

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 47 av 55

Bloggar som marknadsföringskanal ? En kartläggning av Lindex AB

It?s a fact that fashion companies today are searching for new ways to win consumers.Traditional marketing methods have been replaced with new marketing techniques onInternet. Fashion blogs have a high traffic and because of that they are relevant in themarketing context. Lindex has developed from being a store of underwear to be oneof the largest fashion companies in Sweden with Internet sales which actively workswith bloggers through it?s website.Our purpose in this study is to analyze and describe how a fashion company as Lindexis practical using blogs as a marketing method.

Examensarbete ?Nuodå? Ett samarbete med AB O.H. Sjögrens

The ambition of this project is to make an overview of the Swedish upholstery industry and to make a suitable complement to the Carl Malmsten upholstery collection.The Swedish furniture industry employs about 20 000 people in 815 companies. Totally the branch had a turnover of 17,5 billion Swedish krona in the year 2000. Of these 815 companies most of them are small family driven companies with low-tech industry. 10 % of the 815 companies stand for 60% of the production. These are large-scale companies and have a hi-tech industry, even compared with other types of industries.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) - en väg mot ökad uthållighet? : en studie av Ramsjö gård

Over the past one hundred years, there has been an increasing globalization and industrialization of the food systems. As a result, the distance between the production and the consumption of food has increased, both in time and space and in the minds of people. There is also an increasing concern for the environmental effects of industrial farming and the long distance transportation of food. Sustainable agriculture and efforts to build more sustainable food systems has emerged in opposition to the global food market. The definitions of sustainability usually include environmental, social and economical aspects. To build more localized food systems is seen as one way towards increased sustainability.

Privatskogsägarens nettoinkomst vid avverkning under perioden 1952-2008

During the period 1952-2008, real prices of wood before taxes and charges declined. However, the actual net income has not changed by the same percentage as the price list, because taxation, driving costs and the ability to make deductions has changed. This report considers the inflation by using the Swedish consumer price index. Net income refers to the remaining income when relevant costs, taxes and fees have been paid.The purpose of this study was to examine how the private forest owner's real net income has evolved over the period 1952-2008 for three categories of forest owners. These three categories are1.

Marknadsföring av Globala varumärken i en Sluten ekonomi : En Fallstudie på Iran

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate essentialprerequisites for companies and corporations aiming at marketingglobal brands in a restricted market.Method:The investigation strategy used for this essay was to perform a casestudy on the Islamic Republic of Iran. Both primary data ? such as asurvey, interviews and participating observation ? and secondarydata ? found in books, scientific articles and the internet ? have beenused to achieve the results. The gathering of empirical data wasperformed inside the Islamic Republic of Iran during two weeks inNovember 2007 in three different cities: Tehran, Ispahân and Bâbol.This was carried out by considering several theories: globalbranding strategies, brand equity, involvement theory andcommunication models.Results: The outcome of this essay show several factors that should be takenin consideration in relation to marketing global brands in Iran. Manycompanies have chosen adaptation as their promotion? and productstrategy because of countless rules and restrictions hindering globalmarketing.

Mobilbetalning : en studie om konsumenters förmåga att acceptera nya betalningsformer

Aim: Banks? settlement of handling cash and the technological developments of our payment services, leaves us guessing at the outlooks of consumers? payment systems. One of the new payment options arising from this development is mobile payment. With access to internet, mobile payment can take over the role as the primary method of payment, as it can be used on any occasion. Questions are raised about which factors that are affecting the future users? attitude to use mobile payment, and if the service can be a threat to the traditional card payments.Method: This study is based on a quantitative method by the means of a survey design.

Energisäkerheten för fjärrvärmeanläggningars bränsletillförsel i Mälardalsområdet

There are several energy systems in the Swedish society and to ensure the comfort and health of the citizens it is of importance that the different energy systems are functioning properly. District heating is one of these energy systems and many household depend only on district heating to warm up their homes. District heating is dependent on several processes where every step needs to function in order to deliver the produced heat to the end consumer. Previous studies have investigated the distribution of district heating and how to make customers choose district heating as their heating method. The supply of fuel to the district heating plant has not been studied as much, even though it is an important part of the whole system. This thesis is a part of the project NORD-STAR (Nordic Strategic Adaption Research), which has focused on climate adaption in the Nordic countries.

Konsumentprisindex för kläder och skor 1986-2005 - Dekomponering och prognostisering

The essay initially intends to find adequate models to describe and forecast monthly data for the Swedish Consumer Price Index sub group Clothes and Shoes 1986-2005. The time series observations during 2006 are considered ?out of sample period? which is used to evaluate the forecasts. The purpose is to perform time series decomposition and to investigate and analyzethe seasonal pattern. The Box-Jenkins approach is used to find adequate ARIMA models.

