

620 Uppsatser om Entry mode - Sida 20 av 42

(Om)skärningspunkten i en rättighetskonflikt: En kvalitativ textanalys av debatten kring manlig omskärelse

The purpose of this thesis is to build on the current debate on male circumcision and from thetwo perspectives, consequentialism and non-consequentialism, describe the conflict of rightsthat exists on the issue and outline a normative conclusion about whether Sweden should banmale circumcision of boys or not. The idea is to clarify how the two sides' approach to theconflicting rights differ on the issue. The perspectives intends to provide further clarity to thearguments and provide a framework to resolve the rights conflict by, which creates morefavorable conditions to understand the moral bearing of the arguments in the debate. Thesurvey is conducted as a debate analytical study, conducted by compiling and organizing thearguments for the various positions in the debate. Based on the two theories I conduct ancritical analysis in which I examine the extent to which the arguments of each side lives up tothe perspectives moral standards.

Metodutveckling för analys av etylenglykoler i vattenprov med gaskromatografi

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en GC-metod för analys av etylenglykoler i förorenade vattenprover, exempelvis industriavloppsvatten. Detta skulle åstadkommas med en GC-FID och MMI (Multimode Inlet), samt helst utan provupparbetning. Ett annat av målen var att kunna kvantifiera inom området 1 ppm till 100 ppm, och att metoden skulle vara tillräckligt stabil för att kunna ackreditera den.Ett flertal kolonner testades, där en HP-5 med dimensionerna 30 m*0,53 mm*0,88 ?m från Agilent var den som gav bäst resultat. Även två olika liners provades, dels en med glasull och dels en 2 mm dimpled liner, där dimpled linern gav bäst resultat, och minst ?carry-over? mellan analyserna.

Mode, Identitet & Hållbarhet - 14 kvinnors tankar och åsikter

Perioperativ vårdprocess är ett arbetssätt och forskning inom området visar att den har betydelse för patienters välbefinnande i samband med operation. Anestesisjuksköterskor har en nyckelroll i vårdmöten i samband med operation för att minska patienters vårdlidande. Syftet med studien är att genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie ta reda på hur fyra anestesisjuksköterskor på sjukhus resonerar om den perioperativa vårdprocessen. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att informanterna resonerar om perioperativ vårdprocess utifrån tre kategorier; förutsättning att kunna prioritera användning, organisatoriska faktorer som påverkar möjlighet till användning negativt och yrkesansvar finns vilket har betydelse för korrekt bedömning av omvårdnadsbehov i samband med operation.

APS - Akustiskt positioneringssystem

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

Hur påverkas tillgängligheten av socialkontorens organisation för dem som söker akut ekonomiskt bistånd under kontorstid i Stockholm stad?

The general purpose of this work is to study how social welfare offices organization affect accessibility for those seeking immediate financial assistance in the municipality of Stockholm. Accessibility in this study is principally defined by Swedish Law. The study is based on an empowerment perspective. Data was collected by qualitative interviews of officials in eight social welfare offices. Search path to reach the officials was registered by participant observations.

Drivet bakom klivet - en studie av drivkrafterna bakom steget från näringsliv till ideell sektor

The Swedish nonprofit sector is experiencing a sectoral change, moving closer to the corporate sector to become more commercialized. The recruitment of leaders with corporate experience constitutes one of the factors influencing this development. Hence, to create an understanding of this sectoral change, the thesis aims to investigate the motivational forces underlying the leaders' decisions to work within the nonprofit sector. Additionally, the thesis seeks an understanding of why the leaders' decisions were made later in their careers. Through conducting qualitative interviews with leaders representing top management of six humanitarian organizations in Sweden, the study finds that nonprofit leaders with corporate background, analogous to volunteers and employees, are motivated by a sense of relatedness to the vision of the organization.

Swedish Meats : motiven bakom försäljningen av kooperationen

In 2007 Swedish Meats, the dominant Swedish meat-producers cooperative sold its slaughtering and processing industry. The goal of a producer cooperative structure is to create value for members through vertical integration, and to strengthen members? market position. When Swedish Meats sold the slaughtering and processing components, it ceased in some respects to serve the function of a cooperative. This is a lost opportunity for both members and non-members, because Swedish Meats as a functioning cooperative could have exploited its dominant market position to positively effect producer?s prices.

