

932 Uppsatser om Competence provision - Sida 7 av 63

Ärligt talat så har jag det som krävs för att vara en bra förälder! : En studie om hur föräldrars generella hälsotillstånd påverkar den upplevda föräldrakompetensen

Background: Good health at community and individual levels are key policy priorities. These priorities can be shown through supporting parents about various different healthy lifestyle choices. In order to know where interventions are needed, it is of interest to study how parents generally feel and how they perceive their parenting.Aim: To study how parents rate their own health and parenting skills, and examine whether there is any correlation between perceived general health and perceived parental competence.  Further, this study will show whether there is a correlation between rate of perceived general health and rate of perceived parental competence when it comes to gender.Method: 64 questionnaires were collected at strategic open kindergartens in the municipality of Uppsala. The questionnaires were distributed to the parents present and who chose to participate in this study.Main result: The result of this study shows that parents have a high rate of general health.

Är yrkesverksamma tandhygienister i Sverige intresserade av att komptetenshöja sig genom utbildning?

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to ascertain whether there was any interest among dental hygienists, raising their level of competence throught attending additional courses or gaining further qualifications. The study was carried out by sending out two-hundred questionarires to randomly chosen dental hygienists. After one remainder come the answer frequency up to 66%. The study shows that many of the dental hygienists are interested to study at college. Many wanted raising level of comtpetence by education, wich also the study shows.

"Jag tror vi måste jobba mycket med det" : Om den digitala källkritikens roll inom svenskämnet på gymnasiet

AbstractThe overarching goal of this study is to investigate whether teachers of Swedish at upper secondary schools in Sweden feel that they know how to teach critical literacy, especially on the Internet, and also if they know how it is taught. It also investigates the difficulties teachers experience in teaching critical literacy. A secondary goal is to investigate the knowledge of critical literacy among students at upper secondary schools in Sweden. The study is based on quantitative and qualitative research. The research consists of two parts.

Skolkuratorers kunskap och erfarenhet om tics och Tourette syndrom : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge and the experience that school counsellors have about tics and Tourette syndrome. This study is based on a qualitative research which we conducted with semi-structured interviews. We have done five interviews with different school counsellors in a small municipality in southern Sweden. The theoretical approach that was used in this study was theory of knowledge as a comprehensive theory and professional competence which includes formal knowledge and tacit knowledge. Some of the study?s conclusions are that the School Counsellors had different professional competence about tics and Tourette syndrome.

Delat Ledarskap- En fallstudie om ett delat produktansvar på ledarskapsnivå

Leadership is essential for every company. Its strength or weakness of direction, clarity, and evaluation affects success or failure of its organization. With the complex structure of the big and global companies today leadership is more challenging. The traditional view of leadership, with the single individual possessing all the competences and skills, is therefore being challenged by an alternative way of leadership, a shared leadership. Existing research on the subject is still scarce, which makes further studies in this field important.

Datadrivet beslutsfattande och kompetensutveckling: En intervjustudie om databaserad beslutsfattning och kompetensutveckling i fotbollsorganisationer

This study explores the shift in football recruitment from traditional scouting to data-driven methods, focusing on Sweden. It investigates how football organizations can enhance competency for effective data-driven recruitment. Through qualitative interviews with elite Swedish football organizations, the study emphasizes the need for competence development for proficient data-driven recruitment. To address the enhancement of personnel competency in the recruitment process, this study poses the research question: "How can football organizations effectively promote competence development to optimize their utilization of data-driven recruitment?" The results highlight the importance of targeted education, combining expertise in data-driven recruitment with a broad skill set.

Representation = legala mutor? : Gränsen mellan representation enligt 16 kap. 2 § IL och mutor eller andra otillbörliga belöningar enligt 9 kap. 10 § IL

Companies use different forms of representation to promote business negotiations. The regulations for the right to deduction for the cost of representation are stated in Chapter 16 section 2 of the Swedish Income Tax Act (IL). According to the law there must be an im-mediate connection between the expenditure and the business practice and the claimed de-duction must be reasonable. The Swedish tax authority publishes general recommendations regarding representation which are used as guidelines for the tax payer to follow. The gen-eral provision about tax deduction can be found in Chapter 16 section 1 of the Swedish In-come Tax Act (IL), stating that expenses to acquire or retain income shall be deductible.

Projektet som skapade ett vi : En fallstudie om Karlstads kommuns projekt att stärka arbetsgivarvarumärket

Studien har genom en kvalitativ fallstudie på Karlstads kommuns projekt om attstarta sitt employer branding beskrivit hur employer branding kan bedrivas i projektform.Employer branding handlar om hur företag och offentliga organisationerkan arbeta med sitt varumärke som arbetsgivare gentemot sina nuvarande ochframtida anställda. Genom sex halvstrukturerade intervjuer med projektbeställare,projektledare och projektdeltagare framkom att projektets resultat har varit lyckat.Vi har genom denna studie kommit fram till följande slutsatser:1. Att arbetet skedde i projektform signalerade att uppgiften var viktig för organisationen,vilket skapade effektivitet i arbetet och underlättade för enhetssamarbete.Inga nackdelar med att arbeta i projektform kunde hittas.2. Projektarbetsformen kan ha varit en förutsättning för att Karlstads kommunsemployer branding skulle lyckas och få spridning ut i organisationen. Genom attde lyckades få förankring visade man inför hela organisationen att employer brandingär ett viktigt område att arbeta aktivt med, men förankringen bidrar också tillatt förändringen inte går för fort.3.

