

477 Uppsatser om Ecological modeling - Sida 19 av 32

Aktiebolag utan revisor : ett bolag utan extern finansiering?

This work is a study of subject teachers in social studies and science understand the concept of sustainable development. The work uses a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Teachers in various schools and stages have been answering questions about how they perceive sustainability, how they implement it in teaching and if they feel that school is important for the future of sustainable development at large.The theoretical background is based on environmental ethics as well as the different meanings and definitions of the concept of sustainable development. These theories and definitions are coupled with the empirical results.The study concludes that all teachers throughout the study perceive the concept of sustainable development as something ecological, something that has to do with nature. A few teachers also state economic and social dimensions.Questions about how the teachers in the study implement the concept in their teaching can be seen as three different approaches.

Mångfald och interkulturell utveckling : En studie av två kulturverksamheter i Värmland

AbstractFor several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buyorganic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year,a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will checkone more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organicfood has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can pushprices down.The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via theInternet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shopclothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade andhas grown every year that has passed.

Parametriserad 3D-modell av cyklon : Parametrisering av en 3D-modell av ett cyklonfilter i SolidWorks för snabb framtagning av nya konstruktioner till Outotec Skellefteå

This bachelor thesis project has been executed at Outotec Sweden AB in Skellefteå. Outotecs main business focus is selling mineral and metal processing technologies. A rest product from the metal process is particle-polluted gas and cyclone designs are today the most commonly used abatement device for particle control. A cyclone provides a simple design with high efficiency particle percolation by using air streams.The purpose of this work is to reduce the time it takes create new cyclone designs in Outotecs projects. An extensive construction work is needed for every new cyclone order due to new designs.

Undersökningsmetodik för klorerade lösningsmedel i marken

Chlorinated solvent are volatile organic substances that can be harmful for humans and for the environment. Examples of common chlorinated solvents are perchloroethene, PCE, and trichloroethene, TCE. Chlorinated solvents appear as contaminants in soils primarily where they have been used as washing fluids in dry-cleaning facilities or as degreasers in metal industries. Chlorinated solvents are DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids), which means that they are not easily dissolved in water and that they sink to the bottom of the aquifer. Adsorption to soils is low so chlorinated solvents are mobile in soils.

Effektiv och användarvänligresursplanering i reklambyrå

It has become more common for organization to operate a lot of projects at the same time. These projects affect each other, either in way of resources or technical. Projects in a multi-project environment depend and affect each other, and in most cases they rival about resources, decision-makings and priority. To lead a project portfolio with several projects is a major challenge. The most common problems that occur are vague objective, unclear working conditions, resource shortage and problems of priority.

Biologisk mångfald bland åkerogräsen. En fältstudie av två åkrar : en konventionellt och en ekologiskt odlad

Den biologiska mångfalden är viktig inom lantbruket. Jordbrukslandskapets mångfald är vacker för människan att se på och spännande och rogivande att vistas i. Mångfalden innehåller även en genbank som kan bli mycket etydelsefull i framtiden. Dessutom innebär oftast en rik mångfald bland ogräsen även en rik mångfald bland insekter och andra djur, däribland skadeinsekternas predatorer, vilket bidrar till produktiva åkrar. Ogräsens mångfald på åkern beror till stor del på geografiskt läge, klimat och berggrund.

Avslut och utsluss : - ungdomars behov och socialtjänstens insatser när vård i familjehem avslutas

The purpose of this study is to highlight the situation for youths leaving foster care and entering adult life. The study examines the services provided by the social service in the Stockholm area when a youth is leaving foster care, and if a recent change in the legislation has had any impact on the operating procedures of the social service. The study includes interviews with youths who recently left foster care, as well as information collected from social service offices through a survey, supplemented by interviews with practicing social workers. All the assembled data have been analyzed using Ecological Systems theory with focus on the child perspective and the term significant others. The study shows that the respondent youth have trouble identifying the formal ending with social services, as well as the support they received or were offered.

Modellering och simulering av det evaporativa bränslesystemet i en personbil

This thesis work has been performed at the department of diagnosis and dependability at Volvo Car Company, Torslanda. The background of this project is based on interest in ascertaining how different factors possibly can affect a diagnosis method, which has been developed to find leaks in the fuel tank and evaporation system. According to the OBD II requirements leaks with an orifice diameter larger or equal to 0,5 mm, must be detected. The idea of the diagnosis method is to create an over pressure in the system with an air-pump. The current through the pump is measured and correlates to the power consumed by the pump.

Modellstudie av föroreningsretention i Bäckaslövs våtmark : Tillämpning av modellverktygen MIKE SHE WET och MIKE 21

During the nineties, ecological handling of urban storm water became very popular in Sweden. Together with Chalmers University of Technology and two Swedish communities, DHI Water and Environment has been doing research of storm water ponds and constructed wetlands. This thesis work is a part of that research project. The work has been applied at the Bäckaslöv storm water treatment plant in Växjö, Sweden. The plant consists of one storm water pond and a downstream constructed wetland.

