

1943 Uppsatser om Digital environments - Sida 56 av 130

Digitala sällskapsspel med den sociala aspekten som utgångspunkt

Detta kandidatarbete underso?ker om det ga?r att beha?lla den sociala aspekten da? man digitaliserar ett sa?llskapsspel. Fo?r att underso?ka problemomra?det skapades ett spelkoncept utifra?n de teorier och slutsatser vi fa?tt fram genom litteraturstudier. Spelkonceptet testades pa? respondenter som eftera?t intervjuades.

Flexibla aktörer, interna rum : Filmproducenter, personliga nätverk och mötesplatser inom filmbranschen

I denna uppsats studeras hur kontakter mellan filmproducenter och manusförfattare, regissörer och finansiärer skapas och fördjupas samt i vilka konkreta fysiska rum sådana kontakter kan ske. Djupintervjuer har gjorts med tre Stockholmsbaserade filmproducenter och två andra nyckelpersoner i samma stad. Dessa intervjuer har sedan analyserats dels hermeneutiskt, dels genom diskursanalys. Resultaten visar att kontakter ofta skapas dels genom personliga nätverk, dels i själva arbetet med filmprojekt. Mötesplatserna är ofta temporära och interna, även om vissa typer av miljöer som kontor, lägenheter och restauranger återkommer.

Metadata för det digitala biblioteket : Objektbeskrivning av elektroniska resurser

Cataloguing electronic documents makes new demands on libraries. This thesis discusses the metadata formats Dublin Core and MARC which are, individually or in combination, commonly used for object description in the digital library.The formats are studied with particular emphasis on characteristics such as underlying reasoning (ambitions during the development of the formats), flexibility (possibilities of expansion and adaption to new demands) and interoperability (cooperation between different metadata formats). The formats are dealt with in their context, i.e. we discuss what types of documents the formats are meant to describe, what environment they were originally created for, what functions they are meant to fill (to find, identify, select and acquire/obtain entities), and also how these factors are related. The Swedish projects SAFARI (which uses Dublin Core) and NetSök (which uses MARC) are presented briefly.

Den medeltida stadshamnen : Om strandområdets topografi och funktion i tre Öresundsstäder

This essay focuses on the function and development of city harbors during the middle ages in the Scanian part of Öresund. The purpose of the survey is to take a closer look at topography, development and activities on the shores in three coastal cities along the west coast of Scania. The cities that has been part of the survey are: Skanör ? Falsterbo, Malmoe and Landskrona, three cities that follows each other chronologically and that show both similarities and differences in appearance, function and urbanization.The cities of Skanör ? Falsterbo and Malmoe were important market places for the medieval Scania market with the herring fishery in focus. The cities? birth has to be looked upon in relation to these activities.

Mätning av knäledens rörelseomfång med en digital goniometer : En reliabilitets- och validitetsstudie

Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka reliabiliteten och validiteten hos en digital goniometer (DGA: Angela, Meloq©) vid mätning av rörelseomfånget vid aktiv och passiv flexion och extension i knäleden.Frågeställningarna var: ?Hur reliabel är DGA vid upprepade mätningar av knäledens rörelseomfång avseende aktiv och passiv flexion och extension?? och ?Hur valid är DGA vid mätning av rörelseomfånget vid aktiv och passiv flexion och extension i knäleden??.Metod: Reliabiliteten hos DGA utvärderades genom ett test-retest förfarande och validiteten utvärderades genom att vid ett och samma tillfälle genomföra mätningar med DGA och en traditionell goniometer (TG), där TG ansågs som Golden Standard. Arton individer, 9 kvinnor och 9 män, mellan 19-73år rekryterades till studien. Totalt 36 knäleder utvärderades med TG och DGA genom mätning av knäledens ROM i sagittalplanet. Mätningarna genomfördes på höger och vänster ben i standardiserad ordning med början i höger ben: aktiv flexion, passiv flexion, aktiv extension, passiv extension.

Svansbitning hos grisar, arv eller miljö?

Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.

Vaka över barnen - En studie kring barns och pedagogers tankar om tillsyn av den fria leken.

This survey is about pre-school teacher?s supervision over children?s play. In an earlier study children expressed that they had places they called their own. In those places where they were in charge the adults were not welcome unless they were invited by the children. This aroused our interest to do a survey about children?s influence over their playing time.

Ska vi gå hem till dig, eller hem till mig? Om sexuellt kontaktskapande i nöjesetablissemangsmiljö i Malmö och Lund

Places like nightclubs or pubs are frequently visited in order to find partners for love, sex and relationships. This study examins behavioral patterns and trends among young adults in these environments. A computer-based questionnaire has been implemented on entertainment establishments - two studentclubs, one youth club and three nightclubs - in Malmoe and Lund in southern Sweden. The emprical material contains at most 149 answers, and at least 109. Sex, love and relationships are less important than expected, but are still some of few big reasons for visiting nightclubs.

