

484 Uppsatser om Drug and Alcohol - Sida 15 av 33

Förskole- och lågstadielärares upplevelser av möjlighet att påverka barns rörelseglädje och fysiska aktivitetsnivå med hjälp av rörelseverktyget Röris.

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Det skamliga missbruket - Om hur kvinnorollen påverkar kvinnors missbrukskultur

The purpose of this essay is to examine how gender rolls influences the culture of substance abuse among women and their social situation. To demonstrate this we have concentrated our research to relate how scientists and the media describe problems of abuse among women. The method we used in our research was qualitative and we gathered information through literature, reports and articles.Our main questions are:Do the social attitude toward women and men differ and how does it affect problems of abuse among women? Do women use alcohol in a different way than men? How do social reactions and restrictions influence women? We also want to examine what position women substance abusers have in society. What similarities or differences are there between the image of women in general and women with substance abuse?The main result of the study is that we found discursive connections that show a rectification among scientists concerning substance abuse among women.

Terapival vid behandling av lunginflammation hos kalv : en enkätundersökning

The purpose of this study was to investigate the kind of treatment strategies used by Swedish Veterinarians with cattle practice when treating calves with symptoms of pneumonia. A questionnaire, consisting of seven questions, was sent to one hundred veterinarians who have had practice with cattle and are employed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The survey was answered by a total of 73% of the Veterinarians. Of the respondents, 73 % use Penicillins as their first choice of drug for treating calves with symptoms of pneumonia, and as their second choice 64 % use Tetracycline. Supplementary treatment such as NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and/or SAID (steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) are used by 97.5 % of the respondents.

Andlighet och sociala stödets betydelse för att sluta med narkotika : Upplevelser om 12 stegsprogrammet

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Hjälpen till ett drogfritt liv! : En kvalitativ studie om återfall och återfallsprevention.

AbstractTitel: Hjälpen till ett drogfritt liv- En kvalitativ studie om återfall och återfallsprevention.Writers: Jonna Håkansson och Louise Hag.Keywords: Abuse, addiction, relapse, relapse prevention.   Abuse is a major problem and leads to negative consequences for the individual, such as illness, criminality and death. It?s also a big problem in the society, because the most common crimes are drug-related and the consequences lead to high economic costs. In order to overcome an addiction, treatment is often required.

Itrakonazol till häst : en farmakokinetisk möjlighet?

Itraconazole is a third generation azol, a fungicide which acts by inhibiting ergerosterol synthesis in the fungal cell membrane, and thereby disturbing fungal regeneration. It has proven to be less toxic, to have a broader spectrum of activity and to be more potent than its predecessor ketoconazole. Itraconazole is only available in therapheutics approved for human use. Pharmacokinetic studies has been performed in humans, dogs, cats and laboratory animals. Although itraconazole has been used tentatively with good effect against fungal infections in horses, no pharmacokinetic studies have yet been done.

Läkarens syn på läkemedelsinteraktioner : en intervjustudie

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur ett antal läkare ser på problematiken kring läkemedelinteraktioner samt om läkarna anser att ett utvidgat samarbete mellan läkare och farmaceuter kan hjälpa till att minska förekomsten av läkemedelsinteraktioner och hur detta samarbete i så fall skulle se ut. Undersökningen genomfördes genom intervju av ett antal läkare verksamma i södra Sverige.Resultatet visar att de tillfrågade läkarna anser att läkemedelsbehandling kan leda till läkemedelsinteraktioner och att risken för detta ökar i samband med polyfarmaci. För att kunna undvika eventuella läkemedelsinteraktioner använder sig läkarna, förutom av sina kunskaper, av en rad olika hjälpmedel, bland annat datorprogram som varnar för läkemedelsinteraktioner. Läkarna medger att det finns svårigheter också i att upptäcka och särskilja mellan biverkningar och läkemedelsinteraktioner. Förutom behandling med förskrivna läkemedel använder patienterna naturläkemedel, växtbaserade läkemedel eller receptfria läkemedel som kan bidra till uppkomsten av läkemedelsinteraktioner och dessa behandlingar oftast inte är kända av läkarna i samband med förskrivning av en viss medicin.Samarbetet mellan läkare och apotekspersonal anses vara tillräckligt enligt de intervjuade respondenterna.

Livet i missbruk och hur det är att sluta : En kvalitativ studie utifrån mäns och kvinnors känslomässiga upplevelser och sociala relationer

Life in addiction and what it is like to quitA qualitative study based on men and womens emotional experienses and social relationshipsWomen in addiction are faced by harder social attitudes then men, which could be an explanation to the fact that, in comparison to men, less women are seen in addiction. That women experience stronger feelings of shame makes them inclined to hide their addiction and this in turn can increase the feeling of shame. The objective of this essay was to, with a starting-point in theory and essential concepts as social relationships and emotions, gain knowledge about emotional experiences and momentous events for men and women during time in addiction and when quitting. More specifically, the aim of the study was to answer the following questions; What is life in addiction and quitting, regarding social relationships and emotional experiences as pride and shame in interaction with people who are important to the individual, like? Do the situations women are in, and the experiences they have, differ from those of men? Do these social relationships and emotional experiences influence the addition and the quitting? In the study six persons have been interviewed, three men and three women who are all quitting, or trying to quit, their drug and/or alcohol addiction.

