

18402 Uppsatser om Customer information - Sida 23 av 1227

Kundorienteringens utveckling : inom två kommunala bostadsföretag

Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att utreda och analysera hur två kommunala bostadsföretag arbetar med kundorientering idag jämfört med för tio år sedan. Vårt mål är att utifrån en uppföljande studie redogöra för hur kundorienteringstankarna har utvecklats under den senaste tioårsperioden. Arbetar de kommunala bostadsföretagen mer kundorienterat idag jämfört med för tio år sedan? Vi vill även öka kunskapen kring kundorientering och belysa vilka fördelar som finns att vinna hos de kommunala bostadsföretag som väljer att arbeta kundorienterat. Metod: För att genomföra studien har vi samlat information från litteratur och från två intervjuer. Intervjuerna har utförts personligt på respektive respondents kontor.

Specialexponering av EMV - En pusselbit, till en mer lönsam butik

There is a tough competition in food-stores these days. Storeowners have been forced to try something new to attract customers. One way to accomplish that is to add private labels to the assortment. There are several benefits with these labels; its higher margins for this type of brand and the brand can also strengthen the stores image in the customers mind. When private labels first entered the market, the customer had a relatively low attitude towards the brands.

Med kunden i fokus? : En studie av hur kundklubbar påverkar verksamheten inom svenska företag

Varje dag använder sig miljontals svenskar av någon form av medlems- eller kundklubbskort när de handlar i butik, kontaktar en kundtjäst eller loggar in på ett företags hemsida. Motiven till detta kan förstås vara olika - det kan vara smidigt, lönsamt eller nödvändigt för att överhuvudtaget få den hjälp och service man önskar. För företagen är denna registrering å andra sidan ett effektivt sätt att samla information om sina kunder som ett led i deras lojalitetsskapande arbete mot kund. Tidigare, internationella studier av CRM visar dock på att företagen inte utnyttjar den information de har om kunder för att verkligen styra verksamheten.Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera om detta är ett aktuellt problem även bland svenska företag genom en enkätundersökning riktad till CRM- och kundklubbsansvariga vid svenska företag. Denna undersökning har utarbetats utifrån Cuthbertsons tre kriterier för att avgöra om en organisation är kundorienterade eller ej.Resultat visar att de flesta företag som deltog i studien inte använder informationen man samlar in från kunderna i någon större utsträckning.

Djurägarens upplevelse av djursjukskötarens bemötande vid besöket på kliniken

Veterinary medicine is not merely an area of occupation but also an area of business. In a business the customer service is its identity and brand and more importantly what makes the client choose and recommend the clinic to other potential customers. The licensed veterinary nurse is habitually the one who first meets the clients at the clinic. Therefore it is particularly important for the licensed veterinary nurse at the clinic to offer high-quality customer service. The object of this study was to understand and elucidate how the pet owners experience the encounter with the licensed veterinary nurse at different stages in their contact with the clinic.

Customer Relationship Management - En studie om Volvos strävan att sätta kunden i fokus -


Prediktering av komponenters mognad/kvalitet utifrån felkodsutfall

This master thesis has been carried out at Scania R&D at the department of Powertrain Control System Development during the winter 2011/2012. The purpose of the thesis was to produce a method that with the result of troubles codes from the field testing would be able to say something about the maturation of a component, in this case the VGT, variable geometry turbocharger. To start with, it was necessary to investigate hich information was available. After the information been summed up in tables and charts, this so that it was possible to understand the huge amount of data, the calculations started.Since the thesis was about maturation of a component the proportions were calculated of components that had a trouble code in contrast of those who passed the test without a trouble code. This Thesis includes background information about basic of statistics and about the company Scania and its testing process.

Dags för IT-boom i hotellbranschen?: Om hur svenska förstaklasshotell med hjälp av IT kan förbättra service för sina gäster

This thesis seeks to investigate how Swedish first class hotels by use of IT can improve customer service and thereby increase the share of loyal guests. The authors have conducted a qualitative study predominantly consisting of an interview-based case study at one of Stockholm?s largest independent hotels. To get a broader and more generalized picture of the hotel industry four smaller studies at other hotels in Stockholm were also conducted. The findings suggest that the use of IT can improve the communication between the hotel and its guests and make possible a continuing relationship between visits that strengthens guest commitment.

Tailor-made : En studie om skräddarsydda produkter på internet

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how companies offering tailor made products on the internet, can work with their marketing and their customer relationships. The study will answer the purpose from a service management perspective and there will also be presented theories from an Electronic Commerce perspective.The starting point for this study was the qualitative method. The essay builds its empirical material from interviews with knowledgeable persons in the subject and the owner of the company whose products are tailor made and sold on the internet. It was conducted seven interviews, four of which were face-to-face, two conducted by mail and finally there was made a telephone interview.Conclusions have been drawn based on the empirical material and theory. The study has been able to identify three concepts that are central to this type of product: Site-building, customer involvement and promotion & relationship management..

