

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 23 av 267

Hur påverkas vård- och terapihundar av sitt arbete och hur uppfattar föraren hundens känslor?

Today's research on animal assisted interventions (AAI) has focused on the positive effects on humans. Dogs used for AAI are an expanding market, but the research on this area hasn't followed the increasing use. The few studies on dogs in this field mostly observed their cortisol-levels and are very ambiguous. I have observed the behaviour of dogs working with AAI compared to when they are off-duty to see how they are affected by their work. Their handlers where also told to make an assessment of the dog's emotions during the session.

Studie av sambandet mellan räddningstjänstens förebyggande insatser och anlagda skolbränder : analys av behovet av stöd och vägledning

The purpose of this report is to study the relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. An objective of the project is also to investi-gate the need of developing national methods for fire prevention. The results are based on a questionnaire study among 35 fire departments and further interviews with five of them. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. The relationship is positive in the sense that arson fires in schools decrease with increasing prevention activities.

Effektiv projektledning med standardverktyg, Går det? : MBA-uppsats med inriktning elektroniska affärer

AimThis paper has come about because of the author's own experience as a project manager at FMV. In various projects, I have wondered if there is a link between the programs and processes that I have to use in my daily work. Are these programs effective for managing projects and follow-up.MethodIn order to examine whether it is efficiently using standard software, I have asked a number of projects manager at FMV to respond to a questionnaire, the method is qualitative.AbstractEfficient project management will require a set of tools for planning, monitoring and evaluating. Often there is a demand for a comprehensive range of enterprise software applications and business solutions combined to one business solution. A relevant question is if it is possible to use standard software, i.e.

Vetenskapliga tidningsartiklar i klassrummet : En undersökning om lärares användning av tidningsartiklar

This paper presents why and how teachers use newspaper articles in the classroom when they educate their pupils in chemistry, biology and nature science. All the teachers have worked over 20 years and are, when interviewed, at a Swedish gymnasium in Dalarna. I also have, in a small study, interviewed some of their pupils to get their view about teachers using news paper articles during lessons.The teacher?s use of newspaper articles in the classroom can be divided in different ways. They can use the articles to illustrate up to date links to everyday life.

Webbredigering för mindre erfarna användare. En studie av svårigheter och förbättringsmöjligheter vid webbredigering anpassad för användare utan programmeringskunskaper

Usability is a well-known term in system development. Today both consumers and organizations aim to increase usability. The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge about inexperienced users? interactions with websites and concretize that knowledge for future studies.Interviews have been conducted within two areas where experienced web developers with extensive programming knowledge brought know-how while inexperienced users without any programming knowledge have given their views. A number of existing tools for web publishing have been analyzed.

Klotter och skadegörelse : metoder och tekniker som förebygger klotter och skadegörelse i offentliga miljöer

The city?s public environments are meant to be perceived as safe and inviting areas to visit any time of the day. In recent decades the number of vandalism complaints has doubled and graffiti has become so common that it received a separate category in the crime statistics. With this type of impacts in the public environments the experience are precarious and a boring sight. It?s difficult to put a price tag on these types of crimes, the number of unreported cases suspected to be large.


The construction industry accounted for 19 % of all work-related fatalities in Sweden between 2010 and 2013. The exam report has been done to find out what underlying causes there are to the high number of fatalities and to the occupational statistics of the construction industry. Moreover it has been reviewed what improvements can be done to reduce accidents and fatalities in the construction industry. The report consists of a survey of statistics, laws and regulations affecting the work environment and of literature concerning the subject. It has been conducted an interview and a questionnaire survey at the construction company Asplunds Bygg and an interview with an inspector from the Work Environment Authority.

Ren hud : En litteraturstudie om hur omvårdnadsåtgärden hudförberedelse har betydelse för postoperativa sårinfektioner

Postoperative site infections are the second most common health care associated infection in Sweden. Surgical procedures can lead to postoperative site infection causing great suffer for the patient and an extended care time with an increased cost as a result. In preparation for surgery, it is important that the skin is well prepared with antiseptics to decrease the risk of postoperative site infection. The purpose with this study was to shed light upon the skin preparation before surgery and its significance to postoperative site infection. Ten scientific articles have been scrutinized and compiled and two themes have been identified ? the preoperative and the intraoperative skin preparation.

