

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 24 av 55

Snus och dosor - Förpackningsdesign, märke och identitet

The purpose of this essay was to examine the packaging design´s communications related to the colloquially brand's symbolic capital and how they became meaningful through experience and perceptions that led to the identification processes in the consumer society. There were eight interviews of snuff users who became my main collections materials. My theoretical framework was discourse psychology´s emphasis on language and Bourdieu´s concept provided important tools in the analysis of the material.I could highlight that packaging design and the brand had influenced the informants and given them symbolic beliefs and what it meant to sniff a certain brand. Color, brand awareness and price were crucial in choosing where the informants attributed themselves the cans symbolic values to their identity. It could be inferred high and low status perceptions based on stereotypes in the design itself..

Mode i Kenya ? En studie om Kenya som marknad för inhemska modevarumärken

The fashion industry in Kenya is slowly growing. The middleclass is getting bigger and theinterest for fashion among these consumers is increasing. One major problem for the growthof the industry is the extensive second hand trade, which has given several problematicaffects. The textile production has almost disappeared, the western influences are evident andthe consumer?s price sensitivity is prominent.The aim of this thesis is, by conducting a field study; to qualitative examine how to develop astrong domestic fashion brand on the Kenyan market and to give a foundation for a brandingstrategy for people involved within fashion in Kenya.

Interaktivt visuellt säljstödssystem

The purpose with this study was to elucidate the pros and the cons with a sale support system. This has been narrowed down into two questions: ?What are the pros and cons for a company that have a sale support system? and what are the pros and cons for a company that does not yet have a system?? Configurator that is a sale support system has been studied. It is a system that presents products by accepting different functions, qualities or parts that are possible to match. It can be used in business-to-business or business-to-consumer situations, through different sale channels, namely direct sale, indirect sale and online sale.

Hur värdefullt är ett varumärke? : En studie om hur konsumentbaserad brand equity mäts

AbstraktSyfte:Studiens syfte är att beskriva hur ett mätinstrument för att mätakonsumentbaserad brand equity ska utformas.Forskningsfråga:Vilka mätpunkter ska inkluderas vid mätning av konsumentbaserad brand equity?Metod:Då studien ämnar testa mätinstrumentet som skapats ur den befintliga litteraturen föllvalet på att genomföra en kvantitativ undersökning eftersom författarna avsågundersöka hur en stor mängd konsumenter uppfattar varumärken. För att samla in databad författarna 130 stycken respondenter delta i en enkätunderökning. Datananalyserades sedan i en faktoranalys.Slutsats:Efter genomförd faktoranalys kunde författarna behålla 9 stycken mätpunkter från detursprungliga 16 stycken mätpunkter. Utefter de nya mätpunkterna utformades ett nyttmätinstrument.

Avtalsvillkor i konsumentförhållanden - särskilt elektroniska avtal på internet

Syftet med studien var att ta reda pa? hur man kan fra?mja lek fo?r barn med autistiska symptom som bor pa? korttidsboenden. En kvalitativ intervjuunderso?kning gjordes med sex deltagare och analyserades sedan genom en tolkande fenomenologisk analys (IPA). Fyra huvudteman med tillho?rande tva? underteman var valdes ut.

En studie om sociala medier och perception

Earlier studies and research on the subject of perception and social media during the working process resulted in a change of the problem. At first the focus of the study was to examine how social media affects the perception of a brand although later on the problem had to be developed to instead examine if social media reflects the perception of a brand. The purpose of this study is to figure out if social media reflects consumer?s perception of a brand. This will contribute to company?s knowledge on how important social media is in their branding and will give pointers on how many resources that is necessary to spend on branding in social media.

Konsumtion i rörelse : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av politiska konsumenter

The purpose of the study is to examine eight individuals? experiences and conceptions of political consumerism. Main notions in the study are concepts like reshaping of the politics, morality and individualization. The method of choice is qualitative interview and grounded theory. Theories that deal with consumer society, subpolitics and individualization constitute the theoretical framework.

