1502 Uppsatser om Educational association - Sida 51 av 101
Förvärvsprocesser - vad köper biblioteken in och varför? En undersökning av förvärv gällande skönlitteratur på Lunds huvudbibliotek och fyra stadsdelsbibliotek
In this Master's thesis we investigate the collection management regarding fiction for adults. The apprehension of fiction has changed over the years. From the beginning it was considered to be mostly educational rather than being the purpose of entertainment. As for today these views are not opposites to each other. Regarding this we discuss the problem concerning terms of quality.
Elevers uppfattning och användning av sitt skolbibliotek i en invandrartät gymnasieskola
This thesis examines the perception and use of the school library for students at an Upper Secondary School. The school has a high frequent of immigrant students, and the students interviewed all have an immigrant background. The intention was to find out how the students used the school library and what perception they have of the school library. The method used was semi-structured interviews with eight students, both males and females, who studies different educational programs. The instrument of theory was that from Elisabeth Tallaksen Rafste?s theoretical framework.
Projektarbete som läroform : En kvalitativ studie av en förskolas projektarbete
The purpose of the study was to examine how teachers and children interpreted the project and understood its values. To this end, it was necessary to focus on four defining parameters which affect the investigation: structure of pre-school project work, content and delivery, the methods used by teachers during the project, which pedagogical documentation was used (and how), and how the project determined the approach, the curriculum goals and values. Using a qualitative approach, regular unsystematic observations were made over five days, during which three teachers, two pedagogues, two pre-school teachers, and one nanny from the same kindergarten were interviewed regarding children in three age groups: 1-2 years old, 3 years old, and 4-5 years old. The results of my investigation showed that the teachers were divided on how to apply the project as a working method. Children's active role in the pre-school project varied depending on the extent to which teachers adopted children perspective in everyday practice.
Till det som stannar kvar när allt annat försvinner
Går det att nå en association som skapar en känsla av betraktarens egen kropp? Jag har frågat mig om ett objekt kan upplevas kroppsligt och på vilket sätt jag kan hitta det i mitt material. Jag har varit upptagen av att hitta den punkt där materialets kvaliteter indirekt refererar till betraktarens kropp. Att i betraktandet framkalla erfarenheten i din kropp.Intuitivt har jag prövat mig fram, steg för steg - ett samarbete mellan min kropp och materialet tills materialet har blivit sin egen kropp - ett objekt. Jag arbetar i dialog med materialets natur; hur det följer tyngdlagen och påverkas av rummet och ljusets verkningar.
Ger en kvinnlig CFO högre redovisningskvalitet?
The executives of a firm possess considerable influence over a company's financial reports. The numbers can be adjusted in a favorable direction by engaging in Earnings Management, which harms the reliability of the financial reporting. Previous research suggests that Earnings Management can differ between genders. In recent years the debate about a woman's role in the business world has received generous attention in media. Moreover, the presence of women in leading positions has become a relevant issue for firms.
?Tvärtom kan det gagna att vara bipolär. Kreativitet och sånt.? : - En kvalitativ studie om hinder och möjligheter för personer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder att komma ut på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden
Our aim of this study was to investigate barriers and opportunities for people with mental disorders getting in to the labor market. This from experiences by people whose daily job contains work rehabilitation for this group in particular. On the basis of five qualitative interviews the results showed that prejudices towards people with mental disorders are a barrier for them to get a wage labor. Furthermore the results showed that low self-esteem within the target group and also high educational demands becomes a barrier to a wage labor. The results also showed that to focus on the healthy aspects may serve as an opportunity for people with mental disorders to get in to the labor market and be able to have a paid job.
?Jag vill vara där dom andra är" : Specialpedagogiska insatser ur elevperspektiv
This study was about how pupils described their school situation with special education. The specific focus was on pupils which are described as ?troubled pupils?, unconcentrated pupils?, pupils in social and emotional difficulties or characterised by similar concepts. The study was based on a sociocultural perspective and an interactional perspective. The empirical material consisted of interviews with eight pupils in age between 9 to 12 years old and who had special education.
Automatisk query expansion: en komparativ studie av olika strategier för termklustring baserade på lokal analys
Automatic query expansion has long been studied in information retrieval research as a technique that deals with the fundamental issue of word mismatch between query and document. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the retrieval effectiveness of different strategies for automatic query expansion. The strategies are based on local analysis of the corpus and use statistical information from the local document set to extract terms that suppose to adapt themselves to each individual search and therefore appear to be searchonyms to the index terms. The strategies compared are: association clusters, metric cluster and scalar cluster. Baseline queries of 24 topics are expanded using terms from the different clusters and searches are made.
