

591 Uppsatser om Collective intelligence - Sida 30 av 40

Implementeringen av underrättelsedoktriner : Tre perspektiv för hur underrättelsetjänst bör utövas samt dess implementering inom FM 3-24

Inom det akademiska studieområdet som berör underrättelseverksamhet finns inte någon vedertagen teori. Teorier avseende vad underrättelsetjänst är och hur den skall bedrivas varierar. Vidare har nationella särintressen stor inverkan vid utformningen av dessa. Inom den militära kontexten är läget i vissa stycken annorlunda. Dagens multinationella operationer kräver samarbete inom en rad olika områden inklusive underrättelsetjänst.

Beslutsstödsystems inverkan på Sveriges landstings upphandlingsenheter. En kvalitativ studie om beslutsstödsystem inverkan på planering ? och uppföljningsprocesser inom Sveriges landsting

Many organizations utilize decision support systems in order to handle different tasks and tosupport the decision-making process. Decision support system is a broad term used to referto several different types of systems. These types of systems can handle a wide range ofoperations within the organization. Consequently this will have an impact on differentoperations within the organization. The main aim of this study was to create a betterunderstanding regarding the impact of decision support systems on the various operationswithin the City Council's procurement units which in turn will increase effectiveness.

Vanmakt och motmakt i personliga assistenters relationer till brukare

The aim of this study was to examine the aspect of power in the relationship between the personal assistant and the disabled person he or she works with (the user). The study was based on interviews with five personal assistants who worked for private companies that provided personal assistance. Seven themes were identified and discussed. These were: the users amount of control over the assistance given, the workplace environment, the working conditions, the organization of personal assistance by private companies, the assistants recourses and usage of power and the users participation in chores. To analyze these themes I used Foucault's theory of power and the perspective of Human Resource.

Det är inte det att jag kan rädda världen - En analys av hur en grupp polisers engagemang formas

The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a group of community policing officers engagement are shaped. Previous research argues that there is a police culture which conveys cynicism to the individual police. The research also says that the police adopt a pessimistic view of society, they are isolated and at odds with the rest of society. Furthermore, research has also shown how a narrative can exist that explains the police way of doing things. My contribution to the field is to explore how a narrative can be located, which precedes and shapes the police engagement.

Building Information Modeling : En möjlig modern arbetsmetod för Sweco Theorells AB

To challenge the competition within the construction business there are requirements ineffectiveness and use of operating computer based programs and work-methods. Thecomputer based programs are continuously improved and can at some point be the start of anew work-method. The work-method of tomorrow can be Building Information Modeling(BIM).This Master of Science Thesis gives an understanding in what BIM is and what therequirements for Sweco Theorells are in a future BIM-use as a consulting-firm. Theunderstanding is presented through a study of theory within the subject. The way of thinkingand acting among different disciplines and individuals within the building process isexplained through an interview study.The term BIM is regularly used.

Kulturella underrättelser i upprorsmotverkande insatser

Fredsoperationer med en upprorsmotverkande karaktär ställer krav på att den militära aktören måste kunna förstå, förklara och förutsäga komplexa skeenden inom både sociala, kulturella, politiska, ekonomiska och militära dimensioner. För att göra det måste aktören kunna inhämta och bearbeta kulturell information. Sverige har under lång tid bidragit i fredsoperationer internationellt. Trots det finns det inom området kulturella underrättelser lite forskning publicerad om de svenska förhållandena. Syftet med arbetet är att bidra med mer kunskap inom området samt att skapa förståelse för problemområdena inom arbetet med kulturella underrättelser.

Den deliberativa mötesplatsens vara eller icke vara - En studie om Forumteaterns inverkan på det medborgligt goda samtalet

The theory of deliberative democracy believes in collective decision-making to achieve an expanded legitimacy and rationality in the political process. It is argued that those good public dialogues best take places in public spheres between citizens, where the common interest is carefully thought about. This thesis was done with the assumption that theatre can strengthen the idea of the public sphere and create a meeting place in the civil society, where a good public dialogue can appear. To create a good public dialogue you need citizens that are corresponding and participatory. Citizens who participate in the political process develop an increased knowledge about the society and the more knowledge about the society the larger reason to participate.

Minnen i marknadsföring: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events

Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.

Memories in Marketing: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events

Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.

