

6087 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 47 av 406

Upplevelsen av hot och våld : En kvalitativ studie med personal som arbetar på barn och ungdomspsykiatrisk akutmottagning

The aim of the study was to examine individual staff experience and management of threats and violence in the acute psychiatric department for children and teenagers in Uppsala. Previous research shows that the experience of threats and/or violence is individual, and that it is difficult to distinguish between these concepts. Research shows that it is particularly vulnerable to work in psychiatry when mental illness is a cause when threats and violence occurs. Threats and violence can result in different consequences for the individual. The study is based on qualitative interviews and the material was collected in the autumn of 2012 at Akademiska sjukhuset.

Måltidssituationer i Förskolan : - arbetssätt och föreställningar i olika pedagogiska inriktningar

The aim of the study is to analyse the stories of four homosexual women with Muslim backgrounds about coming out as homosexuals, from an intersectional perspective. The experience of coming out as lesbian and the intersectionality are related to different social contexts. The homosexuality becomes a problem in connection to family and countrymen while the Muslim background becomes more of a problem in relationships. Heteronormativity and gender system appear to be cooperating systems of oppression.These women don?t describe themselves as oppressed, but potential oppression is still something that influences their lives.

Den närståendes upplevelse av kommunikationen - förändring och strategianvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

The aim of the study was to investigate how a significant other of threepersons with Parkinson?s disease experienced the communication in conversation. Astructured interview and analysis of a video recorded conversation was performed.The questions in the interview were aimed at mapping the significant others?experience of communicative problems, their frequency, degree and conversationstrategies used by a significant other in conversation. The result showed that thesignificant others? experienced problems in communication related to the disease inseveral different areas for two of three participants with Parkinson?s disease.

De djupaste ärren är dem vi inte ser: en kvalitativ studie av några professionella behandlares tolkningar av självskadebeteende, med fokus på kroppen

This study will focus on how patients that suffer from self-injurious behaviours experience the relation between their self and body according to some professionals. The purpose is to enlighten why a person who has mental problems chooses to injure his or her body. We believe that the reason behind this is based on the early attachment between the parent and child. We also believe that a person only continues with this behaviour if he or she gains from it. The research questions this study raises are:· How does a person with self-injurious behaviour experience the relationship between their body and their self?· What is the effect of self-injurious behaviour on the body and what is the effect on the relationship between their body and their self.· How did the relationship between body and self evolve?This study is qualitative and is based on interviews from our respondents of whom all work or have worked with self-injurious behavioural patients.

Känslor i mötet med döden och döende patienter. En litteraturstudie.

Feelings the nurses and the students experience in their encounter with death and dying patients..

Kollektivistiska individer i en individualistisk kultur: en fenomenologisk studie om hur muslimer och jezidier från mellanöstern upplever livet i den svenska kulturen

The purpose of this study is to examine if Muslims and Jezidier from the Middle East experience changes in them self when they live in Sweden and how they feel about apply for work in the Swedish labour market. The study uses the individualistic - collectivistic dimension to describe the differences between the Swedish culture and the participants home culture. A phenomenological, theoretical and methodological approach has been followed, with self-reports as the instrument for data collection. The information where analysed through the softwares MCA - Minerva and Sphinx-Lexica. The analyses show many different outcomes.

Upplevelsen av hot och våld : En kvalitativ studie med personal som arbetar på barn och ungdomspsykiatrisk akutmottagning

The aim of the study was to examine individual staff experience and management of threats and violence in the acute psychiatric department for children and teenagers in Uppsala. Previous research shows that the experience of threats and/or violence is individual, and that it is difficult to distinguish between these concepts. Research shows that it is particularly vulnerable to work in psychiatry when mental illness is a cause when threats and violence occurs. Threats and violence can result in different consequences for the individual. The study is based on qualitative interviews and the material was collected in the autumn of 2012 at Akademiska sjukhuset.

Barn och ungdomars hälsa - En enkätstudie om hur elever upplever sin skolmiljö i relation till sin psykosociala hälsa

Den psykosociala hälsan bland Sveriges befolkning blir allt sämre. Undersökningar visar att mellan femton och fyrtio procent av befolkningen lider av oro, nedstämdhet, sömnbesvär och trötthet. Den största ökningen har skett i yngre åldrar med i stort sett fördubblade andelar. Då skolan utgör en central plats i barns och ungdomars liv är det viktigt att den är välfungerande och arbetar för att främja elevernas hälsa. Syftet med studien var undersöka hur eleverna på en skola i Helsingborgs stad upplevde sin skolmiljö i relation till sin psykosociala hälsa samt om skolans hälsofrämjande arbete påverkade elevernas upplevelse av hälsa i positiv riktning.Datainsamling har skett genom enkäter till alla elever i årskurs 4 ? 9.

