

816 Uppsatser om Direct forecast - Sida 37 av 55


Bakgrund: Fysisk aktivitet har visat sig ha en positiv effekt för både den psykiska och fysiska hälsan. Den kan minska psykiska problem som oro, stress och depression, samt fysiska åkommor som blodtryck, stroke och diabetes. Fysisk aktivitet är numera en allt mer vedertagen metod för att behandla fysiska och psykiska besvär. Individer med ADHD har vanligen problem med hyperaktivitet, impulsivitet, uppmärksamhet, sociala beteenden och kognitiva förmågor. Syfte: Att undersöka den vetenskapliga litteraturen för att få belägg för vilka effekter fysisk aktivitet kan ha för symptom hos individer med ADHD. Metod: I denna systematiska litteraturstudie återfanns via sökningar i databaserna PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Science Direct och PsycINFO artiklar som sedan granskades utifrån en bedömningsmall. Resultat: Fysisk aktivitet upplevdes ha en positiv effekt för hyperaktivitet och uppmärksamhetsproblem samt visade sig minska risken för sociala beteendeproblem hos individer diagnostiserade med ADHD. Vidare påvisades att oavsett regelbundenhet eller omfattning av fysisk aktivitet en positiv effekt för kognitiva förmågor hos individer diagnostiserade med ADHD. Konklusion: Den vetenskapliga litteraturen visar att fysisk aktivitet troligen har en positiv effekt för ett flertal symptom hos individer med ADHD.

Att utveckla en säljstyrka : En undersökning angående Securitas Aroundios säljutbildning och coachning

SammanfattningDenna uppsats syftar till att utvärdera företaget Securitas Aroundios säljutbildning ochcoachning utifrån de berörda anställdas perspektiv i Linköping. Det är av vikt för företaget attfå en uppriktig återkoppling från de anställda rörande utbildningen och coachningen. Ingentidigare utvärdering har skett där utomstående parter varit delaktiga. Genom att utföra enutvärdering kan ett företag se om något behöver åtgärdas eller förändras.Denna uppsats bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning där de anställda på Securitas Aroundio iLinköping intervjuades. Samtliga intervjuer skedde på Aroundios huvudkontor i Linköpingden 5 maj 2008.


The report presents a thesis carried out on behalf of the company SAAB Training and Simulation which is situated in Huskvarna. The authors of this report are going to graduate as mechanical engineers focusing on product development and design, and this thesis should reflect the knowledge obtained during the education. The assignment, given from the company was to develop a concept of a stand that will constitute as a part of a mobile system for target practice. The reader get to follow throughout the project and can hopefully learn from the smart solutions and approaches that have arisen during the process.Today SAAB doesn?t have a mobile application in their portfolio that utilizes the benefits of their sensor measuring system, also called the LOMAH-bar.

Hur får du en student att lyssna? : - En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter

ABSTRACTTitle: How do you get the students to listen? ? A study of Academic Works communication towards students (Hur får du en student att lyssna? ? En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter)Number of pages: 38 (41 including enclosures)Author: Fredrik HanssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study the strategies involved in the communication process between an organisation and its target audience. The study also aims to examine the company Academic Work and its communication efforts towards the targeted audience students.Method/Material: In order to examine the aim above, interviews were made with two persons involved in the communication of Academic Work. In addition to the interviews, a questionnaire was carried out at campus Ekonomikum, Uppsala University.Main results: The main result can be summarized as:· Academic Works communications have a lot of resemblance with the papers presented theory.· Events and direct meetings is the communication effort by Academic Work that has the biggest impact on student?s awareness and knowledge of the company.· A large majority of the students at campus Ekonomikum at Uppsala University are interested in working part-time and are aware of Academic Work.

Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar - effekter på den regionala utvecklingen

Schölin, Mona-Liz (2007): Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar ? effekter på den regionala utvecklingen [Establishment of the Fanerdun Group in Kalmar ? impacts on regional development]D-uppsats 10 poäng, fördjupningskurs i kulturgeografiHandledare: Bo MalmbergSpråk: SvenskaSyftet med uppsatsen är att studera vad tidigare utländska etableringar har fått för effekter, hur de har påverkat den regionala utvecklingen, och utifrån detta göra en jämförande analys över vad Fanerdun Gruop AB´s etablering i Kalmar kan komma att få för effekter. Frågor som tas upp för behandling är: Vad har utländska direktinvesteringar, eng. foreign direct investment (FDI) och inward investment för effekter på etableringsorterna? Hur kommer Fanerdun Group AB att bidra till den regionala utvecklingen i Kalmar? Det sistnämnda är viktigt att undersöka då utländska investeringar likt Fanerduns i Kalmar ofta får effekter på den regionala utvecklingen.

Införandet av bemanningsdirektivet på svensk arbetsmarknad : vad innebär det för arbetstagarna i branschen?

