

9925 Uppsatser om Customer relationship management - Sida 7 av 662

Implementering av CRM : en förändringsprocess

Företag arbetar i dag aktivt med att stärka sina befintliga kundrelationer då det är dessa kunder som renderar störst lönsamhet. CRM? Customer Relation Management är ett vanligt använt begrepp när det gäller att arbeta kundorienterat.Företags insikt och kompetens om det förändringsarbete som införandet av ett CRM system innebär är ofta mycket låg vilket medför att upp till 55 procent av alla implementeringar inte når upp till förväntningarna. (Greenberg 2004)Syftet med uppsatsen är att, ur ett förändringsperspektiv se var i förändringsprocessen som problem uppstår, hos företag som implementerat CRM.Uppsatsen har genomförts som en fallstudie på Exportrådet och Eductus AB med en kvalitativ metodansats. Empirisk data har samlats in genom intervjuer med de ansvariga för införandet av CRM i bägge företagen.

När kundklubben tappar i lojalitet ? En studie av MQ?s kundklubbmedlemmars bristande lojalitet

There is now a trend to move closer to the customer in the form of long-term and lastingrelationships. The market today is characterized by growing competition with new playersconstantly arising. In order to gain competitive advantage with the increasingly challengingmarket, companies require to place the customer in the centre. Being close to the customerand engage in successful efforts to create customer loyalty has become a critical successfactor in many businesses. Especially when the customers in today's market is becomingincreasingly unfaithful and continuously looking for new companies with new productofferings.Many companies have now also realized the importance of trying to retain existing customersas it is more profitable than constantly trying to acquire new ones.

E-marketing - ett modernt kommunikationsverktyg : En studie som presenterar alternativa marknadsföringsåtgärder

Background: The use of digital marketing channels during the last years has increased significantly, especially the use of marketing on the Internet. Hence the communication chart of marketing has been redrawn. The technological development has had a major impact on the marketing discipline. The integration of information technology and marketing has resulted in the emergence of a new field, namely e-marketing. Hence the need for further research is desirable.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine alternative marketing procedures that a company can apply to increase the digital awareness and manage their customer relationships.Theoretical framework: Theories regarding digital marketing cycle, SEO and customer relationship.Method: This research is based on data collected through a primary semi-structured interview with a company active in the corporate information industry which also provides a RFQ service.

BOHICA (Bend Over Here It Comes Again) : kan ledningen undvika BOHICA syndromet vid en omorganisation?: en fallstudie i en sydsvensk sparbank.

This essay is about how the company management should prepare to avoid BOHICA syndrome to develop from a reorganisation. BOHICA syndrome is a cynical attitude, acquired by recurrent disappointments from, for example reorganisations. If the company management is attentive and identifies and addresses such disappointments, BOHICA syndrome can prohibit the possibilities in future to work efficiently and profitably in the company. BOHICA syndrome are thus by extension a threat to the company?s survival.

"Omstart" : En studie om co-creation inom scenkonst

The process of value creation is rapidly shifting from a product- and firm-centric view to personalized consumer experience today. Informed, networked, empowered and active consumers are increasingly co-creating value with the firm. The interaction between the firm and the consumer as well as the experience factor plays an increasingly important role in determining the success of a company?s offering. In this study, a special type of co-creating experience is investigated - ?omstartspex? - where the audience is interacting with actors during the play.

Analys av institutionell kapitalförvaltning: Stiftelserna som bildades ur de forna löntagarfonderna

This paper studies the research foundations created in 1994 from the former wage earners? funds out of a portfolio management point of view. Firstly it describes the seven largest foundations and their different portfolio management structures. Secondly it analyses the performance of these foundations measured as the intercept, Jensen?s a, in a linear regression of the excess returns of a portfolio versus a proxy for the market, as well as the Sharpe-ratio.

