314 Uppsatser om Double punishment - Sida 20 av 21
Framtagning av beräkningshjälpmedel för tvärkraftbelastade förband med förbindare av metall.
The governing set of regulations for structural engineering in Sweden used to be Boverket, BKR. However in the beginning of the 21st century a changeover to new regulations, the Eurocodes, started.The transition was completed in year 2011 when the Eurocodes became the mandatory design work policy for all countries within the European Union. The Eurocodes were implemented to simplify and remove potential barriers to trade that may exist when countries have different design rules. Since the changeover it has been important for all construction companies to update their knowledge base and their design software.When comparing the two calculation processes they seem similar, but there are a couple of differences worth noting. With the new regulations, engineers will find that the process when designing joints in timber structures has changed. What used to be a fairly easy and straight forward calculation procedure has now become tedious and time consuming.The objective of this degree project is to present a product, a dimensioning tool that will help structural engineers when computing lateral load carrying joints in timber structures.The degree project is made up of two parts where the first part is the written report describing the background and theory behind load carrying computations. The second part of the project is the actual dimensioning tool which includes several worksheets in Microsoft Excel. The program treats single and double shear connections of the following:Nail jointsScrew jointsSteel plates (thick and thin types) The user can edit the following parameters:Type of plate/ number of shearsStrength class of timber membersMember and plate sizeType of fastenerDiameter of fastenerLength of fastenerYield moment of fastenerkmod and partial factors for design load carrying capacityThe dimensioning tool was created and developed in collaboration with structural engineers at the company Byggteknik AB.
Användbarhetsutvärdering av det lätta sandwichmaterialet Hybrix för bilkarossapplikationer
This M.Sc. thesis is a material application evaluation commissioned by the advanced body engineering department at SAAB Automobile AB. The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate implementation of the innovative sandwich design material Hybrix into an automobile body. Today the most commonly material used in the body is galvanized steel sheets and by shifting material to Hybrix several problematic issues have to be dealt with. Hybrix is an innovative sandwich sheet that inherits thin stainless steel face sheets and a stainless steel fibrous core.
Lagerhantering i framtiden på Aero Materiel AB
In recent years, increasing emphasis has been placed on streamlining the supply chain. Keeping inventory and warehouses is considered to be a waste of resources. It is however difficult to completely eliminate the need for inventory and warehouses in a supply chain. The purpose of warehousing is to provide a service for the customer. By keeping what the customer demands in inventory it is possible to make a quick delivery when a need arises.
Förändringsledarskap med hjälp av coachning
I detta examensarbete studeras förändringsledarskap i ett litet detaljhandelsföretag som har tagit hjälp av coachning för att genomföra förändring av organisation och ledarskap.
Hur företaget kan gå vidare strategiskt utifrån coachningen har också diskuterats. Målet med förändringsarbete var att företaget ska bli mer effektivt och att medarbetarna ska ta
mer ansvar och fler initiativ. De anställda önskade konstruktiva förändringar inom organisationen och företagsledaren önskade en effektiv organisation som på sikt skulle ge ett bättre ekonomiskt resultat. Företagsledaren önskade också att utveckla företaget
med en ny vision. Dessutom var han intresserad av strategier för att utveckla företaget.
Denna studie visar att företaget genom coachning förändrat sin organisation vilket i detta sammanhang innebär att personalen delaktighet har ökat och har numera endast en
chef/ledarnivå mot tidigare två nivåer.
Artisters och idrottsmäns rätt till fri rörlighet inom EU : - Är uttag av källskatt på inkomster från artisters och idrottsmäns verksamheter, enligt artikel 17 i OECD:s modellavtal, förenligt med rätten till fri rörlighet?
Direkt skatt faller utanför EU:s kompetensområde men trots det har EU ett indirekt stort inflytande på medlemsländernas skatteregler. Medlemsstaterna får sluta skatteavtal mellan sig utan inverkan av EU, men bestämmelserna i skatteavtalen får inte strida mot EU-rätten, däribland bestämmelserna om fri rörlighet för varor, personer, tjänster och kapital. Sverige och de flesta övriga EU-länder är även medlemmar i OECD. De skatteavtal som är slutna mellan EU:s medlemsländer är därför i stor utsträckning utformade enligt OECD:s modellavtal. Enligt OECD:s modellavtal beskattas inkomster från rörelse och tjänst, enligt huvudregeln i artikel 7 och 15, i hemviststaten.
