

1472 Uppsatser om Crisis Leadership - Sida 51 av 99

Ger ministerstyre en effektivare krishantering? Lärdommar från tsunamikatastrofen 2004

After the tsunami disaster in December 2004 many arguments were heared that one oft the major reasons behind the poor Swedish effort connected to the evacuation and health care of the Swedish citizens in Thailand right after the incident is the Swedish model with independent government authorities. By comparing the constitution, the political decision making tradition by the ministers and the handling of the catastrophe in the tree Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway and Finland, plus analysing the behaviour of the Swedish foreign and prime minister from a rational choose inspired individual decision making theory the research shows that there is no proof that a constitutional change in Sweden into the traditional model with government authorities controlled by the ministers alone would led to a more effective crisis handling by the government due to crises concerning Swedish citizens out states. Although the research shows that the constitution and the tradition of decision making in the government provides the basic condition of the ministers individual rational decision making.

Intentionen till generositet - Hur den påverkas av gener, hormoner och religiositet

Many studies have pointed out that generosity depends on different things like gender, age and nationality. We wanted to see if predetermined factors like genetics also had an effect on the intention of generosity. There is a ratio between the index finger (2D) and ring finger (4D) that is determined by the levels of testosterone in the amniotic fluid and that have had some significant effect on personality attributes like musical and leadership skills. We wanted to see if that ratio had any effect on the intention of generosity. We experimentally examined a group of priest student and two groups of young handball players and let the groups answer a survey that included a sort of dictator game and we photo copied their hands to get their 2D:4D-ratio.

Betydelsen av copingresurser och självkänsla för attityd till krisstöd inom polisen

Krisstöd som syftar till att lindra stress för poliser i yttre tjänst är en förutsättning för att uppnå en god arbetsmiljö. Enligt tidigare forskning bör personers behov och inställning tas i beaktande vid planeringen av krisstöd. Vad personer har för inställning till krisstöd kan studeras i form av attityder. Personers självkänsla är besläktat med känslighet för stress vilket kan påverka behov av krisstöd. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om copingresurser och självkänsla hade någon betydelse för attityd till krisstöd.

Jakten på det svunna Löddeköpinge. En studie av hälsa, karakteriserad av artros, kroppslängd samt trauma, i det medeltida Löddeköpinge

The purpose of this study is to assess the state of health of the individuals living in Löddeköpinge during the middle ages, whose remains were excavated by Chintio, H., 1975-80. The location is thought to have been a trading community that ceased to flourish towards the end of the Viking age. The main focus of the essay is to examine the occurrence of osteoarthritis (sv. artros), trauma, and analysis of stature, in order to understand population health during this time period. Osteoarthritis has never been researched in Löddeköpinge and the analysis showed that, of the 60 skeletons examined, 68,3% demonstrated some change in the skeletal joints, which is much higher than in the comparative material obtained from Lund and Sigtuna.

VD:s incitament i form av rörliga ersättningar och dess påverkan på bolagets riskexponering: En empirisk studie av svenska bolag listade på Nasdaq OMX

The recent financial crisis has entailed in a fierce debate whether CEOs variable remuneration has caused unsound risk exposure in public companies. Hence it is considered as interesting to elucidate if this connection exists empirically. With grounding in principal-agent theory, and its implicit assumption of risk adverse agents, this study aims to find empirical evidence for a positively correlated relationship between CEOs variable remuneration and company risk exposure. Through a regression analysis of multidimensional data from 102 listed Swedish companies during the period of 2000-2009, we show that the relationship between CEOs variable remuneration and company risk, in contrast to our expectations, is significantly negative. The coherent result is interpreted as the inherent risk in companies seems to explain the usage of variable remuneration for CEO, rather than vice versa.

Den dialogiske Kristus : Ledarskap i spänningsfältet mellan kristen partikulär tillhörighet och religionsöverskridande dialog i Burma 2013

Denna studie behandlar de fyra böckerna Brott och straff av Fjodor Dostojevskij, Kråkflickan, Hungerelden och Pythians anvisningar alla tre skrivna av Jerker Eriksson och Håkan Axlander- Sundquist. Jag utför en illustrativ komparativ analys av mördarnas psyke och böckernas struktur samt undersöker det didaktiska värdet av att göra denna studie.Genom att psykologiskt analysera böckernas mördare har jag kunnat göra en psykologisk profil till de fyra. Raskolnikov som är dubbelmördare i kriminalromanen Brott och straff har en narcissistisk, schizofren läggning som beror på att hans omedvetna strider med det medvetna om det moraliska i att mörda. Viggo Dürer, den onda mördaren av ett femtiotal barn, som figurerar i trilogin är klart psykopatisk med en könsidentitetskonflikt. Victoria Bergman, den trasiga föräldramördaren som är huvudperson i Kråkflickan, Hungerelden och Pythians anvisningar lider av dissociativ personlighetsstörning till följd av upprepade övergrepp i barndomen.

Rektor - styrdokumentens förlängda arm i arbetet mot ?en skola för alla?

