

413 Uppsatser om Ethical - Sida 22 av 28

Rätt klädd? : En studie om klädföretags arbete och kommunikation av CSR

The number of firms adapting the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is constantly growing. It is no longer enough only to supply your customers with demanded products and services since todays? customers have an increased awareness and are demanding more transparence when it comes to the manufacturing and responsibility for society.Along with a growing interest in social, Ethical and environmental matters, many firms have received critique, consequently forcing them to start taking more responsibility for their activities. The clothing industry was among the first to get critized and therefore early in starting their work with CSR.The purpose of this paper is to investigate how firms in the clothing industry work with CSR today, and also how they choose to communicate this work, both internally and externally. The methodology of the paper is qualitative and aims to deeply investigate four different firms, along with an additional interview with a CSR-consult from one of the leading communication-firms in Sweden.The theoretical foundation includes a frame of reference around CSR and the communication thereof, and also a few relevant theories around CSR and business ethics.After analyzing the empirical material the paper have reached a few conclusions.

Historien om Masar -e Sharifs belägring - Postmodern etik och militär våldsanvändning

This study draws from Zygmunt Bauman´s theory that a governmental policy of values can reduce the personal responsibility and moral choices for employees, to focus only on maintaining the government?s internal rules and regulations. The apparent risk with this type of moral attenuation is that the employee is deprived of the possibility to react morally on conduct of the government?s external misuse of power. In this study, this theory is connected to the Swedish Armed Forces? policy of values, as these values do not include a critical standpoint for officers and soldiers.

Reinkarnationism i Nya Testamentet Paramahansa Yogananda tolkar Johannesprologen

Abstract: In this following thesis I enquire the teaching of reincarnation within the New Testament. More specifically I examine how the author Paramahansa Yogananda?s interprets the teaching of reincarnation and his analysis of the prologue to the Gospel according to John. The idea of reincarnation is not a teaching commonly associated with Christian teachings and it has never been advocated within Christian orthodoxy. However, the idea of reincarnation has recurringly been advocated by Christians.

Dialyssjuksköterskors upplevelse av patienters avslutande av livsuppehållande dialysbehandling

SAMMANFATTNINGSyftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka dialyssjuksköterskors upplevelse i mötet med en patient som vill avsluta, eller som inte är kapabel att uttrycka sig kring, sin livsuppehållande dialysbehandling. En deskriptiv intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats utfördes på två dialysmottagningar i Mellansverige. Innehållsanalys av intervjuerna genomfördes vilket gav fem huvudkategorier; sjuksköterskors upplevelse av bristfällig kommunikation och samarbete med läkare, sjuksköterskors upplevelse av läkares svårigheter att diskutera avslutande av dialysbehandling, sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att vårda patienter som inte är kapabla att uttrycka sig kring sin dialysbehandling, sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att vårda patienter som säger, eller på något annat sätt uttrycker, att de vill avsluta sin dialysbehandling och sjuksköterskors upplevelse av stöd och samtal i vården kring patienter som vill avsluta sin dialysbehandling. Huvudresultatet visar att dialyssjuksköterskor upplever många etiska dilemman i mötet med denna patientgrupp. Mötet med en patient som säger, eller på något annat sätt uttrycker att de vill avsluta behandlingen upplevdes positivt, dock upplevdes innebörden av uttrycken ibland vara svåra att tolka.

Papperslösas tillgång till hälso- och sjukvård : Kunskap och uppfattningar hos personal inom öppen hälso- och sjukvård i landstinget i Uppsala län

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kunskap och uppfattningar om papperslösas tillgång och rätt till vård hos personal inom öppen hälso- och sjukvård i Landstinget i Uppsala län. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka om information kring handhavandet av papperslösa finns på arbetsplatserna, vad personal i så fall anser om detta, samt vad de önskar för information. Studien är av en deskriptiv design med kvantitativ ansats. 86 anställda vid vårdcentraler i Uppsala län besvarade enkäter med frågor angående kunskap och uppfattningar om lagstiftning samt tillgång till och önskan om information gällande papperslösa. Insamlad data har sammanställts i Microsoft Excel och presenterats i tabeller och diagram. Resultatet av studien tyder på att det finns en kunskapsbrist bland personal inom öppen hälso- och sjukvård angående lagstiftningen om papperslösas tillgång till sjukvård. Enligt de medverkandes vetskap finns ingen information tillgänglig på arbetsplatsen gällande papperslösa, och så gott som alla önskar information av något slag.

Islamism, da?wa eller det sanna islam? En studie av Islamiska informationsföreningen i Göteborg

This paper analyzes the content of eight Islamic Friday-sermons, held at Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg in spring 2010, organized by Chalmers Islamiska Förening (CIF) (Chalmers Islamic community).The forces of globalization, the accessibility of information and the Internet have given rise to discourses and movements that know no national boundaries. The accessibility of these global movements and discourses through media, Internet, etc., affect the way Muslims in Sweden interpret and practice their religion. Thus, this paper includes discussions and descriptions of global Islamic revivalist-movements, and relates the contents of the sermons at Chalmers to these movements. In the sermons, the imams often discuss the concept of a global Muslim community, the umma, and their perceptions of the prescribed ethics linked to this community. They often relate this discussion of ethics to frequently discussed issues in the West such as equality, justice and Ethical standards in war.

