

2900 Uppsatser om Conventional pig production - Sida 44 av 194

När det omöjliga blir möjligt, Visuella Effekter

Abstrakt Detta kandidatarbete handlar om visuella effekter inom film och dess utveckling genom åren. Visuella effekter har öppnat en ny värld för filmskapandet då man kan skapa i princip vad som helst vilket gör att det omöjliga helt plötsligt blir möjligt, på filmduken. Kandidatarbetets syfte är att titta på utvecklingen av visuella effekter och hur man kan använda de kunskaper i en mindre filmproduktion. Vår problemformulerings frågeställning är ?Hur har utvecklingen inom visuella effekter sett ut och hur kan man implementera dessa kunskaper i en mindre filmproduktion??. I undersökningen analyserar vi hur man skapat scener i olika hollywoodfilmer som vi tagit inspiration av i vår produktion.

Turordningsreglerna : En studie avturordningsreglerna vid en verksamhetsövergång i Karlstad

Metso Paper in Karlstad is acquiring Kvaerner Pulping and Kvaerner Kamfab, also located in Karlstad. Following this acquisition, there are going to be changes in the organizational structure and some employees might even loose their jobs. There are guidelines from the European Union how to handle situations like this, the purpose of these are to protect the employees. There are also Swedish laws that regulate the protection of the employees when a company is acquired, who is going to keep their job and who is to be made redundant.The transaction between the companies is large why they need an approval from the European Union. The European Union has certain demands for the approval.

Hantering av småskalig elproduktion : Utveckling av modell för dokumentation och elkvalitetsberäkningar

The interest in small-scale electricity in Sweden has increased strongly in recent years. The interest is noticeable both among politicians to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix, and among electricity consumers to partially replace purchased electricity with self-produced. This has resulted in a significant increase of electricity production in low voltage grids in recent years, and the trend appears to continue in the coming years. The majority of the new production plants are solar cells, followed by wind turbines, and it is also in these the greatest efforts are made in this paper.Distributed generation is often seen as something positive since it will contribute to reduced transmission losses and reduced voltage drop in the networks, and that it increases the share of electricity from renewable sources. In cases where the grids are not strong enough, or in other ways not adapted to manage the installed production, power quality may be adversely affected.

Beräkning av koldioxidutsläppet från bostadssektorn i Stockholms län

During the last decades the housing sector has increased continuously, and housings and services accounted for 40 % of the energy usage in Sweden during 2011. The expansion in number of buildings in society has resulted in an increase in both energy usage and emissions of greenhouse gases. It is crucial to enable a sustainable development of society and as a result, the demand to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide is a current question. In this study, the carbon dioxide emitted from the housing sector in Stockholm is estimated. The housing sector can be divided into different types of houses such as apartment blocks, single-family houses and holiday houses. By collecting information of the energy purchased in respective households, a computational model is generated that calculates the total emission of carbon dioxide.

Hållbar växtnäringshantering i Stockholms län : En aktörsanalys

Plant nutrients are important for all life on earth and are also important as fertiliser infood production all over the world. Because of this, plant nutrients are of great valuebut they also bring problems. As an example, the loss of nitrogen and phosphorusfrom agriculture and urban society's sewage systems contributes to some of today?smajor problems in water environment. Another problem associated with plantnutrients is that finite recourses are used in the production of mineral fertilizers.

Röstförmedlingen : Att skapa en kreativ designlösning till ett nytt företag

It becomes increasingly more important that, as a new buisness, both to be seen and heard in an increasingly harder competition situation where the range of similar products and services increase. It requires a well planned and well thought visual profile to succesfully stand out on the market. To give a good impression, this profile should be both distinct and aesthetically appealing. In the making of a new profile it requires creativity to succesfully think in new directions and to separate from the competition.This practical report presents the production process for a designsolution to the new website Röstförmedlingen (Voice agency), a commission from the production and commercial bureau Bartos media. The task in this project was to create a graphic profile and a lofi-prototype that would represent Röstförmedlingen as a buissness.

Utvärdering av produktionsledarens användning av Holmen Skogs datorbaserade stödsystem vid operativ planering av avverkning

The forestry companies? operational planning process is these days dependent on reliable, efficient and user-friendly computer-based support systems. This study is an evaluation of Holmen Skog's current computer-based systems. The aim of this study is to: ? investigate the work pattern of the production managers when using the information system to plan the harvesting operation; ? investigate the efficiency and user friendliness of the information system with the different work patterns and to find the strengths, weaknesses and bottlenecks in the current system; ? find out if the type of object, the volume, the area of the harvesting object affects the time and work pattern; ? examine how this type of study is met by the employees and what factors that is critical to avoid feelings of intrusion. The conclusions of the study were: ? there is a large variation between the work patterns of the production managers and the time spend to perform the operational planning; ? the mainframe computer system used by Holmen Skog is clear, has short response times, is robust and conveys relevant information; ? the computer systems are however divided in many subsystems.

