

1483 Uppsatser om Digital plånbok - Sida 17 av 99

Digital service erbjuden till användare med funktionsnedsättning på Armeniens national bibliotek: utmaningar och åtgärder.

The purpose of the present qualitative study is to create knowledge about librarydigital services and their marketing to patrons with disabilities in Armenia, on theexample of the National Library of Armenia, as well as, to discover opinions of theNLA librarians and patrons with disabilities about the importance of library digitalservices to people with disabilities. Literature review and qualitative interviewing has been employed as methods to collect the empirical data. The results have been analyzed and discussed based on the library-marketing model of marketing research, marketing segmentation, marketing mix strategy and marketing evaluation suggested by Koontz & Gubbin (2010). It has been concluded, that 1) e-accessibility issomething new at the NLA and the NLA does not provide equally available knowledge, resources, services, facilities to patrons with disabilities, because of the following main challenges: lack of continuous funding and support from the state, lack of appropriate facilities and technologies, lack of qualified staff, and historicallyinherited library infrastructure impediments; 2) no library service marketing is conducted to patrons with disabilities at the NLA; 3) the opinions are that provisionwith such services is very important to people with disabilities, since they allow those people to gain access and use information in formats adopted to their various needs, and, of course, they become integrated into the modern society. The important role of a library as a non-discriminator and copyright protector in a developing country when delivering digital library services to patrons with disabilities has also been discovered..

Digital Kommunikation inom Radiologi ? En litteraturstudie angående för- och nackdelar

Bakgrund: Röntgensjuksköterskor arbetar inom en högteknologisk miljö, där utvecklingen har gått snabbt. När röntgensjuksköterskans arbete övergick till digital arbetsmiljö och dataskärmsarbete, blev kommunikationen mellan radiologer och röntgensjuksköterskor hämmad och arbetsmiljön förändrades. Nya ansvarsområden tillkom och lämnade utrymme för fler självständiga arbetsuppgifter. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att kartlägga vilka för- och nackdelar som den digitala kommunikationen har medfört för röntgensjuksköterskor och radiologer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt genomfördes via systematiska sökningar i databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och Scopus.

Miljöpåverkan av Cu från mjölkkors klövbad

Klövsjukdomen digital dermatit hos kor ger upphov till smärta hos djuren samt störningar i produktionen. För att förebygga och behandla klövsjukdomen används olika preparat, däribland CuSO4-lösning.Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och i så fall i vilken omfattning spridande av kopparförorenad gödsel påverkar Cu-halten i jordbruksmark.Studien genomfördes med provtagning av två oberoende jordbruksmarker där ett av områdena gödslas med kopparförorenad gödsel. Resultaten visar att jordbruksmark där förbrukad CuSO4 spridits med stallgödseln ger upphov till en signifikant ökad Cu-halt i markens översta lager, 0-25 cm.  .

Användare från båda håll ? Utökat informationsstöd inom design av registreringsprocesser

During spring 2001 we have been involved with our bachelor thesis at Doberman Digital Agency, an Internet related webdesign company. We have focused our work on the registration process via digital medias such as the Internet. During our workprocess we have been conducting a number of studies and analyses of workrelated materials. Ethnographical methods such as structured interviews and participant observations were primarily used in our work. We also widely used brainstorming in our designprocess.

BAJT : Digital teknik i hemmiljö

The northern province of Sweden has in both literature and film been depictured as something foreign and mythical, unlike the rest of the country. It has been my purpose to show in this essay that the systematic categorization of Norrland and its literature reveals multiple criteria known to define the colonial era. By reading the novel Stallo by author Stefan Spjut with postcolonial structures in mind I aim to show how the author uses Swedish mythology and through the presence of The Other criticizes colonial structures in place to this day. By examining the gothic atmosphere I intend to indicate how the trolls in the novel figures as both a horror element as well as a representation of nature itself. It is my belief that the author by further reinforcing the mythological in relation to Norrland addresses the problem at hand.

För ändring. En undersökning av tidningen i iPadformat

My work has been to create a magazine for iPad to explore this format, whichthere are mixed feelings about. Instead of seeing the digital format as an enemy ofthe printed magazine, I have chosen to see it as an opportunity.I have given myself the task of designing a magazine that can justify the useof the digital magazine. I have looked at the identity of the magazine, but mainlyexplored the format and its prerequisites.I was triggered to do the project when I saw people who are just making a pdfof the printed magazine and publish it digitally. I have during my work discoveredhow near or far away you can be from the printed magazine.The format of the iPad has multiple aspects to look upon; one that turned outto be clear in my project was navigation. Working with a spread has its problemsand opportunities; the same applies to an article that is larger than a screen.

Kostnadsoptimering av singelfrekvensnät för marksänd
digital-tv med Simulated Annealing

I det här arbetet har algoritmen Simulated Annealing undersökts med avseende på dess möjlig att användas för att minimera av kostnaden för ett singelfrekvensnät för digital tv. Undersökningen är gjord genom att simulera ett antal testfall för att utreda hur olika ingående optimeringsparametrar inverkar på slutresultatet. Alla försök har genomförts i ett egenkonstruerat simuleringsverktyg, gjort i Matlab. En jämförelse av resultaten för två olika sätt att hantera täckningskraven har också gjorts, Simulated Annealing med- respektive utan straff metod. Alla genomförda försök har genererat en betydande kostnadssänkning jämfört med startkonfigurationen.

