

6107 Uppsatser om Communication ways - Sida 3 av 408

Inte bara ord : Klassrumskommunikation om subtraktion i årskurs 2

 Title:              Not just words, classroom communication about subtraction in year 2Language:      Swedish with summary in English.Keywords:     Communication, mathematics, subtraction, teaching The purpose of this study is to analyze the mathematical communication in a classroom during a lesson in the field subtraction, and to find out how students describe their perception of mathematics that is communicated in the classroom.The study consists of the observations through the videotaping of two lessons in primary school grades 2 and student and teacher interviews related to these lecture occasions.Research indicates that Swedish pupils' mathematical skill continuously deteriorates in a national and international perspective, and that student experiences of mathematics in general are negative. The literature emphasizes the importance of communicating mathematics in various forms to deepen and develop understanding of concepts and mathematical operations. Communication must be generated between teachers and students but also between student and student to have a beneficial impact for the student.Our result demonstrate the different types of communication in the classroom but that communication does not always have a clear mathematical content in spite of teachers' mathematical intentions with teaching. The result also indicates that the mathematical communication that takes place, in essence, is a one-way communication where the teacher has a great opportunity to speak. The teachers perceived as oblivious to their own ways of communicating, but stressed in the interviews with an understanding of the importance of communication learning.

Externa kanaler på Prime Care : Tanken med dem, dess funktion och sättet de uppfattas på

AbstractTitle: External communication channels of Prime Care How they where thought to be, how they work and how costumers apprehend them.Number of pages: 50 (64 Including enclosures)Author: Sophie DicksenTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media- and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The focus of this paper lies on the external communication channels of Prime Care and the aim is to study the following aspects: How do the channels work? How are they apprehended by customers of the company? What are Prime Cares own thoughts behind the channels? How does Prime Cares self-image correspond to the way that customers apprehend the company?Material/Method: Twenty interviews has been done with different customers of Prime Care in order to see how the company and its communication flow is apprehended. A consultant manager of Prime Care has also been asked about purposes behind the companies external communication channels in order to enable a comparison between Prime Cares image and profile. Prime Cares website, one of their mail sendouts, their salescalls, salesvisits and their exhibition participation have been studied on the basis of relevant litterature. Maletzkes model of mass communication was used as a general view of communication flow.Main results: All communication channels included in this study have different ways of function even though they all have the same main purpose, videlicet to promote the company, to inform about its activities and to recruit new customers and consultants.

Mikroföretags kommunikationshantering, off- och on-line, på
konsumentmarknaden: en fallstudie på två företag

The purpose of this thesis was to highlight how different aspects of market communication are used when micro companies choose to use both Internet and store selling activities towards the consumer market. The thesis dealt with off-line and on-line communication considerations with focus on advertising, interactions, and relations. In order to achieve this purpose a case study was conducted, that revealed that the companies acted according to theories. The conclusions drawn from the thesis were that companies tended to rely on traditional ways of dealing with advertising and interaction. We could also see that relations were created as a result of unconscious behavior and that the Internet activities still were on a basic level..

Business- to businessrelationer i det föränderliga nätverkssamhället : - En kvalitativ studie om hur business- to businessföretag kommunicerar & marknadsför sig på Internet

We are living in network society, where information and communication together with the technical development stands in the centre. Characteristic for network society is quick changes, new meaning of time and space, convergence and new possibilities of communication. Network society contains new technical developments, several with thepurpose to improve the possibilities of communication between human beings, which in some ways creates new social demands and expectations. In this study, I focus on the Internet, which is an important channel for the information, communication and marketing in network society. As whole network society, the Internet is constantly developing.This study, implemented with qualitative interviews, has the purpose to give new, deep and interesting knowledge about business to business companies? communication and marketing on the Internet.

Den heliga treenigheten : en fallstudie av kommunikationsprocessen mellan ledning, anställda och säljbolag på Alfa Laval AB

The manufacturing industry is currently in a short-term downturn while the competition is increasing. The result of this is that companies must find new ways to bring out their products. Traditional competitive strategies, such as low pricing, is not sufficient today as the customer is inquiring something more than just a good product. Higher demands are presented on an accurate, well functional, communication between customer and companies, as this has become an important strategic factor in achieving long-term profitability.The aim of this independent project was to analyze and evaluate the communication process between a company and its sales companies.In order to illustrate this process, a case study was carried out at Alfa Laval, their sales companies and employees at their distribution center in Tumba. In order to see the differences in attitudes between the management, the sales companies and the employees regarding communication and involvement a gap analysis were used.The theoretical part of the study considers theories about business mission, communication, involvement, quality and creating value.The result showed that a smaller gap exists between the sales companies and the management while a slightly larger one exists between the employees and the management.

