

477 Uppsatser om Ecological modeling - Sida 18 av 32

Implementering och kommunikation av ekologisk h?llbarhet. En fallstudie om utmaningar och strategier i fordonsindustrin

The purpose of the study is to explore the internal implementation and communication of ecological sustainability within an organization and to identify obstacles and challenges that may arise. To address the study's purpose and research questions, a qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews were used. Respondents were selected from two different units within a large global organization operating in the automotive industry. The study's findings indicate that the organization's sustainability efforts are extensive and integrated across several departments. It is also evident that sustainability initiatives are primarily driven by upper management within the organization, although there is room for lower hierarchical levels to provide some feedback.

Ekologiska perenner - Lokalt och globalt : En Intervju- och Litteraturstudie

AbstractThe customer demand for ecological products has increased in recent years, within the garden industry this mainly concerns herbs and other edible plants. The organic trend is increasing and more people are aware of the environment and want to take responsibility for it through their purchases for their garden as well.In this essay the aim is to investigate customer demand and the possibility of selling organicperennial plants in eight garden centres on the Åland islands and in Gävle/Sandviken. I include two garden centres with an organic profile to get a wider point of view. I investigate the global market for organic perennials and look further into existing certification standards on the Swedish market today.The methods I have been using are interviews and a literature study.The study shows that the experienced demand for organic perennials is small in both of myinvestigated groups. The biggest motivation for starting to sell organic perennials would be to find a supplier of these plants and that more customer would ask for them.

Plockanalys i Härjedalens kommun : En utvärdering av plockanalyser på hushållens säck-och kärlavfall under åren 2007-2011

As a result of an increased consumption, waste volumes has grown steadily throughout the 1900s, and this puts great demands on an efficient and ecological sustainable waste management on both local and national level. In order to evaluate collection and disposal of household waste, a large number of Sweden´s municipalities are using waste analyses. The overall aim of this study has been to summarize and assess results from waste analyses executed in Härjedalen´s municipality during the years 2007-2011.The evaluation has given information about the household waste´s composition, quantity and change in time. The report´s objective has been to create a basis which the municipality can use in planning of future information efforts and other measures, and give some proposals on how these can be designed and targeted. Therefore, the report also highlights research on motivations factors that affects environmentally conscious behavior such as recycling, and how different instruments like information can be used to promote this.

Hållbar Utveckling 2010 : Hur uppfattar lärare begreppet idag?

This work is a study of subject teachers in social studies and science understand the concept of sustainable development. The work uses a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Teachers in various schools and stages have been answering questions about how they perceive sustainability, how they implement it in teaching and if they feel that school is important for the future of sustainable development at large.The theoretical background is based on environmental ethics as well as the different meanings and definitions of the concept of sustainable development. These theories and definitions are coupled with the empirical results.The study concludes that all teachers throughout the study perceive the concept of sustainable development as something ecological, something that has to do with nature. A few teachers also state economic and social dimensions.Questions about how the teachers in the study implement the concept in their teaching can be seen as three different approaches.

Fo?rba?ttringsfo?rslag pa? automatisering av bagagehantering

This report will outline a proposal for the improvement of the baggage sorting facility at Arlanda airport. Swedavia is a state owned company group that operates, owns and develops airports in Sweden. One of their main roles is to create accessibility needed to facilitate and streamline the work at the airport.Swedavia is constantly working to develop new solutions and enhancements that will help to standardize and automate the work at airports without major impact on climate and above all adapt these solutions to work.The project has been aimed to identify and isolate the problem at the check-in counter, investigate the possibility of setting a speed control on the DC motor driving the luggage conveyer belt at the check-in desk so that the luggage does not lose tracking already there, as well as evaluate the new sorting systems planned to be introduce in the upcoming refurbishment of the sorting area.To determine the parameters that are used to regulate the speed of the baggage conveyor belt, information about the inputs and outputs that participated in the process was gathered. Information was collected both practically and theoretically. Process was followed and monitored by the supervisor of the company, and a theoretical study was done separately on my own.

Modeling Determinants of First-Day Returns from IPOs

The primary purpose of this paper is to find the determinants of first-day returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Our research will cover the 1996 ? 2004 periods. Our secondary purpose is intended to find a profitable trading strategy with regard to future IPOs on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. By using regression analysis, focusing on company specific factors and the IPO process, we hope to find a function exhibiting statistical significance, determining future first-day returns from which construction of a profitable trading strategy will be possible.

Beräkningsverktyg för plattformar till seriekompenseringsanläggningar

ABB is one of the world?s leading engineering companies in power and automation technologiesand their solutions improve performance while lowering environmental impacts for energycompanies and industries. ABB FACTS designs equipment and plants for series and phasecompensation.This thesis has been performed at ABB FACTS on the Mechanical Design (DM) department inVästerås, Sweden. The purpose of the thesis was to develop and design calculations andsimulation tools for ABB FACTS?s standard series capacitor platforms.