Småskalig livsmedelsförsörjning av mjölk :
During the last year?s Swedish agriculture have had difficult times, with decreasing
prices and at the same time increasing production costs, which has led to bad
profitability and faith in the future.
The dairies in Sweden have also had a rough time and there have been large
rationalizations during the years. In the beginning of the 20th century there were almost
1700 diaries in the Swedish countryside. There has been a large technical development
during the 20th century resulting in a decrease in diaries to only 46 in the whole country
today. They are owned by 15 diary companies, of which 7 large and dominate on the
market and the rest are small-scale companies.
With this development the confidence and feeling for the diary companies also has
Analys av fastighetsbolagens möjlighet att klara en ny lågkonjunktur. : En kvantitativ studie av fastighetsbolag i Europa
The goal of this thesis was to explore how real estate investment companies are affected by a weaker world economy. The reason to investigate this was that in the 90s in Sweden, the housing market crashed in conjunction with the bank collapse. Therefore I have looked at how the commercial real estate companies would be affected if we were to have a double dip recession, because it has been confirmed by Gyourko that commercial real estate market and the housing market tend to react in the same way on new fundamental information. This was examined through a sensitivity analysis, one investigated the effect of falling rent income and the second analysis looked at the effect of higher interest costs. I found that IAS 40 rule about unrealized profits of properties affected the results in a significant matter and therefore decided to include the regulation in my thesis.
Tidseffektivisering av inköpsprocessen på Mape Sweden AB
Detta examensarbete har genomförts på Mape Sweden AB med syfte att eliminera eller minska icke värdeskapande aktiviteter inom inköpsprocessen. Genom att undersöka hur fö-retaget arbetar med inköp och dess inköpsaktiviteter för verktyg och reservdelar är målet att hitta lösningar som innebär en tidseffektivisering av inköpsprocessen.Arbetet är av kvalitativ karaktär. Denna ansats valdes då gruppen ville få en förståelse över nuläget genom kvalitativa metoder. Metoderna som använts för att samla in data till arbetet var observationer och intervjuer, en litteraturstudie samt benchmarking på ett annat tillver-kande företag. För att ta fram förbättringsförslag till företaget utfördes ett spagettidiagram över förflyttningar.
Tillämpning av nya beräkningsmetoder för branddimensionering av träkonstruktioner - analyser och jämförelser
To build high-rise buildings made of timber has for long been limited by national laws, due to the lack of knowledge in engineering solutions. Frame structures made of wood has for a long time been associated with major fire hazards and consequently lower safety and this connection is still being made today. The increased environmental awareness in recent years has contributed to the exploitation of indigenous building materials, including wood from our own Swedish forests and has become increasingly common. Increased knowledge about how structures behave in fire and how they can be protected in order to achieve safe timber structures has resulted in a growing interest in these structures in the construction industry. Research in the area is constantly updated and new laws allow any number of storeys in wooden buildings in Sweden as long as the performance requirements are fulfilled.The main part of this work has involved calculations of the fire resistance and load bearing capacity of floor and wall constructions.
Emerging infectious diseases : a model of disease transmission dynamics at the wildlife-livestock interface in Uganda
Emerging infectious diseases are a recurring threat to both human and animal health. Understanding the multiple causes behind the emergence of new diseases is key to the prevention of new and potentially devastating outbreaks. The list of underlying causes is long, including a variety of anthropogenic, environmental, molecular and climatic changes that promote the emergence and spread of disease. Two of these factors are central to the emergence of new diseases and receive special attention in this study. The spread of disease from wildlife to livestock and diseases that spread from animals to humans (zoonoses) are of importance as they implicated in the majority of EID events.
