7979 Uppsatser om Corporate management - Sida 10 av 532
Varumärkets olika ansikten. - Varumärkesskapande inom tre kontexter
Fallstudie: Swedbank Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ett varumärke kan framställas inom tre olika kontexter. Denna studie kommer att fokuseras kring aktörerna företag och konsument inom den interna företagsmiljön samt den fysiska och virtuella tjänstemiljön.Metod: Studien utgår från en etnografisk metod, där vi studerar och deltar i olika miljöer. För att erhålla datainsamling utfördes intervjuer, observationer samt dokumentanalys. Teoretisk referensram: Vi kritiserar traditionella brand management teorier kring företagets roll vid varumärkesskapande. Vi presenterar istället brand consumptions teorierna, eftersom dessa framhäver att varumärke skapas utav fler aktörer.
Den professionella kommunikatören : En undersökning av svenska kommunikations-ansvarigas syn på sitt arbete jämfört med de formuleringar som anges i Stockholm Accords
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Swedish Public Relations and Communication profession from the Stockholm Accords point of view. The Stockholm Accords are an attempt to reflect Public Relations and Communication Management practice as it stands today and to provide a global common ground for the practitioners.The method used for this study is a quantitative research method conducted by a web survey answered by more than 400 Swedish communication managers. The questions posed were examining these managers view of their profession compared to the Stockholm Accords.The research shows that the Swedish way of implementing communication in the organization broadly corresponds to the Stockholm Accords when it comes to internal and external communication. However, there are some areas where Swedish communication practice diverges from Stockholm Accords. The issues which link governance, management and sustainability to communication have a much wider distribution of responses.
Knowledge Management -lärprocesser över gränser
Background: To be better able to meet the new competition, companies are seeking new competitive advantages, wich is forcing them to review and, in time, change both working methods and corporate structures. This has led to an increased interest in the development of strategies within the field of Knowledge Management. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to improve understanding of how learning in a company occurs over internal boundaries and to investigate whether individuals need to be motivated in this regard. We also aim to give recommendations as to how this can be developed. Furthermore, we will work out a model that explains the learning process.
Law and Corporate Finance: En studie av problematiken vid nyemissioner
The purpose of this thesis is to shade light on some of the problems associated with rights issues with regard to Swedish law. This thesis is limited to discuss problems regarding directed rights issues, rights issue discounts, underwriting agreements and asset to share compensation. The common factor for these matters is that the current legal situation is somewhat uncertain which allows for differences interpretation and judgment..
Corporate Social Responsibility : En studie om hur CSR kan mätas
Inledning Corporate Social Responsibility har under senare år uppmärksammats allt mer, inte minst inom energibranschen som blivit kritiserad för sin stora miljöpåverkan. Arbetssättet med CSR leder till en ökad samhällsnytta men allt fler företag väljer också att arbeta med konceptet i förhoppning om ökad lönsamhet. Genom att koppla ihop CSR med företagets övergripande strategier skapas förutsättningar för samhälls- och affärsnytta. Trots att CSR blivit ett allmänt accepterat uttryck råder dock en begreppsförvirring om vad konceptet faktiskt innefattar. Syfte Studiens syfte är tvåfaldig; dels ämnar studien konkretisera konceptet CSR för att studera hur kommunalt ägda energibolag kan arbeta med prestationsmätning för intern styrning av CSR-åtaganden, dels ämnar studien bistå Nogap med förslag för vilka prestationsmått som skulle kunna användas i deras koncept Hållbar lönsamhet. Metod Studien tog i ett ursprungsskede form av en litteraturstudie vilken mynnade ut i en konceptuell modell och en teoretisk referensram. Modellen låg sedan till grund för fördjupad förståelse av CSR inom tre kommunalt ägda energibolag.
Kvalitetssäkring av tjänsteinköp
Quality Assurance in Service Procurement --- Total Quality and Total Quality Management refer to popular management philosophies in organizations these days. The purchasing department has an important part in the strive for organizational quality as several studies show corporate spend is significant and increasing. In this master thesis I study the actions companies take to ensure quality in service procurement. I argue that managing quality when sourcing services is particularly tricky, because of the special characteristics that belong to services. The purpose of the study is to examine whether different actions are taken to ensure the quality of different kinds of services.
Revisionsutskott - merarbete eller mervärde?
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva arbetet i ett antal revisionsutskott samt att diskutera hur detta arbete har påverkat extern revision och intern kontroll. Metod: En kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod har använts. Datainsamling har genomförts i form av intervjuer och dokumentstudier. Uppsatsens forskningsansats har varit abduktiv och deskriptiv. Teoretiskt perspektiv: De teoretiska perspektiv som använts är tagna från Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning, dels den gällande dels den reviderade.