The essay shows that temporary agency employees work in a complex business. Both labor and management differs from other businesses in the Swedish labor market. Regarding the unemployment insurance, they have previously been separated from other businesses through legislation. Based on the essay question regarding workers protection has the statutory rights for employees been strengthened. This by the implementation of the directive on manning into Swedish law and now covers all workers in the business.

En vass striker eller anfallare? En kandidatuppsats om lånordens förekomst i svenska fotbollstexter

Authors: Philip Trollér & Jasmin FrljevicTitle: A sharp striker or forwardLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 62All throughout time the Swedish language has been influenced by various external languages. And throughout the years many loanwords have been introduced to the Swedish vocabulary. And this phenomenon occurs in the texts written by Swedish sport journalists. But in what extent do loanwords from the English vocabulary occur in texts written by Swedish sportjournalists, in what types of texts they can be found. And also why the usage of loanwords occur.The purpose of our study is to find out how frequent English loanwords are in Swedish sports journalism.

Gormsson - En symaskin för nybörjare

We are getting smarter. Our knowledge of the world around us is increasing rapidly and our population spend a big portion of their time in school studying it. But art and craft are moving out to give room for more theoretical subjects. Today many of us can not even fix a torn shirt without help. We buy new ones, they are cheap enough.

Normalitet och styrning i en förskola för alla (Normalization and governing in a pre-school for all)

The purpose of this study is to analyze how special education is done in relation to what is considered "normal". The aim is to discuss how the normalization discourse appears in a pre-school for all and, by extension, how the need of special education is articulated in relation to the normalization discourse. This study also intends to discuss how the perception of what is normal affects special education in pre-schools. The study draws upon previous research within the special education area through which we make our position. Since there is only a few studies in this chosen field which are based on empirical data, our study indicates the importance of more research in this field.

Hållbarhetsstrategier i en infrastrukturindustri : En studie om Skanska och dess CR strategier

This bachelor thesis in business economics raises the topic about Corporate Responsibility (CR), this topic is currently being discussed in a variety of channels and today an increasing number of companies are involved in corporate responsibility. How do Skanska work with sustainability and why are they doing this? It is also important to see the results of the work with sustainability will lead to. We will go into more depth in one of Skanska's projects, project M25, to investigate the CR strategies they use and see how they actually work with sustainability. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze how and why Skanska is working to implement CR policies in their operations and more specifically from the M25 project in order to achieve sustainable business development.

Utvärdering av taxonomi och systemstöd för riskbaserad analys inom den svenska Luftfartsinspektionen

The Swedish Aviation Safety Authority has decided to standardise a classification system for reporting deviations found in inspections. The purpose of a classification system is that similar deviations always should be reported in the same way since this will enable better decisions regarding different risk areas. The inspectors are therefore constrained to use a standardised classification system and are not free to use their own words when reporting deviations. A hierarchal classification system with predefined phrases is in aviation referred to as taxonomy. Taxonomy is already in use when reporting accidents and incidents but not when reporting deviations found in inspections.


Discussion about the connection between severe mental disorders and criminal acts is constantly ongoing. Violent crimes committed by persons with severe men-tal disorders get a lot of media attention in today´s society. This arise general questions regarding the penalties that these offenders are sentenced to. It is known that the responsibility for these people lies on the forensic psychiatry, however, the media does not draw attention to what is happening in this organization. The purpose of this study is to describe the forensic psychiatric organization from a staff perspective and from a legal perspective.

Framtagning av en remdriven växellåda till en häcksax

The project was performed in collaboration with Husqvarna, one of the world?s leading manufacturer in the market of electric outdoor products. The report is a thesis work of a bachelor mechanical engineer program, in the field product development and design.The project is a study of the development opportunities within drive belt for a gear driven gearbox to one of Husqvarnas petrol powered hedge trimmers. A big part of the project was also to find combinations of materials for all components in the gearbox, to reduce weight and maintain or improve the performance of the system. Belt drive was of interest to investigate as an alternative solution to the current design that can reduce wear on the system at a performance test performed in the company before the product is released to market.

Handelseffekter i Myanmar efter inträdet i ASEAN

Myanmar?s entry in Association of South Eastern Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1997 brought about several economic and social changes. One important change is tariff reduction through the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT-scheme), which increased Myanmar?s export to countries outside the ASEAN. The increase in exports facilitated trade creation and investment creation for Myanmar.

Varför gör de inte vad de ska? Hur det kommer sig att ett infört arbetssätt på Försäkringskassan inte tillämpas så som avsetts

The aim of the present paper was to see why a recommended course of action is not always followed in the way it is supposed to. The paper deals with a new method (SFA-metoden) used by The Social Insurance Agency in working with sick-listed people. Aspects that are elaborated on are local effects of the method at its introduction, case managers work conditions, and control of the implementation of the method. Two different methods of investigation have been employed. On the one hand, previous reports on the method have been analysed, and, on the other hand, two focus groups interviews, one consisting of case managers´ working with the method, and one constituted by their supervisors have been carried out.The results have been analysed in accordance with, on the one hand, the theory of street level bureaucrats and, on the other hand, certain concepts applied in the new institutionalism.

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