

5467 Uppsatser om Decision factors - Sida 23 av 365

Förskolebarn med externaliserade och internaliserade problem är ingen homogen grupp

Some children develop externalizing and internalizing behavior problems at an early age. Previous research has often treated these children as a homogeneous group, the purpose of this study is to show that this group of children is in fact heterogeneous. Data from theSOFIAstudy was used and preschool pedagogues were informants. The sample contained 2121 boys and girls between 3-5 years. Groups of children with the behavior problems and the risk factors AD/HD symptoms, fearlessness and callous-unemotional traits were created.

Adoption av en kommunikationslösning : En kvalitativ studie

The modern workplace is dependent on effective communication in order for the employees to be able to execute their tasks. Despite this over half of the new communications-solutions that are inserted to handle an organizations communication needs fail. Therefore this study focuses on the adoption of communication-solutions in the context of the modern workplace. This with the intent of identifying factors that are central to the individuals? adoption of new communication-solutions.

Kliniskt datainsamlingssystem med beslutsstöd - Användarutredning och gränssnitt för Sahlgrenskas akutintag

 Extra high requirements are made on all systems in health care that they are functional and usable,´something, however, that is not always the case. At Emergency Admissions at Sahlgrenska University´Hospital many systems are in use at the same time and it happens that much overhead is caused by having to fill in the same information in different places. In addition, data that is gathered is to a large extent saved in free text format, which means that it cannot be used in a larger context such as research, quality control or for decision support. Data is saved in the patient file only for the treatment process of the individual patient.A data collecting system with decision support functionality could be a first step towards reducing Emergency Admissions? costs and patients? waiting times by providing a structured method of data collection.

Design av förhandlingsstöd - En fallstudie inom radiologisk verksamhet

Recent developments suggest that private and public companies are moving towards a more service-oriented business. Service orientation means that hardware is often sold in packages with service agreements, which makes the investment more difficult to assess. The challenges that arise will be to assess the value of the overall package, the information needed to make informed decisions and the operational requirements in combination of hardware, software, support agreements, training and more. The paper therefore aims to examine how decision makers can evaluate the benefits of these investments and obtain a stronger base to make better decisions. There is within the area of radiology in the region of Västra Götaland a pronounced need for a better flow of information regarding medical equipment and related service agreements.

"Ska jag ta de här tabletterna?" : Behandling med statiner från kranskärlspatientens synvinkel, en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Background: Coronary heart disease kills more than 7 million people worldwide each year. High levels of blood fat, cholesterol, contributes significantly to coronary heart disease. Lifestyle changes combined with lipid-lowering drugs, statins, is an effective treatment. But adherence to statins is low, not even a myocardial infarction always contributes to adherence. Adherence requires patient education and good communication between patient and physician.

Key Success Factors i projekt inom Entertainment, En fallstudie av HippHipp! [paw rihk-titt]

Syftet är att beskriva ett projekt inom Entertainment och identifiera dess Key Success Factors. En fallstudie gjordes av privatteaterproduktionen HippHipp! [paw rihk-titt] som gavs i Lund 2003-2004. I en induktiv studie genomfördes nio stycken intervjuer som resulterade i ett empiriskt material. Detta material analyserades och relaterades till teorier om projektledning (Briner m fl), adhocrati (Mintzberg), Key Success Factors (Grant) och Experience Economy (Pine & Gilmore). Studien beskriver ett framgångsrikt projekt inom Entertainment och förklarar framgången med projektet genom att presentera sex stycken Key Success Factors.

Gruva eller renar? : En deliberativ analys av deltagande i beslutsprocessen vid en gruvetablering i Storumans kommun

This thesis examines the conditions for participation in the decision making process of a possible mine establishment in Storuman municipality in the north of Sweden. This is done through a case study where the main actors are the mining company Nickel Mountain AB, the municipality Storuman and the Sami village Vapsten. As a theoretical framework Cecilia Eriksson?s division of democratic theories is used as a starting point. Methods as described in deliberative democratic theory, such as discussion by effected community members, are seen as a method within the participatory democratic tradition, not a theory of its own.

