

14609 Uppsatser om Corporate social reporting in financial institutions - Sida 46 av 974

Skånes integration Orsaker till framgång

This essay is a case study that deals with the integration of Scania into Sweden,which started for over 300 years ago. The purpose is to capture why theintegration of Scania succeeded, what were the main reasons or factors and todiscuss the effects the scanian identity and culture had on the integration. This hasbeen done with the help of different theories that will help sort out main factors tothe successful integration. The result of the study revealed a number of factors, tobegin with the scanian identity appeared not to be such a great obstacle for theintegration that one could believe. The identity developed because of the?swedification?, which were the measures the Swedish government took tointegrate the new territory.

How Does Board Structure Influence CEO Compensation? - Evidence from Sweden

The purpose of the study is to investigate how board structure influences CEO compensation for companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 2004. The theoretical frame of reference is based upon the corporate governance theory, the principal-agent theory and previous empirical research in the area. A cross sectional regression analysis is used, where a number of control variables are included and significance tests are conducted. The study is based on information regarding CEO compensation, and possible factors affecting the compensation, from 267 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange A- and O-list in the year 2004. We find that the board structure has no significant effect on the CEO compensation.

Vilken funktion har belöningssystemet i en organisations ekonomistyrsystem? : en jämförelse mellan två storbanker

Two of Swedens´s major banks, SEB and Handelsbanken, which appears in the same industry and have similar strategy. Both banks can achieve a similar result despite the fact that their reward system looks quite different. An issue that arises from this observation is the relative reward system to the rest of the economy control system.Our purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the reward system in the organization's financial management systems. We wonder if the reward system may be a function of economic control system, or part of the system, or perhaps made independent of the system and then gradually adapted?In our study, we choose to assume a reward system has three functions to manage, motivate and compose the employee group.

Förändring av styrning i en ideell organisation : Hyresgästföreningen

In non-profit organizations, surplus of the organization goes back to the organization's members. We have noted that Hyresgästföreningen initiated a change in 2005 when the organization merged its local membership registries to a national registry. There are few studies explaining how non-profit organizations are using management in an organizational change. What happens with the business management at an organizational change that is similar to the change in Hyresgästföreningen? The aim of this thesis is to explore how the governance of a nonprofit organization is changing at an organizational change.

Avgörande faktorer vid val av bank: en undersökning bland
studenter i Luleå

The financial sector is an important part of the infrastructure. As a consequence of deregulations on the financial market, several new actors have entered the market. This has made it even more important for banks to identify the factors that are decisive when customers chose a bank. The purpose of this thesis was to clarify which factors that are decisive to students choice of bank. A survey was performed among students at Luleå University of Technology.

Yrkesroll i förändring? : En studie av ett antal statsanställda arkivariers upplevelser av införandet av en verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning

The aim of this thesis is to examine the archivist's professional role in public authorities and discuss if, and in what way, the profession is effected by the new swedish process oriented archival description system. The study focuses on swedish authorities and does not make any international comparisons with other institutions. Neither does it investigate archivists workingin the private sector, but centers on public institutions.The survey is performed in five swedish public authorities, using interviews and observations. Grounded theory is used as a method initially in the purpose of keeping an open mark towards the object of study. The initial results led on to questions about how well the archivists perceived that communication within the authorities served, and how this in turn prepossessed their work situation and the professional roles in which they found themselves.

Att fylla tidningarna med kris : En studie av kriskommunikation, nyhetsmedier och deras källor

The purpose of this study is to discover and explain the influences of media coverage of organizational crises on crisis communication, and vice versa. The study also shows how mediated crises develop, and how media framing and news sources affect this development.Carried out as a case study of three Swedish mediated crises, the methods used are quantitative and qualitative content analysis of media content from four Swedish newspapers and four organizations' press releases from the studied crises.Mediated crises develop through their specific pattern regardless of, but not independent from, the organizations' crisis communication. The crisis communication is used as an elite source in media reporting from the crises, but it can not control the mediated crises. However, it influences framing, and the possibilities to influence media reporting are better in the pre-crisis phase and the culmination..

Hållbar redovisning : Analys av multinationella hållbarhetsredovisningar

Begreppet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), som är företagens sociala samhällsansvar har blivit allt viktigare i dagens samhälle. Den grundar sig på företagens frivilliga samhällsansvar och är indelat i tre ansvarsområden: ekonomisk, miljömässigt och socialt ansvarstagande. Syftet med CSR är att företag ska driva sin verksamhet på ett långsiktigt hållbart sätt för att kunna uppnå det måste det finnas en optimal balans mellan de tre områdena.Ett omtalat begrepp inom CSR är hållbar utveckling, som definieras enligt (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1998:57) som en ? utveckling som tillfredsställer dagens behov utan att äventyra kommande generationers möjligheter att tillfredsställa sina behov?. I takt med att CSR blev allt viktigare ville företag redovisa sitt arbete och med tiden utvecklades en del riktlinjer för redovisning av CSR arbetet.