Red Bull, Fest eller studier? : Attitydundersökning bland studenter

Mitt intresse för denna uppsats bottnar i att jag arbetar som Student Brand Manager på Red Bull. Det innebär att jag arbetar med företagets försäljning och marknadsföring i den studentrelaterade verksamheten. Syftet för denna studie är att se på hur Red Bull kan åstadkomma en mer studierelaterad koppling till sin energidryck. Med andra ord se på hur det skulle kunna vara möjligt att få studenter att konsumera mer av drycken när de studerar. Detta är av intresse då Red Bull själva anser att dryckens egenskaper är passande till just detta tillfälle.

Upplevelser som verktyg för differentiering av snabbrörliga produkter inom dagligvaruhandeln: en modell för kommersiell produktdifferentiering

Dagligvaruhandeln är en bransch med hård konkurrens. Detta sätter en press på företagen att paketera sina produkter på ett sätt som differentierar dem från övriga marknadens produkter. Vi har sett problematiken i detta och tagit fram en modell som ger produkten en differentiering i form av upplevelser som berikar kunden med ett mervärde.Rapporten utgår från metoder och teorier som skapar en förutsättningen för att kunder ska intresseras, involveras och engageras i en produktupplevelse vilket ska resultera i köplust. Detta gör vi främst genom att behandla ämnen och teorier så som konsumtionsupplevelse, konsumentens beteende samt upplevelseekonomin och teorier där inom så som; the progression of economic value, the experience realms, tre generationer upplevelse, sinnen, tematisering, storytelling samt Kano-modellen. I rapporten diskuterar vi även ämnen som dagligvaruhandel, individanpassning och varumärke.Uppsatsens syfte ?att ta fram en generell modell för kommersiell differentiering av snabbrörliga produkter inom dagligvaruhandeln utifrån upplevelseekonomin? undersöks utifrån ett positivistiskt förhållningssätt med en deduktiv ansats och är grundad på en forskningsöversikt.

Strategier och kanaler vid marknadsföring för fysiska researrangörer och traditionella resebyråer

The tourism industry in Sweden has expanded in recent years and the increasing industry has meant that customers are in need of a reseller for their trips abroad. Today there are three types of retailers available. These are : Traditional travel agencies , tour operators and online travel agencies.Online Travel agencies are the most modern online option for customers. Their existence has made it easier for the customer and reservation can be made anytime and anywhere. The competition has intensified between the three retailers and the traditional alternatives must find new ways to survive.

En human och rättvis värld : En studie om konsumenters syn på corporate social responsibility och den internetbaserade klädinsustrin

AbstractTitle: ?A more humane and equal world? A consumers view on corporate social responsibility and the internet based apparel commerce.Author: Fanny Bergström & Isabelle BlancMentor: Emma SvenssonPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine the attitudes and experiences of consumers in relation to Internet based commerce and corporate social responsibility. The study is based on the following questions; 1. How do costumers perceive Internet based companies and their work with CSR-questions? 2.

Tack för kaffet! : - en analys av konsumentbeteende hos Premium Coffees potentiella kunder

Hur resonerar potentiella kunder kring inköp av produkten som ens företag tillhandahåller? En av de främsta frågorna hos en marknadsförare, men också en fråga som är aktuell i vår marknadsekonomi i stort. Konsumentbeteende är därför ett givet fält inom företagsekonomin. Men hur går det till när konsumenten är ett företag? Vilka aspekter är viktiga och varför? Vilka marknadsföringsinsatser bör genomföras utifrån denna adderade förståelse? Det är utgångspunkten för denna uppsats.

Ekologiskt som ekologiskt? : En kvantitativ studie av eco-label effekten utifrån de tre hållbarhetsaspekterna

Titel: Ekologiskt som ekologiskt? ? En kvantitativ studie av eko-label effekten ur de tre hållbarhetsaspekterna. Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i företagsekonomi C 15hpFörfattare: Malin Damberg Larsson och Anna ÖstlundHandledare: Dr. Jonas KågströmDatum: 2015 MAJSyfte: Syftet med studien är att mäta om magnituden på eko-label effekten skiljer sig utifrån vilken del av de tre hållbarhetsaspekterna (miljö, social, ekonomisk) produkten fokuserar på. Genom vår studie vill vi bidra med en inblick i hur eko-label effekten påverkar synen på ekologiska produkter utifrån de olika aspekterna.Metod: I studien genomfördes ett experiment med 117 deltagare som var uppdelade i tre olika grupper.

Energieffektivisering av luftningssteget på Käppalaverket, Lidingö

This master thesis in energy optimization was made during the autumn of 2006 at Käppala wastewater treatment plant in Lidingö, Stockholm. A preceding thesis, where all electricity consumption was mapped, showed that the aeration in the biological treatment is the single largest consumer in the plant, and it is therefore of interest to reduce this cost. The oxygen control strategy used at Käppala WWTP is working well from a nutrient removal point of view, but not from an economic one. The last aerobic zones have a very low oxygen consumption during low loading periods which give rise to enhanced dissolved oxygen concentrations with excessive costs and reduced denitrification as a result. But also during periods of normal loading unnecessary high oxygen concentration are sometimes given.By modifying the aeration control strategy three full-scale experiments have been made, with the intention to reduce the air consumption.

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