864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 31 av 58
Storage of sugar beets for biofuel production using biocontrol microorganisms
The tomato is an important crop worldwide, and in recent years it has received great attention due to its rich content of carotenoids, which in studies indicate to have health benefiting properties. Many studies have been done in this area of research and in how to optimize the carotenoid content in tomatoes and tomato products. The objectives of this essay were to summarize present data in this field. The results were as follows:There are nine different carotenoids identified in tomatoes. Lycopene and ?-carotene are the ones that have been given the greatest attention.
Digital kompetens : för individens frigörelse eller för marknadens behov?
Eskilstuna Folkhögskola is located in Munktellstaden in Eskilstuna. The school has two separate buildings with entrances that are difficult to find. By having two separate buildings, and to be in an area where there are rules and guidelines for the area's environment, makes it difficult to guide visitors to the school premises.The purpose of my research was to examine how to guide visitors to the school, and how to increase understanding that the school's various buildings are connected.Through practices such as site analysis, interviews, I found that the guidelines are not adapted to the current situation that is established in the district.Through theory and empirical material I have produced a design proposal to facilitate Wayfinding to Eskilstuna Folkhögskola. This is presented as a landmark and a clarification of the schools entrances and signage..
Passivhus ? lönsamhet och komfort
In this essay, we have compared a conventional house to a passive house. The housesshared the same local conditions; they have the same living area and the same layout. Thedifferences between the houses were the different construction solutions for the roof, theouter walls, the floor and the heating system. Both the houses qualify the standards fromBBR and the passive house also lives up to FEBY?s special conditions.The purpose with the essay was to examine if it really is profitable to build small hoses aspassive houses.
Miljödiplomering: En jämförande implementeringsstudie av skolor i Norra Hisingens stadsdel
This thesis is a product of research about how implementation issues occur due to the relationbetween bureaucrats and politicians. Our study treats the democratic dilemma that occurs whenschools are to implement environmental certifications. Through a comparative study we comparetwo schools in Norra Hisingen, a district in Gothenburg municipal where one of the schools iscertificated and one is not. By using theories from top down and bottom up approaches toimplementation we develop key factors that will lead us to answer our research questions.Through text analysis of policy documents and through interviews with bureaucrats we analyzewhat may be the causes for only one of the two schools to be certificated though Gothenburgmunicipal wish all schools to be. Through our analytical tool we can establish that the policydocuments are well formed according to our top down-theory and that these documents does nothave a major impact on the fact that one school is certificated and one is not.
Sapa Heat Transfers koldioxidspår : En kartläggning av verksamhetens koldioxidutsläpp
Sapa Heat Transfer is a company that produces aluminum heat-exchanger strips for the automotive industry. Sapa Heat Transfer wish to chart their emissions of carbon dioxide in order to meet future demands on carbon dioxide reporting. They also would like to examine the meaning of the term ?green electricity? which is marketed as carbon dioxide free, and the sort of electricity that they purchase. This report includes both direct (liquefied petroleum gas and diesel) and indirect (water, process-water, long distance heating, waste) emissions from their company.
Cross-sectional study of bovine anaplamosis in South-western Uganda : the impact of wildlife-livestock interface
The tick-borne disease bovine anaplasmosis is primarily caused by Anaplasma marginale. A variety of wild animals act as reservoirs for A. marginale, but the understanding of their role in the epidemiology of A. marginale is yet poor. This cross-sectional study was conducted to
establish if proximity of wildlife affect the prevalence of bovine anaplasmosis in cattle.
Distriktsköterskans erfarenheter av den palliativa vården i hemmet
Ett ökande antal palliativa patienter med cancerdiagnos väljer att vårdas hemma den sista
tiden i livet. Den palliativa vården ställer speciella krav på distriktsköterskan som ska vara professionell
i en annan persons hem. Syftet var att beskriva distriktsköterskans erfarenheter av den palliativa vården i hemmet.
Litteraturstudie baserad på 11 kvalitativa artiklar. Distriktsköterskan anser att det viktigaste är att skapa
trygghet och en god relation med patienten och dess familj för att den palliativa vården ska fungera.
Distriktsköterskan känner att de fyller en stor funktion och det positiva med arbetet är att de är självständiga.
För att bibehålla kompetensen behövs det utbildning inom den palliativa vården.
Distriktsköterskans huvuduppgift med den palliativa vården är att se till att patienten får så
god livskvalité som det är möjligt den sista tiden i livet. Vid vården i hemmet blir även
familjen involverad.
