4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 56 av 292
Du måste prata noga! : om ett barns kommunikativa svårigheter
My essay is written from a basis of one of my own experiences were a child is perceived by us pedagogues as lonely and introverted, as well as having trouble socialising because of, what we can see, difficulties making himself understood verbally. I want to highlight how I as a pedagogue can respond to and strengthen children who are outside but still with the group, in a certain sense. I want to reflect on how we can deepen our understanding of these children and how we can facilitate for children who do not follow the norms of society when it comes to communication. I will analyse and draw conclusions with the help of theorists such as Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotskij and interpretations of these, but also look at it from a sociopsychological perspective as the interactions between people and environments play a large and distinctive role in preschool. The purpose of this essay is to enlighten how different we can see and experience situations in preschool.
En guide i näringslära och utfodring vid några vanliga sjukdomstillstånd hos hund och katt :
This report describes the nutritional requirements of the dog and cat. You are also able to learn about the most common diseases in the dog and cat where food has an important role in both prevention and recovery of these diseases. We describe FLUTD, canine urolithiasis, heart- and kidney disease, gastrointestinal diseases and obesity. You have to know the right balance between different nutrients to decrease the stress on the body and to prevent the advancement of the diseases. Finally we discuss the differences between three manufacturers of veterinary prescribed diets and two commercial pet foods..
En stad, ett lag och en fotbollsmatch : En etnografisk studie av Kalmar FF:s lag för ungdomar med funktionsnedsättning
As a soccer coach for youths with disabilities and as active soccer players, our thoughts regarding the basic principles of sports where awakened and how it corresponds with the possibilities of disabled youths participating in club organized sports. From that thought came the idea that, with our team as the point of original we should contribute with increased knowledge regarding the experiences of disabled youths doing sports. Using ethnography and co-operative observations we have researched both including and excluding factors that contribute to the possibilities of disabled youths opportunity to do sports. We have been able to distinguish that the youths in question feel that sports can be identity-building as well as give a sense of community. The study shows that the basic principles of sports does not correspond with reality because the lack of availability is the determinant factor. .
Utveckling av provrigg för flödesmätningargenom munstycke hos common rail-injektorer
Detta examensarbete utfördes på uppdrag av avdelningen för insprutningsprestanda(NMCX) på Scania i Södertälje. Projektets huvudsyfte var att utveckla en provrigg för attstudera bränsleinjektorers prestanda. En ny testmetod existerar som ger noggrannaremätningar av multipla injektioner tack vare mindre oscillationer i mätmetoden som sådan.Mätmetoden ger möjligheten att utföra hål till hål?jämförelser av flödet genom hålen iinjektormunstycket.Baserat på mätmetoden omnämnd som impulsmetoden, utvecklades och tillverkades enprovrigg för flödesmätningar genom injektormunstycket. Målet med examensarbetet varmed detta att beskriva utvecklings? och konstruktionsarbetet av provriggen.
Tillämpningar av kursplanen i Programmering A. Skillnader och konsekvenser i en skola för alla
Vårdtiden för mammor efter förlossningen har minskat markant de sista decennierna. Det är därför av vikt att undersöka hur nyblivna mammor upplever den första tiden efter de har fött barn. Syftet med studien var att undersöka känslan av trygghet som mammor, med tidig hemgång, kände under den första veckan efter förlossningen. Metod: Enkäten Parents Postnatal Sense of Security (PPSS) med 18 frågor plus tre tilläggsfrågor användes. Enkäten skickades till 100 nyförlösta svensktalande mammor med normala förlossningar och tidigt hemgång.
Förskola och bibliotek - förskolorna som användare av och samarbetspartner till biblioteken i Kalmar och Växjö
The purpose was to examine how the pre-schools used the public libraries in two Swedishtowns. We also examined if and how the pre-schools and the public libraries were cooperating.Literature showed that it is possible to stimulate children's language development and this is a duty for pre-schools and public libraries. We sent an inquiry to all pre-schools divisions in both towns. We interviewed two librarians. Our results showed that the pre-schools did use the libraries to a great extent but they didn't cooperate with the libraries in the sense that they had elaborated agreements.
Inuti den svarta lådan: En studie av beslutsprocesserna bakom EU:s gemensamma handelspolitik
Trade was assigned as a Community responsibility at the founding of the European Community in 1957. It was then recognized that Europe would achieve a greater international influence if it were to negotiate trade deals with one voice. Since then, the basic rule has been that the European Commission negotiates agreements on behalf of the EC, and presents the agreements negotiated for approval in the European Council. Today, the 25-member European Union is the largest trading power in the world, and most member states have decades of experience of coordinating their national trade interests into a common position. However, partly as a result of the complex nature of the trade decision-making processes it is sometimes problematic to identify who or what really influences EU trade policy.
