864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 32 av 58
Stabilisering av process
Calesco Foil AB is a manufacturer of thin flexible circuits for heating or electric conduction.The plant is located in Kolbäck, Sweden.One of the company?s products, the conducting polymer pasta is in present situationunpredictable. Unpredictable in the way that the same type of heater shows differentresistance, depending on which time they have been produced. The desired repetitivelyprocess is almost non-existing.The aim of this master thesis is to primary identify those parameters that effects theresistance, observe and if possible to perform tests on them. The results from this analysisstand as base for recommendations to achieve a repetitive and standardized printing process.The results and the observations from the tests indicate that a repetitive process is possible toachieve.
Marknadsundersökning för SCA Skog AB avseende utbor i Mälardalen :
The need of raw material does of course fluctuate but the long term view is an increasing demand due to the growing consumption of sawn timber products, pulp, paper and lately also biomass. This has led to a keener competition for wood. At the same time there is an ongoing structural change of a significant part in the Swedish wood supply market, the private forest owners. In 1992,
22 % of Sweden´s 335 000 private forest owner lived apart from their forest. In 2007 this figure had risen to 36 %.
Portabelt journalföringssystem i hemsjukvården
The aim of the study was to study how a today journal system is applied in homecare. The aim was also to examine if a portable journal system could make any effectiveness on the nurse's work and secure the quality of care. The study is a part of a project called Grensebroen which connects public health care, economic industry and university to a network beyond the borders. The primary goal of this cooperation was to develop technological means of assistance which could simplify nursing on daily basis. An empirical study on homecare was made in a district were long distance travels were common for the nurses in duty.
Automatisk tändning till modern vedpanna
If you have access to wood, a wood burning boiler is a cheap way to heat your home, but it is certainly not the most convenient option. Wood requires many operations and management, which takes time. One way to reduce this workload is to have a modern boiler with automatic ignition. Enertech/CTC has a desire to create an accessory with automatic ignition to a modern wood burning boiler. Today there is no boiler on the market that can ignite firewood automatically without the introduction of paper and sticks.
Energieffektivisering av arbetsbodar på byggarbetsplatser
Everyone has to take a greater responsibility in energy issues, both individuals and companies. There have been some major developments in the construction industry but there is still a lot to be done. This diploma work thesis presents different methods of making existing construction shed establishments to use less energy. What is possible to do and how much energy is there to be saved? A shed establishment consisting of 8 shed units were studied in this project and the building simulation tool VIP-Energy was used to simulate different types of material in the sheds. An infrared camera was used to locate thermal bridges. There are several factors that can be improved to make a construction shed establishment to use less energy.
Produktutveckling av mobil förstahjälpenstation
This thesis is about a part of the marquetrytechnique, scorching. Scorching is made by heating up something, put a veneer into the heated substance and make a controlled burning. This technique is old but still used today and have according to me great potential for development. In my work I wanted to give the scorching greater room then I earlier have seen. I wanted the scorching to be the dominant ingredient for a decorative element in a piece of furniture or an interior.
Barns delaktighet i frågor om umgängesstöd : en studie av elva tingsrättsdomar
The purpose of this study was to examine children's participation in court proceedings on supervised visitation and to analyse the descriptions of children in court verdicts. Eleven verdicts concerning supervised visitation resolved in 2014 were collected from two district courts in Stockholm County and studied with a qualitative textual analysis. The material was analysed with participation levels influenced by the ladder of participation for children developed by Roger Hart and with the theory of sociology of childhood. Our findings showed that children's opinions were mentioned in eight of the verdicts. In four verdicts the children's will influenced the courts decisions.
Lönearbetet, Arbetslösheten och Möllevången : En studie i arbetslöshetens vardag och dess platser
The study is divided into three parts ? the development of wage labour towards becoming the dominant norm in society, how this norm is challenged in a specific geographical context, and lastly a study of two unemployed individuals and their everyday activities, what and especially why certain behaviour occurs. The main purpose with the text is to study unemployed people in a specific geographical context in a overall society where wage labour is thought to be the norm. Questions that is being asked is how the unemployed individual works in a society where wage labour is the dominant activity for the day. This is connected to a study of Möllevången, a district of Malmö, where the wage labour norm can be thought of as being challenged.
Jordtäckta hus : Energiberäkningar och kostnadskalkyler på ett jordtäckt hus i Malmö
With rising energy prices and the threat of climate change, energy costs and energy savings havebecome a central and important part in building. Therefore it is interesting to explore different andnon-conventional methods of energy conservation. Building Earth sheltered houses is such a method.Earth provides good insulation and provides the ability to both reduce the total heating needs and toreduce the maximum power demand. The aim of this study was to construct a house in Malmö and seeif Earth sheltered houses can be a cost effective alternative for the construction of sustainable andenergy-efficient houses.Previous studies have shown that Earth sheltered houses have reduced their power requirement with upto 25% and their use of energy with 10%. Numerical calculations in Comsol Multiphysic 4.2, wasperformed on a house with different degrees of earth covering.