Corporate Social Responsibility och bankverksamhet Framtagandet av en modell för en banks CSR-arbete

Banker utgör en kritisk och viktig del av samhället, parallellt med detta diskuterasföretags roll och ansvar i samhället idag i stor omfattning. Debatten är inte ny och harunder en längre tid diskuterats i den akademiska litteraturen och det mediala rummet.I dessa sammanhang nämns ofta begreppet corporate social responsibility (CSR).Begreppet är omdiskuterat och det råder ingen konsensus kring exempelvisdefinitioner av begreppet. Det kan göra det luddigt att arbeta med dessa frågor ochoklart vad det innebär.Författarnas syfte med denna studie är att presentera en modell vilken kan ligga somgrund för en bank som vill integrera CSR i sina affärsprocesser. Författarnaåstadkommer detta genom extensiva litteraturstudier och en mindre empiriskinsamling där både svenska storbanker och en mindre nischbank studeras.Tillvägagångssättet gör att modellen har god teoretisk förankring och kan användas aven bank som vill integrera CSR i sina affärsprocesser. Modellen utgår från treansvarsområden; ett juridiskt, ett ekonomiskt och ett etiskt.

?Vi gör ett försök? : en analys av SVT:s Mediemagasinet som ett mediekritiskt uttryck

In year 2000 the Swedish Public Service television started a new series of programmes named Mediemagasinet. The purpose was to expose the work of journalism through the eyes of a journalist. The programme showed different types of tasks and problems that have to do with journalistic reporting. The form of Mediemagasinet wasn?t anything new but the content was presented as the very first of its kind.

?Relationer över tid och rum? : ett skolutvecklingsprojekt som syftar till att utforska hur man som pedagog kan arbeta tematiskt med begreppet ?historiemedvetande? genom att använda sig av det lokala kulturarvet i historieundervisningen på gymnasiet

The thesis handles the principal-agency problem between shareholders and the Chief Executive Officer. The purpose of the thesis was to examine the link between CEO compensation and corporate performance measured as a change in Market to Book ratio. Data was collected from corporate annual reports between the years 2000 ? 2008 and the study covers 39 Swedish companies from the Stockholm Stock Exchange Large Cap list. To examine whether there is a link between the CEO´s compensation and firm performance, we performed a regression analysis, and no significant relation is found.

Från ambition till verklighet : En fallstudie av redovisningsregleringsprocessen

Background: Many different parties in the society are affected by the financial information delivered by the companies. Therefore, different interests want their ideas to have an impact on the accountning standards. The construction of the accounting standards are illustrated as a pure political process, where lobbying and conflicts of interest are determining factors. Purpose: The purpose is to understand the underlying interests behind regulation of financial accounting in Sweden and how these interests are manifestated in the establishment of accounting standards. Method: The thesis is designed as a casestudy of the regulation process which induced the legislation of the Årsredovisningslagen 6 kap 1 § 3st.

Svenska statens inköp av finansiell rådgivning: Ramavtalsupphandlingen för finansiell rådgivning avseende statligt ägda bolag 2004

This study finds that the Swedish Government has a process for purchasing financial advisory services that is more transaction-oriented than the corresponding process at a Swedish private equity firm. The conclusion is supported by previous research comparing public and private sector purchasing processes. However, the differences between the two purchasing processes are not as significant as one might believe given the fact that the Government, unlike the private equity firm, has to operate under the Public Procurement Act (LOU). The tendency of the Swedish Government to apply a more relationoriented purchasing approach than expected is most likely driven by the fact that this represents the established professional norm for purchasing of professional services in the private sector. As LOU and the professional norm impose contradictory influences on the Swedish Government?s purchasing of financial advisory services, the final outcome depends on which of the two forces that dominate..

?Var är den goda glassen?? : En studie av föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatriska diagnoser och deras upplevelse av samhällsstödi biografier

AbstractThe aim of this qualitative study was to investigate how parents of children diagnosed with Autism, Aspergers Syndrome or ADHD/ADD describe their experience of the Swedish welfare support system in written biographies. To answer this question a study of five biographies written by parents with children diagnosed with ADHD, Autism and Asperger Syndrome where made. The conclusion was that the social network itself is of great importance to the parents. Families with single parents experienced a less positive experience of the Swedish welfare support system than parents with a spouse. The study also reveiled that families with a supporting social network and a solid financial ground in combination had the best experience of the Swedish social welfare support system.

Differentiering och dess svårigheter på en homogen marknad : Corporate Social Responsibility som strategi på elmarknaden?

Denna uppsats behandlar problematiken kring differentiering genom CSR på den homogena elmarknaden. Elmarknaden har relativt nyligen avreglerats och präglas därför till viss del av en monopolistisk karaktär, vilket framkallar en utveckling av alternativa strategier. För företag på en homogen marknad krävs, enligt Porter, en mer sällsynt differentieringsstrategi [Dess & Davis, 1984]. Därför kan ett företags CSR-arbete verka som differentieringsstrategi [Ou & Chai, 2007]. För en framgångsrik implementering förespråkar Reinhart tre kriterier; tillhandla hålla trovärdig information, skapa hållbara innovationer och undersöka viljan hos konsumenterna [Reinhart, 1998].De valda företagen för denna studie är; Fortum, GodEl och E.on.

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