
Den nya IT-bubblan

En studie om journaliststudenter och deras sökvanor på nätet

The web is getting more and more characterized by personalization. Big socialnetworks like Facebook as well as the leading search engine Google increasingly usepersonalization algorithms to tailor the information that they present to users. All inorder to make the information more relevant and engaging for the end consumer. Howdoes this personalization affect journalists who increasingly search the web as a partof their journalistic research? In this essay we have looked at the effects thatpersonalization has on the journalists of tomorrow by conducting a survey amongstudents of journalism. We have also done a study of literature and theories to try anddetermine what consequences personalization will have on the internet in the future.We make an in depth study of the search engine Google as this is one of the mainsources of information for journalists and we have tried to tie this to theories of filter-bubbles and gatekeeping. We find that the question is in need of further studies toreally determine the threat that we face but conclude that information onpersonalization should be far more evident when it occurs.


Gustav Dahlgren Olle Dahlqvist

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Medier och kommunikation


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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