

6087 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 48 av 406

"Om inte alla redan är dumma i huvudet så borde det kunna bli ganska bra" : En fallstudie som undersöker kvinnliga politikers egna uppfattningar om möjligheter och hinder i Växjö kommun

The essay examines how female politicians themselves experience their political pathin regards to opportunities and obstacles. The questions of the essay revolve aroundthis as well as if there are any differences in experience between politicians from thetwo Swedish parties Socialdemokraterna and Moderaterna. The two parties are chosento represent traditional left and right ideologies. Quantitative measures are used toexamine the female representation in Växjö kommun, which does not show a hugeuneven amount of either men or women. Qualitative measures are used to examine tenfemale politicians? personal experiences through personal interviews.

Att vara i en intensivvårdsmiljö : patientens perspektiv

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a special unit for patients who is in the need for emergency life-sustaining measures and every patient has complex medical- technical equipment. The experiences of a critical illness and the needs of critical care are experienced in different ways. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences from patients in the ICU and how this experience has an influence on the patients. The method was a study of literature with a qualitative inception based on eight scientific articles and the analysis of content has been inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2003). The result of the study is presented by four categories: to loose the ability to make themselves understood, to be forced to adjust to the environment of caring, to have the lack of connection with reality and to be in an intensive care environment, The results showed that patients in the ICU are affected by the attitude from the staff, the equipment around them as well as the sounds and lights in the environment there.

På riktigt : Fyra lärares erfarenheter av blogg i undervisningen

The purpose of this thesis was to find out what experiences teachers have from using a class blog in teaching. What are the advantages and disadvantages by the use of blogs in education?I have used qualitative interviews with four teachers in grades 1 to 6 who have worked with a class blog in teaching between one and three years.The study has shown that teachers' experience is that the blog serves as motivation and promotes learning for many different pupils and that, together with other digital tools is more equal. The main benefits that teacher mention is the expanded concept of text that offers multiple forms of expression and the authentic reader, which makes it more real, important and meaningful. Other benefits that come up are that it helps students to see their learning and learn from and with each other.

Hastighetskameror ? ett brottsförebyggande och normskapande styrmedel? : enkätundersökning kring hastighetskameror

Title:?Speed cameras - an prevention of crime and a standard forming instrument of control??Authors: Markus HanssonTutors: Bo Isenberg & Carl HultExaminator: Ulf DruggeThe School of Human SciencesUniversity of KalmarThe studys purpose is to get a absorbed understanding for peoples attitude, and effect of speed cameras. The disposition for the study is to integrate earlier studies in the matter, combined with elevating interesting sociological conceptions. As an attempt to understand speed cameras as an instrument of force on the individual have Michel Foucaults concept Panopticon been used to see its effect, and it?s look upon how crime prevention will be formulated, which can give an explanation of why speed cameras are being used as an instrument of control on the traffic area.

Bachelor nurses? experiences of working during a natural disaster: The earthquake in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 27th 2006

This is a Minor Field Study (MFS) which is a scholarship financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The study was held in 2007 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and is based upon retrospective qualitative interviews with five Bachelor nurses who experienced the disaster work during the earthquake 27th of May, 2006. The aim of the study is to explore the experiences, feelings and thoughts of Bachelor nurses who were involved in this natural disaster. The interview, transcription and analyse work were made one year after the earthquake were a qualitative content analysis method was used. Two group interviews were held at the University of Gadjah Mada.

Kreativitet : Mål eller medel i gymnasieskolans designämnen

This degree project deals with the concept of creativity and the creative output based on howSwedish upper-secondary design teachers within the Technical Engineering Programexperience this from a student's perspective. The project discusses how the concept creativityis interpreted and how the creative output is regarded by educationalists and professionaldesigners and how this then can be related to literature on the subject and in the steeringdocuments. The purpose of this degree project is to visualize the interviewees' viewpoint oncreativity and the significance of experience, skills, and environment for the creative outputand within the field of design. This in order to, in the pedagogic and didactic situation, enablethe improvement of teaching so that creativity and its output come to show. Moreover, theproject aims to create a ground for discussion of the view of the importance of these skills inthe pedagogic/didactic situation.In order to reach this aim, I have read literature on creativity from several perspectives andcarried out eight qualitative structured interviews: both with three educationalists withoutexperience within the design profession, and with two educationalists who are or have beenactive within the design profession, as well as with three professional designers.

Översättning av Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire

Bakgrund: Patienters upplevelser av intensivvård har i många studier undersökts från ett kvalitativt perspektiv. För att kunna skapa resultat som är generaliserbara behövs kvantitativa studier som utgår från validerade instrument.Syfte: Syftet är att översätta, validera och testa instrumentet Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire (ICEQ), vilket har för avsikt att undersöka patienters upplevelser av att vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning.Metod: Instrumentet översattes till svenska i en process som inkluderade både expertgruppsbedömning och back-translation till engelska. Den svenska versionen av ICEQ (items=31) testades i en pilotstudie med patienter som vårdats på en intensivvårdsavdelning.Resultat: Deltagarna (n=14) hade en medianålder på 59 år och medelvårdtid på 2,0 dygn. Majoriteten var nöjda med vården, men många patienter som erhållit invasiv ventilatorbehandling hade skrämmande upplevelser. Genom en explorativ faktoranalys skapades fyra kategorier av frågor.

