

4188 Uppsatser om Dynamic theories - Sida 8 av 280

Gapet mellan teori och praktik i pappersprototypande : en studie i diskrepans mellan det ideala arbetssättet akademin förespråkar och hur praktikern faktiskt arbetar

This study presents an alternate viewpoint to the strive to overcome the gap between research and practitioners within paper prototyping in interaction design. Earlier research identifies three aspects of this gap, which is:Practitioners being unaware of interaction design methods and theoriesPractitioners being aware, but choosing not to apply these methods and theories, due to time, budget and constraints of labourPractitioners and research having different perspective on similar design issuesOur study was done by carrying out qualitative interviews with interaction designers based on two digital design bureaus. One of the bureaus has an expressed link to research: the other has not. Our hypothesis is that the gap would manifest as a difference in work practice between the two bureaus.Our study shows that the two bureaus have similarities in work practice and that this work practice is based on scientific methods and theories, but is adapted to fit the client and/or the project. We conclude that the overcoming of the gap might not be necessary.

Det sinnliga upplevandet av landskapet : en teoretisk undersökning av positiva emotioners roll vid utomhusrekreation

The purpose with the paper is to theoretically investigate how sensory experience and positive affect in contact with outdoor environment can promote health by 1) develop a model of the sensory and emotional processes based on multiple code theory (Bucci, 1997) and 2) examine if this model can increase understanding of the processes that takes place in outdoor recreation, the way this is described in environmental psychology research and theory. The paper starts by introducing research and perspectives concerning outdoor recreation. Different theories of nature?s health promoting effects are described. These include the restoration theories of Roger Ulrich and Steven and Rachel Kaplan, theories more concerned with outdoor activities and a theory combining these two perspectives called instorative theory. After this sensory and emotional information processing is examined through the works of Wilma Bucci and Jean Ayres. Antionio Damasio?s theories of emotion and Daniel Stern?s concept of vitalityaffects are than introduced to extend this reasoning.

Vampyren i populärromanen - En kulturanalytisk studie av två vampyrromaner utifrån teorier kring död och sexualitet i vår samtid

The purpose of this paper is to examine how contemporary attitudes towards death andsexuality is made visible and connected in the vampire novels Interview with the Vampire andDead Until Dark. The aim is to investigate why the vampire novel has reached today?samount of popularity and if it can be explained by theories of death and sexuality in modernsociety and in popular culture.The most important theories in this examination are Zygmunt Bauman?s theories aboutmodern society, Jean Baudrillard?s thoughts about death in the postmodernity and MichelFoucault?s studies regarding sexuality in the Western societies. The conclusion presented isthat sexuality and death are well connected in the examined novels and in popular culture as awhole and death?s popularity in popular culture could be a result of repressed emotionsregarding death and sorrow, which can be helped by us working on handle death more visiblyand with higher regard..

Riksteatern: Hur styrs folkrörelsen?

Riksteatern is a Swedish movement which was formed during the 1930s. The movement now consists of 230 local societies and had 545 000 visitors last year. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how a movement, mainly financed by the Swedish government, is run. To be able to understand this, the theories of Pierre Bourdieu are used together with organizational theories. The empirics are collected mainly by semi-structured interviews made with employees at Riksteatern.

Nytt blod, gamla bilder : Visuell våldsgestaltning i film och spel

The paper discusses and analyzes differences and similarities in depictions of violence in the two narrative media of films and games. The work is based on existing theories on representation, remediation, narration and immersion ? theories which are further developed and discussed by the author. The movies Man on Fire and Kill Bill, as well as the games Ninja Gaiden and Grand Theft Auto are analyzed and used as examples of how depictions of violence in films and games can or should be studied. Also, the possibilities for development of the theories used in the paper are considered.

Innovating Customer Experience -from a telecom industry perspective

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze innovative products and services within the telecom industry, letting these findings constitute possible ways for CSPs to innovate the experience of their customers. Methodology: The research in this thesis was conducted from a qualitative approach and data were collected using primary- (expert interviews) and secondary sources (journals, articles, web sites etcetera). In addition, a research design entailing four sequential steps was created to stipulate and illustrate the logic underpinning the methodological process. Theoretical perspectives: The theories are divided in three groups. Background theories ? these intend to capture the problematic nature of the transforming telecom industry, examples of such theories are; value chain theories and ecosystem theory.

