

11053 Uppsatser om Educational work - Sida 54 av 737

Möjligheter och begränsningar med läroboksbaserad och laborativ matematikundervisning

Mathematics is a central topic in today's education debate, including discussion of its educational quality and various teaching methods. Today basically two different teaching methods are used; one is the textbook based method, with the book in focus and the other one the laboratory method by which teaching is performed through practical applications. The purpose of this study was to examine four primary school teachers' view of these two teaching methods by means of four relevant inquiries. By interviewing the four teachers, advantages and disadvantages were highlighted and the purpose was achieved. In order to support the analysis, two theories applied; the socio-cultural perspective and the cognitive perspective.

LANDSHÖVDINGSÄMBETET : - ett svårreglerat ämbete

AbstractAccording to 3 § in the Equal Opportunities Act should employer fulfil their commitment to their employees and work targeted for the equality in working life. In the report we account for 3?11 §§ Equal Opportunities Act, in purpose to show employer obligations to work actively work for equality between the sexes. This is the main focus of the article and the answer to one of our issue of law. We have also written about how equality work and how the Equal Opportunities Act has grown up, how it work in today?s society and the thoughts about the future.The growth of equality work, the Equal Opportunities Act and a short history are partially written from European law, the Swedish government official reports and in government bills.

"Ölhallen" - en hjälp i nyhetsarbetet : En kvalitativ studie av några nyhetsjournalister och sociala medier

This is a qualitative study of how some journalists on the Swedish national media are using social media in news work. The study, carried out by using interviews, also covers how these journalists' work is influenced by social media. For the journalists in the study social media has become a tool to do research, get news ideas and find interviewees. At the same time social media affects the work of the journalists, as the social media increases the speed of news and flow of information. Even though they involve some challenges, social media facilitates news work and the journalists in this study have a positive attitude towards the phenomenon.Keywords: Social media, news journalism, the national media..

Den lärande gruppen : Om reflektion i förskolan

Scheduled time for reflective work is common at many Swedish preschools. Reflection is a complex concept that is being used with many different purposes in preschools. The reflective work in Swedish preschools today has its roots in the theories from Vygotskij about how children learn by watching and cooperating with others. Also, many Swedish preschools have taken inspiration from the preschools in Reggio Emilia in Italy, who see the reflective work as something necessary in their work around children?s learning processes.

Allt som är fast förflyktigas : Föreställningar om arbete och sambandet mellan arbete, tillväxt och välfärd i senmodernitetens Sverige

The focus of this thesis is the conception of work and the relation between work, economic growth and welfare in today?s Sweden in the editorial of Dagens Nyheter (DN), which is the main morning paper in Sweden.As the theoretical foundation of this thesis is social constructionism and the method being used is critical discourse analysis, the language is considered as an important source for the construction of value and meaning of work. In that context it is important to investigate how DN, by certain ways of representing reality, preserves a certain view of the human being, the society and the economy. Which ideological ideas underlie the conception of work that emerges in DN? What social consequences will these ideas have?The thesis discusses the ?truths? that the editorialists mediate concerning for example the view of the human being as guided by rational choice and the view of economic growth as the main goal for social life.One of the conclusions is that DN considers work as a means for economic growth as economic growth is regarded fundamental for the survival of the welfare state..

Effekten av lönesystem och ålder på intern respektive extern arbetsmotivation

The effect of the salary system and age on the internal and external motivationThe purpose of the study was to examine how a fixed salary with commission and only a fixed salary, and age affect the internal and external work motivation of sellers. This was studied by a questionnaire and participants were sellers in the call center industry in Sweden. In total there were 112 sellers from nine different companies that responded to the survey. The respondents were divided into groups based on pay systems and age. The measuring instrument used was the Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale which classifies the motivation of internal and external based on six subscales.

Predicerar organisationsrättvisa och work locus of control hälsa hos kollektivanställda män och kvinnor

Ett högt ohälsotal i arbetslivet innebär stora kostnader för samhället, arbetsgivare och även för de anställda. Forskningen inom detta område har flyttat fokus från att studera ohälsa till att istället studera hälsa och vilka faktorer som befrämjar hälsa i arbetslivet, de så kallade friskfaktorerna. Föreliggande studies övergripande syfte var att studera om upplevelsen av organisationsrättvisa och personlighets¬faktorn work locus of control predicerar upplevd hälsa hos kollektivanställda män och kvinnor. Studien genomfördes utifrån ett kvantitativt perspektiv med 103 deltagare som besvarade en enkät. Svarsfrekvensen var 22,5 % och resultatet visade att work locus of control predicerar upplevd hälsa för männen och procedural rättvisa predicerar upplevd hälsa för kvinnorna.

Tänka efter vad är det jag gör : En kvalitativ studie i hur erfarna socialarbetare utövar ett kritiskt reflekterande förhållningssätt i sin profession.

The aim of this study was to examine the use of critical reflection in two social fields of work, using social workers that have at least five years professional experience. We have chosen to examine two fields of work in the same organization to be able to see possible similarities and dissimilarities that occur in the same organization.In our studies at B ?level we examined the use of critical reflection, using social workers that just gotten their degree and that were out working on their first job. In our study we discovered that because of the culture in the organization it?s easier to accommodate the already existing ways of working, than to ?go your own way?.