Backsourcing : om dess orsaker, syften och alternativ

This paper examines the reasons behind firms considering backsourcing. While firms experience problems with their outsourcing activities, backsourcing emerges as an alternative solution. Firms primarily take cost considerations into account when reconsidering their outsourcing practices, but this only scratches the surface. A deeper analysis is needed, since cost increases arise from issues such as quality defects and cooperation problems. Even though production costs are low, outsourcing always implies transaction costs.

Varför hälsar du inte? : En studie i några muslimers tankar inför första mötet med en vägledare

The study?s purpose is to find out how important cultural competence is for the guidance of people with multicultural backgrounds. I also want to illustrate that what is seen as normal in one culture may mean something different in another culture. The study will also in some extent explore culture clashes and its problems in the guidance context. The method used in the study is qualitative and the five respondents were all practicing Muslims.

Ledarskap inom ramen för ett systemutvecklingsprojekt : fokus på en arbetsprocess med stöd i Vattenfallsmodellen

Many research reports mention the fact that a huge number of all system development projects never reach a successful ending; with other words never fulfil formulated goals. By identifying and forming success factors (and in some aspect risk factors) that the project manager in practice can use, this study may be seen as a step in the direction towards minimising the high number of failed system development projects. The purpose of this research report is to investigate how a system development project, where the development process is based on a specific development or process model (in this case the Waterfall model), can and should be driven. I aim to clarify what is demanded of a project leader for the specific development process and give an account for which eventual leadership qualities that can be well suited for given situation in relation to the need for technical competence. Among other things the project manager should inspire confidence, drive, be a decision maker, engage and own some form of basic knowledge in the field of system development.

Den semidispositiva arbetstidsregleringen : att avvika från Arbetstidslagen genom centrala avtal

The Working Hours Act regulates the working time conditions and together with the Working Time Directive of EU both acts aim to protect the workers. However, with The Swedish Model it is possible to diverge from the law-regulations by collective agreement by the parts of the Swedish labor market. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the national and international law regulations and further on study a few selected Swedish central collective agreements to discover in which extension deviation from the law occur. The sections of the Working Hours Act?s that has been investigated is ordinary working time, daily rest, weekly rest periods, breaks and maximum weekly working time.

Kompetenshanteringssystem i användning En beskrivande studie om hur ett kompetenshanteringssystem används i medarbetarsamtal inom en vård och omsorgsorganisation

In recent years, Information Technology (IT) has gained more importance in workinglife. More and more organisations has shown an interest about how technology can beused to manage the competence of the employees, and how IT can contribute to thedevelopment of the organisation. In order to achieve this, there is a need for suitabletools to support this process. Even though the implementation of competencemanagement systems (CMS) is a highly up to date question for many organisations,there is a lack of scientific reserach concering this area. This study will contribute tothe research area by examining how CMS is used by employees in daily working life.The manager and the employees in a healthcare organisation in Sweden were observedduring appraisals in order to observe how they used the CMS to evaluate competence.The appraisals were considered a suitable place for studing CMS in use within anorganisation.By using theoretical perspecitves such as the Sociomateriality and Situated Learning,the study can contribute to the knowledge of the entanglement between technologyand working practice.

IKT - 2000-talets mentor? : En jämförande studie mellan manliga och kvinnliga pedagogers uppfattning om IKT i undervisningen

During the past decade Information Technology (IT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have become the main tools in teaching. Authors and early educators who are treated in the study talks about how technology has come to change the school's approach to teaching and didactic tools. The technology has also affected students´ and teachers´ ways to work because the technology's versatility makes demands on the user's expertise and competence. The technical skills have long been associated as a male domain, where men are expected to master the technology´s versatility. These expectations are not the same for women.

Kompetens ? Självbild ? Inkludering : En studie av några elever i behov av särskilt stöd och deras upplevelser av sin studietid i en särskild undervisningsgrupp.

AbstractStudy: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15 pUniversity of SkövdeTitle: Competence ? Self image ? InclusionA study of a couple of students in need for extra education and theirexperiences of their studies at school in a special class.Number ofPages: 43Author: Britt HellqvistTutor: Gunvi BrobergDate: 01-2008Keywords: special class, extra education, competence, self image, inclusionStudents who have difficulties in school or in the social contact are the main subject of this thesis. The students that I have interviewed attend the upper high school in a special class, separated from the major school. My purpose has been to investigate how such students experience their studies at school, with emphasis on competence and the feeling of participation. Moreover, the self image of these students was investigated.

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