

761 Uppsatser om Commodity trade - Sida 45 av 51

Kommersiell etisk konsumentkultur - en case studie av fenomenet (PRODUCT) RED

Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva och analysera framväxten av nya kommersiella etiska konsumtionsfenomen och dess påverkan på konsumentkulturen. Metod: Magisteruppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ litteraturstudie som kompletterats med en empirisk case-studie av fenomenet (PRODUCT) RED. Allt emiriskt material är inhämtat från Internet under olika tidpunkter från och med mars månad till mitten av maj 2008. Empirin grundar sig bland annat i diskussioner vilka bedrivits på sociala nätverk på Internet och där främst inom grupper på Facebook. Materialet sträcker sig tillbaka till (PRODUCT) RED etableringen i mars 2006, vilket innebär att urval av inlägg och bloggar från olika diskussionsforum inhämtats under hela denna tidsperiod.

Revenue management - en studie om mötet mellan systemet och de anställda

Uppsatsen behandlar mötet mellan styrsystemet revenue management, ett verktyg som syftar till att optimera ett företags intäkter, och de anställda som arbetar med det. Systemet handlar om att sälja rätt produkt till rätt kund vid det rätta tillfället till det rätta priset. Detta verktyg används idag av de flesta hotellkedjor och har numera blivit mer eller mindre standardiserat. Istället för att enbart beskriva systemets ekonomiska fördelar har vi valt att rikta in uppsatsen på hur de anställda som arbetar med verktyget påverkas. Genom vår analys har vi funnit ett antal begränsningar i mötet mellan revenue managementsystemet och de anställda.

Konkurrensrätt : Innebörden av artikel 82 EGF

The competition policy in the EU should guarantee that the competition is not distorted in the way that would prevent or create difficulties for the free mobility of goods and services between Member states. It is prohibited for companies to abuse their dominant position according to Article 82, if it affects trade. The essence of Article 82 is control of market power. The perfect competition results when supply and demand appoint the price and quantity of a product. Firms are encouraged to compete then it results in efficiency, quality products and lower prices.

Problemidentifiering och idéuppsnappning i kvalitetsarbetet - en undersökning av fortlöpande kvalitetsförbättring i butikskedjor

I retailbranschen krävs ett fokus på detaljer, och med snabba förändringar som en dominerande faktor, behöver dessa detaljer ständigt kvalitetsförbättras. I den allt hårdnande konkurrensen behövs ledare och medarbetare som ständigt tänker på organisationens behov. Problemet för detaljhandelns centraliserade butikskedjor kan vara att lyckas förankra förändring och kvalitetsförbättring för butiken i alla delar av företaget. Uppsatsen underbyggs av ett antagande att ett större fokus krävs på en initial fas i kvalitetsarbetet som vi har benämnt identifieringsfasen. Uppsatsens har ett ledningsperspektiv och syftet är att se hur retailföretag interorganisatoriskt kan bli bättre på att identifiera problem och tillvarata idéer i butiken, för att kontinuerligt kunna kvalitetsförbättra för hela butikskedjan.

Privata och offentliga riskreduceringsmekanismer och dess inverkan på beviljande av handelskrediter

Bakgrund och problem: Majoriteten av försäljningen mellan företag, samt mellan företag och offentlig sektor sker via handelskrediter. Detta leder till att företagen ofta blir utsatta för risker i form av sena och uteblivna betalningar. I sådana situationer finns det behov av riskreduceringsmekanismer som ska reducera och minimera dessa risker. Mekanismerna för reducering av risker har vi fördelat i två kategorier, privata och offentliga. Avsikten med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka av dessa mekanismer som har störst inverkan på beviljandet av handelskrediter.

Penningtvätt ? Identifiering och analys av tillämpade metoder för att mäta penningtvätt

Penningtvätt är ett ämne som under de senaste åren fått mycket uppmärksamhet. Nya lagar och regleringar med målsättningen att förebygga och bekämpa penningtvätt har införts. För att uppskatta problemets storlek har ett flertal estimat beräknats med hjälp av olika metoder. I denna uppsats har vi valt att fokusera på de metoder som används för att beräkna estimat, då det finns tecken som tyder på att estimaten som beräknas sällan utsätts för kritik.Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka och jämföra tre av de idag vanligaste metoderna för att beräkna penningtvättens storlek. De vanligaste modellerna är Walkermodellen, Zdanowicz metoder för handelsbaserad penningtvätt och en två-sektor modell vilka har utgjort fokus i denna studie.

Svensk arbetarrörelse och det finska inbördeskriget 1918

The political and civil unrest during the last years of the First World War had a profound impact on the political life in many European countries. Academic research on the Swedish Social Democratic Party and the development of the parliamentary system during these years, often focus on the civil unrest and the mobilization of the labour movement during the spring of 1917, and the impact on Swedish politics of the Russian and German revolutions.This study is an examination of the relation between the Swedish labour movement and the Finnish Civil War of 1918. The general aim of the study is to examine how different levels and organisations of the labour movement acted in regards to the situation in Finland, and how these different levels and organisations interacted with one another. A second aim of this examination is to better understand during what kind of processes of the Swedish labour movement?s history that the Finnish Civil War occurred, and how it affected them.The conclusion of the study is that the there was a disparity between the leadership of the Social Democratic Party (SAP), which at the time was part of the Swedish government together with the liberal party, and the grassroots of the labour movement, organized in trade unions, and in the local organizations of the SAP and the Social Democratic Left Party (SSV).

