

934 Uppsatser om Competence provision - Sida 10 av 63

Ökat kompetensutnyttjande - en nyckel till att öka det ideella engagemanget i en brukshundklubb?

The basic intention of this study is founded on an ambition to make change within the competing activity at ?Svenska Brukshundklubbens Halmstadavdelning? (SBK Halmstad). This is a local association for owners of working dogs, where I am one of the members. A problem in engage a larger number of voluntarily working members in the association has been established and discussed over several years. My premier aim was to make the members award of different perspectives of the problem.

Principen mot rättsmissbruk inom det svenska mervärdesskatteområdet: är det hållbart?

The VAT Directive (2006/112/EC) does not regulate Member States? opportunities to intervene against tax evasion. The European Court of Justice has clarified the situation in case C-255/02 Halifax. This case establish that the universal principle against the abuse of rights applies to VAT, which means that Member States have the opportunity to redefine transactions not involving a breach of law but nevertheless goes past what the legislature envisaged at the introduction of the provision.A debate has risen as to whether the principle against the abuse of rights is equally ap-plicable in Swedish domestic law on VAT. The administrative court of appeal in Go-thenburg, Case No.

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : en jämförande studie i tre oilka organisationer

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, SwedishAirports and Air Navigation Services), AstraZeneca and Svenska Spel. The purpose of the study was to examine and compare how these companies work towards becoming, and maintaining to be, an employer of choice. Facts were sought about the companies and their work to become an employer of choice.To get a discerning and profound picture, a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with twelve key persons in this work was conducted. The method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used for analysis.The results showed that an amount of factors have an input on how attractive the employer is. Common were compensation and benefits, competence development, leadership, information and health-related activities.

Analoga och digitala verktyg i svensk?mnets skrivundervisning

The purpose of this study is to investigate how twelve middle school teachers use educational tools and what influences their choice of educational tools in Swedish language writing instruction. To answer this purpose, three research questions were formulated: What does writing instruction look like for middle school students according to the teachers in the study? What influences teachers' choice and use of educational tools in writing instruction? What opportunities and challenges do teachers experience in Swedish language writing instruction when using different educational tools? Twelve teachers from variously sized municipalities and with different experiences participated in the study through purposive sampling and convenience sampling. The chosen method is qualitative semi-structured teacher interviews. To analyse the results, this study employs analytical tools from the sociocultural perspective, using concepts such as mediation, appropriation, the zone of proximal development, and scaffolding. The results show that both analogue and digital tools are used in the teachers' writing instruction. The choice of tools should be based on pedagogical considerations, with an emphasis on social interaction and collaboration during the learning process.

Vårdgivares uppfattning om fallrisker och fallprevention inom tre vårdnivåer

The progress of the health among the elderly has a major meaning for the needs of care, nursing and social services. The health of the elderly has improved but fall and fall accidents are a major problem. Acute diseases, activities and environment risks are often related to fall accidents. The aim of the study was to describe health care staffs? opinions about fall risk and fall prevention.

Kan befattningen påverka inre arbetsmotivation och psykiskt välbefinnande? : En studie med tjänstemän med olika grad av individuella krav och kontroll på arbetet

The aim of this study was to examine differences in the experience of intrinsic work-motivation and to examine changes depending on profession, where the purchasers experienced a higher level of individual demands and control than the production leaders. Another purpose was to see how the intrinsic motivation needs predicted mental well-being in the professions. The study was carried out using an internet survey that was distributed by e-mail, there were 98 participants. Two questionnaires were used; Basic Need at Work scale (W-BNS) measured intrinsic motivation and GHQ12 measured mental well-being. The result showed that the staff overall had high intrinsic motivation with highest scores on relatedness followed by competence and lastly autonomy.

Human Resource arbetets betydelse för lärande och kompetensutveckling inom två olika organisationer

Denna magisteruppsats handlar om vilken betydelse Human Resource arbetet har för kompetensutvecklingen inom två olika organisationer. Under senare år har relativt stora satsningar gjorts på personalutbildning och andra kompetensutvecklingsinsatser i arbetslivet. Forskning har visat att kunskapsproduktionen i samhället ökar ständigt och för att finna en lösning på detta har många företag valt att satsa på kompetensutveckling. Det bakomliggande antagandet har varit att det i allt högre grad är kunskap och kompetens än kapital som växer i framtiden. Därför bör såväl privata som offentliga organisationer satsa på kompetensutveckling både kortsiktligt och långsiktligt för att kunna möta de framtida kraven.

Modersmålslärare : klarspråk eller tunghäfta?

This research is about different perspectives, offered by three mother tongue teachers, one principal and also featuring a representative from Skolverket, on the subject: teacher legitimation for mother tongue teachers, mother tongue teachers opportunity for competence education and the future of mother tongue education in Sweden.The theoretical framework is mother tongue language, globalization, the post-colonial theory, power and social inequality. A qualitative approach was used including five interviews taken place in Stockholm, the results does not however represent the whole country nor the community of Stockholm itself.The result shows that mother tongue teachers thinks the teacher legitimation does not mean anything regarding their already low-status. Even principal and representative from Skolverket express their concern towards the 'non-demand' for mother tongue teachers to get their legitimation and they feel there is a lack of ambition from decisonmakers to include the mother tongue teachers.As per today there is no higher education for mother tongue teachers leading towards an exam. Mother tongue teachers are worried about their future although principal and representant takes a bright outlook. .

