

2900 Uppsatser om Conventional pig production - Sida 43 av 194

Forage production and summer use by ungulates on game fields and surrounding areas

Ungulates are causing conflicts between stakeholders due to browsing damage on forests and agricultural crops. At the same time there is a big demand of keeping high ungulate densities for sports hunting and recreational purposes. Movement patterns of ungulates are strongly correlated with forage availability. Therefore, measures affecting forage quantity and distribution might be a tool to reduce the economical losses in forestry without decreasing the ungulate densities and thereby decrease the conflict between different interest groups.This study investigated the potential biomass production and utilisation of marrow-stem kale (Brassica oleracea var. medullosa), at game fields in Misterhult, Sweden, as well as browsing effects on adjacent forests.

Traktkilars inverkan på hovens glukos- och laktatmetabolism :

The equine hoof is often manipulated in purpose to achieve a better stride or to reduce the weight on damaged tissue. The living tissue in the hoof can?t store energy as glycogen and is therefore depending on a continuous supply of glucose for its energy production. The purpose of the study was to determine if wedging (i.e. elevating) the heel could influence the hooves glucose and lactate consumption/production. Five standardbred horses were trained to trot on a treadmill without getting physical or mentally tired.

En studie kring välfärdsindikatorer i mjölkproduktionen : förslag till hur Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB kan arbeta för en god djurvälfärd på certifierade gårdar

In this final thesis a study about welfare indicators in the Swedish milk production has been carried out. The system Swedish Animal Welfare Monitoring Scheme developed by the Swedish Dairy Association has been used as a base and the EU project WELFARE QUALITY® has also been used as a source of information. Focus groups have been used as a qualitative investigating method. This included four focus groups, two with farm auditors from the two different dairies and two with dairy farmers. This method was chosen because in this way one can study how a conversation about a given subject takes form in a respectable way.

Titel: PMC WAY ? Vägen till effektiv produktion : En studie om hur Lean production kan implementeras i ett mindre industriföretag

Titel: PMC WAY ? Vägen till effektiv produktionProblem: Hur kan PMC AB använda sig av Lean production-konceptet för att få en mer produktiv och effektiv produktion?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att på uppdrag av PMC AB genomföra en studie om konceptet Lean production, för att sedan ta reda på hur PMC AB kan använda sig av detta koncept i sin produktion för att bli mer effektiva och produktiva.Metod: För att genomföra studien har primär- och sekundär data använts. Den primära datan har samlats in genom intervjuer med personer på PMC AB samt observationer i produktionen. Den sekundära datan består av information insamlad från litteratur, artiklar, Internet och broschyrer.Resultat: Studien visar att Lean production inte bara är användbart i stora österländska företag såsom Toyota, utan går att implementera på alla olika sorters företag. Konceptet betonar dock vikten av att grundligt gå igenom alla delar av företaget och inte glömma någon.

Kostnadsanalys utmed ett Value Stream : En intervenistisk fallstudie vid Volvo Cars Body Components

Bakgrund: Volvo Cars Body Components (VCBC) tillverkar och levererar karosskomponenter till Volvo Cars. För sex år sedan påbörjade VCBC sin implementering av lean production. För att beräkna de kostnader som uppstår i produktionen använder VCBC produktkalkyler. Representanter vid VCBC anser att företaget har problem med höga plåtlager, överproduktion samt problem med att se kostnadssamband. Ett value stream där förbättringsmöjligheter finns är Flöde 1 vid VCBC.

Framtidslayout för Motala Wire Work

This master thesis was conducted at Motala Wire Works Ltd (MWW) in Motala during the autumn and winter of 2007-2008. The thesis named ?Future layout of Motala Wire Works? focuses on making a better planed layout for the factory, which also take in to consideration future changes.Motala Wire Work produces wire mesh products of varying sorts for the white goods industry. The factory was started by Electrolux during the 1950?s.

Fast anställning kan ge låg arbetsmotivation

Tidigare forskning pekar pa? att medarbetare bland annat motiveras av balans mellan insats och belo?ning, fo?rva?ntningar som a?r fo?renliga med organisationens visioner och instrumentell motivation. A?sikterna i forskningen skiljer sig a?t i hur ansta?llningsform pa?verkar graden av arbetstillfredssta?llelse. Syftet med studien var att, genom en kvantitativ metod, underso?ka graden av arbetsmotivation hos lagermedarbetare.

Salmonellosis in Peruvian guinea pig production : a study to evaluate the prevalence of salmonella spp and importance of the disease

In Peru guinea pigs are raised for meat production and salmonellosis is considered as a major problem. Studies have detected salmonella in animals with enteritis and pneumonia. Salmonellosis exists both in an acute and a chronic form. In the rural areas the diagnosis is made according to clinical signs and macro pathological findings at autopsy. The major systems applied for the guinea pig production are often classified as family, family-commercial and commercial. These systems differ in number of animals and how industrialised they are.

