

9915 Uppsatser om Communication and competence development. - Sida 42 av 661

Collaborative Product Development - - Case Study within the Swedish Automotive Industry

Problem: The relations between first and second tier suppliers within the automotive industry have changed drastically during recent years. Previously involving the supply of simple components, today the relation involves collaborative product development of complex subsystems. The situation is rather new for the actors, hence there are a number of problems that act as restraints for the collaboration. In order to come to terms with these problems, it is important to determine the underlying causes. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a survey of the main problems in the collaborative product development between first and second tier suppliers within the Swedish automotive industry.

Enterprise 2.0 : - En kvalitativ studie om hur ledarskap kan påverkas av Enterprise 2.0 -

AbstractTitle: Course:Authors: Advisor: Keywords:Problem formulation: Purpose:Target group:Theoretical perspectives:Methodology: Result:Enterprise 2.0 - A qualitative approach of how leadership can be affected by Enterprise 2.0 - Bachelor dissertation - Business Administration, LeadershipDavid Ingvarsson, Markus Rengman and Maria Verdin Jenny StåhlLeadership, managers, Enterprise 2.0, impact, communication, empowerment and motivationHow can managerial leadership in the service sector be affected by Enterprise 2.0?The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding of how managers are affected by the implementation and use of Enterprise 2.0. We examine whether managers who figures in organizations where Enterprise 2.0 applications, have adapted their leadership according to the development. The study is based on leadership changes that may be critical for Enterprise 2.0 to generate internal and external competitive advantages.Our study is addressed for leaders who want to create a better understanding of what implementation of Enterprise 2.0 requires from a leadership perspective.We have compiled three subareas in our theoretical framework; communication, empowerment and motivation. In previous research, we found that each area affects Enterprise 2.0 and leadership.

Sidas perspektiv på biståndspolitik : En studie av utvecklingssamarbetet mellan Sverige och Ryssland

Sweden introduced a development assistance policy in 1952 and thirteen years later Sida, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency started, in 1965. But in 1995, five separate development assistance authorities came together and established the new Sida as it is today. Sida is Sweden?s representative in the development assistance policy field and they work through projects that have to be presented through a Country Strategy Process (CSP). The aim of this paper is to point out Sida?s perspective on the conducted development assistance policy and what guide lines that are followed.

Utvärdering av personalutbildning : En studie om organisationers utvärdering av utbildningsprogram

This study examines how and why organizations evaluate training and development within the organizations. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews, with office and organization development managers. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how three large Swedish organizations evaluates training and development programs for staff members. Another purpose is to describe why the organizations evaluate training and development programs and to research if there is a further need to develop the organization evaluation methods. Therefore the research questions are Why and how do organizations evaluate training programs? What further need is there to develop organizations evaluation methods?The conclusion of this study shows that evaluation of the training and development programs are not a high priority among the selected organizations.

Kattens naturliga beteende och hantering av katt på klinik

This literature study investigates the natural behaviour of the cat and handling of cats in the clinic. A presentation of tactile, olfactory, visual and acoustic communication is given. The reproductive behaviour of the cat is explained and the development of kittens is described. The study highlights hunting behaviour, territory structures and social life of cats. The report also includes practical instructions to how the environment and handling of cats in clinics can be improved..

Product Development Processes in the Nordic Paper Packaging Companies : an assessments of complex processes

It is important for firms to continually develop their offerings as the business landscape develops in order to sustain their competitiveness (e.g. Schumpeter, 1934; Ansoff, 1979; Porter, 1985; Trott, 2012). In a context of globalization, rapid technology development and changing customer needs, the paper packaging industry is urged to enhance its product development activities (Hansen & Niskanen, 2007; Björkdahl & Börjesson, 2011). However, there is little research about paper packaging firms? product development processes (ibid).

Långvarig neuropatisk smärta : en litteraturstudie om livskvalitet ur ett patientperspektiv

Objective: From the patient?s perspective describe communication difficulties, which can arise, and how they are handled in their contact with public health care and illustrate their needs of communication.Method: A study of literature was carried out to receive a background and an insight in previous research concerning the subject area. Twelve women with hearing loss was asked to complete a questionnaire, with open questions, regarding communication difficulties in health care situations.Sample: For the literature review, scientific papers were selected via the database, PubMed using relevant keywords. Seven were selected for closer review. For the survey study twelve women were asked to participate which ten of those responded.Results: The study of literature shows that communication difficulties occur in public health care between patients with hearing loss and the nursing staff.

