

591 Uppsatser om Collective intelligence - Sida 29 av 40

Konstruktioner av kvinnor med utländsk bakgrund : En intersektionell studie av debatten om äldreomsorg och etnicitet i populärvetenskapliga tidskrifter 1995-2008

This paper aims to examine how the construction of women with foreign background is visible in the Swedish debate on elder care and ethnicity. The subject is interesting with regard to the existing discriminating conceptions about ethnicity and how the living conditions of immigrant women are med scarce in the Swedish research field. It is also a relevant topic in light of the incipient crisis of the Swedish eldery care. The examining of how several axes of power interplay to construct the women is rendered possible through an intersectional perspective. This requires of the study to relate to the concept of category, and in this paper I have chosen an intercategorical approach.

Informationspraktik hos ensamföräldrar som genomgått assisterad befruktning

The aim of this paper is to examine the actualities of Information Practicefor single women whose parentage has been made possible through assistedreproduction, which places these parents in a norm-breaking position.Study issues related to parents? perceptions of information needs areinvestigated, as is the process of information retrieval and library usageas well as the obstacles and opportunities facing parents in search ofinformation related to their own family constellation. To this end, theoriesby Tom Wilson, Reijo Savolainen and Elfreda A. Chatman have been usedas a model of selection. Empirical data have been gathered from interviewswith eight single women, whose parentage has been made possible throughartificial insemination or IVF with sperm from an open or anonymousdonor.

"Vi måste ju göra nånting" : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie av insatsen påverkansprogram inom påföljden ungdomsvård

AbstractAs a young offender in Sweden today you can be sentenced to juvenile care within the social services. Within the juvenile care it may be an option for these young offenders to undergo an affect program. That is a collective name for several types of structured programs that can include everything from conversations to visits. The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of which arguments there are for why these affect programs for young offenders is being used in three municipalities in southern Sweden. We authors found this interesting because of the lack of evidence for these affect programs.

Tjeders 2020 : En scenarioplanering hos ett medelstort företag

SammanfattningBakgrund: Tjeders är ett anrikt företag i Malmköping som tillverkar larm och signalutrustning. I dagsläge känner Tjeders att deras varor och tjänster befinner sig i en slutfas i produktionscykeln, där vinsterna tas hem. Detta leder till att nya produkter och tjänster bör utvecklas.Metoden: Examensarbete har präglats av ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och en kvalitativ metodik. Teorin grundar sig i litteraturstudier och empirin på öppenriktade intervjuer samt omvärldsanalys i form av mediascanning. Den praktiska metoden har följt TAIDA, vilket är en övergripande modell för hur scenarioplanering sker.Diskussionen: I diskussionen sammanställs teorin med empirin där behandlas resonemangen om hur Tjeders ska gå vidare med de framkomna scenariona samt förslag kring handlade utifrån dessa.Resultatet: Examensarbete har resulterat i två scenariokors som behandlar teknik och marknad, scenariokorsen konstruerades genom en kreativ process där det insamlade materialet bearbetades.

Vingar som bär och management by walking around- En fallstudie om politikers respektive förvaltningens ledarskap på kommunal nivå

This essay studies the practice of both the political and the administrative leadership at the municipal level from the point of view of the politicians and the chief officers leadership role, and the relationship between politicians and administrators. I discuss and analyse how politicians and senior officials practice leadership, differences or similarities and if their practice of leadership raises any challenges in a democratic framework at the municipal level. I conducted interviews with the municipal political leader and the head of administration at the municipal level in Karlshamn and Sölvesborg. In the analysis I discuss communication as a leadership process which highlights ?enabling elements? and potentials of the leadership process.

En studie om lärares arbete vid övergångar : Hur arbetet som bedrivs i arbetslaget återspeglas på individ, grupp och organisation

 This thesis is based upon the assumption that in Swedish school today it is a wide gap regarding the information flow when pupils are switching school. This was one of the reasons Skolverket published a report clearly stating that this is the case. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and describe how teachers are working in a teacher team at transitions to see and understand what their work may mean individually, in a group and to the school as an organisation. The questions at issue is to see how the teachers cooperate during transitions and how they notice students in need of extra support and students level of knowledge during transitions. The two last questions at issue is first to see how teachers approach parent?s expectations on the school and the teachers, secondly it is to examine what implications their work will have on the school.

Förorten i ungdomslitteraturen: en studie av hur förortssamhället gestaltas i sex samtida ungdomsromaner

The society of suburbs is frequently discussed in media, which often focus on the problems related to these areas. The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine how Swedish contemporary youth literature may contribute to create, strengthen and articulate social representations of the society of suburbs. The analysis is based upon six youth novels published during 2003 to 2007. The theoretical framework consists of two parts and is based on Anthony Giddens? theories about late modern society in which the youth novels in our study take place, and those living conditions that this society creates.

Upplevelser i livsmedelsbutik : ett sätt att överleva i den tuffa konkurrensen?