Informationslogistik : en materialplanerares dagliga arbete

Denna uppsats, som behandlar ämnet informationslogistik, är ett arbete utfört av två studenter vid Södertörns högskola vårterminen och höstterminen 2008. Information och flödet av denna är centrala bitar i företags verksamheter, att utveckla hanteringen av information är ett sätt att effektivisera funktioner och att bli mer produktiv. Den centrala frågeställningen och syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga arbetet samt informationsflödet på Scania AB:s materialplaneringsavdelning MSLA, på chassiverkstaden i Södertälje. Vidare är syftet att undersöka informationssystemens användbarhet utifrån materialplanerarnas perspektiv samt ta reda på om MSLA arbetar efter lean production-synsättet och i så fall hur. Insamlingen av empiriskt material har skett genom att en fallstudie har utförts.

Analys av massapumps- och mixerarbete vid Metsä Board Sverige AB, Husums Fabriker : Energibesparingsåtgärder vid blekeri 4 & 5 med jämförelse mot ny utrustning

Husums plant has a selection of different pulp pumps at bleaching plant 4 and 5. The displacement- (HC-pump, Sund Defibrator PTD-60) and centrifugalpumps (MC-pump, MCA 42-200, MCP 30/20) are of interest in this report. The centrifugal pumps are controlled by throttle valves, which result in an energy loss. Chemical mixers are used to mix ClO2 into the pulp before proceeding into a holding tower where the bleaching process occurs.The energy demand of the different positions has been measured or calculated to be used in comparisons against new equipment. Quotations were requested and delivered from Valmet and Sulzer.

Korsförlamning : etiologier, diagnostik och terapi.

This report is a literature review that aims to describe marketing contexts for mango production in Kenya. The institutional conditions in the country are not well developed for marketing purposes, which causes many difficulties and problems for the society. In Kenya most mango producers are poor small-scale farmers with limited resources. Mango is a perishable commodity and to keep its value and quality it is essential to have the opportunity to sell the mangos in the right time. Inefficient and undeveloped infrastructure and marketing systems hinders the mangos to reach the market in time though, which causes large losses of produce.The Kenyan mango production has increased during the last decade but due to market losses for the producer, the small-scale farmers? profits have not improved.

Besparingsmodell för produktivitetshöjande arbete inom skärande bearbetningsteknik

The market is developing and a growing competition increases pressure on companies to maintain their competitive advantage. Working with cost savings is a way to enhance earnings in a short term but also in a longer perspective. Volvo Powertrain Production Köping has an overall goal; to reduce costs by nine percentages in three years. To achieve the goal, Volvo Powertrain Production Köping works with World Class Manufacturing where the Department of Processing Technology constitutes an important part.Volvo Powertrain Production Köping lacks a standard for how savings within the metal cutting tool area are to be calculated. This makes it difficult to control and monitor their business outcome but it also causes difficulties in controlling the tool suppliers? outcome.

Flaskhalshantering genom materialstyrning : En fallstudie på LB-Hus

Title: Bottleneck management through materials administration Course:  4FE05EAuthors:  Mikael Karlsson and Johannes Mueller  Examiner: Helena ForslundKey words:  Bottleneck management, material management, process description, timber, proceduresPurpose:   The objective of this study is divided into three parts, all three parts of the purpose aim for the same goal. Namely, to improve the material management so that this enables the bottleneck in the planing mill to keep a continuous  flow, and thereby minimizing the risk for production stops at LB-Hus.  Part.  1:  Identify  and  analyze the material management  connected to  the planing mill  in order to identify problem areas.Part.2:  Identify  improvement potential  in the material management connected to the planing mill.  Part.3: Suggest improvements in the material management connected to the planing mill. Theoretical framework: Process mapping, inventory accounting, balance safety, inventory availability / service levels, safety stock and reorder point, forecasting and routine descriptions.Empirical foundation:  Interviews carried out at LB-House,  illustrated with the help of process maps and a description of each process.  Conclusions:  To work with  the  suggestions  given  and  to  follow  clear procedures  in  all  processes would  result in  a more  efficient  inventory management,  it would also present  a  solution  to  the problem regarding the planing mill being a bottle neck.Suggestions for further research: Review and map the information flow from demand to production start.

Förekomst och grad av osteokondros i distala radius och ulna hos konventionellt och KRAV-uppfödda slaktsvin :

The occurrence and degree of osteochondrosis was studied in 64 pigs raised in conventional systems (45) or organically according to KRAVs principles (19). In this blind study the growth plates of distal radius and ulna were examined macroscopically and radiologically searching for pathological lesions. One significant difference was shown in this study. Conventionally raised pigs diagnosed with osteochondrosis had more severe lesions in the distal growth plate of radius and ulna than the corresponding group of pigs raised organically. No significant difference was shown between the groups when all pigs were included. .

Projektering av en etanolfermenteringsanläggning i pilotskala med Biostilteknologi

AbstractThis degree thesis was made in cooperation with Chematur Engineering in Karlskoga.Many of the environmental issues of today are a result of the motor traffic. Consumption of fossil fuels harms our environmental through formation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. To get under control with our environmental issues it?s important to find substitutes for oil that are both cheap and environmentally friendly. Ethanol has a long history as a motor fuel and is both enviromentally friendly has a high efficiency.According to the EU commissions directives for motor fuels, 5, 75 % of all the fuels in Sweden should be renewable in 2010.

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