Att växa med knappa resurser - en fallstudie av Mobergs

Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera hur mindre företag kan utveckla sin verksamhet trots knappa resurser. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att skapa en generell utvärderingsmall som företag liknande fallföretaget kan använda sig av vid en verksamhetsanalys. Uppsatsen bygger på empiri från ett fallföretag som är aktivt inom verkstadssektorn. Fallföretaget är ett mångsidigt familjeföretag med verksamheter inom olika affärsområden. Företaget saknar en tydlig strategi för hur det ska växa och utvecklas på lång sikt.

Antibiotic resistance associated with bacteria in irrigation water : a case study of irrigation ponds in Southern Sweden

The focus of this project was to characterize the occurrence of ESBL-­?producing bacteria in two irrigation water ponds in Southern Sweden. Samples were taken from two ponds nearby each other, from which analyses were made based on levels of community and individual isolates. Community samples were used for attempts for characterization of resistance patterns in irrigation water using the Omnilog PM-­?plate system. The growth of community microbiota in the presence of the following antibiotic substances was assessed; amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, penicillin G, ampicillin, piperacillin, trimethoprim, potassium tellurite and ciprofloxacin. Isolates were pure cultured using semi-­?selective media: LB, Rainbow Agar, mEnterococcus, 0.1 TSA and VRBD. A total of 177 isolates were isolated randomly. Each isolate was identified using the Omnilog GENIII-­?system of biochemical characterization. Further, the isolates were tested on Brilliance ESBL-­?agar for their ability to grow. Out of the total number of isolates, 30 were selected, preferably Enterobacteriaceae or Pseudomonas spp., based on their high similarity to library strain during the identification in the Omnilog-­?system. These were further characterized using Etest-­?sticks. Three selected strains were picked for further analyses using exogenous isolation for attempts to simulate horizontal gene transfer, and Omnilog PM-­?panels containing various antibiotics of interest. Selections of samples were chosen for molecular tests targeting plasmid-­?borne resistance genes CTX-­?M1, CTX-­?M2 and SHV. The method for assessing community-­?resistance patterns showed ambiguous data that was difficult to interpret; further optimization is recommended. For all tested PM-­?plates, generally greatest differences between substances were found among wells with the strongest concentration of antibiotic substance. A total of 175 isolates displayed ability to grow on ESBL-­?agar. Etests confirmed ability of isolates to resist many ?-­?lactam antibiotics and many were clinically resistant to certain substances. No plasmids were transferred during exogenous isolation. During molecular tests, a few matches were found for the CTX-­?M1 gene. Isolates analyzed with Omnilog PM-­?plates showed resistance to most compounds tested. The isolates showed greatest resistance toward penicillin G, ampicillin, amikacin, kanamycin and trimethoprim. In the study, it was established that resistance among bacteria was frequently occurring in the irrigation water, and ?-­?lactamase producing bacteria was very common. Extended studies are needed to assess the frequency-­? and occurrence of horizontal gene transfer (HGF) in this environment. Although some potential corresponding data is found, it is at this point not possible to determine whether the resistances are due to antibiotics used in veterinary medicine, human medicine or one additional reason is travel and trade. in irrigation water using the Omnilog PM-­?plate system. The growth of community microbiota in the presence of the following antibiotic substances was assessed; amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, penicillin G, ampicillin, piperacillin, trimethoprim, potassium tellurite and ciprofloxacin. Isolates were pure cultured using semi-­?selective media: LB, Rainbow Agar, mEnterococcus, 0.1 TSA and VRBD. A total of 177 isolates were isolated randomly. Each isolate was identified using the Omnilog GENIII-­?system of biochemical characterization. Further, the isolates were tested on Brilliance ESBL-­?agar for their ability to grow. Out of the total number of isolates, 30 were selected, preferably Enterobacteriaceae or Pseudomonas spp., based on their high similarity to library strain during the identification in the Omnilog-­?system. These were further characterized using Etest-­?sticks. Three selected strains were picked for further analyses using exogenous isolation for attempts to simulate horizontal gene transfer, and Omnilog PM-­?panels containing various antibiotics of interest. Selections of samples were chosen for molecular tests targeting plasmid-­?borne resistance genes CTX-­?M1, CTX-­?M2 and SHV. The method for assessing community-­?resistance patterns showed ambiguous data that was difficult to interpret; further optimization is recommended. For all tested PM-­?plates, generally greatest differences between substances were found among wells with the strongest concentration of antibiotic substance. A total of 175 isolates displayed ability to grow on ESBL-­?agar. Etests confirmed ability of isolates to resist many ?-­?lactam antibiotics and many were clinically resistant to certain substances. No plasmids were transferred during exogenous isolation. During molecular tests, a few matches were found for the CTX-­?M1 gene. Isolates analyzed with Omnilog PM-­?plates showed resistance to most compounds tested. The isolates showed greatest resistance toward penicillin G, ampicillin, amikacin, kanamycin and trimethoprim. In the study, it was established that resistance among bacteria was frequently occurring in the irrigation water, and ?-­?lactamase producing bacteria was very common. Extended studies are needed to assess the frequency-­? and occurrence of horizontal gene transfer (HGF) in this environment. Although some potential corresponding data is found, it is at this point not possible to determine whether the resistances are due to antibiotics used in veterinary medicine, human medicine or one additional reason is travel and trade..