I en allt starkare och påtagligare konkurrens är det viktigt för organisationer att få tillgång till väsentlig och korrekt information. Således ligger det en stor vikt vid att kunna urskilja sanningshalten i informationen för att de ska kunna ta väl underbyggda beslut. Av den orsaken har allt fler organisationer börjat implementera en enhet som samlar in, analyserar och sprider informationen. Denna enhet brukar betecknas som omvärldsbevakningsfunktion eller Business Intelligencefunktion. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att se i vilken utsträckning konkurrensutsatta organisationer uppfyller kriterierna i vår teoretiska syntes för en väl fungerande omvärldsbevakningsfunktion.

De som aldrig återvände : Hur Kroppa landskommun drabbades av spanska sjukan

Wermland was affected by the Spanish flu like the Swedish national average, about a half percentage of Wermlands population would lose their lives to the flu during the autumn 1918. The flu has for many fallen into oblivion. This oblivion is so wide spread that it´s possible to talk about a "collective forgetfulness". The society have selected to remember 1918 for "when the guns went quiet on the western front" and not for the millions who died from the treacherous Spanish flu. The world had already suffered enough from the four years of war that had been fought, thus the victims of the flu would be honored but would soon fade in to oblivion.  When you investigate deeper you get the picture that the national average don´t do Wermland and its cities or rural areas any justice when a large variations seems to occur within regional areas.

Det för(s)könade biblioteket En diskursteoretisk läsning av biblioteket vid KVINFO

This thesis applies a discourse theoretical approach in order to examine in whatways and with what possible meanings the library at KVINFO participates in the overall gender discourse in society. This means that our reading takes place at a metatheoretical level, focussing on the library as a constructor of meaning in relation to society's gender discourse.Besides the actual reading, the thesis argues for the fruitfulness of using both a discourse theoretical and a feministic perspective in the field of Library and Information Science. By looking at libraries in general through a lens provided by these perspectives, libraries are staged as battlegrounds for competing discourses,that attempt to promote its particular knowledge claim on how reality should be perceived.The reading shows that it is possible to perceive the library at KVINFO as amaterial articulation that takes shape by and is part in a feministic counterdiscourse against the masculinistic hegemonic discourse, which throughout ?hisstory? has positioned women as ?the other?, and established men as the normative category in society, including the libraries. Through its practise KVINFO has contributed to a change in the collective identity ascribed to women.

Arbetsgivares primära förhandlingsskyldighet enligt 11 § medbestämmandelagen

The employer is obligated to call for negotiation on his own initiative, before he makes decisions in questions, which constitute important changes of the employer?s business or of the worker?s working conditions and terms of employment. The obligation to negotiate is reserved to the organisations, which the employer has collective agreements with. But what does the concept of important changes mean? What areas are included in the concept of important changes, according to legal framework and case law? How extensive is in fact the employer?s obligation to negotiate? The purpose of this report has been to seek answers to the above-mentioned questions, through partly describing how the employer?s obligation to negotiate has developed, and partly describing how the codes of negotiations in the Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act of 1976 are raised and applied.

Finansiering av företag under rekonstruktion

In this study, company reconstructions and the financing of current accounts hereof are analysed from a perspective of insolvency law. The purpose with a company reconstruction is to maintain the operations of the company despite the insolvency of the mandator. In contrast to bankruptcy proceedings the person liable for payment stays in charge of the operations. However, this person is not allowed to sign for new loans, issue pledges of security for these loans or in any other way enter new obligations without the approval from the temporary company reconstructor. Besides providing for a successful reconstruction the reconstructor also has to consider the interests of creditors, especially to maintain the preferential order of the creditor's claims, keeping them unchanged in case of a formal bankruptcy.

Omvärldsanalys och information management: Thules Informationsförsörjning och omvärldsanalys

Abstract: The world in which companies are acting today offers challenges in the sense that it is rapidly changing and that a vast amount of information is available. In order to ensure the competitiveness and survival of the company, an effective and efficient environmental scanning is essential to the company. Our aim with this Master's thesis is to investigate what factors constitutes important and basic conditions in a well functioning environmental scanning and how companies strategically can go about to achieve this. In order to highlight and specify how these factors can be applied on a specific company Thule has been our focal point. Thule.

Value Creation Through Corporate Social Responsibility - An illustrative study of five Swedish insurance companies

Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their core business and in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntarily basis. The purpose with our thesis is to study how Swedish insurance companies work with Corporate Social Responsibility and to analyse the underlying strategies of the companies? social, environmental and economical activities. We will analyse where, how and for whom value can be created with CSR. Where does the value creation take place, how can it be created through these activities and who will benefit from Corporate Social Responsibility? Theories point out that companies need to assemble and value the total package of benefits to be able to create successful corporate initiatives.

Jag vet vad du tänker : Mentaliseringsförmågan hos typiskt utvecklade barn i 6-7års åldern

Mentaliseringsförmåga innebär förmågan att ta en annan persons perspektiv, att förstå hur någon annan tänker och känner. Det innebär även att förstå de egna tankarna och reaktionerna relaterat till andra personers tankar och känslor. Det är viktigt med en välfungerande mentaliseringsförmåga för att kunna samverka med andra individer och sin omgivning på ett pragmatiskt och ändamålsenligt sätt. Det finns flera olika förmågor som kan vara viktiga för mentaliseringsförmågan, i vilken grad de påverkar är dock fortfarande oklart. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka mentaliseringsförmågan och dess samvariation med andra kognitiva förmågor hos barn i åldrarna 6-7 år.

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