Att tala och att komma till tals : En undersökning om vilka som kom till tals i 1940 års skolutredning

The purpose of this study is to examine who were given the opportunity to express their opinions in the government proposition concerning the future of the school system ? particularly regarding the proposal that pupils do compulsory military service - submitted to the Swedish parliament 21 March 1941. Our focus is mainly on three parts of the proposition: the proposal to introduce shooting- and grenade practice for all pupils, the proposal to introduce an obligatory military leadership training course for teachers and the proposal to introduce an obligatory summer camp for all pupils.Using primarily a qualitative method we examine how different opinions and views are expressed in the statements and utterances responding to the pending proposition and who the responders are. We will attempt to clarify who were considered to be undisputed authorities and experts, and whose opinions, for that reason, carried a lot of weight in the decision making process, comparing them to the statements and utterances submitted on a voluntary basis by non-experts. And finally, to what extent the opinions in the statements and utterances were allowed to guide the propositional work.Results show that the statements and utterances were submitted by authorities, chapter, county administrative boards and religious, non-profit and political organizations as well as different types of schools, representatives from the Board of Education and elementary school boards not a part of county councils or other types of associations.

Är BIM lönsamt vid projektering av ett småhus?

This report brings up the question - ?Is BIM profitable when planning a single-family home??.The methodology for finding the answer to this question is firstly to state the definitions of BIMand the company that is projecting by using the BIM-model. The answer is then obtained byanalyses of the factors of profitability with respect to: time, opportunity of revision, problemvisualization, preference adjustments and energy. A BIM-model has been made simultaneously asthe writing has proceeded to get a perception of how a BIM-model really matters for the analysis.The analysis shows that the answer for the question depends on further factors. The factors thatare mostly discussed are the company?s intentions and the complexity of the house.

Kvinnlig könsstympning eller omskärelse. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors behov av kulturella kunskaper i mötet med omskurna eller könsstympade kvinnor.

Sweden, being a multicultural society, has an increased need for transcultural care. The purpose of this literature review is to provide, through Madeleine Leinger's Culture Care-theory and her Sunrise model, a greater knowledge to nurses and to other professions within the health care units in meeting with circumcised or genitally mutilated girls or women. The result is based upon two scientific dissertations and nine scientific studies. It emerged mainly the etic (outsider) perspective. To underline the emic (insider) perspective, pure literature and fiction have been used.

Väsentlig anknytning : Betydelsen av bostad och väsentligt inflytande i näringsverksamhet för individens skattemässiga status

In Sweden a person is either unlimited or limited liable to tax. It is important to define this status since the consequence of being unlimited liable to tax according to chapter 3 § 8 Swedish income tax law (1999:1229) is imposed tax on every revenue from Sweden and overseas. When deciding the fiscal status Sweden uses the principle of domicile which makes the home of the taxable person important.Despite domilication in another country a person can be considered to have such bonds to Sweden that they still should be unlimited liable to tax here. During the development of the Swedish communal tax law (1928:370) the term essential linkage was introduced. There are numerous factors which can affect this assessment but in case-law some factors have been considered more important than others.

Europeiskt arvsintyg : En granskning av det internationella arvsintyget i EU:s arvsförordning

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the European certificate of succession, and how it affects Swedish inheritance law. The European certificate of succession is a European document that will be introduced in august 2015 in the EU regulation of succession. The certificate of succession is meant to simplify the current process of cross-border inheritance by legitimizing the concerned parties, which according to the regulation are: heirs, legatees, executors of wills and administrators of the estate. According to the regulation, the member state of which the deceased had habitual residence shall have jurisdiction to rule on the succession as a whole. Since the certificate is a European document, it will have legal effect in all member states.

Hur säljare gör sitt val av fastighetsmäklare : en undersökning utförd i Stockholmsområdet

This essay puts its focus on examining vendors? underlying decision criterias when choosing an estate agent at the purpose of selling an apartment. The purpose is on one hand to expound the knowledge of the vendor?s decision process and on the other hand to evaluate how the choice of an estate agent is perceived to the vendor. By nine interviews we explored what reasons made vendors choose their agents and whether they were contented with their choice.

Skolkuratorers föreställningar om det skolkurativa arbetet

The aim of this study was to examine how some Swedish school counsellor?s describe their school social work and how they look at its content. Further more the aim is to look at what restraining and promoting factors the school counsellor?s experience in their working situation. The approach of the study is qualitative and interviews have been made with five school counsellors.

Tidspress och ekonomiskt risktagande

Stress and time pressure is more present in todays labor markets. In financial markets a securities broker is forced to take decisions on investments under high cognitive load and under extreme time pressure. The research of decision under risk gained new ground with the development of the prospect theory and gave us new insights to the decision making of men. Prospect theory has shown that people are risk seekers when dealing with loss decisions and risk avert when dealing with profit decisions. The value function are defined over gains and losses.

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