Ledarskapsprogram för innovation

 Since the 28thof May the project to develop an internal Innovation Leadership Program (ILP)on Accenture has been running and came to an end in November the same year. The taskwas formed into a master thesis and given to two students at the Royal Institute ofTechnology in Sweden.Since the start the content and structure of the ILP has been established based on the resultsof a theoretical study, a gap analysis and an external and internal benchmarking. The theoreticalstudy focused on articles, books and lectures about innovation, creativity and pedagogy. Subjectssuch as leadership, motivation, reflection and coaching were studied as well, but in a smaller scale.The gap analysis consisted of eleven interviews with people from different career levels withinAccenture and the goal was to establish the view of innovation and creativity among the employees.The interviews also asked about the knowledge the participants had about Technology Lab in orderto get insight of how to improve their communication and cooperation with people in client projects.Internally a similar program was studied called Minority Leadership program, whom will not bedescribed further in this report, to get inspiration. The external benchmarking was conducted onStanford and was very successful.

Gör som jag menar : En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende

The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.

Kackel, kvitter eller pip - uttryckssätten i twitterskogen är många. En kvantitativ studie om olika strategiers potential på Twitter.

Internet and social networks have become important features in today?s society. We spend numerous hours on browsing and communicating through these platforms. This development has also led to a shift of power from businesses to consumers. Today?s consumers have more control of if, when and what messages they are exposed to.

Att finna kärleken @ Internet : en studie om hur kommunikationen mellan åtta par utvecklats från det första mötet online till det första mötet offline

Purpose/aim: The purpose is to get increased knowledge about how the communication had developed from the first contact online to the first meeting in real life and even after when it had turned into a real relationship. I also wanted to know why the eight women I interviewed experienced that the Internet is a good venue to meet and develop a real relationship at and if there existed any differences between those four women who were a bit older and those four women who were young.Material/method: When the purpose with this survey stood clear I decided to use interviews as the method to find out more about my subject. I decided to do eight interviews and I contacted eight women who all found their partners online that were willing to help me and answer my interview questions. I did six of the total eight interviews through MSN Messenger and the other two through the telephone.Main results: I found out that three of the older women had used e-mail and telephone and sometimes SMS communication to find out more about their soon to be partner and after that decided to meet the other person in real life. One of the older women and all four of the younger ones had used a Community and Instant Messenger to communicate with their soon to be partner, they also used the telephone and SMS to communicate with each other but Instant Messenger was the medium that dominated in their wish to communicate.

Säg något intressant! : En kvalitativ studie av marknadskommunikation på Facebook

ABSTRACTElin Johansson, Hanna Johansson, Camilla Nilsson Say something interesting! A qualitative study of marketing communication on Facebook                               Pages: 36With the emergence of social media, new ways has been created for companies to reach out to its audience. From being dependent on journalists to provide information, companies today have the ability to self-publish information in the open media channels. The use of social media should not replace traditional marketing communication though, but works best as a complement. It is a new environment that requires the company to adapt its working methods. Although the work is different, it is important that companies see social media as part of the overall marketing communication and not as a separate project. The purpose of this paper is to study recipient?s experience of company?s communications in social media. We have chosen to relate this to the instructions on methods of marketing communication and social media marketing as found in literature on the subject. This is to examine whether firms achieve the desired effect of the methods that are considered most appropriate. Does the message reach out? The focus of this study is marketing communication in the social media Facebook. The study consists of qualitative interviews to illuminate the recipients' views and experiences, as well as a literature study from the theoretical perspective of the sender of marketing communication in social media. The results showed that business as well as audience must interact in a functional relationship in social media. Companies should be more like the customer they are trying to reach. If companies choose to expose themselves in social media, time must be given to this, which is what the audience expects. Key words: Marketing communication, social media, social media marketing, Facebook, recipients, sender.

Nyheter på sociala medier : Twitters påverkan på användarnas nyhetskonsumtion

Our digital society encompasses nowadays different channels, which includes social media where many users consider it as a platform where they can fetch news or exchange news and information. This leads to a large spread of news exchange in a very fast speed, which involves the global users within social media to be a part of this social interaction. This study is focused on how Twitter affects the usage of the user?s news consumption. By reaching out to our specific target audience, which includes Twitter users in Sweden, we made a web based survey with a content of relevant questions.

Från hemtjänst till eHemtjänst

The number of elderly continues to increase in Sweden which puts pressure on the elderly care. Aproposed solution is to increase the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) inhome care to both streamline care and enable older people to manage on their own to a greaterextent. So far Västerås is the only municipality that has made a decision on an ICT solution, whichthey have chosen to call ?eHemtjänst? (eHomecare). The purpose of this paper was to investigatethe specific prerequisites and requirements for Gothenburg city regarding the potentialimplementation of eHemtjänst.

Våga Vara Annorlunda?: En uppsats om hur produktengagemang och motivation påverkar inkongruent marknadskommunikation

To be seen is essential. Presently, the marketing of different well-known brands within the same product category is done with little variation. To marketing professionals, this creates an opportunity to market products in an unexpected way. The use of incongruent market communication and by creating a discrepancy between a well-known brand?s advertisement and brand scheme, which is already established in customers? minds, is one way to be different.

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