

4188 Uppsatser om Dynamic theories - Sida 9 av 280

Högre krav men mindre tid : en jämförande studie av lärares upplevelser av fördelningen av arbetstiden

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm?s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm?s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. .

Är ny eller gammal regionalism vägen framåt? : -En kvalitativ undersökning om Ansvarskommitténs balansgång mellan demokrati- och ekonomivärden

In May 2007 a committee called ??Ansvarskommittén??, assembled by the Swedish government, came with a proposal of changing the Swedish regional structure. The committee which consisted of representatives from all the sitting parties in the parliament proposed that the present regional structure consisting of 20 county council districts and 21 counties would be reduced to between 6-9  regions called ??regionkommuner??.The purpose of this study is to analyze how the committee?s proposal balances democratic and economic values by using a qualitative method. The committee?s proposal is analyzed by a comparison in five political areas with two differentiated regional theories called old and new regionalism.

Etniskt diskriminerad i arbetslivet? : En fråga om trovärdighet

Archbishop KG Hammar has attracted attention for his liberal position in theology. His view on the role of language and communication is central in several books and articles he has published as leader of the Church of Sweden. One of his main theses is the fact that meaning is created in the encounter between text and reader. He often reiterates: God is relation. This non-traditional dynamic stance has a broad impact not only on theology.

Om europeiska fattigdomsteorier och deras tillämpbarhet, relaterade till policydokument för EU:s fattigdomsår 2010.

This master?s paper first presents some of the principal theories and concepts developed by the poverty researchers Rowntree, Titmuss, Townsend, Sen and Lister. These theoretical frameworks are then related to two documents from the EU and Sweden concerning combating poverty and social exclusion, bearing on the establishment of the ?Year 2010 against Poverty?. Finally, I discuss the value in practice of these theories and policy documents, as regards reducing poverty in Europe.It has become clear in this investigation that the theories and concepts from earlier research are still relevant to the formulation of contemporary policy programmes, and that earlier research helps us to avoid old traps in fighting poverty.

Förbättrad balans hos kvinnliga innebandyspelare efter fem veckors balansträning i relation till skaderisk. : En kombinerad litteraturstudie och empirisk studie

Introduction: Balance is a complicated term which includes a static, dynamic and functional part. These parts have, during a long period of time, been included into the existing training programs through several different balance exercises, which aim to prevent sports injuries mostly focused on the knee and ankle. In floorball these injuries are common and a sports injury prevention program is required.Purpose: The purpose is to explain the balance term and relate it to injury prevention training and the existing theories. A second purpose is to see whether five weeks of balance training increases the balance ability in female floorball players and thereby increase the test values in the two tests.Method: Twenty female floorball players participated in the study and were divided into a training group and a control group. They performed a Star excursion balance test (SEBT) and a Multiple single leg hop stabilization test (MSLHST) before and after a five week training period, containing exercises of balance.Results: The training group showed improvement after the training period, however only one significant result was found.

Svensk vapenexport - varför (inte)? : En undersökning av för- och motargument till Sveriges export av krigsmateriel

Title: Det nya Ryssland - En inblick over Rysslands utrikespolitik under 2000-taletAuthor: Tim Balder and Jens KindhLinnaeus UniversityDepartment of Political ScienceAutumn term 2011The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how the Russian foreign policy is, how it is conducted and how it may develop in the future. To do that, we are going to try to answer the following questions:What characterizes Russia's official foreign policy?What theories are there for the Russian foreign policy?How can the various theories explain the Russian foreign policy actions at the international level?Our theory is to try explaining how the Russian foreign policy is continuing its development during the 21st century through three theories known as the Western liberalism, Pragmatic nationalism and Fundamental nationalism. Furthermore, to explain Russia's foreign policy and their behaviour, we are going to use the two foreign policy doctrines from 2000 and 2008. In addition, books and articles will also be used to explain how Russia's foreign policy is conducted and developed..

Att arbeta med ständig osäkerhet : En studie av High Reliability Organization

There are certain organizations that manage to handle risk in such a successful way that they almost stay error-free, in spite of the fact that they daily face the risks of accidents. These organizations are usually given the name High Reliability Organizations (HRO). While the most common example is that of a nuclear plant the variety of what organizations can fit into the category is extensive.The purpose of this study is to describe safety culture and theories about HRO and how these can be found in practise within an organization.This qualitative research uses influences of ethnography in its method. The ethnographical approach was picked due to the field of the study and the cultural context in which it is set.The results of the study identify a number of elements sorted into four themes. These themes are deemed compatible or non-compatible with relevant existing theories.