Lokal logistikoptimering för ENA Energi i Enköping
The cost for forestry logistics in Sweden is about 25 percent of the total cost of getting the raw material to industry (Anon., 2010). There might be much to gain by taking a look at your supply chains on the logistic side in your company. In this report the logistic chains by Mellanskog for ENA Energi AB in Enköping has been looked in to. ENA Energis plant is a combined power and heating plant and about 99, 5 percent of their fuel consisted of bio energy in year 2009 (ENA Energi, 2011, länk A).
The main purpose with this report is to look at three questions:
1. How does the supply chain look today? From forest to industry.
En kommunikations hemlighet : En studie om externkommunikation inom en ideell organisation
My essey concern the non-profitable organization Ung företagsamhet and their extenal communication with collaborators. I have done three intervjues with three of Ung företagsamhets 24 district in Sweden, and these are Kalmar, Jönköping and Skåne. My qustions conserns their rethoric and strategic communications channales, and the focus lies in their external communications with collaborators. I have also made a secondary data analysis about their media coverage and seen how they consciously works with it.Ung Företagsamhet is a non-profit organization that need good partnerships in order to survive financially. My analysis shows that the three different regions works variously with their external communication.
Energikloka hus i Järinge - energiteknisk uppföljning
Energy-wise houses in Järinge - technical follow-up The company JM built energy-efficient houses in Tensta in Stockholm. They have built a total of 16 houses divided into two parts of A-houses and B-houses. The buildings are an attempt by JM to minimize energy-use of the buildings without affecting the comfort and living standards. The project aims to examine the data for the 16 houses on the basis of data and produce a report showing how the buildings worked through a technical perspective. JM approximates that the purchased energy will not be higher than 95 kWh/m2 per year.
Sömn hos små barn och deras föräldrar
Background: How small children sleep influence the whole family. Sleeping problems, could influence children physical, mental, emotionally, cognitive and socially. When parents get waked by the children, who wake by themselves in the middle of the night, the parents do not always now what to do. Aim: The aim of this study was how children sleep and how it influence their parents sleep habit. The question formulation was threefold: Firstly.
Varde ljus!... tyvärr stod det ett hus i vägen. : En studie om dagsljus och vilken plats det har i Stockholms planering
The importance of daylight for humans has been known for a rather long time. Applying this knowledge in the science of urban planning is not very common, at least not in Stockholm, Sweden. Living in a country far from the equator with great differences between daylight and darkness during the year, daylight gets even more important for our wellbeing. This study aims to highlight the subject of daylight planning and contribute to the discussion about how to include daylight in the process of urban planning. By critically observing a new built district in Stockholm and applying guidelines of how to use daylight planning, this paper shows how important it is to include daylight planning early in the process.
Konstruktion av fackla för biogas
Värmekollektor in Sunne is a company whose main occupation is to collect the gas produced inlandfills. The gas contains about 50 % of Methane which is a greenhouse gas 20 times worse than CO2and should therefore not be allowed to leak into the atmosphere. The Methane is in as large amount aspossible used in different plants for example heating of households. But there are occasions when aflare is needed to burn the excess gas at standstills or testing of new landfills. The Flare only burns themethane to reduce the hazarder?s effect of the environment, it does not take advantage of the energy inthe gasThe goal of this master thesis was for me to create a foundation for an in-house production offlares for Värmekollektor.
Optical and Structural Properties of CuxS Quantum Dots Concerning H2O/Ethanol Solvent Ratio
Nanotechnology, one of the most interesting sciences today will no doubt have an enourmous impact on tomorrow's society and industry. One of the most interesting nanomaterial that has been discovered is the semiconductor quantum dot (QD). This material shows interesting novel properties such as a size-dependent band gap, which is an effect caused by the quantum confinement effect in all three dimensions. Due to this phenomenon the absorption spectrum can be tuned to the desired value by adjusting the size of the QD.This thesis aims to investigate how the solvent ratio of H2O/Ethanol affects the optical and structural properties of copper sulfide QDs manufactured in a chemical synthesis way using modern microwave heating. The process of manufacturing QDs using chemical synthesis often involve a capping-agent to prevent the QDs from agglomerate into bigger structures.
Utfackningsväggar ur lufttäthets- och fuktsäkerhetsperspektiv : En jämförelse mellan platsbyggda och prefabriceradeutfackningsväggar
The swedish national board of housing, Building and Planning,recommends that all stakeholders in the construction industryperform a moisture control design to make sure that the buildingachieves good moisture resistance. Since June 1, 2006 there are nospecific requirements or quantitative values for air leakage.Although the swedish national board of housing does presentrequirement that the building envelope must be sealed so that theclient?s requirements for specific energy consumption and installedelectric power for heating purposes are met. Despite this, studiesfrom SP shows that few buildings meet the client?s requirements inspecific energy, which increases the risk of occurrence ofcondensation-related moisture damage.This study aims to evaluate curtain walls connections from airsecurity and moisture safety.