

4367 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 57 av 292

Ledarskap för att främja hälsa hos medarbetare : En fallstudie om hälsoarbete på linjechefsnivå

The author?s common interest for healthy employees, brought reasonto study how line managers can manage and develop this withsupport from HR. Previous research highlights that knowledge ofhow health is promoted is missing. Line managers have a key role inworking with contributors´ health. The aim of the study is toinvestigate how managers are working for the well-being ofemployees and which aid dedicated to line managers from the HRfunction, and how support and the work with employees? health canbe developed.

Kraftig anemi hos tax :

The Clinical Pathology Laboratory at SLU in Uppsala has analysed several blood samples from Dachshunds with severe anemia. As there are no previous studies on this topic, a study was performed to evaluate if Dachshunds are more prone to severe anemia compared with other breeds. In addition, a retrospective case study on Dachshunds with severe anemia was done to search for common risk factors or diseases. Hemoglobin values in samples from 1272 Dachshunds and 2269 German Shepherds analyzed from September 1994 to October 2007 were used to compare the frequency of severe anemia in Dachshund and German shepherd. The samples were identified by laboratory information system.

Valet av Renegade och Paragon i Mass Effect : Undersökning av möjliga aspekter på valet att spela som ond eller god med fokus på spelarens subjektiva upplevelse

The purpose of the study was to examine possible aspects concerning the choice to play as good or evil with a focus on the players´ subjective experience. A form was constructed and the material was interpreted according to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The games Mass Effect I and II were used as an example of the choice to play as good or evil since the choice between Renegade (evil) and Paragon (good) is present. The sample consisted of individuals who had played Mass Effect I and/or Mass Effect II and were over 18 years old. The end result concerning who played a Renegade or a Paragon came to be very uneven (15 out of 16 participants played a Paragon) which means that the result mostly relates to possible aspects concerning the choice to play a Paragon.

En undersökning av ljus av ljus - den omvända skuggbildningen

This work is an exploration of a method and how to find balance between it and its contents. One part consists of a technical study on how to use UV light to yellow distinct surfaces on paper and the other is about how to find use of the method. The common denominator is determined as the consequence of the relationship between light and time. The result is three images that shows various traces of time with time as a graphic expression..

Hur inverkar sömnmedel i form av bensodiazepiner och bensodiazepinbesläktade medel på dagtrötthet och frakturrisk hos äldre?

Insomnia is getting more prevalent with age, both because of natural changes in the sleep pattern and because of increased morbidity. It can cause dysfunctioning and sedation during the day. Therefore it is often treated with hypnotics. It is possible though that hypnotics can cause daytime sleepiness as well, not to mention increased risk of falling and fractures because of sedation and prolonged reaction time. Benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine related drugs, the subjects of this study, are commonly used as hypnotics.

Individanpassning vid val av HVB-hem. "Hemma är inte alltid där du bor, utan där du är förstådd".

The purpose of this essay has been to study if the social services adjust the choice of institution to every juvenile's need of care. If the choice of institution isn't adjusted to the juveniles the institutional placement can become a way to store them rather then treat them.To accomplish the purpose of the essay we have interviewed ten social workers with different worktitles and positions. We have delimited the study to three swedish communities with varying sizes. We have analyzed the material with Bourdieus theory of "field" and "doxa" and Antonovskys theory "a sense of coherence" (SOC).We came to the conclusion that the social service adjusted the choice of institution to the juveniles needs as much as possible. Although there are a couple of factors that some times makes the best choices impossible.

Law and Corporate Finance: En studie av problematiken vid nyemissioner

The purpose of this thesis is to shade light on some of the problems associated with rights issues with regard to Swedish law. This thesis is limited to discuss problems regarding directed rights issues, rights issue discounts, underwriting agreements and asset to share compensation. The common factor for these matters is that the current legal situation is somewhat uncertain which allows for differences interpretation and judgment..

Symbolism och impressionism i Ivar Conradsons Skyarne

This essay examines the poetry of the Swedish writer Ivar Conradson (1885-1968). Itanalyzes his work in the context of the European literary scene of the late 19th century, inparticular symbolism and impressionism. Conradson has been considered a symbolist and amysticist by critics and scholars, who claim that his poetry expresses a strong religious ethos,influenced by biblical rhetoric as regards style.While this study does not refute the common view of Conradson, it argues that his earlyworks differ from his later works, where indeed religious and mystical themes can be found.This difference can thus be seen both on stylistic and thematic levels. Using the structuralistmethod of Roman Jakobson and Jurij Lotman, and a phenomenological analysis based on thephilosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Hannah Arendt, this study examines bothsymbolist and impressionist stylistic devices and themes in Conradson?s literary debutSkyarne (1906).