Utnyttjar konsumenter möjligheten att agera rationellt? : En uppsats om konsumenters sökbeteende inför ett köp med avseende på irrationella köpbeslut eller möjliggörandet av rationella köpbeslut genom informationssökningsprocessen

The buying decision process describes how the consumer makes a purchase decision through a rational process (Markin, 1979) and an understanding for how consumers make a purchase decision can according to Sands et al. (2010) be obtained by increased knowledge for the information search process (the second part of the buying decision process) before a purchase. Today?s society offers great opportunity to obtain information (Rahim & Clemens, 2012; Bawden & Robinson, 2009) and by that there are in other words good opportunities for a rational acting by the consumers. However, there are factors working against that consumers act rationally and seek information prior to their purchases primarily in the form of the concept of information overload (Bawden & Robinson, 2009) which claims that consumers are limited in their information search because there is too much information but also other factors such as lack of time (Wood & Neal, 2009) and ability to find information (Slegers et al.

Nespresso - Ett koncept att sträva efter

Background: Nespresso is a part of the Nestlé group and was founded in 1986, in the liaison of the revolutionary new method of brewing coffee. The idea was that everyone should be able to brew themselves a cup of espresso that would taste as if a professional barista had done it. Nespresso has now turned in to a new coffee culture. From the beginning Nespresso only sold their products via their club, Nespresso Club, but in year 2000 they opened their first store in Paris. The first store in Sweden opened year 2006 in Stockholm, followed by one in Malmö year 2012.

Internet som ett strategiskt verktyg för småföretag

Background: Internet is a new phenomenon; small companies have only used Internet a couple of years. Internet created a lot of new possibilities for the companies. Internet is a new marketing and communication channel for the company. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how small companies can use Internet as a strategic tool. Another purpose of this thesis is to generate a better understanding of the application of Internet in small companies.

På jakt efter den produkt som flytt - en studie om uppskjuten produktlansering och dess effekter

Many product launches are postponed today, however very little research regarding to customer responses to such events has been carried out. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people react to a postponed product launch. An experimental study of responses to a postponed launch of a mobile phone, a mineral water and a music album is used to investigate customer reactions. The respondents exposed to the postponed launch showed a higher value of reactance. This reactance affects the attitude, purchase intention and perceived quality of the product in a negative way.

Dagligvarumarknaden : en samhälls- och distributionsekonomisk analys av internet som försäljningskanal

Structural changes on the grocery market usually take place when the consumer is persuaded to take on the more labourintense parts of the distributionprocess. Internettrade changes this by causing competition between the unpaid work done by consumers and the labor performed by employees. In this master thesis grocery shopping on the internet is analyzed in a economic perspective with focus on distribution, changing marketstructures, driving forces and the future potential of internet as a saleschannel. The main conclusions are that consumerdemand and the belief in electronic commerceas a costreducing mechanism as well as a powerful new marketing tool were the driving forces behind the fast growth of grocery shopping on the internet. Electronic commerce introduces a new model of distribution with changing roles for consumers and grocerychains.

Det ekologiska valet : En konsuments väg till val av ekologiska livsmedel

This thesis examines the underlying components that affect consumer behavior regarding organic food. The thesis theoretical framework is based on Ajzen and Fishbein?s The Theory of Reasoned Action combined with theories regarding involvement and routine purchases. The empirical material is based on a desk research with 19 research papers between the years 1994 till 2009 and sales statistics over organic food.  The thesis conclusion shows that the underlying components when looking at attitude towards conventional food are price, taste, expiration-date and healthfulness. While the components for involvement in organic food is the environment, personal health and supply.

De, dem och dom : En studie kring gymnasieelevers användande av de/dem/dom i svenska skriftspråket

Study objects: Three different productions companies which the authors have chosen to be anonymous. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to examine why production companies choose to use 3D-animations in television commercials, and what different kind of aspects affects their decisions. Theoretical: The theoretical chapter reviews the history of 3D-animation andtelevision commercials and other fields that will be relevant laterin the analysis and discussion. Method: A case study has been made on three different companies, two of the companies are active in post-production and the other one is active in the consulting area. Data was collected through semistructured interviews with two of the companies.

Den nya IT-bubblan : En studie om journaliststudenter och deras sökvanor på nätet

The web is getting more and more characterized by personalization. Big socialnetworks like Facebook as well as the leading search engine Google increasingly usepersonalization algorithms to tailor the information that they present to users. All inorder to make the information more relevant and engaging for the end consumer. Howdoes this personalization affect journalists who increasingly search the web as a partof their journalistic research? In this essay we have looked at the effects thatpersonalization has on the journalists of tomorrow by conducting a survey amongstudents of journalism.

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