

18402 Uppsatser om Customer information - Sida 22 av 1227

Kvalitetssäkring av servicelämnare för skogsbrukets arbetsmaskiner : Intervjuer och förslag till utveckling

In this study we have examined the possible quality standards and methods for applications with service workshops in the forest industry. The purpose of the methods presented here was to start the work of standarardising the maintenance service in the industry and be of use for service providers in their quality effort.The methods we used to accomplish the study were interviews and field visits together with a comprehensive literature research. Our results are presented in the form of four solution proposals: a standard based on existing SIS standards for terminology and key indicators, checklists that are filled in by mechanics with customer participation, the construction of a instructions database, and the implementation of the method 5s.We believe our suggestions can help the service providers in the four problem areas that we have identified: long term strategy, documentation, recruitment of competent technicians, and standard procedures in their operations. These improvements will be beneficial for both the service provider and the customer..

Framtagning av beräkningsprogram för helsvetsade balk-balkinfästningar i stål : Verifiering genom fullskalig belastningsprovning

AbstractPurpose ? The purpose of this study is to investigate possible reasons for long lead-time in a customer driven production, and how the lead-time can be reduced. To fulfil the purpose the study has been broken down into two questions.1. Whichfactorsaffectthelead-timeinacustomer-drivenproduction?2.

Kvalitetsmodeller och dess potentiella användning i ett bostadsföretag

Aim: The purpose of this study is to show models from the literature which can underlie appraisal and development in the real estate business of Gavlegårdarna.1. Gavlegårdarna should be able to use the study in their work with quality assurance off their services.2. Company?s in real estate business and other students should be able to use the study for an overview of quality models.Method: To collect data I chose to use a qualitative method based on the hermeneutic research method. The collected data was a result of literature and interviews.Result & Conclusion: From the literature there are two models that are suited for analyses of quality, that is the Housing quality model and the Gap model.

Utvärdering av mjukvara inom processindustrin

This study is an evaluation of the runtime watch function in a OEE software, knownas ProTAK. OEE stands for Overall Equipment Effectiveness, it?s a way to measurethe factories process efficiency. The runtimewatch function allows the user to setup and monitor certain critical objects that are of importance for the pulp and paper process at the mill. The data from the runtimewatch can be correlated towards the suppliers specification for the components.

Marknadskommunikation mot en bred målgrupp ? En studie av Gina Tricot

The companies of today compete about the consumers? attention. In a society where the speed is increasing and the trends are constantly changing the marketing of today will soon be obsolete. This is something that is clearer in the fashion business where the consumers always are looking for news at lower costs. It?s no longer an economical question to be able to wear the latest fashion trends, the availability of cheap fashion clothes is constantly increasing.

Blod, svett & tårar : En studie av vad som skapar varumärkestillknytning till träningscenter

We have examined how the dependence, identity and social bonds affect customer loyalty and attachment to a training centre. The method used is a survey on SATS Karlstad city where 128 respondents were asked, out of which 118 surveys were used in the final analysis. The data was analyzed using ANCOVA and multiple regressions.The result showed significant relationships on attachment between identity and dependence. Social bonds had no significant effect on the attachment a member have towards training centre. Customer loyalty was measured by how long the individual has been a member and his or her training frequency.

Svängda hyllor - den raka vägen till en attraktiv butik? En kvantitativ studie om konkava hyllors effekter på kundens perception av sortimentet, upplevelse av butiksmiljön och köpbeteende.

Due to the harsh competition among Swedish food retailers, in-store marketing is a crucial component in the stores marketing strategy. In an attempt to differentiate among its competitors, COOP Sweden has begun to use concave store shelves. Although the food retailing industry is one of the most studied, no research has been conducted on the concave store shelves. The objective of this study is to describe how these shelves effect the customer perception of the assortment, their experience of the store environment and their buying behavior. An S-O-R framework is used as an overall basis in order to outline the effects investigated in this paper.

Stimulerad & observerad : En studie kring sensorisk stimuli och dess påverkan

The purpose of this thesis is to see how small differences in a store can affect the customer behavior. The changes consist of auditory and visual sensory cues. Since many companies today makes a lot of changes in their styling element, but without knowing how it really affects the customer behavior we thought it would be interesting to see by doing an experiment at IKEA. The study is therefore based on a quantitative research method, where theories have been described and from which hypotheses have been derived to test the theories. The experience took place at IKEA during two weeks where 5732 observations were made.The result from the experiment is that the sensory cue sight makes individuals spend more time in the environment but not creating attention.