36 § avtalslagen mot oskäliga ansvarsfriskrivningar i kommersiella avtal : En komparativ studie med Common Law
In claims for unfair dismissal due to alleged redundancy, the burden of proof should be shared to enable an employee to have the cause of redundancy tried. In such a case, the employee should present evidence of an invalid cause ? such as personal reasons ? and the employer should account for the redundancy. With reference to their conflicting interests, the law favours the employer if the redundancy can be accounted for even if the employee maintains his or her position. This would have been reasonable practice if the employer?s evidence was subject to the same scrutiny as that of the employee but, as long as redundancy is considered a valid cause in itself, this is not the case.Redundancy does not come from nowhere, but it occurs when employers carry out their management decisions.
Analys av webbservertrafik
This essay is about traffic analysis of Web servers. The purpose is to
investigate if companies analyse the traffic on the Web server and if they use
this information to create more than simple statistic reports. The questions
that we will answer are the following:
? How common is traffic analysis on the Web server among companies?
? Is the Web administrator limited in analysing the Web traffic, if the company
has the website on a Web hotel?
? Does the company uses the results they get from analysing the traffic on the
Web server for updates and changes on the Web page?
To answer these questions we made a questionnaire investigation by telephone
interviewing the companies? webmasters. The extent of the investigation was 20
companies in Blekinge.
The information we gathered from the investigation showed that it is becoming
more common that companies analyse the traffic on the Web page and that they
uses the information to more than statistic reports, for example updates and
changes of the Web page.
Programmeringsstruktur med dyslektiskt tänkande
During the period of this project I have programed a web site in php4, and also built the database in MySQL. The purpose with the projekt is to create a common web site for the various activities in the different churches located in the area of Örnsköldsvik. In my project I have chosen to try to find a structure of programming that fits my needs as a dyslexic. In the essay you can find a more thorough description of my procedure and the structure that I have chosen to use..
Negativ avtalsbindning : i svensk marknadsrättslig praxis
One fundamental principle in Swedish contract law is that passive acceptance does not constitute a binding acceptance of an offer. Still, business owners use the consumers unknowing of this, and form offers saying passivity will lead to a binding agreement. Business owners are thus trying to ?negatively bind? the consumer to agreements. There are rules prohibiting this kind of actions in the Swedish marketing law (MFL).In order to find out what constitutes this forbidden kind of agreement-entering according to the Swedish Market Court, an analysis of seven cases settled between 2002-2009 and concerning consumers in these situations, is made.
Biomekanisk analys av patientlyft i team
Background: The majority of the occupational accidents and work-related diseases at Swedish workplaces occur due to poor ergonomics during lifts and transportation of objects. The most common consequence of poor ergonomic conditions is low back pain (LBP) and the risk of developing LBP increases as the mechanical loading on the intervertebral disks grows. This study has investigated the biomechanical loading in the low back during two different types of patient lifts. The first lift (lift A) is developed by Modern Arbetsteknik (MA) and the second lift (lift B) is a common lifting technique among care workers. Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify any advantages or disadvantages with MA?s lift, regarding shear and compression forces in the L5/S1 disc.
Ingår våld i tjänsten? : En studie om upplevelser av att möta våld i sin tjänsteutövning
Our aim was to explore employees' experiences of exposure to violence, threats of violence as well as their experiences of encountering victims of violence and to relate their experiences to Sense of coherence (SOC) and Maslach's burnout inventory (MBI).We sent out a questionnaire to employees at three different workplaces. Our questionnaire included previously validated SOC and MBI questionnaires as well as six additional questions regarding violence. We sought to explore the relationships between experience of exposure to violence and encounters of victims of violence and SOC and MBI. We found that employees with a higher level of SOC exposed to violence or threats felt a higher level of security. In encountering victims of violence we found that employees with a lower level of SOC more frequently experienced indifference, fear and anger.
Barn och preoperativa förberedelser : Hur upplever barn olika förberedelser inför en elektiv operation?
AbstractBackground: An elective surgery can be something new that is frightening and unpleasant. The children and their individual needs are not always considered when surgery is prepared. Children?s needs differ and depend on their sense of coherence. Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate how children experience preparations before elective surgery.
Första mötet med förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om olika inskolningformer på fyra förskolor
This is a qualitative study with four interviews, in four different preschools, in the same municipality. By making it so, it becomes a case study to describe a phenomenon in a municipality which also is the definition for this investigation. The purpose of my study is to examine what it means, in a municipality, to have different types of introduction at preschool. Where I ask the question why preschools choose to have a specific method of introduction and what are the basics and ideas behind the choice of the method? What significance do these different methods have to attachment theory? What do teachers think about the advantages and disadvantages with their choice of method?The versions of introductions are many and may vary; the duration of the introduction may vary from 1-3 days up to 3 weeks.