Alla vill beta men ingen vill bränna : skogshistoria inom Särna-Idre besparingsskog i nordvästra Dalarna

In this work I have tried to reconstruct the forest history within Särna-Idre forest common in northern Dalarna from the 19th century until present time. The Särna-Idre region has been an extensively used landscape for a long time. Pollen which indicates grazing has been found in samples orginating from the 10th century. Early travellers from the 18th and 19th centuries seem to have been passing trough a "used" landscape. Burned forests on naked ground are described as common. Also large areas are mentioned as undisturbed with lots of large trees, snags and dead wood.

Bön och upplåtenhet : En religionsfenomenologisk undersökning

Religious phenomena, such as prayer, have more or less always interested and engaged people, but most likely for different purposes. Since the early 20th century, starting notably with Edmund Husserl and especially Martin Heidegger, phenomenologists have taken an interest in understanding and expounding the meaning of religious phenomena. The attention of such a discourse have not ceased but is rather current, and also of importance seeing that religious themes, such as prayer, still occupy a great extent of human life and practice.Phenomenology of religion is not a science of religion: the former approaches religion in terms of its meaningfulness, whereas the latter as an object of inquiry and in the same manner as an economist approaches economical indicators in order to understand and explain how the whole economy functions. In other words, phenomenology of religion expounds religion, as it were, from within, while science of religion does it from without or externally.When approaching prayer phenomenologically, it shows itself to be a process or structure through which the one praying empty himself in order to be able to receive the valuable presence of the other. The value that is received from the other will also be reflected by the one praying and in that sense effect his surroundings and fellow humans..

Vägen till beröring i det palliativa skedet

In the palliative care there are many close encounters between the care-taker and the care-giver. To be touched is foundational to every human being and the care-giver shows his presence to the care-taker, when he touch the care-taker. Touch is an important tool for the care-giver in the care for the care-taker. It becomes a natural way of communicating. The aim of this literature study was to describe which factors that are important, for the care-taker in the palliative care, to receive touch in the purpose of feeling well-being.

Valet av Renegade och Paragon i Mass Effect - Undersökning av möjliga aspekter på valet att spela som ond eller god med fokus på spelarens subjektiva upplevelse

The purpose of the study was to examine possible aspects concerning the choice to play as good or evil with a focus on the players´ subjective experience. A form was constructed and the material was interpreted according to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The games Mass Effect I and II were used as an example of the choice to play as good or evil since the choice between Renegade (evil) and Paragon (good) is present. The sample consisted of individuals who had played Mass Effect I and/or Mass Effect II and were over 18 years old. The end result concerning who played a Renegade or a Paragon came to be very uneven (15 out of 16 participants played a Paragon) which means that the result mostly relates to possible aspects concerning the choice to play a Paragon.

Doften i kommunikationens tjänst : - En studie av trenders utveckling

Dagens konsumenter är skickliga på att analysera och blockera stora delar av de reklammeddelanden de utsätts för dagligen. Marknadsförare och företag måste ideligen komma på nya metoder att tackla problemet med. Som svar på dessa svårigheter och den kontinuerligt ökande konkurrensnivån utvecklas ständigt nya metoder och strategier för detta. Metoderna avlöser sina föregångare i syftet att dessa skall förmedla företagens meddelanden mer verkningsfullt.Den nyaste trenden på marknaden är Sense marketing som kombinerar det visuella intrycket med exempelvis musik eller doftintryck. Att marknadsföra varor och varumärken med doft kallas doftmarknadsföring och syftar till att ge kunden ökad upplevelse med köpeprocessen samt med produkten och varumärket i sig.Metoden utnyttjar luktsinnets oförmåga att stänga av sig själv samt den undermedvetna processen som ständigt pågår i våra hjärnor i att vi analyserar alla doftintryck vi kommer i kontakt med.

Effektiv och användarvänligresursplanering i reklambyrå

It has become more common for organization to operate a lot of projects at the same time. These projects affect each other, either in way of resources or technical. Projects in a multi-project environment depend and affect each other, and in most cases they rival about resources, decision-makings and priority. To lead a project portfolio with several projects is a major challenge. The most common problems that occur are vague objective, unclear working conditions, resource shortage and problems of priority.

Effekten av olika andelar grovfoder och kraftfoder i foderstaten på mjölkproduktion, välfärd och hälsa hos mjölkkor

Dairy cows transform grass to milk with help from ruminal microorganisms that can digest indigestible fiber in their feed. The digestive system of the cow is adapted to a diet consisting of forage and disorders like acidosis, laminitis and abomasal displacement can occur if the feed contains too much starch. To achieve the highest production possible the cow has to be given a high amount of concentrate or grain as the difference in milk yield is significant, approximately 1000 kg energy corrected milk per cow and year between conventional and organic cows that are fed a lower versus a higher share of forage. If the cow shall be able to eat the same amount of energy from forage as from grain or concentrate the eating- and rumination time gets longer and she might not be able to eat enough, which will result in a lower milk yield and will make it harder for the cow to recover from the negative energy balance that originate from the beginning of the lactation. Fat and in a sense protein content differs also depending on if the cow is given a high or low share of forage..

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