Framtagning och analys av en arbetsmodell för kartläggning av användarbehov

This study began with a mission statement from the firm Tobii Technology AB to identify customer needs in the relatively new and rapidly growing market for eye tracking analysis. After consuling external experts, the authors however found that the availability of previous academic published market studies of new and fast growing markets was poor. Therefore a decision was made to execute the task and at the same time create a methadology for future studies in this area. The identification of customer needs, which formed the basis of the insights and analysis, led to frequent discussions between the authors and the firm's supervisors. This resulted in a project plan and a decision that an iterative model would be used, were earlier decisions would be questioned and refined throughout the project.

Hur skapar företag en återkommande kundstock online?

Återkommande kunder, det är något de flesta företag på dagens marknader strävar efter. Idagens rådande situation präglas många marknader av hård konkurrens och relativt nyförsäljningskanal växer med stormsteg nämligen E-handel. Utan dyra butikshyror, derelativt små uppstartningskostnaderna och möjligheten att nå potentiella kunder världenöver är några av de faktorer som gör att fler företag finns och verkar inom E-handel. Det isin tur leder till ökad konkurrens om kunder och återkommande kunder blir vitalt för ettlönsamt företagande. Vi har studerat och försökt förstå varför en kund som handlat engång väljer att återkomma med ytterligare ett köp.

Att fånga & förmedla en livsstil med ett varumärke & en affärside : en fallstudie av Proud

The purpose of this essay was to find conceivable marketing- and business strategies that can be combined with a company?s lifestyle.This essay is dependent on a number of interviews with the owner of a maternity clothing trademark, PROUD. PROUD is a new company that has many different options concerning expansion, trademark and its existing and future products and also the knowledge regarding the client?s attitude towards PROUD.The authors of this essay believe that the trademark should represent a lifestyle. For a company to be able to deliver, it has to understand what the future clients want and need.

Lokalproducerad mat: en studie av dagligvarubutikers förhållningssätt till lokalproducerad mat

The purpose of this thesis is to give an understanding of how grocery stores relate to local foods. Through a case study representatives for two groceries in Norrbotten have been interviewed regarding why they supply local foods, how they try to influence customers to buy this, and how they decide upon the assortment of local foods. The result shows that groceries supply local foods in order to supply a wide range of products and to mediate social responsibility, in order to create customer loyalty. Concerning how the groceries try to influence customers to buy local foods the result cannot give any clear-cut view. Instead it shows that a grocery that actively works to influence customers to buy local foods markets them in specific ways, while the opposite applies to a grocery that does not actively work for this.

Varför företag tackar nej till SLA:s tjänster : En studie om kundkontakt, relationer och motstånd till förändring

AbstractProblem: This thesis was made by a commission from Svensk Logistikanalys AB (SLA). SLA is a relatively new firm who is working as a freight broker for firms that wants to lower their freight costs. SLA contacted Jönköpings international business school because they experienced a problem with too many firms, that had SLA?s concept introduced to them, but turned down their services. On the basis of this, following purpose of the report has been stated.Purpose: In this thesis we will study companies that have said no to the services of SLA.

Bryggarsalen : Underlag för kommande marknadsföringsinsatser

The purpose of this study is to identify the points-of-difference that should form the basis for Bryggarsalen?s future marketing efforts. Bryggarsalen is a newly established conference business in Stockholm. To be able to identify these points-of-difference, Bryggarsalen?s marketing problems have been studied from the resource-based view, claiming that the source of sustained competitive advantage derive from a firm?s unique bundle of resources.

Produktutveckling utifrån nya kundinsikter

Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera problem och behov som byggare i Sverige stöter på i sin vardag samt anordna en workshop där produktutveckling utifrån dessa behov diskuteras, samt hur denna information kan användas i produktutvecklingen. Studien grundar sig i teorier om innovation, behov och kvalitet, behovsidentifiering, innovationsspridning, produktlivscykel och metoden NABC: Need, Approach, Benefit, Competition. Grunden till arbetet är en föreställning att produktanvändare har behov som dem själva inte är medveten om. Genom att utgå från dessa omedvetna behov kan en bättre produkt utformas. Empatisk design (deltagande observation) användes för att kunna upptäcka outtalade behov samt skapa en god förståelse för byggarnas naturliga arbetsmiljö.

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