591 Uppsatser om Collective intelligence - Sida 28 av 40
Examining Accuracy : Drönare och drönarangrepp: retorik, praktik och historia
The military conflicts of the early 21st century have seen the introduction and rise of a new military technology: the armed drone. With the United States acting as the driving force behind this technological advancement, the U.S Air Force and intelligence agency CIA have madedrones their weapon of choice for pursuing suspected terrorists and insurgents in various remotelocations. American military leaders and policy makers assert that the armed drone?s high levelof accuracy make it the best available weapons platform for this task. However, new researchshows that the use of drones may result in more civilian casualties than previously thought, andmay in fact be more fallible than conventional aircraft in this respect.
Svenska neuropsykologers utredningsarbete : En kartläggning av praktik och instrumentanvändning
Studien syftar till att kartlägga svenska neuropsykologers utredningsarbete med avseende på instrumentanvändning och generell utredningspraktik. Då den är den första i sitt slag i Sverige kan den fungera som ett viktigt underlag för diskussioner som rör utbildningsplanering och nationella riktlinjer. Med utgångspunkt i tidigare amerikansk forskning på området (Butler et al., 1991; Camara et al., 2000; Rabin et al., 2005; Sweet et al., 2000) gjordes ett enkätutskick till samtliga medlemmar i Sveriges Neuropsykologers Förenings medlemsregister. Av de 708 personer som kontaktades erhölls 435 svar, vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 61 procent. Av dessa uppfyllde 321 svar studiens inklusionskriterier.
Ett framgångsrikt team skapas inte av en tillfällighet - det lär sig med tiden att prestera enastående resultat : En fenomenografisk studie om kollektivt lärande i team inom offentlig verksamhet
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka medarbetarnas syn på lärande genom att belysa de förutsättningar som skapar lärande i den studerade kontexten. Studien är förlagd på en serviceenhet i förvaltningen Regionservice inom den offentliga organisationen Västra Götalandsregionen. En tidigare genomförd medarbetarenkät ligger till grund för denna studie och utifrån enkätens svar valdes en serviceenhet ut, då denna enhet påvisade goda resultat inom kategorierna lärande i arbetslivet, socialt klimat och återkoppling. För att besvara syftet har kvalitativ metod använts och 17 stycken intervjuer har genomförts. Vi som studenter har inspirerats av en fenomenografisk ansats och det insamlade materialet har således analyserats med inspiration från fenomenografins sju analyssteg.
Manliga fotbollspelares maxstyrkedifferens mellan dominant och ickedominant ben : En jämförande studie
Skillnaden i muskelstyrka mellan dominant och ickedominant ben hos fotbollspelare hartidigare studerats. Det finns inget enhälligt resultat om vilket ben som är starkast eller om detalls föreligger någon skillnad. Tidigare forskning har utfört mätningarna i sittandeutgångsposition vilket inte stämmer överens med fotbollspelares huvudsakliga aktivitet. Syftetmed uppsatsen var att, hos en grupp fotbollspelare i division ett och två, beskriva och jämföraden maximala muskelstyrkan mellan dominant och ickedominant ben. Datainsamlingenutfördes i en liggande utgångsposition då detta ger liknande muskellängdsförhållandet somvid stående.
Socialiseringsprocessen i revisionsbyråer : En studie om skapandet av organisatoriskt engagemang
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to contribute with knowledge regarding the connection between the socialization process and the organizational commitment perceived by junior accountants. Based on Van Maanen and Schein's (1979) model, we intend to identify and describe how selected socialization strategies affect junior accountants? perceived affective, continuous and normative commitment during the initial five years in the firm.Research methodology: Semi-structured interview was chosen as the key approach for gathering essential data. Interviews were conducted at three major accounting firms with a total of eight interview participants. The study has a qualitative approach because of the ability to go in depth on the studied phenomenon.Conclusion: The socialization process consists of individual, informal, sequential, fixed, serial, and investiture strategies.
Gråzonens barn -En studie i gränslandet mellan normalitet och avvikelse, mellan individen och kollektivet
The purpose of this study is to research into the role of the citizen and the educational system in Sweden throughout periods of time based on previous theoretic works, and also to deepen the understanding of students with special needs in Swedish education focusing on the primary school years. This shall be carried out by illustrating the different points of view and choices within the educational system that are at hand for students with concentration difficulties and social difficulties.I will analyze these points through a cultural and social perspective on contemporary society in order to contribute towards today?s discourse on the norm. The result of this empirical investigation presents a dilemma existing in the democratic educational system of today. Nationally and internationally, the educational system has been structured around a normative system containing both rights and duties that effect everyone working within it.
Arbete över företagets gränser : En studie av organisationstillhörighet för konsulter i bemanningsföretag
Since the late 1900s, the consultancy has taken a firm grip on the labor market. The consultants' work profile has been secured through agreements such as guaranteed wages. The collective has been shattered as well as higher demands are required of the employee. This results in higher work demands, workload, a reduced staffing resource and hopeless wages which can lead to health problems and depressions. Previous research shows that consultants find it stressful to be associated with two companies and some clients can also point out consultant through different attributes.