Livscykelanalys av en ekologisk bomullsskjorta - miljöpåverkan från vagga till grav

This study includes a life cycle assessment, LCA, on an ecological produced cotton shirt for the company Reflective Circle, which designs Ethical and ecological clothes.Initially were cotton farming and textile production studied to gather basic knowledge about the processes. Since this shirt is being ecological produced in the whole production chain, we studied what an ecological production means, but also how a conventional production works. When this was done we could start to discuss the differences and similarities between the production of the shirt and general conventional production.When the LCA was first initiated, the main focus was on the green house gas emissions from the manure at the cultivation. Thereafter the process steps such as picking, ginning, carding, spinning, weaving and sewing were being studied. The picking is done by hand, but the rest of the processes are handed by machines which consumes energy.

Sjuksköterskans syn på svårigheter i telefonrådgivning: En litteraturstudie. : Difficulties in telephone advice as perceived by registered nurses: A literature study.

Background.Telephone advice increases the accessibility to health care and the streamlined work at primary health care centres. The goal of telephone advice nursing is to give the caller a correct advice, adapted to the caller?s situation, in order to reach correct care level. However, registered nurse?s telephone advice includes risks for misjudgement.

Det surrealistiska psykodramat : Dionysiska och apolloniska krafters möte

This essay describes my work as a director in a specialized orientation within psychodrama, surrealistic psychodrama. Using the language and performance techniques of theater and under the guidance of a director, psychodrama creates an improvised narrative or story. The essay describes several dramas I have directed, reflecting on my actions and choices as a director and group leader. I examine whether my working method has allowed me to be spontaneous and creative, which I believe the example of "The dangerous bear" demonstrates. The process enabled me to establish trust and receptivity so that a newly constituted group dared to investigate conflicts in symbolic ways associated with illness and death.

Kommunikation som praktiskt kunnande : Teater som utgångspunkt för träning i att kommunicera

The form of my essay is that all human communication, can be seen as a practical knowledge, witch can be trained. I describe how I came in to a pedagogic activity, which is aimed to train people?s communicative ability in their working life and in school. This is made in the form of lectures, seminars and training program. In this essay, I even describe my personally background and what it was, that made me work with people outside the theatre.

Surrogatmödraskap: Arbete, gudagåva eller exploatering? : En analys av den svenska debatten kring surrogatmödraskap

Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries, delivers, and then relinquishes a baby to commissioning parents. The arrangement challenges traditional norms and definitions of reproduction, pregnancy and motherhood, and at the same time raises difficult Ethical, philosophical and social questions. There is currently an ongoing debate in Sweden, where all forms of surrogacy is illegal. The debate is polemical and harsh, with advocates arguing that surrogacy is defensible on the basis of individual rights and women's right to choose over their own bodies, and those in opposition are convinced on an intersectional basis that women are being used and exposed on the market of surrogacy.The purpose of this study is to investigate the debate on surrogacy in the Swedish context. Using qualitative text analysis, the study aims to increase understanding about the debate over surrogacy by analyzing texts published in Swedish press during 2010-2013.


The term ?good marketing practice? in the 4 § 1 section Swedish marketing law (Marknadsföringslagen 1995:450) has a wide meaning. Besides 5-13 d §§ and 17 §, the term also covers other non legal rules. The essay intends to define the legal meaning of the term as well as examine how it is experienced of laymen in the area. According to 1 § Swedish Marketing law aims to protect business men and consumers from unjustified marketing.

Psykisk störning och samhällsskydd : Finns det ett behov av att kunna  skydda samhället mot vissa särskilt farliga individer?

Background For patients in need for psychiatric care who refuse treatment, coercive care might be necessary due to The Law of Psychiatric Compulsory Care, LPT. The purpose of this law is to make sure the patient later on will be able to increase autonomy. The most frequent patients in coercive care suffer from psychosis, heavy depression or having high risk of committing suicide. One of the most important tasks in the nurse profession is to increase patients? autonomy.

Polletten har inte trillat ner, ännu? Bankernas hållbarhetsredovisning håller inte måttet!

The voluntary none-financial sustainability report has become a trend within accounting. The environmental issues used to be driven by activists only, but lately it has moved in to the general agenda in many companies. Investors are starting to put more attention to the sustainability reporting as it is considered to add value to the company. There are several standard guidelines to be used when producing a sustainability report, one example is the GRI´s Guidelines that takes the following three dimensions in consideration: economy, environment and social. This Guideline is from an international perspective considered to be of good accounting practice (Ljungdahl 2008).

Brott & Skatt : En undersökning av nystartade aktiebolag på Skattekontor Östra Göteborg

BACKGROUND The economic crimes related to the taxation authorities (SKM), aim at evading paying taxes and/or wrongly obtaining tax revenue. SKM has noticed that many newly established companies have intended to be carried on, only for a short period of time and with the aim of generating grant-revenues and in the meantime omit to pay or wrongly account for taxes. SKM wants to investigate the possibilities to develop a method of analysis to identify those corporations. PURPOSE The purpose of this essay is to make a survey of, and identify companies, who fail in their obligations concerning income-tax return and paying taxes and charges and to try to see what is characteristic for those companies in order to find out a method of analysis. Further a study of literature will be done especially concerning who will commit economic crimes and the reasons why they do it.

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