

484 Uppsatser om Drug and Alcohol - Sida 16 av 33

Att göra det avvikande normalt eller Att göra den missbrukande kvinnan till kvinna

My purpose in this essay is to show how the staff in an institution for young women with a drug addiction, are looking at themselves as "normal" and the young women as "abnormal", and to analyse how sex and gender are made, in interaction with sexuality and class.The essay is based on interviews and a participating observation. The study is made on a compulsory institutional care institution for young women with a drug addict. To analyse the material I use theories by Beverly Skeggs and Judith Butler.In the study I show that the staff in the institution define themselves as "normal" and intend to act as models for the clients, which are described as "abnormal" in terms of being destructive, boundless and sexual. In making class and gender the staffs efforts to make clients learn domestic values and to make their bodies feminine are shown to be central processes. Sexuality is by the staff seen as something happening only between men and women, and defining relations between men and women as always sexual creates gender.A central tension that I show in the essay is that between normal and abnormal, both in relation to differences between the staff and the clients and in relation to the staffs roles as both models of normal life and of violent and violating keeps of order.

Implementering av "Life Cycle Management" i svensk läkemedelsindustri

It generally takes 10 to 12 years for a new drug to hit the market. The pharmaceutical industry invests huge sums in these early stages of research and development. In spite of the rapidly rising research and development expenditures fewer and fewer blockbuster drugs are being developed. Longer lead times and aggressive generic post-patent competition have narrowed the timeframe for the pharmaceutical companies to profit on their investments.In the face of these threats the pharmaceutical industry has developed a battery of strategies to prolong market exclusivity and to maximize return on investment. These emerging strategies are commonly known as Life cycle management (LCM), which actually is more of a concept than a method.

Participation and Non-Participation in Relation to Psychological Mood, Substance Use and Personality Among Offenders on Parole. A Drop-Out Analysis and a Description of the Research Data in the Research Project Automated Phone Follow-Up in Correctional Se

Föreliggande arbete utgör en delstudie i projektet Automatiserad telefonuppföljning inom Kriminalvården. Projektets övergripande syfte var att undersöka tillämpbarheten av Interactive Voice Response (IVR) som en modern metod för utvärdering, övervakning och påverkan av intagna som blivit villkorligt frigivna från ett fängelsestraff. IVR är en metodik baserat på automatiserade telefonintervjuer som bl. a innebär att en dator har programmerats för att ringa upp, ställa frågor, registrera svar och ge feedback till klienterna. I tidigare publikation från projektet undersöktes med hjälp av automatiserade telefonuppföljningar (IVR) hur stress och mående samt användande av alkohol och droger utvecklas under de trettio första dagarna efter avslutad anstaltsvistelse (Andersson et al, 2011).

Arbetslöshet bland ungdomar : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om konsekvenser av arbetslöshet hos ungdomar

Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka levnadsförhållanden bland arbetslösa ungdomar. Syftet var även att undersöka vilka konsekvenser som arbetslösheten kan föra med sig för ungdomarna. Konsekvenser som har undersökts är inom livsområdena 1)hälsa 2) sociala relationer och fritid 3) konsumtion 4) rökning, alkohol och droger 5)kriminalitet och 6) livet i sin helhet. Metoden som använts är en kvantitativ metod med enkäter, som har delats ut till arbetslösa ungdomar i två kommuner i Sverige. För att ta reda på varför vissa ungdomar påverkas negativt av arbetslösheten, medan andra förblir nästintill opåverkade har ekonomi- skammodellen använts.

Familjen i skuggan av alkoholismen: om medberoendeproblematik ur klass-, kultur- och könsperspektiv

The aim of our thesis was to describe how the connection between co-dependent relatives and the alcohol-dependent influences the family into changes in their teamwork.Our purpose was also to answer the following questions: How is it living with an alcoholic? Are there any differences in how men and women feel and behave in their relationship with an alcoholic? Are factors like cultural belonging, genre or social class important for how the co-dependent relatives feels and behaves and handle their co-dependency?To answer these questions we made twelve thematic qualitative interviews with six adult children to alcoholics and six people married to alcoholics. We compared the results of these interviews with earlier research. We also applied System Theory and Goffman's Role Theory, as well as Bourdieu´s Capital and Habitus concept.We believe that co-dependency is a family divergence that is very similar to family disease, but that a change in attitude can trigger recovery. According to the interviews many spouses stand by their alcoholic husbands and do actions that perpetuate the alcoholic dependence and thereby hold back any recovery.

Behandlingseffekt av rituximab jämfört med infliximab vid reumatoid artrit

The aim of this study was to compare the effect between the drugs rituximab and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that affects the peripheral joints and is associated with exacerbations. Various immune reactions in the body cause inflammation of the joints which further results in cartilage and bone damage. The diagnosis is made by the classification system "The 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) / European league against rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis", which is an update of the older system called "The 1987 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for RA". Approximately 0.5-1% of the population is developing the disease, but it varies slightly between different parts of the world.

Öl- & alkoläsksmarknadsföring ur genusperspektiv

Alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige är högre än på mycket länge. Med nya överenskommelser,som öppnade möjligheter för alkoholbranschen att marknadsföra sina produkter, utsättskonsumenter för ökad påtryckning av önskad kommunikation från företagen. Företagenskommunikation riktar sig gärna till den yngre allmänheten som ofta formar sinauppfattningar och attityder genom inlärning och erfarenheter. Uppsatsen behandlarhuvudsakligen företagets kommunikation med hjälp av tre angreppssätt; medieval,förpackning och reklam. Beroende på förespråkarens kön uppfattas reklamens inriktning oftaolika.