Personer med HIVs upplevelser av bemötandet i mötet med sjukvårdspersonal : En litteraturstudie

Background: Mental illness is a growing public health problem which can cause significant disabilities and lead to poor quality of life. As primary care nurses often are the first to encounter these patients they need knowledge to be able to respond appropriately to this group.Aim: The aim was to describe how the sufferer of mental illness experiences the introduction to primary care. Method: The literature review was based on the results of 11 scientific articles which were analyzed with the inspiration of a metasynthesis method.Results: Four categories emerged: the experience of being treated like a human being, the importance of a therapeutic space, the experience of time and availability as well as the importance of competent personnel and the importance of continuity. Patients described different aspects deemed important when encountering nursing staff. Conclusion: Patients experienced that they received good care when they felt listened to and seen as individuals with their own thoughts and feelings.

"It's never ending" : Människors upplevelser av att ha blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp, en litteraturöversikt

Introduction: Sexual abuse is more common than statistics show; the number of unrecorded cases is high. Sexual abuse is hard to deal with, it is associated with taboo and shame and at the same time it is a trauma to the one who has been abused which will effect the rest of that persons life. Aim: The aim of this literature review is to describe men and women?s experiences of being sexually abused. Method: A literature review, inspired by Friberg (2006), was conducted.

Kvarnkretssimulering för test av styrsystem

This thesis has been carried out in autumn 2009 at Uppsala University for Boliden Mineral AB. Physical modelling has been used to model a comminution circuit. The model has then been linked to a PLC.When a concentrator is about to become operational Boliden Mineral AB have been looking for a way to test the PLC. The purpose of this report has therefore been to develop models for the subprocess in a concentrator and link these models to the PLC. The subprocess was a comminution circuit in Aitik36.

"När jag började jobba i min klass kände jag mig totalt vilsen" : En kvalitativ studie av fem yrkesverksamma lärares erfarenheter av den interkulturella lärarutbildningen

The purpose of this paper is to explore how practicing teachers have included their education in their teaching profession. The five teachers who were interviewed expressed that they lack experience in dealing with administrative issues, conflict management, parental contact and how to manage stress. There has been prior research on how teachers perceive their everyday working lives. Those results showed that teachers are becoming stressed by not knowing how to handle certain situations.My results showed that the teachers were to busy so they created their own methods on how to deal with phenomena that the education have not treated or discussed. The interviews were analyzed with the help of two constructivist concept, authenticity and activity .Authenticity focuses on knowledge is created and constructed by everyday situations.

Det är bara ett litet stick. Nålfobi hos ungdomar och vuxna : En litteraturöversikt

Background Adolescents and adults suffering from needle phobia have an unreasonable fear of needles that leads to negative experiences if they do not get the support they need. Negative experiences lead to patients avoiding health care, or these experiences affect important aspects of life. The suffering that a patient experiences may be obvious to some, but others hide it, and then it will be more difficult to detect. The nurse's role is to recognize the suffering and its different reactions in order to alleviate and prevent unnecessary suffering of the patient. AimThe purpose of this study was to describe about young people's and adults' experiences of having needle phobias.

Några aspekter på filmens tid : Ögonblicket och nuet i filmen och fotografiet

Abstract   Cinematic time is the most complex of all: it is composed of public time (clock), personal time (experienced) and in addition, it can run backwards, be contingent, stored and (re)created. The present study examines some aspects of cinematic time, with special reference to the instant, the moment and the present. The strictly defined instant or moment does not exist. It is a passage between the past and the future and it is impossible to record on film or a photograph. One example is the moment of death, which is an abstraction with zero duration.

"Spelar roll" : -En studie av Folksams kunders varumärkesuppfattning

Variations in fertility have caused a problematic situation in Sweden among other European countries. According to the Council of Europe we are facing an economic and demographic challenge, when the baby boomers of the 1940?s are retiring. Economists have for a long time studied the connection between economic factors and fertility, and several studies have found a correlation between business cycles and birth rates. This connection is again of current interest 2008, when a financial bubble bursts at the same time as a baby boom occurs.

Upplevelsen av arbetsmiljö i öppna kontor inom IT-sektorn : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim:The aim of the study was to describe the experience of working environment in open plan office within IT- sector.Background:Previously was the most common office model cell office, open plan office is now the most common. A good working environment in theise two office types needs different attributes. A theory to explain relationship between health and unhealth is Karasek and Theorells demand- control- supportmodel.Method:A qualitative interview study was performed to gain a deeper understanding of the experience of working in open plan office within IT- sector. Ten informants from two different organizations were chosen. The result has been analyzed with qualitative content analysis.Results:The analyses resulted in three themes and six sub-themes.

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