Pedagogers samarbete kring barns skriftspråksinlärning vid skolstart

AbstractIn this text the attitudes towards and using of blogs in teaching Swedish toteenagers will be explored. The results are based on a survey made amongst 17teachers and 58 students from all over Sweden. The end results show that theusage of blog still hasn?t found a permanent way into the classrooms, but has anappeal to and is being used by predominantly younger teachers both, male andfemale, with a positive response from students regardless of gender. Theconclusion is that using web tools like the blog is an easy first step for schools toconnect to the digital society of the 21stcentury and take advantage of the perksavailable in the digital classroom.Svensk titel:Blogg + Svenska =Sant? ? Bloggande i undervisningen i svenska.Engelsk titel:Blog + Swedish =True? ? Blogging in teaching Swedish.Ämnesord: Blog, Web 2.0, digitalt klassrum, svenska, undervisning,kompetensutveckling.


Dagdrömmar är en tapetkollektion bestående av tre fondtapeter som kombinerar det moderna, massproducerade digitaltrycket med traditionell, unik broderiteknik. Genom att tillföra handbroderi och dess struktur och textila känsla till ett digitaltryckt tapetmaterial skapas en kollektion som befinner sig i gränslandet mellan design och konst, lyx och budget samt dröm och verklighet.Daydreams is a wallpaper collection consisting of three images that combines the modern, mass-produced digital printing techniques with traditional, unique needlework. By applying embroidery ? with its structure and fabric texture ? to a digitally printed wallpaper material, a collection is created that lingers on the borders between art and design, luxury and modesty as well as dream and reality..

Logotypiskt : En studie om hur digitaliseringen harförändrat logotypers utseende

In this study we are seeking to discover the norms in the design of logotypes and how they havechanged over time. To achieve this we have chosen to analyze the logotypes of twenty companies withthe largest expenditure on advertising in Sweden. We mapped chosen design attributes within the logoto discover the similarities and then we selected the five oldest brands to analyze how their logos havechanged over time. The design changes in the logotypes over time is can be related to the changingattitudes of the general public and the designers ambitions to draw on convention to create iconic designthat will spark brand-recognition. However many changes can?t be directly explained through changesin convention.

Digital Signage - Infokiosk; Utforma för uppmärksamhet och interaktion

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how Digital Signage systems such as public info kiosks can be designed to better fulfill its main use; to enlighten, encourage and influence the public with information. The challenges presented from earlier studies shows that the public interests and goals, together with proper and relevant content displayed in info kiosks have impact on the attention the public have towards public displays. Qualitative methods such as interviews, usability testing and observations were conducted to further examine how a public info kiosk can be designed to draw attention and grow interest amongst students at K3, Malmo University. Usability testing were used on the digital prototypes that were developed to ensure that the gestural user interface meet the requirements of a proper interaction from the users. Important insights were made concerning; the attention and interest to relevant content, the aspects of the gestural user interface along with the placement of the info kiosk in terms of context.

Dagens Nyheter 3.0 : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie av dagstidningens form i tryckt format respektive applikationsformat

A daily newspaper?s main purpose is to inform its readers without creating noise. Theimportance of the visual presentation is therefore of weight for an effectivecommunication process. This study informs about the importance of typography inthe visual decoding process. The study includes the Swedish newspaper DagensNyheter?s transition from printed media to digital media adapted to an Ipad.

Katastrofisk design : Ett designförslag för en digital scenarioeditor

Målet med det här arbetet var att skapa en konceptuell designprototyp för en scenarioeditor åt en digital version av utbildningsverktyget Emergo Train System. Rapporten ämnar ta upp och presentera den arbetsprocess som lett fram till designprototypen och dess utvärdering. I rapporten tillkommer även en diskussion kring hur en scenarioeditor bör utformas för att stödja skapandet av ETS-scenarion samt hur ett flexibelt arbetssätt stöds i form av skapandet av scenariorepresentationer.Intervjuer genomfördes med instruktörer och systemansvarige för ETS, samt observationer av iordningställande av ett ETS-scenario. Datainsamlingen analyserades och resulterade i en kravspecifikation för den digitala scenarioeditorn. Den prototyp som utformades gjordes så i pappersformat och utvärderades tillsammans med personal från Katastrofmedicinskt centrum i Linköping. .

Undersökning av Södra-transportörernas användande av KOLA-systemet

The purpose of this study was to create a picture of Södra´s round wood transporters usage, and positive or negative experiences of the KOLA-system. The KOLA-system, owned and managed by SDC, is a program for handling timber orders and displaying their locations on digital maps. The study was conducted as a twenty-three question internet-based survey. Of those asked to complete the survey, 57 percent chose to answer the questions. The results of the study indicated that several of the transporters found the system quite good and used it to a large extent. The system also had many deficiencies however, and there was clear potential for further increasing the usage of the system.

?Ett fantastiskt redskap!? En studie om hur personer i åldern 65 ? 75 år använder och upplever Internet i sin vardag

The main purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how six elderly individuals, 65-75 years old, use and perceive Internet in their everyday life. The focus in this study is to enlighten elderly people as Internet-users.In 2010 many elderly people are still digital excluded. In Europe and in Sweden efforts are made to educate citizens to use the Internet, and that benefits of the digital society should be available to all.This study is based on the following questions: what made the informants take an interest in the Internet in the first place? How and for what purpose do they use it? And how do the informants regard to their own Internet usage and its importance in society?We interviewed six people aged 65-75 years old, using semi-structured questions. The data was analyzed by using the theory developed by Hektor concerning Internet and information behaviour in everyday life.

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