In 2005 we made a research in a Swedish community board about their view on the political and ideological intentions of ?a school for all?. The results from that study were the background to this research.The aim with this research was to find out how principles in the same community were thinking about ? a school for all? and if they were leading a development towards ?a school for all?. In that context they were given the opportunity to explain their definition and reasoning about ?inclusion? and ?integration?.

"Challenges when implementing standardized and processes within a customer service unit"

 Abstract  Interest in Lean grows and spreads to the public from industrial and service sectors. Lean is currently used in administrative processes and it is called Administration but can administration be Lean? The aim of our study is to develop a useful model for a successful implementation of Lean Administration by using various scientific articles, books and information from the case study.The part of the purpose is to: ? Identify critical success factors that arise? Identify the challenges arising from the implementation of Lean Administration.We have studied a Division within Distribution at GE Healthcare in Uppsala. The model that we have developed provides challenges and success factors for a successful implementation.In order to succeed in implementation, a culture that promotes continuous improvement must exist in the organization. A key success factor is to understand Lean Administrations structure and principles.

Livet med ett nytt hjärta : Patienters upplevelser och copingstrategier

Background:For patients with severe heart disease, may heart transplantation be the only opportunity for survival. Previous research highlights the importance of the nurse's role as supporters and knowledge brokers. People who has undergone heart transplant may be changed forever. Having to undergo a heart transplant can lead to that patients end up in a traumatic crisis. People's perception of herself and her perception of the world is also changing when the body is injured or suffers a disease.

Europa - en plats eller en idé? : En diskursanalys av den europeiska identitetens konstruktion

Today Europe is faced with an identity crisis concerning its borders. Turkey stands at the threshold for an EU-membership while the EU-Commission is trying to formulate what constitutes a European identity. This identity seeking process will determine the future not only for Turkey, but also for immigrants now living in Europe.In this thesis a discourse analysis, underpinned by socialconstructionist theory, is conducted to explore how the European identity has been constructed throughout history up until today. A starting point is that identity always is defined through a dialectical relationship to "otherness". Therefore the analysis is focused not only on what a European identity consists of but also what and who it excludes.

Rysslands misslyckade demokratisering : och återgången till den auktoritära styrelseformen

When the Soviet union collapsed at the beginning of the 1990s, a democratization began to develop. During the Jeltsin years, democracy in Russia was developing steadily, but since Putin became president at the turn of the century it has started to move back towards authoritarian rule. The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons for why the democracy in Russia never became consolidated and to understand why the country again has moved towards an authoritarian rule, like the one during the Soviet union.In order to fulfill the aim of this study, two theories were used. These were Linz and Stepan's consolidation theory, about the five arenas that have to be developed, and Samuel P. Huntington's theory about authoritarian nostalgia.

Ur askan i elden? : Om psykologiskt arbete med asylsökande barn

This phenomenological study explores the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children in Sweden and highlights possible ways of meeting their needs. Open interviews with 13 clinically experienced psychologists were conducted.The results of the analysis suggest that experiences of trauma and separation, the child's developmental level, parental functioning and family dynamics contribute to the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children. When meeting these children the psychologists continuously face ethical dilemmas since the asylum-seeking process seems to aggravate the problems as well as complicate the use of traditional interventions. Promoting structure and activity, normalizing symptoms, educating about trauma and crisis, sharing and accepting anxieties and sometimes thoroughly working through traumatic experiences are treatment strategies found clinically useful. Systematic follow-up studies are needed to decide the effects of these interventions..

Kollektiv kollaps i ett handbollslag på elitnivå: en studie med fokus på emotionell smitta

Collective collapse occurs when a majority of players in a team suddenly perform below expected level in a match of great, often decisive, importance in spite of a normal or good start of the match or when a team underperforms right from the start of the match. The aim of this study is to investigate collective collapse, focusing on emotional contagion. The study is a qualitative study based on semistructured interviews with nine handball players in an elite team. The results show six factors presented as themes. These are Preparations, The coach and leadership, Emotional contagion, Communication, Role Acceptance and Incongurence.

Rektor - styrdokumentens förlängda arm i arbetet mot ?en skola för alla?

In 2005 we made a research in a Swedish community board about their view on the political and ideological intentions of ?a school for all?. The results from that study were the background to this research.The aim with this research was to find out how principles in the same community were thinking about ? a school for all? and if they were leading a development towards ?a school for all?. In that context they were given the opportunity to explain their definition and reasoning about ?inclusion? and ?integration?.

Den demokratiska konsolideringen i delade samhällen - fallet Makedonien En studie om Makedoniens demokratiska utveckling efter den väpnade konflikten år 2001

The consociational democracy model in Macedonia, which came out from a warcrisis and a peace agreement from 2001, in addition, putting an end to the violent conflict, actually admits the division of the society along the ethnic lines. Paradoxically, there is an attempt to bridge the ethnic gap with this model. As a result, the consociational democracy model holds solutions that can be abused if somebody misuses its power and desires to disintegrate the country. The future development depends therefore on the moderate attitude of the citizens, and first and foremost, on the political elites and their commitment to the values of democracy and human rights instead of their nationalistic goals. Furthermore, thepresent democratic consolidation in Macedonia is established on the execution of the peace agreement and the improved effectiveness of the institutions.

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