

1251 Uppsatser om Electoral participation - Sida 49 av 84

Sjung i kör och håll dig frisk! En studie om hur körsång kan påverka körsångares emotionella och fysiska hälsa

Choir singing is one of the most popular national movements in Sweden but the knowledge of the meaning of this activity for health and well being from the choir singers? own experiences is limited. The purpose of this study was therefore to develop useful knowledge about the meaning of choir singing for participating persons from a health perspective. The data was collected through qualitative interviews with six different choir singers and went after that through a comprehensive analysis which resulted in four main categories: an oasis in the existence; possibilities of meetings and solidarity; goals and musical development; and physical and emotional well-being. The results showed that the choir activity represents a place where the singers can escape the demands and the stress factors of everyday life and where they get the opportunity of meaningful relations with other people.

Folkomröstningen som korrektiv : - en jämförande studie av riksdagens val av beslutsmetod i frågorna om EMU och EU-konstitutionen

Sweden has been a member of the European Union since 1995 and the power of the organisation to make decisions has increased over the years in a rate which hasn?t been followed by an equally increase in democratization. This is partly due to the lack of participation in the decision making process and at the national level the citizens don?t possess enough channels to compensate the loss of influence. To solve this democratic dilemma, more and more countries are turning to the referendum.

Nu kan jag mycket mera : En liten studie i hur delar av Europeisk språkportfolio kan fungera som stöd för formativ bedömning i ämnet engelska, år 4.

The aim of the study is to show how a selected part of the European Language Portfolio, ELP, can support the assessment process for teachers. All the checklists at level A1 and My Language Goals from the Language Biography, a part of the ELP, are implemented and communicated in teaching in a 4th grade class of students. Two teachers are interviewed and both of their classes are compared in the study. One group worked for two weeks with the selected part of the Language Portfolio and the second group followed the regular curriculum for the same period of time. The teachers are interviewed before and after the ELP through support of mind maps.Results show that by using checklists at level A1 and My Language Goals students become aware of their own learning process.

Almedalsveckan : en studie i hur ett av Sveriges största politiska arrangemang har tagit form

Politicians Week in Visby has since the late 1960s developed to be a fairly unique concept in Swedish politics, which even in recent years has begun to be exported to other countries in Europe. Curiosity and interest around the arrangement of activities and actors have in the past decade become increasingly both nationally and internationally. The purpose of this study has therefore been to find out how ?Almedalsveckan? as a political arrangement emerged and developed. The question that the study mainly tries to answer is how ?Almedalsveckan? became a concept of the open democratic meeting between politicians, citizens, journalists and various organizations in the Swedish society.

Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv

Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient?s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe, from an ethical point of view, how the patient?s autonomy could preserved at palliative care.Method: A general literature study where 11 scientific articles have been analysed from a qualitative checklist whereof the result has been discussed based on the principles of ethics.

Chefers värdering av medbestämmande på arbetsplatsen : Hur viktigt är det och varför?

Chefers värdering av medbestämmande på arbetsplatsen- Hur viktigt är det och varför?Emelie SkälhammarMedbestämmande är en väsentlig del av dagens organisationer, vars syfte äratt engagera personalen i arbetsprocesserna. Chefer står ständigt mellan atttillfredsställa anställdas behov och organisationens krav. Tidigare forskninghar främst fokuserat på medbestämmande ur anställdas perspektiv (Knoop,1991). Syftet med föreliggande studie var därför att öka förståelsen förmedbestämmande ur chefers synvinkel, hur de jobbar med detta samteventuella hinder i arbete.

Användarstyrt förvärv vid tre högskolebibliotek

User-centred acquisitions at three academic librariesA new way of developing collections has been adopted at a number of small academic libraries, user-centred acquisitions. The method implies that the main way of building the collection is by means of receiving suggestions of titles from library users. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate changes in acquisitions of monographs. At a more detailed level it seeks a deeper understanding of what user-centred acquisitions is and how the method effects the acquisitions process. Changes in stock management and the reason why the libraries have chosen the method is investigated as well.

Folksonomi ? en förklaring i perspektiv av kunskapsorganisation

The aim of this master's thesis is to investigate and to explain the concept of folksonomy in the perspective of knowledge organisation. By creating a conceptual explanation and defining what folksonomy as a concept consists of, the intent is to establish a basis for evaluating folksonomy and to discuss what relevance folksonomy may have in the field of knowledge organisation. By applying a qualitative content analysis a review is performed on how folksonomy is perceived and discussed in a selection of articles written on the subject. Employing the theory of classification, subject indexing and bibliographic retrieval, folksonomy as a method for knowledge organisation is analysed. The practice of tagging in existing systems is also studied.