Tillagning i mikrovågsugn och dess effekt på livsmedel : En jämförelse med konventionell tillagning
Microwave is a time- efficient device for heating and reheating of foods. Despite the fact that its effects on foods have been evaluated during a long period of time, without any more negative effects shown compared to conventional cooking, one third of the Swedish population believes (in 2010) it accounts for a higher loss of nutrition.
This literature review aim to compile studies regarding how food is affected by cooking in microwave, with respect to cooking losses, nutrition, secondary metabolites as well as sensory and textural aspects and compare it with conventional cooking.
The compilation shows that different combination of effect (W), time and amount of water during microwave cooking have different effects on foods. The contents of proteins, vitamin B and carbohydrates are generally higher after microwave cooking, while anti-nutritional substances are affected much less during conventional cooking. This also depends on if it is of animal or non-animal origin. However, for the majority of nutrition values the differences are quite small.
?Mångkultur, det är ju idag...? : En interkulturell och intentionell analys av förskollärares föreställningar om begreppet mångkultur
This study highlights how pre-school teachers in a monocultural Swedish district looks at the concept of multiculturalism and what multiculturalism and /or intercultural approaches means in their pre-schools. The study takes its starting point in Johannes Lunneblads thesis "Förskolan och mångfalden" (2006) and Lpfö-98 (2006). The present study is a qualitative study in the form of interviews and the study have an intercultural and intentional perspective. The study shows that preschool teachers in the area perceive multicultural work as a compensatory education for children with non-European background. An analysis of the interviews on a deeper level shows that there is a broader understanding of multiculturalism that includes the class, sexuality and everyone of the children's "home culture?.
Tillagning i mikrova?gsugn och dess effekt pa? livsmedel : en ja?mfo?relse med konventionell tillagning
Microwave is a time- efficient device for heating and reheating of foods. Despite the fact that its effects on foods have been evaluated during a long period of time, without any more negative effects shown compared to conventional cooking, one third of the Swedish
population believes (in 2010) it accounts for a higher loss of nutrition.
This literature review aim to compile studies regarding how food is affected by cooking in microwave, with respect to cooking losses, nutrition, secondary metabolites as well as sensory and textural aspects and compare it with conventional cooking.
The compilation shows that different combination of effect (W), time and amount of water during microwave cooking have different effects on foods. The contents of proteins, vitamin B and carbohydrates are generally higher after microwave cooking, while anti-nutritional substances are affected much less during conventional cooking. This also depends on if it is of animal or non-animal origin.
However, for the majority of nutrition values the differences are quite small.
Politiskt deltagande hos Kanistammen i Kerala: en fallstudie
This study is case study of political participation among the Kani tribe from Kuttichal grama panchayat in the Thiruvananthapuram district in Kerala, India. The study is based on the collected data of 117 people of the Kani tribe living in four different settlements: Pankavu, Mangode-Valippara, Chonampara and Kaithode. The aim of the study is to examine the impact on political participation by different factors, which is done by the use of the quantitative method of cross tables. The study confirms previous studies in its conclusion that high status individuals, defined in terms of education and economic standard, are the group of the highest political participation, when this is defined as being involved in political work and holding a party membership. On the local political scene however, where political participation consists of participation in local assemblies and voluntary work, the impact of the examined variables are very limited.
Spillvärmeåtervinning ur kylvattensystemet ismältverket på Sapa Profiler AB i Sjunnen
The smelting process at Sapa Profiler AB in Sjunnen generates large quantities of waste heat which is absorbed by the cooling water when the aluminum is cooled down. This paper is the result of a Master?s Degree Project aiming to present the conditions for recycling the waste heat. The cooling water absorbs the heat from the aluminum at an average rate of 600 kW and the paper shows that it can be used to replace electrical power consumption for heating the production plant?s facilities.
Miljöpolitik eller personlig frihet? : fallstudie av Växjö Kommun
This thesis is a case-study of an ongoing court case between the Swedish Competition Agency and Växjö Municipality about a set-up requirement to the long-distance heating system for newly built private houses on municipality owned land. This requirement was set up as part of the municipality?s long-term environmental goals; however the Competition Agency claims that the demand is damaging the free market in the municipality. The purpose of this thesis is to determine which normative assumptions the decision makers have based their actions and re-action on, and whether or not these assumptions are valid, thru theoretical ideal types. This is determined via method of textual analysis.