

620 Uppsatser om Entry mode - Sida 19 av 42

Kvinna & chef : samband mellan ledarstilar och kommunikationsformer

Similarities in earlier research between leadership styles and communication forms were found, partly concerning relations and partly concerning work assignments. Our approach was based on the notion that there could be a correlation between the manager2019s choice of communication mode (informal/formal) and leadership style i.e. Relation-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style/Task-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style. A gender perspective was used in the research. The method was quantitative with a questionnaire to women managers (N=78) in the private and the public sectors.

Har du märkt det? -En undersökning av textila miljömärkningar och hållbarhet

Intresset för miljö och ekologi är större än någonsin idag och marknaden för ekologiskaprodukter expanderar. Vi vill därför undersöka hur textila produkter kan kommuniceras sommiljövänliga ut till konsumenterna. Tanken är att titta närmare på hur en oberoendemiljömärkning skulle kunna stärka modeföretagens kommunikation av sitt miljö- ochhållbarhetsarbete. Vidare upplever vi att det saknas en heltäckande bild och medvetenhet omde textila miljömärkningar som finns idag.Syftet med vår uppsats är att uppmärksamma och lyfta fram textil miljömärkning samt fåförståelse hur en framtida textil miljömärkning kan användas för att främja hållbar utveckling.Det är även vårt mål att styrka att synen på ekologi och hållbarhetsperspektiv hoskonsumenterna på sikt även till stor del kan komma att innefatta textilier. Vi har i vårundersökning valt att arbeta utifrån ett företagsperspektiv vilket medfört att vi har ettbegränsat konsumentperspektiv.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi har siktat på att öka vår förståelse för vårtproblem.

"Sist in - först ut" : Hur turordningsreglerna förhåller sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden idag?

Abstract The subject of this thesis is the priority rules that apply in connection with mining activity. Already back in the 1800s, there were rules in the so-called Lego Charter concerning protection of workers, mainly servants. When the first modern trade union was founded in the 1870s, also developed a collective agreement. These agreements were the order of priority clauses had to intend to ensure employees' working lives. Exceptions had to be done by ensuring that individual employees' dependents. In 1974 the Act on employment entry and had intended to protect older workers.

Lärandevillkorens beroende av samspel : en studie med fokus på personer med autism-diagnos och deras upplevelse av samspel.

The purpuse of this study was to develop knowledge about learning condition that are to be in a context of interaction with persons that have Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis are included. The pre-understanding has evidence in that the public very often has a lack of knowledge in understanding persons with this kind of disabilities that can put the social interplay in disharmony. The phenomenological approach was used to reach the essence of the learning influence processes. Seen from the respondents experiences of interaction as a help for the informal learning in a working context. The purpose was to see the result of interplay and the effect of learning condition and to see what help those respondents acctually have experienced.

Läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem : En användarcentrerad utveckling av läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem

This thesis examines the problems related to IT in the Swedish healthcare system, specifically the drug searching part of the electronic healthcare systems used in Sweden. The question formulation is divided into two questions: What parameters and functions are of greatest importance when performing a search on drugs, and how should these be presented in a graphical user interface? Thus the purpose is to answer these questions through developing a design concept, in the form of a prototype, which describes how a drug search can be carried out.The entry point is a central quality checked drug database that is managed and owned by Swedish county councils and regions. The problem is attacked through user-centered methods where interviews of physicians and developers, in conjunction with observations, are used to give an overview of the problem area as well as to specify a requirements specification for the prototype that this thesis aims to develop. The thesis result is a requirements specification in combination with a prototype that exemplifies how drug searching can be performed, the prototype is based the requirements gathered from the interviews with the user group of physicians..

Glappet mellan grundskolan och gymnasiet : från textilslöjd till hantverksprogram

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka upplevelsen om att det finns ett kunskapsglapp mellan utlärd kunskap i två grundskolor och förväntad förkunskap när man börjar på gymnasiet ? från textilslöjd till hantverksprogrammet inriktning skrädderi/ mode/ design. Min hypotes var att det är ett kunskapsglapp. Det framkom under arbetets gång att det framför allt var ett informationsglapp mellan grundskolans textillärare och hantverksprogrammets yrkeslärare, men även ett kunskapsglapp.  Denna uppsats är å ena sidan hypotetiskt deduktiv, då det fanns en hypotes om att det finns ett kunskapsglapp från grundskolans textilslöjd till gymnasiets hantverksprogram. Hypotesen kom att prövas genom ett explorativt induktivt sätt, genom användning av en fenomenografisk ansats med drag av kontextuell analys.