Resan är målet: En kvantitativ studie om kongruenta erbjudandens påverkan på köpintentionen

The technological development and increasing popularity for integrated multichannel solutions constitutes both severe opportunities and challenges for todays' and tomorrows' retailers. On the account of consumers leaving traces when using digital channels and the technological development enabling retailers to use this information to create relevant offers, goal-congruity is relevant to apply in the multichannel shopping context. Based upon previous research on goal congruity and channel integration, our main purpose in this study is to increase the understanding for how congruity in an offer increases the intention to redeem the offer. Several studies focus on and contrast the product characteristics hedonic and utilitarian. However, it has been stated that it is crucial that research also examines the difference in target audience, buying situation and as examined in this study: buying decision process.

Hearty Horror

I denna text diskuterar jag produktionen av Hearty Horrors, ett spel programmerat och designat helt i flash. Jag diskuterar svårigheterna för de olika delarna i att skapa ett spel. Tankar och jämförelser mellan onda och goda karaktärer och vad man, som speldesigner, bör och inte bör göra för att få spelare att känna sig manade att spela vidare. In this text I discuss the production of Hearty Horrors, a game programmed and designed completly in flash. I discuss the difficulties of diffrent parts in the making of a game. Thoughts and comparances are made between evil and good characters and what you, as a gamedesigner, should and should not do to make the player want to continue playing..

Arbetshälsa en helhet - En kvalitativ studie om delaktighet

Background/Literature: Workplace environment has a significant influence on the livelihood of many in today?s world. In Sweden one million employees feel the effects of ill-health due to a dissatisfactory workplace environment. Consequently there has been a recent focus on the promotion of health in the workplace with an emphasis on physical activities. However scientific research has shown that psychological and social aspects need to be addressed in addition to the physical aspects.

Digital klyfta eller transformerad demokrati? En studie av besökarna på SKAF : s webbplats kommunal.se

Minnets tematiska och berättartekniska funktion i Eyvind Johnsons roman Strändernas svall (Fredrik Smeds, C-uppsats i Litteraturvetenskap, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation, vt 2003). Författaren redogör först för romanens handling och jämför kompositionen med den i Odysséen. Vidare studeras berättare och synvinkel. Därefter följer en genomgång av minnena och berättelserna, främst Odyssevs?, men även Nestors och Menelaos?.

Corporate Brand Positioning

PURPOSE: To investigate to what extent product brand positioning models can be used to analyzecorporate brand positioning;METHODOLOGY: The phenomenon is observed from a positivist epistemological position within a primarilyinductive research design. The research strategy is defined as qualitative, while the method of ethnographiccontent analysis is implemented to analyze primary data;THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE: Product and brand positioning literature; Product brand positioning rhombus;EMPIRICAL DATA: Ethnographic content analysis of brand commercials;CONCLUSION: As shown by the extensive literature review product brands (PB) and corporate brands (CB) coexistin corporate environments. One of key insights of this study shows that product brand positioning(PBP) and corporate brand positioning (CBP) processes can also co-exist in the same corporate environment.Moreover, PBs can be built based on the CB, making the investment in CB a long term return on investment.The study also observes that PBP messages include the ?against whom? attribute, highlighting differentiationin the competitive environment; when on the corporate level, this evolves, and in some cases becomes quitethe contrary, when the concept of ?from whom? or ?by whom? is stressed more than the differentiation amongother CBs in the competitive environment. This stresses the importance of including brand identity elementsin CBP..

Mötet mellan religionsfrihet och skolplikt i den svenska skolan

The aim of the study is to examine which present conceptions of sexuality there are in treatment of substance abuse for men. The intention is to examine how staff members in these environments perceive clients? sex and sexuality as well as studying if and in that case how they work with sexuality in treatment. A qualitative method formed the methodological approach and semistructured interviews were carried out for the collection of data. Four staff members from two different treatment institutions for substance abuse were interviewed.

"Vill du röra på dig får du gå ut" : En studie om pedagogers syn på barns stillasittande i skolans tidigare år

This study aims to discover pedagogues perceptions of children?s sedentary behavior linked to the school and its activities. Questions that the study sought to answer was: What do pedagogues think of when they hear ?sedentary children?. How do the pedagogues look at their own and the schools responsibility? Advantages and disadvantages with sedentary behavior? Relationship between physical activity and sedentary behavior and the impact of environment connected to sedentary behavior? The study is qualitative and implemented through seven interviews with pedagogues in the schools earlier years.

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