Esfir Shub och kompilationsfilmen : en analys av montaget i Romanovdynastins fall

This essay is a product of the author?s interest in silent films from Soviet, especially, documentary films. Before the 1920?s documentary filmmaking had mostly been limited to newsreels and short scenes. Only occasional feature-length documentaries had been made.

Om att leva i den "snåla världen" : En kvalitativ studie om ensamstående föräldrars och barns upplevelser och strategier i dagens konsumtionssamhälle.

Poverty among children has received a great deal of attention in the media the past few years. The group in which poverty among children has increased most is among single parents; therefore we have chosen to examine this group in this study. The purpose of this study is to take part in single parents and their children?s experiences of living within a very tight budget and the strategies they use. We found it interesting to put this information in relationship to the consumer society we live in today.

Det ideologiska budskapet om integration : En innehållsanalys av riksdagspartiernas samt Sverigedemokraternas partiprogram

The aim with this paper is to study how the integrational ideology of the Swedish parliaments party platforms, including the right wing Sverigedemokraterna, is formulated. The integration theories examined are assimilationism, multiculturalism, universalism and residualism. In turn these theories are simultaneously applied to the party platforms extracting explicit or implicit messages of the four former mentioned theories. The Swedish history of integration as well as immigration, which per capita is one of the highest in the European union, pinpoints the reason why this subject is due to further investigation. The results show that most of the parties contain traces of more than one integration theory, with the exception of primarily Sverigedemokraterna which focuses on assimilationism.

Mellan säkerhet och mänskliga rättigheter : en studie av den svenska officiella migrationsdiskursen

This paper focuses on the Swedish migration discourse and investigates if and to what extent it is dominated by a security perspective. Analysing a number of official texts and documents I want to show how the discourse describes migrants and what implications this carries with it for the migrants and for the Swedish migration politics. Through discourse analysis I have analysed whose security that is prioritised, the Swedish or the refugees, who is the refugee and the asylum seeker, and who is the illegal migrant in the Swedish official migration discourse. As a theoretical frame for the analysis I have used theories on migration and security. These include theories on the securitisation of politics, the globalisation and the creation of political identity from the nation state perspective and theories on the connection between migration and security.My results show that a security discourse is dominating the Swedish official migration discourse and is therefore defining our reality and the identities of refugees, asylum seekers and illegal migrants.

"The history books tell it, they tell it so well" : Minoritetselever och historieundervisning i den svenska gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this study is to analyze different aspects of a portraying of individuals from a time past. It is concentrated around questions about why it is important to show the people?s stories in, for example, exhibitions and under which conditions this would serve as a good use of history according to different theories about history and the portraying of it.I have chosen the theories of Freidrich Nietzsche and Georg Simmel as a tool to analyze different aspects of the portraying of people from the past. Nietzsche?s theory about the different ways in which we use the past and Simmels theory about the meeting between a viewer and a cultural experience.

En fordonsförares upplevelse av accelerationer som grund för en effektiv simuleringsmodell

Saab Aerosystems has a long tradition and a lot of competence in the field of flight simulation. Their ambition to broaden the market horizon has led to a discussion about also selling vehicle simulation solutions, both for military and civilian use.The aim of this thesis is to investigate the driver?s experiences of the accelerations he or she is exposed to whilst driving in rough terrain. The results may be used as a basis for future decisions and can act as a platform for the construction of an effective simulation model.To investigate the driver?s exposure of acceleration, some kind of dynamic simulation is needed.

Silverlight på Incordia AB

The purpose of this report is to outline the development of a dynamic Microsoft Silverlight application, which will be able to present products and be administered in a simple manner. The project has been carried out at Incordia AB, a company that specializes in e-commerce, situated in Helsingborg, Sweden. Although the Silverlight application is customized for a particular site, forMicro AB (an ongoing project at Incordia), the template and the classes that are used to manage information, are developed so that they can be used in future projects for Incordia AB..

Varför är det ont om specialisternär det är gott om läkare? : - en studie om policyprocesser i svenska landsting

This essay examines the policy process of specialist medical training in three Swedish counties. The essay will first describe the policy process. Secondly the politicians parti-cipating in the process is examined. Thirdly, it is tested whether it is possible to analyze the policy process based on Ostrom's theories of cooperation around a common pool resource. In this case, the common pool resource is specialized medical practitioners skills that the Swedish county councils must collaborate on to competence should be sufficient for the county council needs, something that is not the case today.One conclusion of the study is that the health care law is not clear enough when it comes to who is responsible for providing a sufficient number of specialists.

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