Låsanordning med induktiv laddning för elcyklar

This thesis has been adjusted because some parts are classified, some sentences might have been changed. Electric bikes are a convenient mode of transport, a good choice when long distances or tough slopes can be an obstacle.The goal of the project was to create a prototype on a locking mechanism with an inductive charger for electric bikes.The idea behind the project was to develop a user-friendly locking mechanism, where the bikes would be charged inductively when they were locked. To implement the project facts about induction, battery charging and locking devices was needed to be acquired. Circuits for induction charging were created and a lock device was constructed. A microprocessor was used to control the entire system.A prototype was designed with a locking device and an inductive charger fixed in a bike rack.The entire project became very wide which resulted in that not all of the parts of the project could be completed.

Hybriddrift i stridsfordon, fördelar och nackdelar

Petro-electric IFVs (Infantry fighting vehicles) or hybrid-IFV?s are not a new phenomenon. During the 1900?s Germany as well as the U.S both tested vehicles constructed with hybrid technology. In spite of several identified advantages, no serving hybrid-IFV exists today.

Ungdomsidealet som möjligt marknadsföringsverktyg

Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att, genom teoristudier, fokusgruppintervjuer och individuella intervjuer med kännare inom området, förstå hur och till vilken grad ungdomar som referensgrupp har inflytande på yngre medelålders- och medelålders människors konsumtionsmönster. Vidare har vi med vår efterforskning för avsikt, att utveckla marknadsförares förståelse kring ungdomsidealet i samhället och hur detta skall beaktas i marknadsföringsplaneringen. Metod: Vi har i vår uppsats genomfört en litteraturstudie, där teorier kring referensgrupper, self-concept, difusion av mode och innovationer samt köp- och beslutsprocessen behandlas. Vidare har empirisk information samlats in genom individuella intervjuer med representanter för näringslivet. Slutligen har 3 fokusgruppintervjuer genomförts.


?Re:Regional? is a diploma work by Sanna Alm and Ylva Hedin, for the Master?s Programme in Spatial Planning presented at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden. ?Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 ? International Ideas Competition? was the starting point of this study. The competition was launched the 15th of December 2006 and the closing date was the 31st of May.

Urban spaces and urban life in Örestad South - vägen genom ett tävlingsprogram och fram till förslag :

Abstract This master thesis is a result of the work thas was done for my entry in the international architectural competition Urban spaces and urban life in Ørestad South, that was announced by Ørestadselskabet on the 31st of October 2006. The project work lasted from early November until the deadline on 14th of February. In addition to the proposal that was handed in, the master thesis consists of a number of reflections about the work that was done and design work in general. The proposal is an answer to a not that evident task. One would expect that the assigment was clearly defined in the brief of the competition like this. And so it seems to do but to define the real assignment and join your own aims to it from such an extensive brief can be quite time consuming. Why do architects participate and what is an architectural competition? How does the brief affect the choices and statements made by the entrants? What is a square? What is the strategy that leads to a convincing concept? The role and use of a concept in the design process.

Blodomloppet. Ett förslag på hållbar stadsutveckling. Förändringsprocesser och bevarandets samhällsbildande funktion

This thesis on the sustainable urban development has the intent to discuss the conservator?s position in alteration of the built environment. An essential component of the thesis consists of a case study in the form of an entry in an open architectural competition for the development of Furuset, an urban residential area in Norway. The thesis? discussion is based on two approaches to change and socio-economic transformations, considered being dominant within the heritage theory and practice: the production of ideas and great narratives and conservation as an instrumental tool.

Commercialisation of inventions from a legal and business perspective

This thesis is about university spin-offs and the competition in high technology industries. In the light of efforts to increase the competitiveness of the European Union, an effective transfer of cutting edge technology from universities to the industry plays an important role. University spin-offs, start-ups founded to exploit academic inventions, are likely to face considerable market entry barriers. This is among other reasons due to high capital requirements for further technology development and lack of complementary resources. With a combination of relevant literature and empirical investigation, commercialisation of technologies within spin-offs is investigated and analysed.

Lärandevillkorens beroende av samspel - en studie med fokus på personer med autism-diagnos och deras upplevelse av samspel.

The purpuse of this study was to develop knowledge about learning condition that are to be in a context of interaction with persons that have Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis are included. The pre-understanding has evidence in that the public very often has a lack of knowledge in understanding persons with this kind of disabilities that can put the social interplay in disharmony. The phenomenological approach was used to reach the essence of the learning influence processes. Seen from the respondents experiences of interaction as a help for the informal learning in a working context. The purpose was to see the result of interplay and the effect of learning condition and to see what help those respondents acctually have experienced.

Hållbara transporter i Hemavan Tärnaby och Åre : En innehållsanalys av 13 Svenska turistaktörers hemsidor

Transport is an important aspect to take account in efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. If we do not change our behavior regarding travel, the consequences will be significant for the environment. This study examines the various transport operators on the two Swedish ski resorts if their websites and marketing are different from each other in the mode selection. The destinations are Åre and Hemavan Tärnaby. They studied modes are two Swedish airlines, two train companies, three bus companies and three taxi companies.These corporate websites are studied with a content analysis in which the results of the keywords that have been developed are scored according to different categories.

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