Alternativa metoder för avhorning av kalv : teknik och behandlingseffekt, samt utvärdering av postoperativ smärta med användning av NSAID

In this study, cortisol in saliva and pain related behaviours in calves were used as markers of distress when comparing two different dehorning methods; scoop or cautery. We also investigated the effect of a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), meloxikam, on postoperative distress after dehorning with either dehorning scoop or cautery iron. Twenty calves were dehorned on one randomly chosen side by scoop method and on the other side by cautery. Five months later, the effect on horn growth was investigated. Horn production was observed in seven of the calves.

Kriminalideologier i svensk politik.

Authors: Patrik Jäverbo & Jon LindheTitle: Greener on the other sideLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishIn later years the strict laws and policies surrounding cannabis use have been questioned around the world by several influential leaders, among them US president Barack Obama and former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. It has been argued that the ?War on Drugs? has done more harm than good and in some American states and a number of European countries the drug have been legalized or decriminalized. Everybody does not agree however, that legalization is the best course of action and in Sweden the emotions have sometimes run high in the discussions taking place in television shows and newspapers.The purpose of this study is to examine the image media portrays of cannabis; based on the theory that mass media is an important influence on the individual and the way in which he or she views the world. To put the result into a context the Swedish media image will be compared with the one in Denmark and Norway.

Grönare på andra sidan Mediebilden av cannabis i tre skandinaviska länder

Authors: Patrik Jäverbo & Jon LindheTitle: Greener on the other sideLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishIn later years the strict laws and policies surrounding cannabis use have been questioned around the world by several influential leaders, among them US president Barack Obama and former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. It has been argued that the ?War on Drugs? has done more harm than good and in some American states and a number of European countries the drug have been legalized or decriminalized. Everybody does not agree however, that legalization is the best course of action and in Sweden the emotions have sometimes run high in the discussions taking place in television shows and newspapers.The purpose of this study is to examine the image media portrays of cannabis; based on the theory that mass media is an important influence on the individual and the way in which he or she views the world. To put the result into a context the Swedish media image will be compared with the one in Denmark and Norway.

BLIR (Bättre LRP-identifiering med Rådgivningsmodell)
Identifiering, åtgärd och uppföljning av LRP hos kunder med
recept på NSAID och opioider.

Att läkemedel ger lindring och bot men ibland även problem relaterade till dem är känt. Tidigare gjorda studier inom området har belyst problemet men det har oftast skett utifrån ett kostnadsperspektiv. I Sverige har under senare tid projekt startats med fokus satt på underlättande av arbetet med att förebygga, identifiera och åtgärda läkemedelsrelaterade problem. BLIR- projektet behandlade detta arbete. Syftet med det här examensarbetet har varit att genom sammanställning av insamlat material kartlägga förekomsten av problem relaterade till läkemedel.

Att göra nya val - om nätverkets delaktighet i ungdomars väg ut ur ett missbruk

 The aim of this study was to examine how young people, who have been treated for their misuse and/or to learn to handle a parent's misuse, portrayed the network's implication in their wishes about improving their lives, to make new choices. The network included members of nuclear family, relatives, important persons at school/work and friends. The ?professional network? (therapists and social workers) also became a part in the young people's life during a period. The main issues of this study concerned differences in their experiences of the young persons´ network relationships in before, during and after completed treatment.

Därtill är jag nödd och tvungen : En fokusgruppsstudie om distriktssköterskans erfarenhet av läkemedelsdelegering i hemsjukvård

AbstractBackground. The need for drugs delegation is increasing as more and more sick people are cared for at home and too few nurses working in home health care. Because of this, the number of delegations per nurse is often unacceptably high.Aim. The aim of this study was to describe the public health nurses´ experience in drugs delegation to home care staff in home care.Method. In this study a qualitative method with an inductive approach was used.

Etnicitet, Genus och missbruk : En deskriptiv studie om skillnader och likheter mellan manliga och kvinnliga missbruksklienter med svenskt och utomnordiskt ursprung

SammanfattningVäxjö universitetInstitutionen för pedagogikPedagogik med inriktning mot ungdoms-och missbrukarvård, C-uppsats 10 pTitel Etnicitet, genus och missbruk ? En deskriptiv studie om skillnaderoch likheter mellan manliga och kvinnliga missbruksklienter med svenskt och utomnordiskt ursprungEngelsk titel Ethnicity, gender and drug abuse, a descriptive study on differences and similarities between male and female drug abuse clients with swedish and non?scandinavian originFörfattare Diana Bergström och Tina Gheisari BergströmHandledare Maria AlmDatum Mars 2007Antal sidor 39Sökord Etnicitet, kön, invandrare, drogmissbruk, ungdomar, behandlingSammanfattningSyftet med studien var att beskriva skillnader och likheter mellan klienter med svenskt respektive utomnordiskt ursprung, av båda könen, i bakgrundsfaktorer, drogmissbruk och behandlingsmetoder. Metodvalet var en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där den kvantitativa utgjordes av statistisk analys av DOK-material och den kvalitativa av intervjuer med halvstrukturerad uppläggning. DOK?materialet analyserades och tolkades utifrån ett positivistiskt- och intervjuerna ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv.

Perioperativ omvårdnad vid kejsarsnitt hos tik ? förbättra utfall för tik och valpar

Dystocia, or difficult birth, is a commonly seen complication to natural birth in veterinary hospitals. Although other methods of resolving dystocia exist, 60 % of dystocias will need to undergo caesarean section. To perform a caesarean section, the bitch will have to undergo anesthesia. The purpose of this literary study was to provide a deeper understanding regarding how the physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy influence anesthetic management in the bitch and puppies. Which anesthetic drugs and drug combinations indicated was also investigated as well as how a veterinary nurse can optimize care of the mother throughout the procedure and how resuscitation of the puppies should be carried out for best possible outcome.

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