Joint Venture i Kina : Under vilka förutsättningar?

Kina, en marknad som började öppnas upp för omvärlden i slutet av 70-talet, har idag minskat på regleringarna gällande utländska företagsetableringar i landet. I och med Kinas medlemskap i World Trade Organisation har yttre påtryckningar från WTO gjort att det idag inte ställs samma krav i alla branscher på Joint Venture för direktinvesteringar gällande företag med produktionsverksamheter i landet. Många stora svenska produktionsföretag har idag valet att agera självständigt med innebörden att de antingen går ur sina samarbeten eller köper upp sin kinesiska partner. Anledningarna till att samarbetena ingicks var självklara, men vilka är premisserna för att företagen ska stanna kvar i dem? Syftet är att finna motiven bakom Joint Ventures i Kina och se för- och nackdelarna med dessa och vilken inverkan de har på de svenska produktionsföretagen efter det att marknaden öppnats ytterligare.

Framtagning av beräkningshjälpmedel för tvärkraftbelastade förband med förbindare av metall.

The governing set of regulations for structural engineering in Sweden used to be Boverket, BKR. However in the beginning of the 21st century a changeover to new regulations, the Eurocodes, started.The transition was completed in year 2011 when the Eurocodes became the mandatory design work policy for all countries within the European Union. The Eurocodes were implemented to simplify and remove potential barriers to trade that may exist when countries have different design rules.  Since the changeover it has been important for all construction companies to update their knowledge base and their design software.When comparing the two calculation processes they seem similar, but there are a couple of differences worth noting.  With the new regulations, engineers will find that the process when designing joints in timber structures has changed.  What used to be a fairly easy and straight forward calculation procedure has now become tedious and time consuming.The objective of this degree project is to present a product, a dimensioning tool that will help structural engineers when computing lateral load carrying joints in timber structures.The degree project is made up of two parts where the first part is the written report describing the background and theory behind load carrying computations. The second part of the project is the actual dimensioning tool which includes several worksheets in Microsoft Excel. The program treats single and double shear connections of the following:Nail jointsScrew jointsSteel plates (thick and thin types) The user can edit the following parameters:Type of plate/ number of shearsStrength class of timber membersMember and plate sizeType of fastenerDiameter of fastenerLength of fastenerYield moment of fastenerkmod and partial factors for design load carrying capacityThe dimensioning tool was created and developed in collaboration with structural engineers at the company Byggteknik AB.

Diskursanalys på den Etiopiska regeringens nationala handlingsplan om bekämpning av ökenspridning

In this paper discourse analysis on the Ethiopian National Action Program (NAP) to combat desertification is made. The aim is to describe how the overall image/picture of desertification, its causes, and effects and of possible solutions are presented in the NAP. The result of this analysis shows that the main cause of desertification is human activities mainly due to the poorly developed socio-economic situation in the dryland areas. It is indicated that an excessive dependency of the rural population on the natural resources, particularly land, is the major cause of land degradation and this deterioration of land is said to have been caused by the rapid population growth, overgrazing, forest clearing as well as past government and institutional failures. In addition it is indicated that the effect of desertification usually involves ecological changes that sap land of its ability to sustain agriculture and human habitation, therefore the most serious threat to human welfare.

Handel - lycka eller olycka för nordborna i Grönland?

Grönland är och har varit en mycket speciell plats. Nordborna kommer till Grönland cirka 985 e. Kr. De kommer dit som jordbrukare med boskap: kor, får och getter har de haft med sig från Island och Skandinavien. Nordborna upptäckte snart vilka rika naturresurser som fanns på vissa platser i Grönland såsom täljsten.

Analys av varumottagningen och den interna logistikens effekter i Atollen

In central Jönköping, on Munksjöns northern waterside a shopping centre will be built, on the block Atollen. The construction will begin in autumn of 2007 and will be finished according to plan in 2009. Atollens goal is to counteract the competition from external retailers and strengthen the retail trade in the city centre, leading to more attractive and competitive city centre.Atollen will not be a shopping centre in traditional style and design, it will be focused on shopping and experience. The shopping centre shall be a natural venue with a wide and exclusive store mix, concentrated against trend conscious customers. This will be created with the help of a futuristic design and architecture, with light, open and transparent spaces.

Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?

During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure.

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