486 Uppsatser om Employee downsizing - Sida 5 av 33
Jakten på den optimala arbetsformen. En studie om suboptimala dilemman.
Labour and its conditions is a subject constantly in focus. Therefore this study aims to shed some light on different factors which constitutes the basis for the definition of optimal labour conditions, as well as creating a need for change of labour conditions. In this case these factors are changes in society and cultures. The study describes how different levels of society - government, employer and employee ? are affected by, or wishes to affect the labor conditions in terms of location, working hours and leisure.
Att beh?lla bankanst?llda - En kvalitativ studie om employee retention utifr?n ett identitetsperspektiv
Svenskar byter jobb allt oftare och denna r?rlighet p? arbetsmarknaden ?r kostsam f?r arbetsgivarna. D? det har visat sig att frivillig personaloms?ttning i m?nga fall skulle kunnat kunnat motverkas av arbetsgivaren ?r det relevant att utforska hur organisationer kan arbeta med bibeh?llandet av personal. Ett samlingsbegrepp f?r ?tg?rder som syftar till att fr?mja bibeh?llandet av personal ?r employee retention.
Lärande organisation ur ett medarbetarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarnas uppfattningar om det gemensamma lärandet på en förskoleenhet
The purpose of this essay is to develop knowledge about how learning among employees is perceived to occur practically in a pre-school unit seen as a learning organization. From an employee perspective the intention was to gain an understanding of how they perceive the organization regarding employee learning in the workplace when it comes to in which contexts and what conditions that enable collaborative learning. Because learning organization is mostly a vision from a management perspective thereby it should in this case mostly be viewed as the context in which the employees work in.The essay is based on a qualitative research approach with eight semi-structured interviews. It was based on hermeneutics as method of analysis with the intention to gain an understanding of the employees' subjective perception. It is a case study on a selected pre-school unit in Stockholm.
Offentlig klagomålshantering : En utveckling av befintliga strategier med hänsyn tagen till tre aktörer
Service recovery innebär företags försök att uppväga kunders negativa reaktioner på ett misslyckande vid leverans av en tjänst. Det här är ett relativt välutforskat ämne, men fokus är nästan uteslutande på kunden och hur den ska hanteras. Kundperspektivet är dock bara en av tre delar som ingår i service recovery. Förutom att göra kunderna nöjda, behöver företag arbeta aktivt med att förbättra processerna samt ge medarbetarna rätt förutsättningar för att hantera misslyckanden och därefter återhämta sig. Det sistnämnda, kallat employee recovery, upplever vi ha blivit bortprioriterat och nonchalerat i en majoritet av tidigare forskning inom service recovery.
Samverkansavtal, medbestämmande eller kringgående av MBL?!
AbstractIn this study, then collaboration agreement impact of the work on 11 and 19 § § MBL are studied. The employer and collective agreements bearing employee union are often involved in collaborative agreements to facilitate cooperation between them. Issues addressed to collaboration areoften questions related to employee participation. The purpose of this study is to investigate two local employers and related collective bearing employee unionsview of the cooperation agreement related to the MBL. The purpose leads to these questions:?How can co-operation agreements affect 11 and 19 § § MBL??What are theadvantages and disadvantages cooperation agreementscan lead to, regardingemployer disclosure and negotiation duty?To try to sort out these issues are interviews conducted to create a greater understanding of the work of the Cooperation Agreement between organizations and how it affects them.Results of the study suggest that collaboration agreement leads to simplifications in the work of the employer's information and bargaining duty.
Hälsopromotion som ledningsstrategi : -ett sätt att få medarbetarna att identifiera sig med organisationen
Health and physical exercise has a become trend in today's society and the work with health promotion has increased in organizations. This is not only a way for organizations to get healthier and more efficient employees, but also a way to regulate the employee?s identity by getting them to identify with the organization. This bachelor essay studies how health promotion can be used as a management strategy. This is done by interviews and by performed observations at the recruitment company, Adecco, in the Stockholm region.
Intern marknadsföring inom hotellbranschen: en fallstudie av två hotell
The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the use of internal marketing in the hotel industry. It was decided to conduct a case study on two hotels in the same region, Quality Hotell Statt and Pite Havsbad. The case study is based on personal interviews with the managers of each hotel, who have the ultimate responsibility of the internal marketing work. The research questions were based on why the hotel industry work with internal marketing and how the hotel industry work with internal marketing. The study showed that the hotel industry work with internal marketing on daily basis to get low employee turnover rates, increased employee job satisfaction and high quality services.