Utveckling av försäljnings- och leveransmodell

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

Uttagsbeskattning och beskattningsinträde : En analys av förenligheten med etableringsfriheten

AbstractEver since Sweden joined EU Swedish law has to be compatible with EU law. Swedish law cannot state anything that may restrict the freedom of establishment. This means that companies are free to change their resident within the EU without any restrictions. National rules regarding exit tax states that companies who wants to move their business out of Sweden is taxed as if their assets has been disposed of at the exit time. These rules have been found to restrict EU law according to case RÅ 2008 ref 30.

Bli ditt ultimata du! : Om tre tjejtidningars textpuffar och omslag

Tidskrifter som vänder sig till unga tjejer och kvinnor är många och diskussioner om deras påverkan tycks ständigt vara aktuell. Skönhetsideal och vilken betydelse medierna spelar i sammanhanget väcker både intresse och känslor.Denna uppsats har utifrån gestaltningsteorin studerat hur de tre största tjejtidningarna i Sverige FRIDA, SOLO och Veckorevyn använt sig av sina omslag och textpuffar för att locka till sig sina läsare. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tidningarnas textpuffar och omslag, där fem årtal mellan 2000 och 2010 har undersökts. Detta för att försöka se en utveckling hos tidningarna.Undersökningen har visat att den typiska omslagspersonen är en känd tjej/ kvinna som är blond eller icke-blond. Hon är oftast påklädd, poserar, ler och tittar in i kameran.

Energieffektiv högtalare med trådlös kommunikation

Music today is a big part of a person's everyday life and can influence emotions as wellas initiative and motivation. This effect together with development in technology hasled to that music today is accessible and can be played from a large amount of differentkinds of products. This in turn has meant that the demand for smaller audio playbackdevices is greater than ever.The goal of this project is to develop a concept for energy-efficient speakers withwireless communication that has the ability to obtain and play high quality music. Thespeakers will use the latest available technology and at the same time, using digitalsignal processing, have a low environmental impact through high energy efficiencyand low power consumption. Parallel to this work a pilot study will be conducted tosee trends in listener preference of sound.The result achieves the goals pledged while power consumption in sleep mode is solow that they meet the demands of tomorrow.


?Re:Regional? is a diploma work by Sanna Alm and Ylva Hedin, for the Master?s Programme in Spatial Planning presented at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden. ?Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 ? International Ideas Competition? was the starting point of this study. The competition was launched the 15th of December 2006 and the closing date was the 31st of May.

Diagnosens betydelse : En kvalitativ undersökning om gränsdragning, kategorisering och fördelning av resurser i det sociala arbetets praktik ? exemplet ADHD

The aim of this study is to examine if and how the diagnosis of ADHD is important for the social practice delimitation to obtain an understanding of how the sorting and categorization of clients affects the distribution of resources. In a qualitative approach, the study is based on eight semi-structured interviews in five different social practices. Young adults diagnosed with ADHD who need society's help and support, constituted our focus in the study. The selection is based on gaining an understanding of how the client process proceeds. The interviews were supplemented with documents, such as legal and internal methodological support.

Anpassat växtmaterial för skärgårdsmiljö - Tjörn

In 2007 Swedish Meats, the dominant Swedish meat-producers cooperative sold its slaughtering and processing industry. The goal of a producer cooperative structure is to create value for members through vertical integration, and to strengthen members? market position. When Swedish Meats sold the slaughtering and processing components, it ceased in some respects to serve the function of a cooperative. This is a lost opportunity for both members and non-members, because Swedish Meats as a functioning cooperative could have exploited its dominant market position to positively effect producer?s prices.

Gör det själv! Fansinet i Sverige

The purpose of this masters thesis is to examine the fanzine, a form of amateur publication, in Sweden, both in the traditional paper form and the more recent electronic form. It deals with what is distinctive about the fanzine as a publication and also as a social and cultural product. It also looks upon how the fanzine uses the Internet and the new possibilities it brings. The people behind 18 fanzines, 10 electronic and 8 in paper, have answered a questionnaire about how they produce, publish, distribute and promote their fanzines, what they think about the fanzine as a mode of expression, and how they use the Internet. The masters thesis uses theories within cultural studies as a theoretical approach to the fanzine.

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