Att lämna en kriminell livsstil : En studie om ungdomars motivation och friskfaktorer efter en dom om institutionsplacering eller samhällstjänst
ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesC-essay in Social work, Advanced course2006To give up a criminal life styleA study of motivation and protectional factors of juveniles after a sentence of institutional care or community workEmma Henriksson & Karin TengnäsABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that juveniles sentenced to institutional care or community work perceive as important for their decision to give up a criminal life style. The study approach was based on a few specific questions: (1) What aspects of the treatment have contributed to a motivation to abandon the criminal life style? (2) What have motivated the juveniles to make a decision to leave the criminal life style? (3) Are there any specific internal or external protectional factors that have been decisive for the rehabilitation process and, if so, are they linked to intrinsic or extrinsic motivation? The study rests on the theoretical foundation created by earlier research on institutional care, motivation and protectional factors. Interviews were chosen as a method to secure qualitative data and the interview manual was designed on the basis of themes that reflect the questions of the study. Six young people?s perception of their treatment is documented in the study, as well as their opinion on the effectiveness of the treatment.
Att ställa den skyddsbehövande inför rätta : Om de rättsliga förutsättningarna för att förhindra skyddslöshet vid tillämpningen av Flyktingkonventionens uteslutandeklausuler och samtidigt motverka straffrihet för de grova folkrättsbrott som faller under k
The purpose of this study has been to investigate the prospects for identifying and prosecuting individuals suspected of war crimes, within the process of exclusion from refugee status under article 1F(a) of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and using subsequent mechanisms for extradition or prosecution in international criminal law. A number of principles within human rights law and public international law have been advocated by the UNCHR and several human rights NGOs as necessary for a thorough application of the exclusion clauses; one that takes individual responsibility into account and upholds the aims and purposes of the exclusion clauses. There is a discussion as to whether specialised or accelerated exclusion procedures are justified for reasons of security and efficiency, or if they put the rights of the individual at risk and limit the opportunities for gathering information to support investigation and prosecution of the crime in question. Apart from the instruments of asylum law and procedure that have emerged within the EU harmonisation process, there are no general, binding rules on the procedural aspects of the exclusion clauses. One principle that regulates the consequences for the individual of exclusion from refugee status and decisions on extradition is, however, the principle of non-refoulement.
Samband mellan hög incidens ämnesomsättningssjukdomar och klövhälsa hos svenska mjölkkobesättningar :
Metabolic diseases in dairy cows are considered to increase the risk for claw lesions, most of all laminitis, sole haemorrhages and sole ulcers, but also to increase the risk for environmental claw lesions. The aim of this study was to compare claw health in 27 Swedish dairy farms, 18 with high incidence of metabolic diseases and 9 with low incidence. Data on claw health status was retrieved from recordings at routine claw trimmings and analysed on herd level regarding the prevalence of: any lesion, interdigital dermatitis, heel-horn erosion, sole haemorrhages, sole ulcer, lameness, abnormal claw shape, and other diseases (abscess in the white line, limb disorders, double sole, laminitic groove, white line disease, interdigital phlegmon, interdigital hyperplasia, toe abscess and verucose dermatitis). Mean prevalence of any lesion for herds with low incidence of metabolic diseases was 48 % and in herds with high incidence 41 %, and there was no statistical difference between the two groups. Mean prevalence for interdigital dermatitis was 2,0 % and 6.4 % in the low and high incidence groups, respectively (p.
Effects of ten year old enrichment plantings in a secondary dipterocarp rainforest : a case study of stem and species distribution in Sabah, Malaysia
Large areas of forests in the tropical region have during the last decades been lost and converted to new land uses while other areas have been degraded into secondary forests. These secondary forests need to be restored and rehabilitation through enrichment planting and liberation may help to speed up the recovery process. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate a rehabilitation method that includes enrichment planting, slashing of weeds and girdling of unwanted trees. The site for the project is situated in Sabah, Borneo in a secondary forest which had been logged and burnt by a wildfire. The project?s goal is to rehabilitate and increase biodiversity through enrichment planting of seedlings mainly belonging to the family Dipterocarpeaceae (dipterocarps).
Försök med olika såmaskiner vid konventionell sådd och direktsådd
In this thesis, two studies with different drills were included. In one of the studies two drills were compared: Väderstad Rapid and Väderstad Spirit. In the other study various drills for direct drilling were compared.
The study with Rapid and Spirit was placed in two locations with different autumn tillage; one on ploughed land in Uppsala and one on cultivated land in Västerås, both with relatively high clay content. Rapid drills have a single disc coulter, while the Spirit drills have a double disc coulter. Various aspects were compared such as aggregate distribution, seed placement, emergence, crop yield and economic outcome.