Välkommen till familjen! : En studie om effekten av en stark företagskulturs påverkan på medarbetarnas identitet
The purpose of this study is to examine in what way a strong corporate culture can have an effect on the ways that individuals perceive their own identity based on different social aspects, thereby meaning the influence of personalities in relation to the environment. In this essay I have used the theory of employer branding in an analysis of the corporate culture at Ikea Barkarby, with the purpose to answer the following questions: How does the relation between the employee and the corporate culture appear from an identity perspective, i.e can an individual?s identity be affected by the influence of a strong corporate culture? If the corporate culture has an influence on the individual?s identity, what rhetorical tools are part of this? How can the surrounding corporate cultures possibly influence the employee?s process of becoming a part of the corporate culture? The method of research that was used in this study is a framing analysis and a semistructured interview method. In the discussion of the influence of social environment on identity I have used the rhetorical term doxa. The material that was examined was an advertisement for employment from the Ikea Barkarby website as well as the response from my interviews of some of the employees.The result of the analysis shows that it is possible for an individual to negotiate with himself about his identity in relation to the actual situation and environment, meaning a possible transformation of the individual?s behavior in different social contexts, in this example the corporate culture at work.
Arbetstillfredsställelse : En jämförelse mellan kvinnliga och manliga industriarbetare på två avdelningar
The purpose of the present quantitative study was to examine gender differences inperceived job satisfaction in two departments, with different work patterns, in a Swedishmanufacturing industry. The questionnaire contained 30 statements and five backgroundquestions. The questionnaire was designed in combination of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS),Work demands, Social support, Control and Competence (ASK), Questionnaire forPsychological and Social factors at Work (QPS Nordic) and Minnesota SatisfactionQuestionnaire (MSQ). Job satisfaction was measured based on the categories influence atwork, leadership, employee influence, work requirements and the physical environment. Theresults of the present study showed an interaction of gender and department where the femaleindustrial workers, who worked with more monotonous and standardized work tasks, valuedall of the categories of job satisfaction the lowest, except for the category employee impact.The results are believed to depend on that the women in the department had greater demandsfor variety in the work..
The Way We Produce : Möjliga kvalitetsförbättringar på Atlas Copco
The purpose of this master?s thesis was to find problems that occur in the production line at Atlas Copco Rocktec Division, in order to decrease the costs of defect in quality. When the problems were distinguished, the authors ought to choose the problem with the highest improvement potential. One request from the constituent at Atlas Copco Rocktec Division was to connect the improvement to the document The Way We Produce. The document provides information and values about Atlas Copco and consists of 10 principles to be able to reach their vision.
Saklig grund för uppsägning i samband med samarbetssvårigheter
Abstract Co-operation difficulties in the work place can be a problem serious enough. Co-operation difficulties can occur between employee and employer, as well as employees among themselves. Irrespective of between which individuals the co-operation difficulties occur, it will have negative consequences. These can consist of, for example that individuals might suffer mentally, inproductivity and also an unwished economic disadvantage for the employer. From the employers? side it is pointed out that it is important with employees who are possible to co-operate with in a satisfactory way.
Film i svenskämnet : Gymnasielärares synsätt på filmanvändandet i svenskämnet
AbstractIn this study, then collaboration agreement impact of the work on 11 and 19 § § MBL are studied. The employer and collective agreements bearing employee union are often involved in collaborative agreements to facilitate cooperation between them. Issues addressed to collaboration areoften questions related to employee participation. The purpose of this study is to investigate two local employers and related collective bearing employee unionsview of the cooperation agreement related to the MBL. The purpose leads to these questions:?How can co-operation agreements affect 11 and 19 § § MBL??What are theadvantages and disadvantages cooperation agreementscan lead to, regardingemployer disclosure and negotiation duty?To try to sort out these issues are interviews conducted to create a greater understanding of the work of the Cooperation Agreement between organizations and how it affects them.Results of the study suggest that collaboration agreement leads to simplifications in the work of the employer's information and bargaining duty.
Ett Excel-baserat informationssystem för IKEAs personalavdelningar
IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.
Employee Referral Vad driver ansta?llda att rekommendera potentiella medarbetare till en tja?nst? : - Fo?r fo?retag med rekryteringsbehov.
Problem: Fo?r att skapa ett starkt employer brand ska arbetsgivaren inneha positiva associationer hos potentiella medarbetare, vilket bidrar till att mindre resurser kra?vs fo?r att finna den efterfra?gade kompetensen. Da? en rekommendation handlar om att yttra sig fo?rma?nligt blir betydelsen av medarbetares rekommendationer viktig fo?r fo?retagets employer brand. Resultaten av att anva?nda sig av medarbetares rekommendationer i rekryteringsprocessen a?r ka?nt inom forskningen.
Copingstrategiers och det sociala stödets samband med upplevd stress hos vårdpersonal
IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.