Blod, svett & tårar : En studie av vad som skapar varumärkestillknytning till träningscenter

We have examined how the dependence, identity and social bonds affect customer loyalty and attachment to a training centre. The method used is a survey on SATS Karlstad city where 128 respondents were asked, out of which 118 surveys were used in the final analysis. The data was analyzed using ANCOVA and multiple regressions.The result showed significant relationships on attachment between identity and dependence. Social bonds had no significant effect on the attachment a member have towards training centre. Customer loyalty was measured by how long the individual has been a member and his or her training frequency.

Upprättandet av kundrelationer med minskad fysisk närvaro : En kvalitativ studie om Danske Bank

Vi har gjort en kvalitativ undersökning av hur en bank på den svenska marknadenupprätthåller kundrelationer via en Internetbaserad distributionskanal. Vi har utfört en intervjumed Danske Banks Head of Channels Daniel Wahlström för att insamla primärdata för attundersöka och analysera vilka faktorer som är essentiella för att upprätthålla kundrelationervid en fysisk distansering från kund.Analys av primärdata har skett utifrån utvalda relevanta teorier och perspektiv som behandlarkundrelationer, tjänstekvalitet, kundlojalitet, kundupplevt värde, e-lojalitet samt CustomerRelationship Management.Resultatet av studien visar att banken har ett väl fungerande arbete med kundrelationer ochsitt CRM-system utifrån de teorier som studien har baserat sig på. Alltjämt försöker bankenanpassa sig efter distanseringen från det fysiska bankkontoret till en Internetbaserad kanal därtjänsten också har utvecklats jämsmed kund. Dock kvarstår en del emotionella utmaningar iarbetet med en personlig relation med kund i denna kanal..

Customer Relationship Management : På vilket sa?tt arbetar svenska foöretag med CRM och finns det goda förutsättningar för att bedriva ett framgångsrikt arbete?

Sedan bo?rjan pa? 90-talet och informationsteknikens inta?gande kan vi nu snabbare a?n na?gonsin ha?mta information fra?n va?rldens alla ho?rn. Detta go?r att spelplanen fo?r fo?retag har fo?ra?ndrats radikalt och fo?retag ma?ste anpassa sig till kunden pa? ett helt annat sa?tt a?n tidigare. Denna utveckling har tvingat fo?retag att fo?rsta? vikten av att se kundens relation till fo?retaget som en va?rdeskapande process som syftar till att utveckla la?ngvariga relationer parterna emellan.Detta kombinerat med utvecklingen av informationstekniken (IT) och hanteringen av datalagring under 1990-talet har tillsammans skapat begreppet Customer relationship management, fo?rkortat CRM.

Försörja sig på hästar? En studie av hur värde konstrueras i hästverksamheter

This study aims to investigate how value is constructed in horse business, in order to increase knowledge and contribute to development of theory in this field. This is important since the horse plays a significant role in the rural development in Sweden. The study assumes that value is something created through relationships in the social network. Therefore theories of sensemaking are combined with a discourse analytic method. By interviewing customers to two companies, one with orientation on trotting horses and one with orientation on showjumping horses, it was found that value is constructed through retrospective stories.

Specialexponering av EMV - En pusselbit, till en mer lönsam butik

There is a tough competition in food-stores these days. Storeowners have been forced to try something new to attract customers. One way to accomplish that is to add private labels to the assortment. There are several benefits with these labels; its higher margins for this type of brand and the brand can also strengthen the stores image in the customers mind. When private labels first entered the market, the customer had a relatively low attitude towards the brands.

Event Marketing som Marknadsinstrument : En fallstudie om Skanska

As the title insinuate, this essay illustrate Event Marketing as a marketing instrument, and how it can be used as a tool to facilitate brandbuilding and improve relationships. We have come to the understanding that Event Marketing is in the course of constant development. It seems like Event Marketing as a marketing tool is starting to get its well-merited position in the marketing mix throughout the world, since companies and other organisations have realized that Event Marketing is a powerful tool for differentiation. We have also seen that Event Marketing in the business world lately has come to be more important for building and maintaining relationships, as well as carrying marketing messages.In this essay we discuss Event Marketing in three sections; brand, relationships, and customer experience. Among these topics, inter alia Integrated Marketing Communications, Sensory Marketing, and Service-dominant Logic are presented.


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.

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