Aktörer och strukturer inom svenska statsvetenskap : En granskning av tre statsvetenskapliga bidrag till aktör - strukturdebatten

The purpose of this essay is to critically review three different contributions to the agency ? structure debate from a political science perspective. My opinon is that the agency ? structure debate is one of the main problems within the social science. The theories which I will examine are Lennart Berntsons theory from 1974, Lennart Lundquists from 1984 and Walter Carlsnaes from 1992.

Al-Qaida - mellan tankeprodukt och reell fiende

The present thesis closer examines what has come to be known as al-Qaida, partly from what al-Qaida is considered to be, partly from the consequences a certain picture of al-Qaida might give rise to. Between 1988-2001 most of this thesis sources refers to al-Qaida as a small, organized core group with some degree of cell structure. From 1991 to present days, many of the sources enlarge the picture of al-Qaida. From now on they start to view al-Qaida as either a network in itself or al-Qaida as a part of a larger islamistic network, not only as an organized core group with presumptive bases in Afghanistan. The most recent of theories regarding al-Qaida looks at al-Qaida as an ideology in itself (al-Qaedaism) or al-Qaida as a part of previously existing ideologies (Islamism, Neofundamentalism and Jihadism-Salafism).Al-Qaida is being seen - by scholars, journalists and terrorism experts - as an organization with a core group, a network in itself, part of a larger islamistic network and an ideology of its own or as a part of already existing ideologies.

Police Science - expansionen av ett kunskapsfält : En studie om vetenskapligt gränsdragningsarbete i 1930-talets Chicago

In 1929, the Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory was established in Chicago?the first of its kind in the United States. The purpose was to engage in practical use of scientific methods in the detection of crime. In 1930, the institute published its own periodical called The American Journal of Police Science. Applying the theory of boundary-work, this essay analyses how the novelty institute argued its legitimacy as a scientific establishment through the expansion of Police Science as a collective field of knowledge.

Medicinska underrättelser : en analys av ett ämnesområde med konsekvensbeskrivning

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka det som i militära sammanhang samlas under denengelska termen ?Medical Intelligence? eller med den svenska översättningen ?medicinskaunderrättelser?. Med uppsatsen avses att, ur ett militärt perspektiv, undersöka medicinskaunderrättelsers inverkan att lösa uppgifter såväl nationellt som internationellt, tyngdpunkten liggervid de internationella insatserna. För att få ytterligare ett djup och dimension i uppsatsen undersöksinverkan på olika militära ledningsnivåer, d.v.s. hur de medicinska underrättelserna inverkar påmilitärstrategisk, operativ respektive taktisk nivå.För uppsatsen har övergripande en kvalitativ deskriptiv arbetsmetod använts.

Är nästa plattform obemannad för svensk signalspaning? : Systemanalys av Global Hawk som potentiell ersättande plattform av Gulfstream G4-SP

Signalspaning har sedan länge varit en förmåga som Sverige genomfört och under kalla kriget blev det klart att ge-nomförandet av dessa uppdrag inte var helt ofarliga. Med hänsyn till att det nuvarande systemet är påväg att bli äldre bör en planering av ett ersättande system vara lämpligt att genomföra i närtid.Syftet med föreliggande Studie är att genom en systemanalys kunna finna en lämplig ersättare till den nuvarande plattformen för signalspaning, Gulfstream GIV-SP. Det system som har använts som jämförande plattform är den obemannade plattformen Global Hawk vilket är en toppmodern farkost framtagen av USA som en strategisk UAV. Plattformarna har för att få relevans jämförts emot de grundläggande förmågorna Underrättelse/Information, Uthållig-het samt Skydd vilket medför att prestandan kopplas till dessa.Resultatet av uppsatsen påvisar att prestandamässigt kopplat mot de grundläggande förmågorna så är Global Hawk bättre än det nuvarande systemet och de skillnader som en UAV medför är positiva. Vad gäller just underrättelse så är systemen relativt lika potenta men när det gäller uthållighet och skydd är den obemannade plattformen framstående.Slutsatsen av studien är att Global Hawk just nu är en plattform som kostnad sett är för dyr för det svenska försvaret och är på så sätt inte aktuell i närtid.

Livslångt lärande : en studie om orkestermusiker i "den tredje a?ldern"

I orkestermiljo?n blir det livsla?nga la?randet konkretiserat da? varje arbetsvecka inneba?r instudering av ett nytt konsertprogram med da?rpa? fo?ljande konsert. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva individuella instuderingsstrategier liksom det kollektiva, samtidiga, musikaliska la?randet hos erfarna orkestermusiker i ?den tredje a?ldern?; mellan 50 och 65 a?r. Sju orkestermusiker intervjuades.

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