chose a review process. First we read the international guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) published by the American Heart Association (AHA), from year 1980 until year 2010. Secondly we chose the most important changes that had been made within the issues we had selected, then we examined the research that had supported these issues.

Some people get it. Others are assholes. Kontradiskurs, subversiv potential, hegemonisk makt och performativ marginalitet utifrån tre nivåer av skräpkultur.

Sustainability work is something that is emphasized more and more. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is discussed and the question of how much responsibility companies should really take is frequently in the news. Companies tend to ask themselves how much responsibility they should take. CSR is a common concept of companies environmental and social work and a concept we tend to see here and there in our modern society. CSR includes companies? social responsibilities, both in terms of carbon footprint, working conditions, social responsibility and more.

Jakten på de optimala lösningarna : En vetenskaplig essä om förskollärarens ansvar och yrkesetik

Swedish childcare has undergone radical changes in the last 15 to 20 years. It has evolved from kindergarten to pre-school, in other words, gone from simple childcare to an active learning environment with the child as the center. Official documents, such as the pre-school curriculum and other guide documents, define the role and work ethics of the pre-school teacher. In my thesis I argue that it is essential to have an ongoing and continuous discussion at pre-schools on the practical applications of these frameworks and ambitious goals.What do you do when you simply cannot give every child the individual time they should have according to rules and regulations? How do you stay an active and present pedagogue in today?s pre-school with large classes and heavy workloads? How do you establish a common professional work ethics within a pre-school so that all children are treated equally? In my scientific essay, I examine these issues based on a real-life situation: Ellen in the hallway.A pedagogue must continuously make balanced decisions based on rules and regulations, on life- and work experience which, in many cases, contradict each other.

Identitetens språk : Svensklärares attityd till dialekt i Värmland

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze laws that completely prohibit abortion through a legal philosophical perspective. To demonstrate that abortion blanket bans cannot be seen as legally legitimate, the author has completed a literature study where she uses Robert Alexy?s ?Concept of Law? to analyze abortion laws both in general, and in Nicaragua in particular.Based upon Alexy?s ?Concept of Law? the author has identified three relevant key elements ? social efficacy, the argument from injustice and correctness of content - which she uses in her analysis. In order to apply these three elements on the total abortion ban, she then uses four different analysis tools - feminist theory, Human Rights, deontology analysis and right analysis. This has enabled a thorough analysis of the total ban on abortion that has demonstrates that such laws cannot be considered legitimate.By highlighting the human rights violations the law entails, one can conclude that the law has a social impact.

Intellectual Property Rights in Software : A Critical Investigation from an Ethical Perspective

The development of software was considered until the beginning of the 1990th as a cathedral like product development in closed companies. This way of development changed in the last decade. Open source software (OSS) development challenged this consideration significantly. OSS is produced in co-operation by skilled people, distributed and used by many moral agents. The result, the software itself, can be studied and modified.

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