314 Uppsatser om Double punishment - Sida 19 av 21
Flykt och sökande : en läsning av rörelser i Stina Aronsons novell/drama Syskonbädd
Syskonbädd, or ?Sibling?s bed? in English, is a short story or drama, written by Swedish author Stina Aronson and originally published in 1931 under the pen name Sara Sand. While the story did not attract wide attention for many years, it has recently been republished and performed on stage, as well as aired on the radio. The plot is centered on Harriet, a woman who starts to see the world with different eyes, in a less strict and organized way. Her new view is welcomed neither by her husband nor society, and the book starts with Harriet?s escape from a ?rest home?, where she has been placed by her husband in order for her to return to her old self.
Bergkyla och bergvärmeutredning för industrilokalen Rödbergsmyran 5 i Umeå, Västerbotten.
Grubbe Ventilation AB is a sheet metal and ventilation company who provides design, installation, service, and repair of ventilation. The company is expanding their business by building a new facility in Umeå, Västerbotten. The property is designed to be used for both office and industrial work.Grubbe Ventelation AB has not yet decided upon wish system which is to be established to provide the building with heating and cooling. The consulting firm Umeå Projekt Team has therefore been asked to investigate the possibilities to invest in geothermal- heating and cooling.If the investigation of a geothermal heating- and cooling system would provide favorable results it would be a very appropriate alternative that provides energy at low costs and are an environmentally friendly option as the energy comes from stored solar energy in the ground is provided by stored solar energy in the ground.The facility ´s heating and cooling consumptions are calculated in the program BV2 and the result indicate a heating demand of 185 000 kWh per year due to thermal transmittance, transmission losses, heating of warm water and a cooling requirement of 5500 kWh.Three different systems of geothermal heating and cooling were tested in the computer program Energy Earth Design. The results show no difference in the dimensioning of the drill hole if merely heating were to be used or both heating and cooling were to be established.
Bältarbo tegelbruk och Sveriges tegelindustri under 1900-talet
This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.
Ibland är även pappa en del av familjen : Föräldraskap och jämställdhet i tre årgångar av Vi föräldrar
I denna uppsats gör jag en textanalys av tre årgångar av tidskriften Vi föräldrar: 1968, 1983 och 1994. Jag ställer frågan vilka bilder av föräldraskap, framförallt faderskap, som framkommer i tidskriften och hur jämställd relationen mellan pappa och mamma är. Avspeglar sig tankar om ?den dubbla emancipationen? ? det vill säga att både kvinnor och män ska delta i såväl yrkesarbete som i arbetet med hem och barn ? i tidskriften och sker det några förändringar över tid?Som inramning till min analys beskriver jag det samhälleliga och politiska sammanhanget när det gäller föräldraskap och jämställdhet under den tid då respektive årgång gavs ut. Jag använder mig av teoretiska resonemang om bland annat barnorienterad maskulinitet och diskursen om det olika föräldraskapet i min analys.Min beskrivning och analys av de tre årgångarna visar att tidskriften genomgår stora förändringar över tid.
JAS för jobb : JAS-projektet som industripolitiskt medel
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the target to convert the Swedish military aviation industry towards working within the civilian sector was planned and implemented parallel to the target of building a world-class military aircraft. A number of Government bills have been studied, bills directly connected to the JAS-project as well as bills dealing with civilian project ?s for the military aviation industry. The first group includes bills dealing with the JAS-project ?s role in the overarcing defence policy, as well as the Government ?s bill specifying the guidelines for the JAS-project.
Bestamning och veriering av kohesivalagar for epoxiadhesiv i modus I & II
Fler och er anvander idag kohesiva modeller vid simulering av limfogar mednita element analys (FEA). Ett stort problem ar emellertid bristen pa bra ochdetaljerad materialdata. Denna rapport beskriver metoder for att extraheramaterialdata for ett epoxylim (Araldite 2015 fran Huntsman) genom tva olikaexperiment som vardera beskriver limmets egenskaper i olika lastriktningar. Detva provmetoderna kallas "End Notch Flexure" (ENF) och "Double CantileverBeam" (DCB) dar ENF-provet anvands for att beskriva limmets egenskaperfor skjuvning i planet och DCB-provet for egenskaper i planets normalriktning.Experimenten har genomforts i rumstemperatur och i forhojda temperaturer foratt fanga temperaturberoende egenskaper. Vid provningen har sa kallat "DigitalSpeckle Photography" (DSP) anvants for att mata vinklar och forskjutningar.For att validera den erhallna materialmodellen har experimenten aven simuleratsmed FEM.
Flexorafiskt tryck på wellpapp
This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.
Automation i Distributionsnät
As a part of Göteborg Energi?s work towards a smarter electric grid, the company has chosen to investigate the possibilities of automation in their middle voltage grid. In Europe, there are example cases where these technologies already are installed which many articles on the CIRED conference 2011 proved. Netcontrol Oy in Finland has, together with Tekla, created an automated SCADA system that Vattenfall in Finland today uses. The grid mainly consists of 10 kV open loop fed city grid and this automation is mainly designed for this type of grid.