?Jag vill bara ha ett vanligt Svensson liv?. : ? En kvalitativ studie om sociala faktorers inverkan på missbruksfrihet.

ABSTRACTIn this study, five people were interviewed who are involved in a drug-assisted program for opiate addiction, also called substitution program. The meaning of substitution is that these clients' drug addiction is replaced with substitute preparations, either methadone or Subutex in an orderly manner. The clients of the researcher decided to study the substitution program have all been a heavy opiate addiction for years. Their participation in the replacement program is more than two years, and those who have been around the longest have been in the program for six years, so long as the substitution program has existed in Visby.This is a qualitative study in which interviews are conducted face to face with each individual client, and the interview was unstructured in the sense that no specific issues made in advance. The interviews have been themed, and the researcher has gone through various areas of life around the respondent.

Hur planerar fritidspedagoger sin undervisning utifrån barns delaktighet? How does after-school teachers plan thier teaching from childrens participation?

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka pedagogers syn på deras arbetssätt med barns delaktighet och inflytande. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi använt oss av följande frågeställning: ?Hur planerar fritidspedagoger sin undervisning utifrån barns delaktighet? För att undersöka arbetet så använder vi oss av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra pedagoger på olika skolor. Alla pedagoger som vi intervjuade jobbar inom fritidsverksamheten. Vårt resultat visar att alla pedagogerna på de olika verksamheterna arbetar utifrån barnens intresse och delaktighet.

Språkstimulering i förskolan

The purpose of the paper is to examine how teachers in preschool is working with language stimulation for the prevention of difficulties in reading and writing before school starts. The method that was used to illuminate the problem is a qualitative interview. A specialpedagog and six preschool teacher, which is specifically focused on language stimulation in the work with children, have been included in the study. The results indicated that preschool teacher are working a lot with language stimulation. They work mostly with children throughout the group, to encourage and provide children with the tools to be able to communicate with each other and staff.

Barnets rätt att komma till tals i familjebehandling. Familjebehandlarnas röster om Barnkonventionens artikel 12 i praktiken.

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur barnkonventionens artikel 12, barns rätt att komma till tals tillämpas i familjebehandling genom att göra en pilotstudie. Familjebehandlare inom kommunens öppenvård fick svara på hur de gjorde barn delaktiga, på vilket sätt barn kom till tals och ifall det fanns tillfällen när barn inte skulle delta i familjebehandlingen. För att få svar på dessa frågor gjordes en semistrukturerad telefonintervju. Den valda teorin var systemteori.  Studien innefattade även familjebehandling, barnkonventionen och BBIC.

Vem styr mitt arbete? Förändrade arbetsuppgifter vid datorisering av körschema

Abstract This report is our bachelor thesis. Our work has taken place at a galvanising company in Sölvesborg. The company faced major changes, of which one was a computerisation process. The new system could involve changes in work practice and in specific tasks, affecting the workers. If the coming system was to support work, from the production personnel?s perspective, we felt a legitimate participation in the development and design of the future work practice, was a requirement that was not met.

Bilder av föräldraskap : En studie om hur föräldraskap konstrueras i barnhälsovårdens föräldragrupper

The parental education groups are an activity that attracts the majority of all couples that awaits their first child. Therefore this is a forum with strong influence on the formulation of the parenting. The aim of the study was to examine how parental education within Swedish child health care, affects the construction and shaping of parenthood. We have also studied this from a gender perspective. The starting point for our understanding of parenting is that it is socially constructed.

Naturens lockelse : en studie av dubbelhet i Karin Broos bildvärld

The aim of   the study has been to examine the duality that I seemed to find in Karin   Broos works, primarily on the basis of her renditions of nature. The   objective is to study the duality on various plans and to examine which   traces of Intertextuality that may exist.In the study of the duality   I have taken note of how nature is presented in terms of style and form, as   well as that I have seeked cultural references pictorial and symbolic. I have   also examined the images with reference to Intertextuality. The following   questions has been applied during the work:  How is nature produced in the paintings?  What place occupies nature in relation to the people, in the works?  What is being communicated by nature's participation in the works?As a method, and as a   tool for analysis and interpretation of selected works, I have chosen to use   Panofskys iconological interpretative method. As a guide to seek relations of   intertextuality the theories of  Julia   Kristeva has been useful, which  includes thoughts  that new images are created or re-created   in relation to other images all the time and in new contexts.As a result of the   study I have found some kind of expression of balance, though it did not   seemed to look that way from the beginning.

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