Skillnader i hälsa mellan pojkar och flickor och mellan högstadiet och gymnasiet: En enkätundersökning i Sundbyberg

Ill health takes different expressions during different periods in life and habits during the early years affect the health during the rest of the lifetime. Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory has been used as a theoretical starting point in this cross-sectional study. The aim of this study was to identify differences in self-rated health and health-related factors between boys and girls and between the compulsory school and the upper secondary school in Sundbyberg municipality as a basis for the planned activity in the Young Women?s shelter in Sundbyberg, as well as in other municipalities A questionnaire consisting of 24 questions based on different variables has identified disparities in health and health-related factors between boys and girls in Sundbyberg municipality (n=323). This paper found pronounced differences between the sexes in terms of sex and relationships, security, emotional support and psychosomatic complaints.

Utveckling av snabbfäste och verktyg för byte av sågklinga

This thesis is based upon the work done at Westinghouse electric company (WEC)inVästerås during the spring semester of 2015 and describes the development of a quickcoupler with associated blade changing tool. These are meant to be used togetherwith a sawing tool that the company uses for the dismantling of nuclear reactors,which is performed under water.The aim of the thesis was to develop a complete manufacturing documentation withdrawings and related CAD models which Westinghouse later can use to manufacturethe tool and the quick coupler. It was also included in the assignment to, if necessary,modify parts of the saw tool to adapt these to the intended blade changing tool.A number of visits to the company's workshop was made during the time to study thesaw that the thesis is based upon. The purpose of these visits was to get a better ideaof the dimensions, construction and the field of use of the saw. On three of thoseoccasions various engineers and consultants accompanied us to discuss possibleproblems with different ideas.This was interspersed with information in the form of literature studies on quickcouplers to create a clearer picture of the nature of the task.When enough information had been gathered a functional analysis was made to dividethe main problem into subthis phase the idea and concept generating process took place.The methods used for this was mainly brain writing and brainstorming.

Webbsystem för matprisjämförelser

This is a thesis project in the field of information technology which begins by evaluating existing food price comparison systems and subsequently aims to design an improved, web based system for said purpose. The system features interfaces for price reporting, price comparisons as well as various search and review functions. The objective is to create a system able to compete with existing price comparison systems, which requires careful selection of products that can be found in all foodstores that also represent different households; a user-friendly price reporting and price comparison interface and an efficient tool for ensuring the validity of reported prices.The designed system features a more accurate formula for calculating average prices in events where the real price is missing; a more reliable security mechanism forv alidation of reported prices and a more comprehensible interface for viewing price reports, reporting prices, reviewing stores and products in comparison with existing systems. The system does, however, suffer from some optimization issues primarily in the form of inefficient database modeling; SQL queries and JavaScript code although testing has shown that these shortcomings do not hamper overall performance to such a degree that usability is compromised. Further usability testing performed on the system with five test subjects shows that a high level of overall user-friendliness has been achieved even though some special features, such as the detailed report containing price information per product for each store need to be improved.It is not possible to say at this time whether or not the designed system will be able to compete with existing ones or if the very concept of food price comparisons per se is viable in terms of profitability and marketability.

Mälarens vattennivå i ett framtida klimat

The discharge from Lake Mälaren is regulated to keep the lake water level within limits set by a water decree. Despite this, in the year 2000 the lake water level rose above the upper limit. Studies conducted at the climate modeling unit Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) indicate that the inflow to the lake may increase in the future. A flood in the area will, among other things, strike infrastructure and residential districts.The aim of this study was to investigate the water levels of Lake Mälaren in future climates. In addition to this possible future expansion of the lake discharge though the sluice gates in order to keep water levels below limits set by the water decree and to prevent flooding of the shoreline were discussed.

Gräv där du står och ända ner till Kina :   En studie av två grundskolors omvärldsrelationer med fokus på hållbar utveckling

The aim of the study was to analyse relations between the school and the surrounding world and how these relations affects the schools? work for sustainable development. This was mainly an interview study but teachers? self-valuations have also been used. Totally six teachers at two primary schools has been interwied.

Familjevård, Kultur och Etnicitet: rekryteringsprocessen ur ett kulturellt och etniskt perspektiv

Children are said to be the future of our society. Hence, how we take care of our children is a cause of concern. This is evident in much of the social work that is carried out in Sweden. One of the times when we find children to be the most vulnerable is when they, for different reasons, are separated from their biological families and placed in foster care. Based on the fact that Sweden over the last century has experienced an increased immigration intake we wanted to take a closer look on how this change of the population dynamics has influenced foster care in the country.

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