Spring ikapp omvärlden ? en studie om omvärldsbevakning i friskvårdsbranschen

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how small organisations within the subject field health and training work with their environmental scanning. The main questions in this thesis are: How do the organisations work with business intelligence/environmental scanning? What is their environment like and of which parts does it consist? How extensive is their work with business intelligence/ environmental scanning? Which are their main fields of application and how is the work compiled practically? In order to answer these questions we have chosen to use a qualitative method, which in our case consists of two interviews with people in managerial positions within the health and training subject field. The result of the two interviews is presented in a compilation, and it is thereafter discussed and analyzed. We used an existing theoretical model and altered it in order to correspond to the aim of this research..

Chefer i rehabiliteringskedjan

Vocational rehabilitation is an ongoing issue that directly or indirectly affects everyone at a workplace. In recent years, laws and rules have changed. The 1st July 2008 changes were made in the General Insurance Act (SFS 1962:381). These changes have meant that there is now a so-called rehabilitation chain.  The rehabilitation chain contains time frames for when sick people will have their ability to work tested against their normal work or to other jobs. If a person is considered having enough capacity to be able to work he or she will lose their entitlement to sick pay.The aim of our study is to investigate managers? perceptions of the new rehabilitation chain, with a focus on vocational rehabilitation of long-term sick to get them back to work.The method used was qualitative and data collection was done through nine semi-structured interviews.

Förebygga läs- och skrivsvårigheter genom språkstimulerande arbete i förskolan

The purpose of my examination is contributing with knowledge about the relation between language- stimulation in preschool and read- and writes developing and teachers thought about that. In order to meet the purpose I read literature that deals with my matter and is based previous research. I also made qualitative interviews with three elementary school teachers and three preschool teachers who work within preschools that concentrate on development of language in a town in the middle of Sweden.  In this way I find out about their thoughts about what they think is important to work with about language in preschool and how the preschool teachers can work with the development of language to make it easier for the children in their read- and writes developing. The result shows that it is important to work with children?s development of language in preschool.

Visa arbetsvilja : Arbetslinjen som moral, ritual och gruppsolidaritet

The subject of this study is the ?work strategy? (arbetslinjen); the idea that work and active measures are preferred over cash benefits. The aim of the study is to investigate why the work strategy, which has been almost undisputed for nearly a century, has had widely changing contents over the years, what measures have been taken and which groups have been included. It also attempts to find out whether there is a correlation between unemployment rates, society and the different aspects of the work strategy. The study is conducted as an idea analysis, mainly of dissertations on the work strategy and public inquiries, and covers five time periods from the 1920?s until today.

Montering av isolering på vattentank

One of today problem at IVT industries would be assembly of insulation on water cisterns. The element of assembly insulation on the cistern gets too elevated; hence one has to climb onto the stand the cistern is assembly on. This will increase the risk of work related injuries when there is a risk of falling down. It?s also rather strenuous on shoulders due to work with your arms high above your head.

Organisationsplan för Skanska Direkt Värmland

AbstractSkanska Sweden has decided to split the organization that earlier handled both large and small projects into two different subsidiaries. A consequence of this is that all construction service handling will from now on be enforced under the name Skanska Direkt AB. The management of Skanska sees this as an opportunity to develop the organization and in the long term achieve higher earnings.   The task which Skanska in connection with the reorganization wanted to be investigated was a proposal on how the organization of work with the insurance work in the future should look like.The organization that is handled is from production manager to professional workers and includes damage handling that has been obtained from insurance companies in the southern and northern parts of Värmland. The purpose with this work is to present a different kind of view to the problem with developing this branch of the company. The main target was to work out a proposal of an organizational plan for the damage handling in Skanska Direkt AB that is possible to apply, less sensitive for dismissals, results in higher earnings, obtains higher customer satisfaction and also a staff stab that develops their skills at their own.The report and work progressed as following:Opening theory study of strategies to obtain the objectives set.Restructuring of existing organization with theories as support.Interviews with the actors involved to verify feasibility of the developed organization plan  Organization chart, the result of work means that some workers at each location shall be responsible for a small group of workers and work independently. They shall manage the process of invoicing and calculate costs at the same time as they work out on the workplace.

Erfarenheter av några utfodringssystem till får :

The evaluation of the function of the feeding of sheep herds is suggested to involve the work effort, the fulfilment of the nutrient needs of the sheep and the feed waste. Mechanisation of the feeding can be very simple or include high degrees of mechanisation. Three different farms, representing different levels of mechanisation are presented. Descriptions and analysis of the feeding systems including mechanisation, work effort and estimations of the feed waste are made on each farm. The herd with the most advanced feed mechanisation included a rolling feed band and mix wagon. The other farms were partly or little mechanised including ad lib feeding from big bales and manual distribution of hay and concentrates. The most mechanised farm was able to feed a large herd of sheep at a low work effort and little feed waste. However, the investment in machinery has to be weighed against the improved efficiency.

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