Utredning av alternativa distributionssystem för Holmen Paper

Holmen Paper is one of Sweden?s leading manufacturer of paper, with two Swedish production facilities located in Norrköping and Hallstavik. The European continent constitutes the company?s largest customer base which makes the company?s distribution system an integral part of the business. Historically, much of the produced paper has been transported by vessels, as vessels allow large volumes of goods and deliveries to markets which are difficult to reach with other modes of transportation.

När det omöjliga blir möjligt, Visuella Effekter

Abstrakt Detta kandidatarbete handlar om visuella effekter inom film och dess utveckling genom åren. Visuella effekter har öppnat en ny värld för filmskapandet då man kan skapa i princip vad som helst vilket gör att det omöjliga helt plötsligt blir möjligt, på filmduken. Kandidatarbetets syfte är att titta på utvecklingen av visuella effekter och hur man kan använda de kunskaper i en mindre filmproduktion. Vår problemformulerings frågeställning är ?Hur har utvecklingen inom visuella effekter sett ut och hur kan man implementera dessa kunskaper i en mindre filmproduktion??.

Uppfödning av gyltor till hållbara suggor

Half of Sweden?s 140 000-150 000 sows are culled and replaced by 75 000 gilts annually. Culling of old sows is necessary and allows new breeding material to enter the herd. However, many of the culled sows are young, and have not yet become profitable at the time for culling. Therefore, it is an important question for the pig industry, how to raise gilts to sows with a high and sustainable production level.

Vindpark Vänern : Fundamentteknik och Logistik

An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.

Fel i produktionen : En studie om uppkomna fel i två anläggningsprojekt

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to identify problems that may occur in the execution of a civil engineering project and suggest measures to reduce the risk of errors. The study was conducted in cooperation with a civil engineering company in the Gothenburg area. During two weeks in February 2012, a field study took place on two construction sites where disruption and problems that took more than 15 minutes to correct were noted. During the field study we identified 39 such occurrences in the projects and then these were classified into different categories according to their cause.The two largest categories were "Design" and "Planning", which accounted for half of the errors that were discovered.In the study results were evaluated to decide whether it was possible to detect discrepancies at an earlier stage. The cost to fix an error in the design stage may be significantly less than to correct the problem in production.According to the evaluation, 55% of the errors could have been detected earlier if there was a greater degree of observation for such issues by everyone involved in the project.

The cow eye-Function and effect of light on milk yield

The purpose of this review was to study the cow eye physiology, focusing on how it registers light, and to see how light affects the cow?s milk yield. It has been showed in studies that more hours of light per day (16 hours of light a day) as opposed to about 9-12 hours of light a day, increases milk yield for dairy cows. This review contains suggestions on how this is connected with the physiology of the eye. Vision is an important sense for many mammals, and is used to check out the animals surroundings. Sensor cells in the eyeball help in turning photons from the light into signals to the brain.

Implementera BIM i produktionen : Vilka produktionsparamterar krävs i en BIM-modell för att produktionsledare ska kunna tillämpa BIM som verktyg till sina arbetsuppgifter?

Detta examensarbete syftar till att exemplifiera vilka informationsparametrar som är nödvändiga för att Building Information Management på ett bättre sätt ska kunna implementeras i produktionsfasen. För att uppnå detta mål har vi analyserat utvecklingen och nyttjandet av Building Information Management genom tre olika datainsamlingsmetoder; litteraturstudie, observationer och intervjuer.  I detta examensarbete har vi fördjupat oss i för- och nackdelar samt hur Skanska Sverige AB kan tillämpa Building Information Management som hjälpmedel i arbetsberedningar. Denna fördjupning har lett till att vi kan analysera vilka produktionsanpassade informationsparametrar som en produktionsledare behöver i sin tjänsteroll för att dra nytta av Building Information Management.Vi anser att användandet av en BIM-modell kompletterar produktionsledarens ledaregenskaper, vilket gör det lättare för denne att nå fram med informationen till yrkesarbetarna, då visualiseringen underlättar förståelsen inför aktiviteten. I denna rapport kan läsaren ta del av de slutsatser vi kommit fram till..

Mjölkraskvigors tillväxt på naturbete :

To turn the dairy heifers out on pasture is the most natural way for the cattle to get feed. At the same time it is cheap and if it is right treated a feed of high nutritive value. The problem today is to get dairy heifers to grow enough when they are grazing at natural pasture for the entire summer. Therefore, the opinions differ whether pasture is a resource or a problem. The increasing interest of pasture production is due to the fact that you can receive grants for preserving valuable natural assets and cultural landscape elements in the pasture land. A high grazing pressure is necessary to preserve an open landscape and a great variety of species. In the same time the heifers have to supply their nutritive needs in order to grow and be large enough to show heat and be pregnant in right time to calve with a sufficient body size and at an economically right age. This paper includes a literature review on natural pasture, pasture production, and growth of dairy heifers together with own interviews with dairy farmers about their point of view to the pasture husbandry on the farms, how they plan for pasture, look after natural pasture, treatment areas and take care of the calves and heifers. The results indicate that the time it takes and the demanded work are the biggest factors to how and why the farmers do as they do..

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