Varumärkesutvidgningar för Personliga varumärken vs. Företagsvarumärken - Same same, but different
Today, branding is not a phenomenon but rather a prerequisite for a brand to be able to both survive and grow stronger. During the last couple of years, personal branding has come to be an established term, just like corporate branding. With the growth of the social media and the thousands of ways to interact with each other personal brands face great competition. It is more difficult than ever to maintain a strong brand, partly because of this. There are several growth options for brands.
Revenue Management - Mycket mer än bara intäktsoptimering!
Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att undersöka hur hotellverksamheter praktiserar Revenue Management, genom att behandla interna och externa influenser..
Ägares påverkan på ansvarsredovisning:With great power comes great (social) responsibility
Background: Corporate Responsibility is not a new concept however in recent times more companies are starting to use different kinds of responsibility disclosures. These disclosures are voluntary and corporations may use them in the way they find suits them best. There is a lot of research in this field and there is no single explanation for what Corporate Responsibility is and how corporations should relate to it.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between the controlling owners of corporations and CSR disclosure.Method: We use a content analysis and a survey study to examine the relationship between corporate controlling owners and the CSR disclosure.Conclusions: Our results show that controlling owners have little effect on the different dimensions of CSR disclosure. We have however found some differences between the different owner categories where some categories are found to use CSR disclosure to a greater extent..
Social upphandling : Ett uttryck för public-private partnership?
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social procurement can be a further development of public-private partnership. This is done with interviews and a case study of the social procurement Mitt Gröna Kvarter and its labor effort Boendebyggarna. The theoretical framework used in the thesis consists of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility. It tries to answer the following questions:What does this social procurement mean by the concept of public-private partnership?What does this social procurement mean for the participants involved?How can social procurement be seen as a further development of public-private partnership?The thesis uses the theory development around the concepts of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility and shows that social procurement does indeed have similarities to public-private partnership and could very well be a further development of it..
Doing Well by Doing Good : - En studie i hur CSR kan pa?verka svenska modefo?retags anseende
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept that is growing increasingly important, with more and more companies acknowledging that they have an obligation to the environment in which they operate. We were interested in inquiring into why companies chose to do so, even though there are no laws that condition them to engage in CSR. One answer to this might be that companies use CSR as a way to distinguish themselves from the competition as well as to gain trust and goodwill from the stakeholders. When it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility, the question is no longer whether or not companies should engage in it, but how they can gain competitive advantage by doing so. This study aims at providing a framework for possible ways of integrating CSR and branding, as well as different strategies for CSR-communication. We also tried to define how, and why, consumers respond to CSR-initiatives.
Corporate Social Responsibility : Strategisk Tillämpning Mellan Olika Branscher
Corporate Social ResponsibilityThis thesis intends to exam the strategic use of Corporate Social Responsibility within fifthteen different companies, classified/divided into three various industries. The aim is to compare the three different industries, to look for disparities and similarities in their use of CSR. The disseration looks into both variance and resemblance in the use of Corporate Social Responsibility between the companies within the same branch of trade and between the industries.The industries of intrestThe three industries that the study has focus on is consumer, manufacturing and service related industries. Where the consumer industry is classified as companies with direct sales towards private consumers, the physical citizen. The manufacturing industry is classified as companies that manufacture products but that does´nt sell their products directly to the regular consumer.
Konsumentbeteende gällande hemförsäkring : Vilka faktorer påverkar konsumenten i sina val?
Background: Corporate Responsibility is not a new concept however in recent times more companies are starting to use different kinds of responsibility disclosures. These disclosures are voluntary and corporations may use them in the way they find suits them best. There is a lot of research in this field and there is no single explanation for what Corporate Responsibility is and how corporations should relate to it.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between the controlling owners of corporations and CSR disclosure.Method: We use a content analysis and a survey study to examine the relationship between corporate controlling owners and the CSR disclosure.Conclusions: Our results show that controlling owners have little effect on the different dimensions of CSR disclosure. We have however found some differences between the different owner categories where some categories are found to use CSR disclosure to a greater extent..
Den reviderade Kodens effekt på informationsgivningen i svenska bolags årsredovisningar
As of 1 July 2008 the revised Swedish Code of Corporate Governance applies to all Swedish companies whose shares are traded on a regulated market in Sweden. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the introduction of the revised Code has affected the disclosure practice among Swedish companies. We investigate a sample of 43 small and mid cap companies listed on the OMXS Exchange that has previously not been covered by the regulation. We develop a disclosure index, measuring the disclosure level in annual reports before and after the introduction of the Code. The results from the study show that disclosure level has not increased after the introduction of the Code.