Entrébänk för Bonum seniorboenden

The following report comprises my bachelor´s thesis in Industrial design, 30 hp. It is executed in collaboration with Bonum senior housing, who has been the client and assignment- maker of this project.The goal was to design a bench for their entrances, which could represent not only the needs of the target group but also Bonum as a trademark. The work is done with great care for both human kind and the environment, with sustainability as beacon.The design process has been followed.Initially, you will find the definition of a bench for entrances, the framework including inclusive as well as sustainable design, a function- and market analysis followed by the inspiration part of the project. Getting to know the target group and their specific needs has been essential for this work.Investigations about what senior house living and senior products are and what the target group thinks and feels, has been done. As a result, two ?personas? has been developed.With the help of a purposely chosen group of people, surveys and ergonomic studies has been executed, as well as prototype-testing.The fact-finding has formed the stable and unavoidable foundation of this project, which later on gets more creative and idea based.

Föryngringsplan för en svårt stormskadad fastighet i Kronobergs län :

In January 2005 large forest areas in south Sweden were severely damaged by storm. This final thesis describes the work with creating an ecological and landscape-adapted regeneration plan for a severely storm damaged property in Kronobergs region in south Sweden. This regeneration plan, in difference to more regular plans, are focusing more on the owner?s use and goal?s for the property and seeing the property from a more comprehensive view in the regeneration process. Beside production and environmental values the plan also take in consideration other values as aesthetic, culture history, landscape picture and recreation values.

Återförvilda Sverige?: En studie av rewilding som strategi för att bevara kulturlandskapet och gynna biologisk mångfald

Through millennia, humans have shaped the European landscapes. Agriculture, hunting andforestry have influenced virtually every ecosystem on the continent and formed what we todaythink of as the cultural landscape; a mosaic pattern of cropland, fields, pasture and forests. Thepast two centuries, globalization, industrialization and urbanization have come to pose a threatto the existence of these landscapes. European farmlands are now being abandoned at analarming rate, and the associated loss of landscape preservation, biodiversity and ecosystemservices is a concern to the scientific community and public alike.This thesis studies if the implementation of the relatively new conservation strategy rewilding(recreating self-sustaining ecosystems and reintroducing keystone species) can be a part of thesolution to preserve cultural landscapes and biodiversity in Sweden. Through interviewssupplemented with studies of published works, expertise from different fields has beencompiled to provide an overall picture of the capacity of rewildings as conservation method.

Biologisk mångfald i staden och dess närhet : möjligheter att som landskapsarkitekt främja biologisk mångfald

In a time of increasing urbanization the human tenure effects on the land has lead to a decrease and fragmentation of areas that are valuable to urban wildlife. These actions have had a detrimental effect on the species and habitats that exist in cities and towns.This paper investigates, through the study of relevant literature and the undertaking of interviews and field visits, the role that biodiversity plays in our society. The current attitude towards urban biodiversity and the responsibility for its promotion within the landscape architect profession has been explored.This paper includes three English case studies and a design proposal investigating how one can work to promote biodiversity on a smaller scale.This paper concludes that urban biodiversity is multi-functional ? being of ecological, social and cultural significance. The landscape architecture profession must be aware of the need to combine a variety of different factors such as economical, social and environmental aspects.

Ge oss ett strukturerat men flexibelt stöd! En kvalitativ undersökning om familjehemsföräldrars upplevelser av stöd: sett ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine how the foster parent's need of support is provided. The study was built upon a qualitative method with interviews with ten foster parents. More specifically, its aim was too find out how the foster parents themselves looked upon how their need of support, and from whom the support was provided. According to the law, it is the social services obligation to provide the foster parents with all the support they could need. The picture the media sends out is different from what it should be because according to them, the social services fall short in the follow-up and also the support of the contact with the foster parents.

Att testa kvalitet : En validerande informationsinsamlingsmetod för ökad kunskapsåterföring

This master thesis has been carried out at Scania R&D at the department for Powertrain Control System Development during the winter of 2010/2011. In the thesis the writer examine and evaluate the existing method for collecting information from the tests carried out during the development of the Powertrain Control Systems software. It also contains suggestions for how a new method that enhance the validation elements could look like.The master thesis uses Vicentes theories of the ecological approach and theories of how knowledge sharing of tacit and technical information works within an organization and between the organization and its customers. First a workplace analysis at Scania R&D is carried out to see how Powertrain Control Systems work and how they test their software. Second a control task analysis, where the aims decided on after the interviews, is compared to the existing method.

Blir ko och kalv mindre stressade vid ko-kalvseparation med nos- och slickkontakt än när de bara kan höra varandra?

The aim for this study was to investigate if it is less stressful for cow and calves in loose housing systems when separation is made so they can see and touch each other (Physical Contact-PC) instead of just hearing each other (Hearing Contact-HC). The behavior of eight cow- calf pairs (n=4 pairs per treatment) on an ecological dairy farm with cubicle housing were studied for four hours directly after separation and four hours the day after separation. The first four cows that gave birth were used for treatment PC, and the following four cows that gave birth were used for treatment HC. The only selection criteria used was that both cow and calf were healthy. Separation took place 3-4 days after birth and the calves were put separately in two different pens while the mothers were let loose into the cubicle system.

Ekolådan : En fallstudie av ett ekologiskt livmedelsföretag, som finns på nätet

AbstractFor several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buyorganic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year,a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will checkone more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organicfood has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can pushprices down.The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via theInternet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shopclothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade andhas grown every year that has passed.

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