Artificiell Insemination (AI) hos hund : en sammanställning över användandet av seminering inom hundaveln i Sverige under åren 1995-2004

The use of artificial insemination (A.I.) as an alternative to normal mating in dog breeding in Sweden are controlled by regulations from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and by ethical rules assigned by the Swedish Kennel Club. Only veterinarians, who have a specific certificate and are specially trained and educated, are allowed to perform inseminations in dogs. Each artificial insemination must be documented and reported to the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) which, on the behalf of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, yearly presents statistics concerning the use of A.I. in Sweden. The objective of this study was to illustrate the use of artificial insemination in dog breeding in Sweden for the last decade, using the yearly reports from the Kennel Club during the period of 1995 to 2004.

Responsive web design : En studie i hur designkonceptet påverkar användbarheten hos en webbplats

The main topic of this thesis is to evaluate the impact on the usability of web pages when using responsive web design, a concept for developing web pages whose design adapts to the screen size being used. This is done by creating a responsive prototype based on an existing web site. A number of usability tests are conducted on the two versions of the site in order to compare the time to complete the tests and to observe the behaviour of the test participants. The tests are conducted on desktop as well as on mobile devices with varying screen size.The number of test participants was relatively low, and so the quantitative result is not statistically valid. However, the conclusion is that the most effective combination is to use either of the sites on desktop format.

?Jag har inte fattat att det gällde biblioteket? : en utvärdering av marknadsföringskampanjen ?Låna dig rik? i Kalmar

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to evaluate how the marketing campaign ?Låna dig rik? has been received by the residents of Kalmar. A series of questions are asked: was the campaign noticed by the residents of Kalmar? Through which marketing channels has it been noticed? Is the residents? opinion of the library in line with the marketing message? Is the campaign moving in the desired direction?The study was done through a questionnaire that was handed out to a number of people in Kalmar. The residents were asked to answer if they had noticed the campaign, where they had noticed it and what their opinion of the library was.


Bakgrund: Vårdpersonalen på en akutmottagning vårdar ett stort antal patienter under en kort och ofta intensiv period. Arbetet på akutmottagningen ställer höga krav på vårdpersonalen, vilket kan leda till att kraven blir allt för höga i vissa situationer. Vårdandet av patienter kan därför bli lidande vilket resulterar i att patienter utsätt för vårdlidande. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka patienters erfarenheter av att ha vårdats på en akutmottagning. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på elva vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades.

Akustik och säkerhet i inomhusarenor

The background to the study is that within the next ten years about 50 new multi-purposeindoor arenas will be built. These are used for various events such as sports, concerts, etc. In order to achieve a high level of security in the case of danger alarm signals and alarmmessages must be heard well by the visitors. ÅF-Ingemansson wanted to show builders the importance of good speech perception and that it is not observed in arenas today. They conducted technical tests on two large multi purpose indoor arenas to develop parameters that affect speech perception in the arena.To get a subjective view of how these arenas are experienced a survey was created.

Järnvägsstationer i Litauen 1861-2011 : Namngivare, namnbyten och språkbyten genom 150 år

The names of railway stations and halts along the earliest railway lines on Lithuanian territory have been studied, i.e. along those railway lines built between 1861 and 1873. Especially, attention has been drawn to names that are not obvious regarding the geographical location of the station or halt. Some 50 percent of the names are showing some kind of irregularity in this respect. Most common (about 30 examples) are stations or halts that are serving a population centre situated at some distance from the station, but still bearing the name of that population centre.

Sjuksköterskors kunskaper och upplevelser av att bemöta patienter med missbruksproblematik inom akutsjukvården.

Syftet med studien var att beskriva vilka kunskaper sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvården har och hur de upplever bemötandet av patienter med missbruksproblematik.Metoden som användes var intervjustudie. Åtta sjuksköterskor intervjuades, varav 4 arbetade på akutmottagningen och 4 på ambulansen. Studien bestod av 6 öppna frågor samt frågor om ålder, kön och antal år som sjuksköterska.Resultatet redovisades med 3 kategorier och 6 subkategorier. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 7 kvinnor och 1 man.Intervjupersonerna lyfte fram problemet med för lite utbildning om missbruk och hur mer utbildning skulle kunna tillgodoses. Deras upplevelser var att negativa erfarenheter och för lite kunskap inom området kunde leda till bemötanden som inte alltid blev så bra.

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