Att vara främling i sitt eget land - en litteraturöversikt om språkets betydelse för hälsan hos äldre immigranter
Background: Getting older means a series of changes in life, some of which lead toincreased risk of poor health outcomes. Older people who immigrate to a new countryalso need to adapt to new cultures and norms, and having to learn a new language inorder to communicate with their environment. Being older and immigrant thus leads toa double vulnerability. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to examine how olderimmigrants? health is affected by not being able to communicate in a country?s officiallanguage.
EU:s förändringar i moder/dotterbolagsdirektivet angående hybridlån : Hur kommer dessa förändringar att påverka inkomstskattelagen och skatteflyktslagen?
Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda hur EU:s förändringar i moder/dotterbolagsdirektivet kommer att påverka svensk lagstiftning i form av IL och SFL. Förändringarna i direktivet har gjorts för att förhindra bolagens användande av s.k. hybridlån för att uppnå dubbel icke-beskattning i medlemsstater. Utöver den här förändringen har det även infogats gemensamma skatteflyktbestämmelser i direktivet, bestämmelser som samtliga medlemsstater måste följa. Sverige har sedan tidigare implementerat moder/dotterbolagsdirektivet i svensk lagstiftning och har även en lag mot skatteflykt.
Delacroix och Orienten
My aim of this investigation has been to study Delacroix relation to the Orient, based on a number of key questions:What was specific for Delacroix oriental works?How did his oriental painting change and mature over time?How was Delacroix relation to the oriental discourse?The paper is divided into three parts: the time before his trip to Morocco in 1832, the trip to Morocco and the period after Morocco.Although many have wanted to see Delacroix as a revolutionary, he worked the whole time within, and dialogue with, the classical tradition. In Delacroix quest for renewal of history painting, the oriental works play an important role. In the period before his trip to Morocco the literary sources dominated. He constructed his own Orient in his studio.It is clear that Delacroix did not stood outside the oriental discourse.
Små designbyråers förmåga till tillväxt på en föränderlig marknad
Marknaden för designbyråerna kan beskrivas som förändrad utifrån globaliseringens effekter, den krympta nationella marknaden och designbyråernas minskade upptagningsområde. De för uppsatsen utvalda objekten får problem då det som de erbjuder idag inte räcker. För att på ett konkurrenskraftigt sätt bemöta de nya förändringarna på marknaden och i omvärlden krävs ett erbjudande som levererar något utöver själva produkten eller tjänsten, vilket då i denna uppsats ses utifrån designbyråns organisatoriska form. Objekten i uppsatsen utgörs av små designbyråer som är enmansföretag.Avsikten med denna uppsats är visa för verksamheter som de undersökta objekten eller liknande verksamheter hur dessa kan verka på marknaden och skapa långsiktig tillväxt. Detta ses utifrån deras marknadsföringsstrategier som ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv analyseras och utvärderas.Uppsatsen görs utifrån en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie där ansikte mot ansikte intervjuer genomförs med tre stycken designbyråer.
Allergi - en påminnelse om vårt ursprung : en kvantitativ enkätundersökning över förekomsten avallergier bland studenterna på Gymnastik & idrottshögskolan i Stockholm
Aim - To investigate the prevalence of allergies among students at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) in Stockholm and relate it to factors that previous research in this area found to influence the risk of developing allergic diseases.- Can Hygiene Hypothesis or more specifically the relationships of family structure, socioeconomic status and the degree of overcrowding explain the existence of allergies among students at GIH?- Can the prevalence of allergies among students at GIH be explained by any of the known relationship for the prevalence of allergic diseases this study has taken into account?Method - Quantitative survey of students at GIH in the fall of 2013.Results - 214 students from The Swedish School of Sport and Health Science participated in the study, with representation from the first - and last - year students of all educational programs. More than twice the proportion of those diagnosed respondents said that their mother smoked during pregnancy or while they were breast-fed compared with the same group of respondents with no allergic diagnosis. The correlation is not statistically significant (p -value: 0.054). The majority of respondents with an allergic diagnosis indicated that their home mopped once a week or more for most of their childhood, while the majority of respondents with no allergic diagnosis stated that their home mopped less often.
Ger tillägg av ARB till redan pågående behandling med ACE-hämmare hos hjärtsviktspatienter bättre hälso- och kostnadseffekt?
Heart failure is a condition where the heart is incapable of providing adequate blood supply to different organs in the body. The underlying causes of heart failure is some kind of disorder in the heart function, and require careful diagnostics. The basic symptoms that arise from heart failure is difficulty in breathing, that aggravate when lying down, and fatigue. The patients? symptoms and impaired quality of life can be in different stages depending on the severity of the heart failure.
Kontrollstyrsystem och Organisationellt Lärande : en sambandsanalys
Organisationer har under lång tid fått symboliseras av en pyramid som styrs från toppen av en person som besitter makten. Men att styra och kontrollera organisationer på ett sådant sätt fungerar bäst i okomplicerade situationer. Under senare års internationalisering verkar organisationer idag inom många olika typer av miljöer och omgivningar som ständigt förändras. Detta har medfört att det blivit mer komplicerat för organisationen att skapa och bibehålla sin kontroll. För att erhålla den organisationella kontroll som krävs i dagens organisationer använder dessa sig av olika kontrollstyrsystem.