Informationsförmedlaren som kommunikatör

This is a study about the communication interaction in the context of the reference work at some public university-libraries and some private company libraries in Gothenburg and Borås. The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the communication interaction in a library situation. The second purpose is to deepen the knowledge, understanding and to establish what is important in this communication. Focus has been on how the intermediaries communicate and how she or he perceives this communication. The intermediary needs to manage the communication with all the different patrons and different information needs of the patrons.

En ny sångfågel i marknadsföringsdjungeln: En kvantitativ studie om Twitters potential som marknadsföringsmedium

Advertisers of today are facing a great challenge in a landscape where it becomes even more difficult to break through the clutter and convince consumers to buy their products. In order to succeed, they need to come up with new ways of communicating with their customers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if micro-blogging could be considered an effective media choice in order to enhance the perception of brand associations and traditional communication effects. The subject is of interest as brands are putting increasingly more resources into this communication channel. However, at the current date the marketing effects of micro-blogging is unexplored in academic research.

Online?: En kvalitativ studie av digitala affärsrelationer

Internet and digital technology has changed the way we live our lives. As individuals we've found new ways to communicate, educate and experience. But what's the effect on B2B marketing? Previous research presents transactional benefits such as lower costs and easier access to information, but there is limited research done on more complex and long term relationships as well as on modern digital tools. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether a deeper long term B2B relationship can be created and nurtured using digital tools for communication, and if so, how these tools and processes can be described and understood.

Dolt i det öppna

Communication is a part of everyday life. The more sensitive information we handle, the more interesting the question around security of your information becomes. There are two ways of handling security around the information you want to communicate, either you control the means by which you are communicating. Or you control the way you communicate, making you able to use existing communication channels. Existing methods within cryptography enables two parties to communicate information securely.

Vet alla vart vi är på väg? : -Studie av internkommunikation i en komplex organisation

Internal communication exists in all organizations and is ongoing. It is of great importanceto communicate effectively when deficiencies can have serious consequences. The tsunamithat swept over South East Asia's coast in 2004 is indicative of this. At that time the consequenceswere loss of efficiency and productivity of businesses, health care, police and themilitary. All because of the lack of information.Employees in an organization take many decisions that affect the entire organization.

Interaktion mellan de yngsta förskolebarnen : Fri lek på förskolan

The aim of the study is to describe how toddlers at pre-school interact with each other during the free play. The following research-questions have been chosen: In which ways are made visible when toddlers interact with each other during the free play? Which repeated patterns are there in toddler?s interaction with each other?The method that was used was observation. Implementing of observations happened during five days on a pre-school. Observations show that the interaction makes visible in various ways when it comes to toddlers, for example through observing, laughing and using the verbal communication.

Sociala medier som verktyg för organisatoriskt lärande och verksamhetsstyrning

Title:Social media as a tool for organizational learningAuthor:David Chaaya & Filip FischerSupervisor:Stig Sörling & Tomas KällqvistBackground:People have always used different ways of communicating. Communication hasa vital role in organizations for control when management and employees are communicatingand interacting with each other to spread individual learning. Thru this contact, individuallearning can develop into organizational learning, which will benefit the whole organization.The most modern tool of communication is social media such as Facebook, Twitter andYoutube. The potential of these social media is disputed in society, but more and moreorganizations are using these kinds of media for communication.Aim:The purpose of this study is to illustrate how social media is used to control withinorganizations and also to create understanding how significant social media are fororganizational learning.Method:The method of this study originates from the ?aktörssynsätt? and is influenced byhermeneutics.

Dagens Agora : En kritisk granskning av Internets möjligheter och begränsningar

The time we live in now is significant for its many ways of spreading information- it is indeed the era of communication. The Internet is the main reason for this evolution, where you can reach out to any corner in the world in less then a second. Information is flowing over us and we get more and more used to being in a constant accessible state. The individual might spread his own word as he wishes. From a democratic point of view this should give a great opening for everyone into the public spheer.

Hur uttrycker sig en företagskris på Facebook?

Facebook´s importance has grown significantly regarding crisis communication. A deficiency concerning what types of companies has been investigated earlier and how their crisis communication should be carried out on Facebook, has been identified. The aim of this study is to examine the crisis communication of a smaller company on Facebook and explore how this communication has been received by the company?s recipients. We apply an explorative approach on to a case study in order to answer the aim.

Nina på nätet : En netnografisk studie av politisk kommunikation i de sociala medierna

The Swedish election year of 2010 has just begun and the political actors are mobilizing their communication efforts to win the votes of the public. The political campaigns of 2010 have the potential to be the first where a new channel for political communication has the potential to make a difference ? the social media. This paper aims to describe in what ways a Member of Parliament, Nina Larsson (FP), together with the PR-agency Hello Clarice are using social media to conduct political campaigning on the web. It also aims to study if the professional consultants of Hello Clarice have any influence over Nina Larsson?s political communication.The theoretical framework which is the base for this study are theories of an extended public sphere in the age of mediation.

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