Postmodernismens sublima objekt : En fallstudie om postmodernistisk teori i svensk historiografi

The main aim of the thesis is, first, to present a theoretical and methodological perspective for the study of postmodern theory in historiography; second, to discuss and evaluate earlier research on the subject; and third, to show that historians must be more self-reflexive about their explicit as well as implicit theoretical and philosphical premises. My theoretical and methodological inspiration comes mainly from three directions: first, the discourse analytic theory propagated by the political theorists Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe; second, concepts from Lacanian psychoanalysis as propagated by the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek; and, finally, the later Ludwig Wittgensteins theory of language.Using this perspective a minor case study is made based on five dissertations in history at Lund University from 1999 to 2006 as source material. This in order to indicate a strong influence of postmodern theory in Swedish historiography. It is further argued that it is legitimate to speak of one postmodernism, not in spite, but because of the fact that postmodernism is a semantically highly paradoxical, contradictory and unstable phenomenon. The main results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: (i) earlier research on the subject is simplified and unreflected and must be abandoned, because (ii) postmodernism seen as a discursive whole, i.e.

Fem Sinnen : Utveckling av äventyrsrum för Boda Borg

The Innovation- and Design Engineer program at Karlstad university is a three year long engineer education. In the last phase a final piece is to be done and in this case Boda Borg in Skellefteå is the company in need of product development. Boda Borg is a company in the experience industry and they are located in nine cities from Gällivare in the north of Sweden to Karlskrona in the south. Boda Borg is a franchise company where every facility is their own. As a visitor you will experience physical challenges as well as intellectual in adventure rooms which are serial linked.

Patienters upplevelser av epiduralanestesi i samband med kirurgi - En intervjustudie av epiduralanestesin

ABSTRACTIntroduction: An increasing number of patients in Sweden receive epidural anaesthesia (EDA) in connection to surgery. Caring for patients with acute pain is a responsibility that is strongly established within the profession of the nurse anaesthetist. If the care provided by the nurse anaesthetist for patients who receive epidural anaesthesia is to evolve then further insight and knowledge is required regarding the individual´s experience.Aim: To describe patients' experiences in receiving epidural anaesthesia based on an earlier perioperative start-up of the EDA.Method: Based on a qualitative approach, the aim is to conduct semi-structured interviews with patients who receive EDA in connection to abdominal or gynaecological surgery. Research subjects' statements in the context of the interviews will be transcribed and then analysed using qualitative content analysis. In order to evaluate the chosen method regarding data collection and analysis model an exploratory pilot study was conducted.

Stenmuren i landskapet : bevarandet av ett kulturarv

The landscape with its associated historical tracks and remains are an important part of our cultural heritage that we consider important to conserve. The stone walls are an example of historical remains that helps to build up this cultural heritage. It is a landscape element that today usually is being associated with the old cultivated landscape, where they mainly functioned as boundary markings and fences. Today, the stone wall is a valuable element in the landscape with ecological, culture-historical and aesthetic values. Since the stone walls arose as elements in the landscape a lot has been changed within the agriculture.

Medialisera mera. En medielogisk thriller ? Kvantitativ innehållsanalys av partiledarutfrågningarna i P1/Ekot och P3/Valfestivalen år 2014

This study aims to map out the degree of mediatization present in the communication between Swedishpublic service journalists and politicians in the 2014 election campaign. In doing so we chose to look at thepresence of media logic in their communication with each other. Specifically, we have used the pre-electioninterviews with the party leaders from Sweden?s two biggest parties. Furthermore, we have chosen to focuson Sveriges Radio, the Swedish public service radio company.Sveriges Radio concists of four different radio channels, of which we have chosen to focus on the channelsP1 and P3, the first having a somewhat more ?serious? profile, focused on producing quality news and otherjournalistic products, while P3 is leaning towards a younger audience and describes its own work as ?soft,humorous and important radio?, mixed with music and other forms of entertainment.

Allmänsjuksköterskans problematik kring bemötandet av den HIV-positiva patienten i den somatiska vården

The number of HIV- positive is increasing all over the world and it's very likely to meet these patients as a nurse. The interaction between the nurse and the patient is characterized by experience and knowledge and at the same time the nurse is expected to act professionally. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the nurse's complex of problems regarding the treatment of the HIV- positive patient by exploring the attitudes against HIV among nurses and how the nurse can maintain the integrity of the HIV- positive patient. Antonovsky's salutoqenic model, sense of coherence, has been used as theoretical frame. From 14 articles five topics have been found that influence the nurse's attitudes against HIV-positive patients.


To which extent elderly people at nursing homes have an influence on their daily living is currently debated. Studies have shown that they have limited influence due to restricting routines associated with nursing homes. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine how elderly people experience the ability to influence their daily living at nursing homes and how limited influence is revealed in the daily care. Five elderly people, from four different nursing homes, underwent a structured interview. The outcome of the interviews was analyzed in relation to established theories related to geriatric care.

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