Missuppfattningar inom genetiken: En litteraturstudie om hur missuppfattningar inom genetiken hos h?gstadie- och gymnasieelever kan motverkas
In schools, misconceptions about genetics can arise due to several factors, and the consequences of
these misunderstandings can be significant. Lack of education can play a central role in the spread of
misinformation about genetics. When teachers lack sufficient knowledge or do not have access to
up-to-date resources, they risk inadvertently conveying inaccuracies to students. Additionally, students
own preconceived notions and misinterpretations can be reinforced through interaction with their
peers, creating a vicious cycle of misinformation.
In this study, various misconceptions within genetics education have been identified and analyzed,
while different strategies to prevent these misconceptions have been examined. The study revealed that
the two most common misconceptions are the confusion between "genes" and "DNA" and the
simplified perception of genetic determinism.
Förskolebarns möjligheter till utvecklande av förmågor och problemlösningsstrategier inom Montessori och Reggio Emilia
The comprehensive aim of the essay is to discuss the abilities of developing individual, communicative and cooperative skills, related to The Swedish National Agency for Education, for pre-school children in Montessori and Reggio Emilia-inspired pre-schools. The importance of the choice of pre-school for lifelong learning is discussed and examined. The two educational profiles are presented and the theories of communication, collaboration and individual work are the basis for the analysis of the results. The collection of empirical data is done through observations and interviews with pre-school children. First, the informants construct a fantasy animal on their own and then together with a partner.
Varumärken i idrottsgymnasiers marknadsföring - Vilka passar din idrott bäst?
The upper secondary school 2011 (Gy 2011) was a reform which created large changes in the Swedish educational system. One of the major changes was the requirement of certification for sport schools. Schools in Sweden have historically used sports in their marketing, this opportunity was impaired by the reform. This thesis aims to investigate how brands are applied on webpages of sport schools that are certified in football and/or cross-country skiing. Content analysis was used as method of data collection.
Lek och lärande : En studie av vad lärare och elever associerar ett laborativt arbetssätt i matematik med
During recent years, the trend of Swedish students? negative performance and results in mathematics has been discussed. It is agreed that a change in teaching methods is necessary in order to solve this issue. Thus we found it interesting to take a closer look at an alternative way of teaching. The purpose of this study was to find out what teachers and students associate concrete mathematics with and make a comparison between them.
Personlighetsdrag, lärande och betyg : Extroverta idrottare och samvetsgranna naturvetare?
I detta arbete har samband mellan personlighetsdrag definierade enligt Femfaktor-modellen gentemot strategier för lärande och erhållna betyg undersökts. 53 gymnasieelever på naturvetarprogrammet samt 6 lärare deltog i studien. En tidigare rapporterad association mellan höga idrottsbetyg och extraversion (t.ex. hög självsäkerhet, mera utåtriktad, mer spänningssökande) var statistiskt signifikant även i denna studie. Två andra personlighetsdrag, vänlighet/värme samt känslomässig stabilitet, visade även signifikans, p<0,05, gentemot höga betyg i biologi/kemi. Hypotesen att lärare tenderar att ge högre betyg till elever som har likande personlighetsdrag som de själva kunde inte verifieras i denna studie. I studien fanns exempel på lärare som gav högsta betyg till elever vars personligheter i vissa avseenden var motsatta lärarens.Då personlighetsdrag ställdes gentemot lärande, både i enkät och intervjuer, pekade resultaten på att elever har olika strategier för att underlätta sitt lärande och det som fungerar för en elev kan vara ineffektivt för andra. Detta understryker vikten av att läraren varierar undervisningen så att inte bara en strategi för lärande premieras..
Lärarstudenters syn på jämställdhetsarbete i skolan ur ett lärande- och hälsofrämjande perspektiv
Idag finns hälsoskillnader mellan könen, vilka delvis beror på ojämställda förhållanden i samhället, som uppkommit av värderingar för hur kvinnor och män ska vara. En förändring av värderingar kan ske i skolan där läraren har en betydelsefull roll. I lärarutbildningen förekommer ingen kontinuerlig undervisning kring hur lärarstudenterna ska integrera ettgenusperspektiv i sin framtida yrkesroll. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka på vilket sätt lärarstudenter anser sig kunna arbeta med jämställdhet i skolan ur ett lärande- och hälsofrämjande perspektiv. Datainsamlingen har skett genom tio intervjuer med lärarstudenter.
Glöm inte barnteatern! En studie om barnteater på folkbiblioteket.
This master?s thesis deals with the issue of children?s theatre at the public library. I want to examine what purpose children?s theatre play for the children according to the children?s librarians, what different factors that may influence the purchase of plays to the public library and what the children?s librarians think of the children?s theatre at the public library at present and in the future. Interviews have been conducted with four children?s librarians, at different libraries, who are somehow involved in the purchase of children?s plays to the library.