Kvinnor som tar betalt per timme: En uppsats om kvinnliga konsulter

The main purpose for this thesis is to investigate why female academics choose to work as temporary workers. Through profound interviews I look at the reasons the women gives to why the have chosen the role as a consultant but also why they choose to stay on in the position. I?m relating their answers to widely spread theories about gender and social structures. I also investigate theories about job satisfaction and how these women?s answers can be interpreted from these theories.

Att skapa statiska länkar från dynamiskt JSP-innehåll

Att skapa statiska länkar från dynamiskt JSP-innehåll.

Finansiella analytikers användning av redovisningsrapporter : En studie av möjliga konsekvenser med ett utökat informationsinnehåll

The accounting of today results in reports that are valued according to one kind of value.There are advocates who recommend that the accounting should be expanded by one orseveral columns, which would enable that other methods of valuation could be used. In thisessay we examine how the ?multi column reporting? can alter the outcome of a financialanalysts? valuation procedure.In this essay we used existing theories about the financial analysts? usage of information toreach the lack of information we found and which we aim to erase whit this essay. To do thiswe studied decision theories and theories regarding information processing, and by interviewswith three financial analysts. After we collected the information needed for the analyses, wethen also compared the results of the interviews with related theories.The theories about decision in this essay concern whether a decision is based on rationality,bounded rationality or irrationality.

Personalläsecirklar på folkbibliotek ? Ett forum för att utveckla litteraturpedagogiska förhållningssätt

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how librarians perceive the importance of staff reading groups in helping to make fiction more accessible to adult users of public libraries. The study also examines how librarians perceive the learning processes in such groups, and what these learning processes involve and how they appear. The empirical data was acquired via observations of four staff reading groups and interviews with seven public librarians who took part in the groups. In part, the empirical data is interpreted by means of Lena Wilhelmsson?s analytical tool, which deals with changes of perspective within an organised group.

Samspel mellan Identitet och Image : En fallstudie av det Svenska fo?retaget POC

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine if POC manage to keep cohort interplay between their identity and image.Theoretical framework: This paper is led from theories in area about communicating identity and image. The theories that are relevant to this paper to see the interplay between identity and image is communication theory and brand theories based on associations. From these theories we have composed a model that shows the communication led from identity throughout image in company?s with many distribution channels. It shows what associations that build identity and image and also the complication and threat that the interplay is being exposed to.Methodology: We have chosen to do this examination as a case study.

Det Webbaserade kundmötet : En teoretisk analys av användares erfarenheter, upplevelser och attityder i mötet med kommersiella webbplatser

This paper aims to discover if the customers meeting with a company?s website can be described through theories derived from both web usability and theories concerning physical meetings between customers and salespersons in a traditional way. The conducted research involves five interviews as well as participating observations witch where analyzed with a hermeneutical approach. The most prominent results are that the web based customer meeting can be described through both of the theoretical perspectives witch results in a broader and more colorful portrayal of the individuals encounter with a commercial website..

Grafisk helhetslösning för Resize Design

This report describes and explains the development of a comprehensive solution including visual identity, print catalog, website and online shop for the furniture company Resize Design. The development and production of these have occurred in the iterative processes with relevant theories as a basis. The theories include user-centered work processes, usability, design principles, interaction design, design patterns and web-compatible solutions. The report documents and discusses the work which is divided into different phases. .

Underprissättningens identifieringsteorier - EG:s konkurrensrättsliga mångtydighet

Predatory pricing is one of the most frequently discussed topics in competition law and should be considered both from a legal and economic perspective. The concept of predatory pricing can bedescribed as a situation where a company is pricing at a level that, according to the assessment theories, is unreasonably low. The problems with this type of conduct arises when the low prices hinder competition. A company which uses predatory pricing will likely deter rivals entry to the market or drive the existing ones out of it. In the long run, the effects on competition will likely be higher prices which will hurt customers and consumers as well as competition.

Matematikundervisning i två olika länder : En jämförelse mellan polska och svenska pedagogers arbetssätt på lågstadiet

Mathematics is a central topic in today?s society. There are many different approaches each teacher has their own way. In this essay, I compare four teachers? mathematics teaching in two different countries with regard to ways of learning, particularly in the four operations.

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