Skogsvårdsentreprenörer i norra Norrland 2009 : företagsbeskrivning och analys av kompetensens betydelse för planteringsresultat

The number of silvicultural contractors has significantly increased in the last decades, and among its main clients are the forest companies. The purpose with this study was to describe the contractors that worked with planting in Norrbotten and Västerbotten in 2009 for Holmen Skog, Norra Skogsägarna, SCA Skog and Sveaskog and also examine if there was any correlation between the contractors? competence and the quality in the planting they achieved. A survey was made among 47 contractors with a questionnaire who performed planting for the forestry companies in 2009. 27 contractors answered the questionnaire and 4 representatives of these contracting companies took part in an extensive interview.

Omstruktureringars betydelse för organisatoriska lärprocesser : Ett kunskapsperspektiv på att dela en verksamhet och köpa verksamhetsnära it-tjäsnter

The thesis aims to understand how learning processes are affected when an organization split into two separate organizations. The study is designed as a single case, covering a new government agency?s takeover of a core activity from another agency and the use of a purchase-provider split between the agencies, providing the new agency with IT-services. The findings revealed a difference in productive system and knowledge types between core- and IT-activities. The core activity was found to be dominated by explicit knowledge while the IT-activity seemed to be dominated by a mix of explicit and tacit knowledge.

E-learning : en form för kompetensutveckling?

Titel: E-learning - en form för kompetensutveckling? Författare: Emely Andersson Helena Någård Handledare: Anders Nilsson Institution:Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management Blekinge Tekniska Högskolan Kurs: Magisterarbete i företagsekonomi, EFE 610 Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga de faktorer som ligger till grund vid valet av e-learning som kompetensutvecklingsform samt vilka olika verktyg av e-learning som finns. Metod: Insamlingen av data har skett genom både personliga intervjuer och e-mail intervjuer med företag som använder någon form av e-learning i sin verksamhet. Vi har också varit i kontakt med sakkunniga som har erfarenhet av e-learning för att få ett bredare perspektiv på området. Slutsats: Slutsatsen vi har dragit är att det beror på flera olika faktorer om e-learning passar in i företaget och varje företag måste utvärdera dessa faktorer.

?Världen är ju full av berättelser? ? En undersökning av inköp av barn- och ungdomsfilm.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how acquisition of film for children and young adults in public libraries is carried out. The aim is to investigate why the librarians think a library should have film, if the librarians are bound by acquisition policies and where they retrieve information about films. We also want to know where the films are bought, how the distributors are perceived and how the librarians see their own sphere of competence. The thesis is a qualitative study and is based on interviews with children?s librarians in six public libraries.

Anställningsskydd vid verksamhetsövergång : Vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter övergår?

Transfer of undertaking or business is a complex fact. It requires many aspects to be takeninto consideration. For there to be a transfer of undertaking or business, it has to be a stableeconomic entity that after transfer has retained its identity. The provisions regarding transferof undertaking or business is found in the transfer of undertaking or business directive,6 b § LAS and 28 § MBL.An employee?s employment is automatically transferred to the transferee.

Polisstudent i akademiska skriftspråksvärldar. : En studie av polisstudenters kritiska förhållningssätt i deras självständiga arbeten.

This master?s essay presents a study designed to investigate twelve police students?ability to handle academic writing conventions and to show critical-analyticalcompetence in their degree projects, which are written as part of the education atSweden?s three police academies. The education of police officers is not an academicone, and the students? main focus is therefore on writing texts in the field of policediscourse. At the same time, scientific principles and critical thinking are emphasized intheir syllabus, but the question of how students handle the encounter with academicdiscourse has so far not been investigated.

Försäkringstagarens rättsliga skydd enligt lagen om försäkringsförmedling : The legal protection of the insurance taker according to the Law of Insurance Mediation

Bakgrund: En försäkringstagare kan välja att antingen köpa en försäkring genom direkt kontakt med ett försäkringsföretag eller genom att anlita en försäkringsförmedlare som sköter upphandlingen av de försäkringar som försäkringstagaren önskar. Under det senaste decenniet har försäkringsförmedlarna kommit att utgöra en viktig del av försäkringsmarknaden och de omsätter stora ekonomiska värden i sin verksamhet. Mot denna bakgrund är det av stor betydelse att den lagstiftning som reglerar förmedlarnas verksamhet ger ett tillfredsställande kundskydd. Tidigare fanns endast lagregler beträffande försäkringsmäklare som var tvungna att agera oberoende av försäkringsgivarintressen. Den 1 juli 2005 trädde dock en ny lag i kraft, lagen om försäkringsförmedling (2005:405), som har ett vidare tillämpningsområde än den äldre lagstiftningen om försäkringsmäklare.

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