BIM-grupper : Gruppledares erfarenheter av stödgrupper för barn till missbrukande föräldrar

There are many children in Sweden today, approximately 200 000, who have parents or a parent that abuses alcohol or other drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate how group leaders in support groups for children with addicted parents relate to this sort of support groups. What are their advantages and disadvantages, according to the group leaders?The method used was qualitative and the empirical material was collected through group interviews. We have interviewed eight persons who are social workers and the interviews were carried out at three work places.

"Suprarne di är som fånar allihopa!" : En kvantitativ socialgeografisk studie över fylleriförseelser i Ljungby stad 1936-1947.

The aim of this study was to explore the social background of the people convicted of drunkenness offence in the town of Ljungby between 1936 and 1947. Drunkenness offense was sentenced to those found drunk in public but also societys attempt to control the s subclass. This view was in contrast to the ideal of the well-behaved worker who also spread during the end of the last century. Based on information found in index cards for drunkenness offenses provided by Ljungbys temperance board this studie explores whether alcohol use changes in different social classes. By mapping the offender's profession, age, gender and housing situation, the study shows clear overrepresentation of working class men.

Förälder är lika med mamma: Synen på föräldraskap hos professionella som möter missbrukare.

Despite the fact that men dominate substance abuse research and that most programs to target substance abuse therefore are developed by and for men, very little is known about the fact that substance abusing men can also be parents. Mothers are up until today regarded as the most important parent even though society is changing and fathers are taken a more active part in childrearing. The average father today still spends significantly less time with his children than the average mother does and marginalised drug abusing fathers often disappear from their families altogether. The goal and purpose of this paper has been that through a qualitative analyses of written sources and qualitative interviews with healthcare professionals and social workers recognise how marginalised drug abusing fathers interests of taking part in their children's lives are met by healthcare, treatment and child protection agencies and how we can understand marginalised fathering as an extension of how we view ordinary fathering. I wanted to examine if there are any specific actions taken in involving these men as fathers and how we can understand their situation.

Föräldraledighetens påverkan på mäns hälsa. En litteraturbaserad studie om sambandet mellan pappaledighet och hälsa utifrån riskbeteende och maskulinitet.

Introduction: Although life expectancy had increased in Sweden for many decades and several health problems had diminished over time, there was no change in men's risk behaviour regarding for instance high alcohol and tobacco consumption. Many of the gender differences in health that existed in society explained were due to power structures and beliefs about behaviour based on gender; a social construction that resulted in the relatively high valuation of men with a more masculine behaviour. Aim: This literature review aimed to study and identify the scientific knowledge regarding paternity leave and its impact on men's health. Method: A literature- based study design was used and the material consisted of peer-reviewed articles from which six themes were identified: alcohol, tobacco, stress, isolation, social support and mortality risk. Results: Divided into three parts, the results described the socioeconomic background of the men who took paternity leave, as well as the impact of paternity leave and masculinity as an impact on men's health.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av omvårdnad av alkoholpåverkade ungdomar, prevention och alkoholbefrämjande faktorer : - en litteraturstudie

Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan upplever sitt bemötande av alkoholpåverkade ungdomar och sin kunskap om alkoholprevention. Studien belyser även påverkande faktorer till ungdomars alkoholkonsumtion. Metoden var en beskrivande litteraturstudie. Två undergrupper identifierades och 16 artiklar granskades sammanlagt. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor ansåg sig vara i behov av mer alkoholrelaterad utbildning för att kunna bemöta patienter på ett tillfredsställande sätt.

Havremalt : relansering av en hälsokostprodukt

Launching and marketing a health food product is associated with larger problems than a launch of a traditional food product. There are several sales channels that can be used for a health food product, for example the product can be sold as a traditional food product, natural health food product or as a prescription drug. A smaller company can however experience problems while launching its product as a prescription drug because of the large costs associated with this particular sales channel. There is often no other alternative than to launch the product as a traditional food product, this can however create other problems because of the existing regulations on what can and cannot be mentioned in the marketing of a health food product. The limited amount of information about the product that can be enclosed together with it makes it hard for a company to differentiate and position it on the market.

Kan Lamotrigin utgöra ett Behandlingsalternativ vid Bipolär Sjukdom?

Bipolar disorder is a severe, affective illness which causes a person to alternate between episodes of pathologically elevated mood (mania) and depression ? in between these episodes the mood is normal. The length and intervals between the episodes are highly variable among the ill, as are the severity which is divided into two major subgroups: bipolar I and II. Bipolar I disorder is the most severe because of the patient?s inability to realize that he or she is currently in a manic phase, in the case of bipolar II disorder, the patient is aware that he or she has an abnormally raised mood, a state which is called hypomanic state instead of manic.

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