Strukturerat lärande genom Action Design Research. En studie om visualisering av behörigheter
As organizations are generating more business intelligence in their systems, more employees need access those systems. As a result some sort of permission management needs to be implemented to ensure the information remain safe. Access Control Matrix (ACM) is one way of managing permissions and is widely used among organizations. The issues that comes with ACM is that the matrix itself gets difficult to manage and overview as its complexity increases with the number of permissions. The study utilizes Action Design Research to develop a tool for visualizing permissions.
Rekryteringsarbetet kring anställning av lärarepå kommunala och fristående gymnasieskolor ien mellanstor kommun i södra Sverige
Följande studie har till syfte att undersöka hur lärarrekryteringsarbetet på kommunala ochfristående gymnasieskolor i en mellanstor kommun i södra Sverige går till. Skillnader ochlikheter vid rekrytering av lärare mellan de olika skolorna har undersökts. De psykologiskaaspekterna (intelligens/begåvning, personlighet och kompetens) knutna till urval harbehandlats i denna uppsats för att undersöka om dessa aspekter väger in i beslutet omanställning. Sex rektorer från sex olika gymnasieskolor (tre kommunala och tre friståendeskolor) i en mellanstor kommun i södra Sverige har intervjuats. Resultatet av intervjuerna harsammanfattats, diskuterats och analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning och teorier.
"Sist in - först ut" : Hur turordningsreglerna förhåller sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden idag?
Abstract The subject of this thesis is the priority rules that apply in connection with mining activity. Already back in the 1800s, there were rules in the so-called Lego Charter concerning protection of workers, mainly servants. When the first modern trade union was founded in the 1870s, also developed a collective agreement. These agreements were the order of priority clauses had to intend to ensure employees' working lives. Exceptions had to be done by ensuring that individual employees' dependents. In 1974 the Act on employment entry and had intended to protect older workers.
Omvärldsbevakning på bibliotek
The purpose of this article is to investigate how and from which sources librarians collect information on their profession with respect to factors that are important for their work. In order to achieve this goal, a questionnaire-based survey will be conducted at three medium-sized central-public-libraries in southern Sweden. Using this survey, I wish to answer the following four questions: To what extent do librarians acquaint themselves with changes and developments within regional and cultural policy arenas important to their work? To what extent do librarians acquaint themselves with information using conferences and library debates that are focussed on changes and developments relevant to their work? Do librarians consider that they have enough time within the limits of their work hours to follow developments within the librarian profession, for example with respect to developments within information technology, and how would they appraise the future demand for information technology-based services at the library? From which source(s) do librarians collect information relevant to their work? The theoretical basis of this paper can be compared to a radar as it scans subjects-of-interest to the organization in the field of business intelligence. This investigation uses a quantitative method, with data collected via a survey consisting of 13 questions.
Förmågan att prestera under akut eller kraftig stress är en förutsättning för en del yrken. Forskningsresultaten gällande hur stress påverkar prestation pekar åt olika håll. Denna studie undersökte sambandet mellan fysiologisk arousal och kognitiv problemlösningsförmåga under stress. Trettiotvå polisstudenter testades på Ravens test av flytande intelligens APM set II både före och efter att antingen ha sprungit i tjugo minuter eller haft en självskyddslektion på ca fyrtio minuter. Resultaten från en mixed ANOVA för beroende mätningar visade på en signifikant interaktionseffekt (F (30) = 6,547, p < 0,05) ? en ökning i prestationen hos självskyddsgruppen med arton procent och en minskning med femton procent hos löpningsgruppen.
?Man får tänka på att bromsa när man faller in i att pojkar ska behandlas tufft och flickor mjukare? : En kvalitativ studie om tre pedagogers uppfattningar och arbete kring genus och jämställdhet i förskolan
The purpose with this study has been to understand and analyze how teachers, working with children in the ages of 1-3 years, understand and work with the concepts of gender and equality in preschool. The study has been completed through interviews and observations and is based on three key questions, which are: How pedagogues in the pre-school interpret the concepts of genus and equality? How are boys respectively girls received and treated by the pedagogue in the pre-school? What similarities and/or differences can be seen in the way that the preschool pedagogue treats boys and girls? The study's method is based on a qualitative approach. The main research methods for this study are observations and interviews. I have been interviewing three teachers from the same pre-school, located in a suburb in Stockholm as well as observed them during work.
?För hur rock?n?roll är man som chef?? En diskursanalytisk studie av ledarskap i dagens folkbibliotek
The aim of this master thesis is to examine how leadership in public libraries is constructed discursively in the Swedish library field of today. The empirical material reviewed is job postings and articles from three library related journals.The thesis seeks to identify what different leadership discourses can be found by looking at definitions, forms of address, present actors and themes emerging. It also aims to examine the contingent presence of late modern leadership theories in the order of discourse. The leadership theories primarily investigated are New Public Management (NPM) and value-based leadership.The theoretical starting point of the thesis is discourse theory, developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. In the analysis a model of four phases is used; in which central concepts of discourse theory help identify the discourses.
Arbetsgivarens primära förhandlingsskyldighet samt undantag från densamma enligt 2 § MBL
AbstractThe employer is obliged to initiate negotiations with the union organization to which the employer is bound by a collective agreement. This applies both to decisions which imply a substantial change in workplace operations or employment conditions of the individual employee. In case law this obligation has been very extensive through all cases that have been up in the Swedish Labor court. Due to this fact the employer?s duty to negotiate has been interpreted very broadly.