Dynamiken mellan sändare och mottagare- en studie av Acne Jeans, Filippa K och konsumenten i Stockholm och Göteborg

The consumer today is affected by a considerably larger number of world surrounding factors than she used to be, borders between different cultures and other consumer differences are being erased to a growing extent. The consumer can easily get its inspiration from many different directions which become clear in the common life. We eat sushi for lunch, we?re driving German cars and we?re having dinner with international business partners. The community also exposes the consumer for a more intense noise from offers, impact and marketing.

Nyckelfaktorer för långsiktiga kundrelationer inom fastighetsbranschen : En analys av Generation Y ? med inriktning mot medelstora fastighetsbolag i glesbygdskommuner

Aktörer inom fastighetsbranschen har visat stort intresse att möta den nya Generation Y och söka kunskap inom marknadsföring mot dessa. Aktörerna efterfrågar kunskap för att bygga långsiktiga kundrelationer, där bostadsbristen inte är lika utbredd som i storstäderna. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera om engagemang, förtroende och lojalitet är avgörande faktorer vid skapandet av långsiktiga kundrelationer med Generation Y. Vidare presenteras teori angående vad som ligger till grund för långsiktiga kundrelationer. 103 respondenter har medverkat i en internetbaserad enkätundersökning där svaren har analyserats i det statistiska analysverktyget SPSS. Följande analyser har genomförts: korrelationsanalys, faktoranalys, regressionsanalys samt klusteranalys.

Adventsljusstake: Framtagning av ett produktkoncept till en adventsljusstake

Traditions are something that is very important to many people, Christmas is usually no exception. Christmas tree, Christmas ham, herring and candle lights are just as important as the advent candlestick. The advent candlestick help you get the Christmas feeling during the countdown. In this report the work with a new advent candlestick concept can be followed step by step.A lot of information was needed in the beginning. By doing some research, surveys and interviews the ground was established for further work.

Föräldrars övergrepp mot barn : och dess betydelse vid vårdnad och umgänge

The purpose of this study is to investigate and increase the understanding of how the two commercial companies IKEA and SAS and the two aid organizations/nonprofit organizations UNICEF and Save the Children use perceptions of Christmas to produce messages in their Christmas advertising/commercial film. The study also discusses if there may be communicative and pictorial similarities and differences in how these brands constructs messages in commercials, and why it may be that the brands choose to use these messages in commercials based on the recipient possible interpretations. The theories used in this study are promotional culture, framing theory, preferred meaning, semiotics (denotation and connotation), myth and rhetoric (ethos, pathos and logos). The method used to answer the purpose and issues are the qualitative method that uses the theories semiotic and rhetoric to analyze the material. The study's results derived from the qualitative content analyzes of the material (the brands IKEA, SAS, UNICEF and Save the Children Christmas advertising films) show that IKEA message might want to show that they want to help the customer and that they pay attention to the customer needs.

Boka biljetter online : Hur ska biljettbokningssystem designas för att tillfredställa kunden?

In today's society we are used to regularly visit the sport arena to cheer for our favorite team, we go to the cinema to enjoy a good movie or maybe to the theatre to experience a grand performance. It has become far more common in the last years to buy tickets to these kinds of events online. To make sure that the customer will keep on buying their tickets from the online booking companies the booking experience itself has to be hassle-free and easy to understand. The customer will most likely, if possible, avoid the website if the booking itself is experienced as having problems and insecurities.  The purpose of this study is to determine some of the most fundamental designs and functions of online booking websites today as perceived by the general public.

LHC - Strävan efter att öka den totala kundupplevelsen

In today's society there are a lot of offers towards consumers, where they actively have to choose the most appealing offer. In order for an offer to be attractive it must add value in line with the customers demand. Also, it requires that the offer provides a sufficient level of attraction so that the customer selects the particular product/service over another. Furthermore, each offer must exceed the expectations of the visitors to an event, so they feel that the event is something "extraordinary". We have chosen to study how LHC (Linkoping Hockey Club) works with marketing in order to improve the overall customer experience.

Brand extensions ? the influence of the parent brand

The purpose of this investigation is to come across the associations of consumers who are being exposed to a brand extension from a different product category. Moreover, our aim is to contribute to the knowledge of how consumers respond to these extended products, by investigating the influence of the parent brand. To fulfill our purpose, this study was conducted through qualitative interviews with consumers. In order to carry out our investigation and analyze our findings the following theoretical framework has been used: Customer-based equity, Parent brand affect and Perceived fit. Our data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews including consumers of Fiat and Marlboro brand extensions.

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